F3 Knoxville

Slippery Slippery Steps

THE SCENE: A Deceivingly cold Gloom



x15 Side straddle hops.

x15 Calf Raises

x10 Forward Lunges

x10 Overhead Arm Pull

x5 Cherry Pickers


After warmup, We headed down to the football field, I placed a cardboard piece with 3 sets of two exercises on it at the starting point. The workout continued like this.

  • We ran the track over to the bleachers
  • We ran up and down the bleachers until we got back on the track
  • Once back at starting point we did the first set of two exercises
  • We repeated those steps, progressing through the sets until Recover
  • Tried not to slip and die.

No Mary Needed.

My biological father was never very affectionate, he was a good father, he took care of us, gave us nice things, but he never verbalized his love. I think, because God was often to remind us of his love for us, we as humans rely on being told we’re loved, and crave that affection, and not being given it does not lead to healthy mindsets, doubt can arise, and regret from both parties. When my parents passed away, I was lucky enough to be able to tell my Mom I love her before i went to bed, and I was able to hear it back, as well as a book I have with a voice recording. However with Dad, I wasnt as lucky, and I would give so much just to hear him say “I love you.” You’re never guaranteed tomorrow, and you’re never guaranteed another second. Tell your family you love them, it costs nothing, but it’ll pay huge dividends.

BlackJack BeatDown

THE SCENE: A cold invigorating gloom

15 side straddle hops, 15 mountain climbers 10 squats,15 American hammers, 8 count motivators,10 BBS, 7 merkins
We gathered around a deck of playing cards, cardboard cards, and a speaker as the rules were explained

Each suite had an exercise associated to it, there were four separate exercises a suite could use, however only one at a time on the cardboard card, each suite usually followed a body part theme. The amount of reps would be determined by the number on the card. Face cards followed suite however numbering followed J-11, Q-12, K-13. Aces and Jokers were laps, 1 and 2 laps respectively. 5-6 minutes for each set of exercises before cardboard was cycled. Each member of PAX drew a card for involvement and motivation. Due to nature of AO and day, CMU’s were used, however were not integral to exercise. Rapid luck of the draw fun, with great music accompanying.

I was ignorant to Gods word for most of my life, passing it off as nothing I could use, having not been raised to value it like I should have, I never read the bible, I never went to church, and I never prayed. When my mom passed away, I was told that this was part of God’s plan, and that’s not what I needed to hear at the time, and it ended up turning me away from Him entirely. When my Dad passed away, and I went to live with Waxjob (Joshua Brady) and his family, I saw how they were able to find comfort through Christ, and it opened me up more and more to the idea of God, and I started seeing God in my life more and more, I noticed Godly people and Godly things. Eventually I was able to conclude that God is real, Jesus died on the cross for us, and being able to look at things through eyes of benevolence instead of random chaos, it made dealing with my past traumas so much easier, and I felt myself become a better person because of it. Most recently Cardinal passed away, and when I heard the news I had to sit down and cry, especially when I learned that he had two children, and feeling what they felt, it broke me, seeing Cardinal Jr at the Rampart convergence, and seeing him cry because he missed his dad, he missed those memories he’d never have, he missed his voice and his love, I cried because I missed those too, and that hug I gave Cardinal Jr I hope was what he needed, because it’s what I needed. He’s got this, his sister’s got this, I pray they can find comfort in Christ the way I did.
This was my VQ, and it was certainly a special one, I find it went well and the PAX enjoyed it, thank you to everyone who came out and showed their support and worked out with me, I hope to lead more in the future, and I’m excited for what that future holds. Take care, stay safe, stay hydrated.