F3 Knoxville

2.0 Workout

THE SCENE: Nice day, hot but clear sky’s.

Warm up lap around the park and to the Oval Office.
Dad’s and 2.0 lined up at the goal line.

Cones on the 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.

Dads and 2.0 moved in the following methods to the corresponding cone, starting at the 50. Once at the cone they completed 10 SSH and 10 Standing lunges (SC) . team than ran back to start

  • 50- Run
  • 40- Leap frog
  • 30-fireman carry
  • 20-wheelbarrow
  • 10-bear crawl

If team finished they could repeat or do extra credit. SSH and Lunges are replaced with burpees- number matched first number of yard line- ( 100 was 10)

  • 100- Run- (10 burpees)
  • 90- Side shuffle (9) – most teams completed this round  before time
  • 80- Run ( 8)
  • 70 – Bunny Hop ( 7)
  • 60- Run ( 6)

Kick ball Marry- pax kicks the kick ball and the rest of the PAX runs to get it. first pax to get the ball calls out a core exercise. We let the 2.0’s be the ones to go get the ball and be the ones to kick it. Lots of BBS, LBC’s, Planks and Merkins
Its ok to be an individual. Don’t feel like you have to do exactly what everyone else does. Be proud of who you are as a young person.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

2018 IP revist

THE SCENE: said it once say it all summer, warm and humid

walk with blocks. OH carry , rev lunge, rielf carry to the baseball field.

Thang 1:

  • 15 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 14 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 13 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 12 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 11 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 10 BBJO – most the pax made it here in the 30 min allotted
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 9 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 8 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 7 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 6 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 5 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 4 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 3 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 2 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 1 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B

Tabatta Mary- 30 sec on 10 off- Bear crunch, side plank- repeat for time
“Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control”- Richard Kline

“When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can amazing things. “- Joe Namath
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Murder Wheel

THE SCENE: Its warm and humid. every single day

Warm up mosey around grindstone loop. Squats and lunges when the Q felt like it.
Thang 1- Redrum

We used the large hump. Pax murder bunnyup hill to cone at top. 10 blockies at top. Rifle Carry down to start and repeat. We went for time around 10 min. Moses and Pinnioncio had the joy of doing this with sandbags. Hopefully they remember their blocks next time.

Thang 2- wheel of misfortune. – we used the grindstone and cut down the distance from center to cones.

Pax sarts with one lap around the loop that was run for warm up.

Start at middle of GS. 10 Thrusters, carry to first cone. 6 cones located on edge of GS. 25 reps of exereices at each cone. Once pax completed reps rifle carry block back to center and start over with 10 thrusters and go to next cone. all pax started at 1.

  1.  Decline Merkins
  2. Blockies
  3. Weighted Squats
  4. CMU Swings
  5. Block Press
  6. Alpos

Once pax finished a full cycle, run another loop and repeat.

no time


Don’t be afraid to open up to those around you and show your weakness. As a man we must be willing to share what we struggle with.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

How Many Hills Are There?

THE SCENE: Clear sky’s, bright eyes and humid but that’s expected

Warm up lap around AO. Included Mosey, High Knees, hill kicks, side lunges, lunge stretch, Frankenstein’s

The goal of this beatdown was to try and name three of the Hill surrounding the AO. You can only name something after you have experienced it

  • Thang 1-  Blind Man’s Hill ( named for the fact that not only can you barley see the top from the bottom but you also really cant see where you are running when in the gloom)
    • Hill Repeats- Straightforward, Q set a 5 min timer. Sprint up the Hill jog back. The work came from the 7.7% grade of the hill.
  • Thang 2 Second Hill -Cedar St to Anderson St ( Still needs a name possible Cardiac Hill? This was also only half of this hill, it keeps climbing)
    • Dora- 50,75,100- Hip Raises, HR Merkins, Leg Raises. The exercises were straightforward, the 7% grade put the stress on the pax.
  • Thang 3- Third Hill- Anderson St- Gut Check Hill ( Avocado so pointedly pointed out that as your sprinting and you think you are near the top you look up and realize you’re not close and its a real gut check moment)
    • Spartan- pax all starts at the bottom together, Q said go and the pax sprinted up the hill. (Q did win all three races but who is counting.) At the top 10 Merkins and hold plank for the 6. Pax walked back down the hill together, lined up and repeated.

20 LBC during the mosey back to the grindstone

I was reading some quotes about success and motivation. There were three themes that kept sticking out to me in all the quotes. Not only did these themes show up in all the quotes, but than i started to think what all the people that gave these quotes had in common. They are all considered highly successful and respected people. Therefore what i took away is that these three themes really are the keys to success in life.

  • Not having regrets act now!
  • failure is key to success
  • don’t look for others to give you what you want
  • “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm” Winston Churchill
  • “I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong” Benjamin Franklin
  • ” If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on”  Sheryl Sandberg
  • “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” Dalai Lama
  • “There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing , and be nothing”  Aristotle
  • ” It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” Confucius

The last quote was very meaningful to todays beatdown. We can not stop, we cant question on direction, we must move forward regardless of the of the obstacles in front of you or the negative voices telling you its impossible.


Please keep Rep Sleepy in your prayers as he helps his friends family morn their lose.
22nd is CSUP, Aug 28th 2.0 workout #2, October is Hardship Hill. Need to work on ideas for our obstacle.

2.0 Workout

THE SCENE: Beautiful day could not ask for better weather

Tabata warm up: 4 rounds 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • SSH

Thang 1:

Relay Race

Split PAX and 2.0s into even teams. Give each team an equal number of bricks. put at opposite ends of the court. Each team must do 5 reps of the following expereices befoe they run across and steal bricks. First team with each team emmeber to complete the exercices and has the most bricks wins.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Gas Pumps

Thang 2

Tug of War.

We did two rounds of 2.0 v 2.0 round. Winner had 1/2 age burpees, not winners had to bearcrawl up and back for set distance. All HIM’s did the reward with their 2.0

HIM v HIM- one round. Same penalty for winner and loser but 10 burpees and bear crawl the same

Dad’s + 2.0 V Dad’s + 2.0

This was a lot of fun! The 2.0’s really enjoyed getting to compete with their dads.

Thang 3

2.0’s v Dads race- end to end of grindstone

Dads Berrine, 2.0’s run.

The 2.0’s gave the dads everything we could take and beat the dads. They had some real burners!


Espy left everyone with a great message. Life is full of challenges, even when things look scary or hard, if your not afraid of them and work hard and are dedicated you can be successful.
We look forward to the next 2.0 work out to come next month.