F3 Knoxville

Le Kraken

57 degrees & storms-a-brewin

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH x 25 IC
High knees across parking lot
Little bit o’ this
Little bit o’ that
Butt kicks back across parking lot

Mosey towards the Kraken; wagon wheel at halfway point for 1 round of circle burp.


8 cones are placed in a circle.
Complete the exercise at one cone and then run around
the circle of cones to the next cone (i.e., one loop +
one cone). Rinse & repeat until you have completed
all exercises.

Dry Docks x 30
Narrow Squats x 30
4ct Flutter Kicks x 20
Star Jacks x 30
4ct Should Taps x 20
Reverse Lunges x 30 (each leg is 1)
4ct Hello Dolly x 20
Smurf Jacks x 30

Super 21s:

Perform 1 situp & sprint to opposite side of parking lot.
Perform 1 merkin & sprint back.
Rinse & repeat, adding 1 rep to each round until you perform 21 sit-ups & 21 merkins. (Total rep count is 231 of each exercise if you finish)

Mosey back to AO for Mary:

Shoulder blasters (1 round)
Box Cutters x 25 IC
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Number off & Name-o-Rama


My wife and I were recently discussing the end of our 20s/beginning of our 30s and she commented that quite frankly she’s glad her 20s are over because they honestly didn’t start off very well. I found it to be an interesting note because it is so easy to remember “the good ole days”. We tend to relish in our past glory and forget the pain & angst that may have also been present.

Joshua Fields Milburn, 1/2 of the due known as “The Minimalists”, published an essay about this titled “30 is NOT the new 20”. Below are a few excerpts that echo what I’m getting at here:

“I officially turned 30 today…They say 30 is the new 20, but to be honest I’m glad that’s not true. I’m moving forward, not backwards.  I’m growing and I’m happy to be 30…today marks a new decade for me, a decade of opportunity…I will embrace this life, even though it scares…me at times. It is the only life I have. And I will love my life–a beautiful, terrifying, wonderous life–through the good times and the bad. Here’s to another 30 years, and then another”

(The full essay is here is anyone is interested: http://www.theminimalists.com/30/)

I think we are all guilty of some remorse when crossing into a new decade. Often we are not where we want to be financially or socially or emotionally or physically. It’s easy to think about how much better we could have been over the last decade if we’d only known what we know now. I challenge all of you, myself included, to focus on the present and plan for the future. Instead of looking backwards on what you haven’t done, remember to seize the opportunities that lie ahead and focus on what you CAN do now blessed to wake up and spend some time in the gloom with out brothers. Relish in that, and seize the day. Conquer the Kraken, and then move on the next one. AYE!

Relay Royale


35 degrees and clearly shorts weather.

Welcome and Disclaimer




B-urpees x  5 OYO

L-unges x 10 IC (Each Leg)

I-mperial Squat Walkers x 15 IC

M-erkins x 20 OYO

P-lank Jacks x 25 IC

S-quats x 30 IC

Break into two groups


Group 1 – On the hop towards the marina for 1 minute. Stop and perform first exercise until Group 2 arrives.  Run for 1 minute and then begin second exercise. Rinse & Repeat until all exercises complete.

Group 2 – Hold Al Gore for one minute, then relay with Group 1.

Rotate Exercises as follows:


Dry Docks

Smurf Jacks

Flutter Kicks

Star Jacks

Hello Dolly


Lance Armstrongs



Group 1 hold Al Gore after last exercise to allow Group 2 to finish.


CINDY (The Quickie Version)

5 minute AMRAP

5 Pullups

10 Merkins

15 Squats

Mosey back to AO



“In this life we are not only held accountable for our actions, but also for our in-actions”

All of us in this PAX are leaders, fathers, brothers, friends, and other forms of High Impact Men. When we recognize a situation needs our involvement and then choose not to engage, that is an in-action. While we are not actively doing wrong, that in-action has consequences that we will be help accountable for. Push yourself to engage in areas that you might be ignoring. Abscess pointed out that James 4:17 addresses this as well:

“If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them”


60 degrees, partly cloudy with a chance of awesome
F3 Intro and Disclaimer
– High knees across parking lot
– Little Baby Arm Circles (LBAC) x 10 IC
– Buttkicks back across parking lot
– LBAC reverse x 10 IC
– Lunge across parking lot
– Burpees! x 5 IC
– Run backwards across parking lot
– SSH x 20 IC
Mosey to the top of The Matterhorn
Break into groups of two. Each group completes:
– Squats x 150
– Merkings x 150
While Partner A is completing reps, Partner B
runs to Pavilion and does 5 pull-ups.
Circle up for 1 set of ATMs
Mosey to Tennis Courts
Break into groups of two.
Both partners complete Little Baby Crunches (LBC) x 10
Partner A holds canoe position while Partner B runs
backwards to half court. Partner A sprints to catch
Partner B. Once both partners reach the other side
of the court, both partners complete 10 LBCs and repeat.
Alternate the sprinting partner each time.
Rinse and repeat. Alternate LBCs and Carolina Dry Docks.
Continue exercise for ~5 minutes.
– Hello Dolly   x 21 IC
– Flutter kicks x 21 IC
(Keep feet 6″ off ground between sets)
– Mountain Climbers x 25 IC
– Plank Jacks       x 25 IC
Mosey to rock pile
– 1 set of 7-ups
I recently discovered that my wife often adds people to her daily, weekly, and monthly task lists. It’s a simple way to remind herself to take a minute and thank someone, tell them she loves them, or catch up with an old friend. It’s a very simple way to mix random acts of kindness into our busy days. I encourage everyone to pick a person that haven’t reached out to in a while and reach out to that person this week. Whether it’s a simple high-five or an hour at lunch, there’s a good chance somebody around could use a pick-me-up.
I picked up this Q at the last minute because of P-Nut’s delay in West TN. I had been thinking of picking up a Q in November but hadn’t selected one. When I read P-Nut’s message on Group Me, I had two options: (1) Wait for someone to step up or (2) be that someone. I decided to be that someone and I owe that confidence to F3 Knoxville. Everywhere I look in this PAX, someone is working harder than I am. It’s incredibly motivating and I can’t express an appropriate level of gratitude for the impact it’s made in my life. You guys are incredible!

The Dawg Pound 500

THE SCENE 52 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze.

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Interval SSH   x 5  IC (2 rounds)
Cherry pickers x 10 IC
Tempo squats   x 10 IC
5 burpees OYO

Break into groups of 3-4 and mosey to Bristol Motor Speedway

Dawg Pound 500
There are four cones placed around the 0.3 mile track.  At each cone, perform 25 reps of the following exercises:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Alternating Shoulder touches
– LBCs

Mosey back to AO

– Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
– Plank Jacks x 20 IC
– Hello Dolly x 25 IC

“Behavioral research shows that humans can become acclimated to almost anything if they’re exposed to it frequently…It’s why lottery winners, after the initial thrill of winning, end up about as happy as they were before. What does this mean for parents and kids? Anything we provide regularly will become the new norm, whether it’s post-game milkshakes or a certain brand of clothes. If our kids have gotten used to having their beds made or dinner table set, they’ll come to expect that, too”.

The above is an excerpt from article discussing how to raise children without creating the sense of entitlement that is so common in American youth. It’s important to remember that consistency with our actions create what we (and our loved ones) consider “normal”. This “normal” is what our kids, wives, friends, and co-workers come to expect from us. As HIMs, we need to make sure that our “normal” creates a positive and grateful environment for those around us. Everyone around us notices when we help someone, but they also notice things we DON’T do.

This PAX is incredible. I pushed hard this morning and everywhere I looked – somebody was pushing a little harder. One of our FNGs pushed so hard he almost tossed his cookies. Way to finish strong, men!

Road trippin’ with Lou Lou

THE SCENE 68 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Forward LBAC x 15 IC
Reverse LBAC x 15 IC
Interval SSH x 10 IC (2 rds)

Choose a rock and then mosey to parking lot

Route 66
Weighted Squats
Curl to Overhead Press

Mosey to Pavilion

Cindy’s Step Cousin Lou Lou
10 min. AMRAP:
Pull-ups x 5
Merkins  x 15
Squats   x 20

Mosey back to AO, return rocks.

Toe touches              x20 IC (each side)
Mountain Climbers   x15 IC
Plank Jacks              x15 IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Substance abuse is an epidemic in our country, and especially our region. Do not stand idle while your friends and/or family struggle with this burden. Rather, use every interaction as an opportunity to reach out and be a leader and an example to those around. Don’t leave anyone behind, and don’t leave them where you found them.