F3 Knoxville

Crawling with Friends

THE SCENE: 55 degrees of perfect gloom.

SSH x 20

Cherry pickers x 7

Tempo Squats x 10.
Simple Dora today. One pax bear crawls to the halfway point cones, then sprints to the end and does 20 LBC’s. Spring back to the halfway point, and then reverse lunge to the line where the other pax are working.

Exercises were as follows and yes, some did make it back to thrusters.

  • Thrusters x 100.
  • Curls x 200.
  • Goblet squats x 300.

Just to make sure that KY’s thighs were okay, we did more goblet squats to Sally, and then OH press to Thunderstruck.

9 HIMs got better. Welcome Pitstop!
Proverbs 18:24 – “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” There is an epidemic of male loneliness that exists all over this world. Many men have lots of acquaintances, but very few friends and that can be dangerous. I want you to notice that this loneliness and the importance of friendship is even portrayed in film, as well as the Scriptures. In two of my favorite westerns, Tombstone (which is the best) and Wyatt Earp, friendship is a powerful theme. In Wyatt Earp, Wyatt is having to sober Doc up quick. He knows that he is unpopular with many, but Doc tells Wyatt, “I know its not easy being my friend, but I will be there when you need me.” The truth is Doc made good on his promise. When Wyatt’s brothers were shot, Doc helped Wyatt pursue justice. In Tombstone, after a major gunfight, Creek Johnson asks Doc, “Why are you doing this anyway Doc, you ought to be in bed.” Doc was of course looking very sick at the moment, but responds “Wyatt Earp is my friend.” Creek Johnson retorts, “Hell, I’ve got lots of friends.” And with a sadness that should grip us, Doc replies, “I don’t.” I want to make three observations here. First, all of us need friends, and there is none better than the Lord Jesus Christ who died to save sinners. He knows every messed up detail of your life, but if you are wondering how good of a friend He is, just remember that He knew our shortcomings and yet died for believers anyway. That’s an impressive friend. Second, I want every man at F3 to know that I am here for y’all. Fellowship is not just some throw away term. The reason I get up early even though I hate it, and the reason I come and workout even though I suck at it and hate it, is because I know there will be men there to encourage me and that those same men need encouragement. Heck, if you got a problem, then I will do like Espy did for me one morning and we can pre-ruck and talk. I just want every man to know that I care, and I will listen. Don’t suffer alone men. We were created for community. We were created for friendship, a friendship forged on the anvil of shared suffering and pushing ourselves to be a little better than we were yesterday. F3 and the relationships and friendships I have made has changed my life for the better, and so to close, I just want to say thanks. God bless y’all, and if you need a friend, or if its been a while since you have come out to party in the gloom, then come back out. We all need friends and brothers. #ISI
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40 of Everything But One Truth

THE SCENE: 60’s, slightly damp, perfect gloom.

– Run around the parking lot.

– Overhead claps x 40.

-LBC’s x 40 OYO.

– SSH x 40


Circle up. Today will be an all group workout. Number every CMU, and that is your order.

While one pax does 40 reps at the assigned stations, the rest of the pax will do as follows until the next man goes to the stations. The Q will call the exercise change:

  1. Goblet squats
  2. Curls
  3. Grave diggers
  4. Overhead press
  5. Goblet squats
  6. Flutter kicks
  7. Skull crushers
  8. Thrusters.

Station 1: Bobby Hurleys x 40.

Station 2: Thrusters x 40

Station 3: CMU Big boys x 40

Station 4: Thrusters again x 40 (this time for fun)

We pushed right up until time.
7 HIMs showed up and put in work.
Matthew 7:13-14 “13 gEnter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy1 that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and hthe way is hard that leads to life, and ithose who find it are few.”

Reflecting on this verse in my daily Bible reading, I was struck by the “gate is narrow and those who find it are few.” Perhaps one reason it is hard to find is that there are so many truths being screamed at all of us, and all are said to be equally valid. The law of non-contradiction says that can’t be true. Living a personal “truth” that is not congruent with God’s absolute truth as revealed in the Bible will not lead to the good life now, eternal life, or flourishing. That only comes from not just embracing, but also submitting to the truth of our Lord. I know that isn’t a popular message today, but encouraging people to live their “truth” if their “truth” is harmful isn’t loving at all. It’s like letting at toddler play in the middle of Alcoa Highway because we are worried we might upset them. Sometimes we have to be the ones to tell a hard truth, even if that hard truth conversation is just one we have with ourselves. God’s truth should set us free. God’s truth leads us to redemption, instead of enslaving us to our own lusts. Praying for you men, and have a great rest of the week.
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A Sweet Murder Mystery Chicken Finger Workout

THE SCENE: Low 60’s.

SSH x 10.

LBAC X 10 (forwards and backwards)

Cherry pickers x 8
Staying on the grinder, we have 5 stations with a set amount of reps. Overhead carry to each station, then do increasing laps in a lengthened seabiscuit type work out.

  • Curls x 20.
  • Skullcrushers x 20.
  • Thrusters x 20.
  • BBS with a CMU hammer type twist x 20.
  • Goblet squat x 20.
  • Run a lap.

Overhead press and curls for time.

Recently I saw a video online of a bullrider at a rodeo. Not long after he was out of the chute, the bull pitched forward and the bullrider slapped his head on the horns and was knocked off and unconscious. The clowns tried to keep the bull distracted for a while, but once it turned to go back to the defenseless rider, a man ran out layed down on the bullrider, and hugged him to protect him from further harm. As I researched further, I learned that the man that protected the bullrider was the guy’s father. That is biblical, sacrificial, F3 manly type love. It was a love that would willingly put itself in harm’s way for the defense of another. I used that illustration in my Sunday sermon. Earlier this week, I had one of those moments where I completely blew it with my son. I got super-frustrated, and lost my cool, and did all the things a Dad shouldn’t do. Once I had calmed down and realized how stupid I was being, I was just sitting in a recliner holding my boy. A thought occurred to me in that moment. Instead of being the dad that protected that boy from the bull, when I let my anger go, I became the bull that tried to stomp my son. Realizing this, I just was reminded of Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
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Best Day ever

THE SCENE: 70’s, Humid, a sweaty mess of a gloom.

LBAC x 10 (forwards and Backwards)

Cherry pickers x 8

Overhead claps x 24ish.
A wonderful Dora style work out. While one partner did the exercises below, the other carried their CMU, aka their block of woe, to the far end of the grinder, where they proceeded to do a russian overhead press (think a press with a twist here). On their return, they followed the cones to a stairwell and ran the stairs. When they returned the partners swapped off. Exercises were…. (see below)

  • 100 Atlas squats ( 2 count)
  • 200 Curls
  • 300 Overhead press
  • Restart if needed.

– chest press x 10

– hello dollys x 10

– tempo chest press x 10

– Grady Corns for time.

2nd Kings Chapter 20 tells the final story of Hezekiah. Two issues we see in his life are: he didn’t finish well, and perhaps his prosperity was his downfall. If you are unfamiliar with the story, the Lord grants him 15 extra years to his life after informing him he was going to die. Instead of spending them wisely, he ends up showing off his possessions to envoys from Babylon. Isaiah comes to him and prophesies that the same people will eventually destroy/conquer/deport Israel. King Hez’s response to this new is what is so disturbing. 2nd Kings 20:19 says, “Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, ‘The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.’ For he thought, ‘Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?'” The moral of the story is really if you want to finish well, then don’t focus on yourself and don’t get distracted by the physical possessions you have. Finishing well means preparing the next generation, and not just living for yourself in the here and now.
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12 Sides of Mayhem

THE SCENE: Warm, 60’s almost perfect gloom.

SSH X 10

LBAC forward and backwards x 10.

Little of This.

Little of that.
We partnered up, and each group received a 12 sided di. While one partner did the workout from the dice, the other alternated between goblet squats and curls. The exercises and destination were determined by fate.

  • Take your block with you, and carry it up the stairs 5 times – 1
  • 10 CMU pull-through merkins at the apex – 2
  • 15 curls for the girls at the troll end of the troll bridge -3
  • 20 Grave diggers at the tennis courts – 4
  • 25 CMU Big Boys at the Playground – 5
  • 30 Overhead press on the Grinder – 6
  • 25 Skullcrushers at the swings – 7
  • 20 American Hammers at the Flags – 8.
  • 15 CMU Step ups (single count) Bench of your choice – 9
  • 10 Blockees at the Apex – 10.
  • 5 Derkins on the CMU, your location of choice – 11
  • Open the box, complete the directions, don’t tell the others – 12.
  • In the box were directions to overhead press x 10 for each stair working up the stairs at the end of the grinder.

Tempo Overhead Press x 10.

CMU up flutter kicks x 9.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Reflected on this this quote: “You cannot passively train your children in the way they should go. They will not pick up on the doctrine of God by instinct. Be more than their caretaker. Be their teacher.” ~ Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin in “Family Discipleship.”
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