F3 Knoxville

Best Day ever

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 70’s, Humid, a sweaty mess of a gloom.

LBAC x 10 (forwards and Backwards)

Cherry pickers x 8

Overhead claps x 24ish.
A wonderful Dora style work out. While one partner did the exercises below, the other carried their CMU, aka their block of woe, to the far end of the grinder, where they proceeded to do a russian overhead press (think a press with a twist here). On their return, they followed the cones to a stairwell and ran the stairs. When they returned the partners swapped off. Exercises were…. (see below)

  • 100 Atlas squats ( 2 count)
  • 200 Curls
  • 300 Overhead press
  • Restart if needed.

– chest press x 10

– hello dollys x 10

– tempo chest press x 10

– Grady Corns for time.

2nd Kings Chapter 20 tells the final story of Hezekiah. Two issues we see in his life are: he didn’t finish well, and perhaps his prosperity was his downfall. If you are unfamiliar with the story, the Lord grants him 15 extra years to his life after informing him he was going to die. Instead of spending them wisely, he ends up showing off his possessions to envoys from Babylon. Isaiah comes to him and prophesies that the same people will eventually destroy/conquer/deport Israel. King Hez’s response to this new is what is so disturbing. 2nd Kings 20:19 says, “Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, ‘The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.’ For he thought, ‘Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?'” The moral of the story is really if you want to finish well, then don’t focus on yourself and don’t get distracted by the physical possessions you have. Finishing well means preparing the next generation, and not just living for yourself in the here and now.
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