F3 Knoxville

With Friends like these….

The Scene: The Asylum

Clear, 32 degrees but we got warm quick.

Intro and disclaimer

Warm up: SSHX20, 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 Merkins, 20 squats

The Thang:
Fun with friends (two 40ish lb logs, 2 50lb sand filled tubes, 4 CMUs )
Count off to 4 teams
Team members take turns carrying logs, pipes and CMUs, (they can never touch the ground.)
Mosey along trail towards Everest.
Stopping at cones (5) to do:
5 burpees
10 lunges per leg
15 Merkins
20 squats

At Everest:
Climb to top of Everest to the road adding “injured” men to each team they have to carry up
At top, all do flutters till 6 catches

Continue mosey going east down road back to AO
Set down logs and CMUs at Cone 1

At AO: Start with teams at each station and do exercise for 90secs. Run to next station.
1) 10 CMU, pipe or Log presses (may share log) and 10 squats…repeat
2) sprint suicides down Bernie back
3) toe touch Merkins x10 & BBS x20 repeat
4) bear crawls to circle (40 yards) and back then flutter kicks
5) inch worms to cone and back
6) bunny hops back and forth repeat
7) plank jacks x20, Bobby Hurley’s x20 repeat
Line up on curb for an all out sprint down and back long ways. Circle up.

Flutter kick until several audible groans are heard then add 10 more, Boat- canoe with “rowing” And Plank leg lifts

COT and Name o Rama

Waffle house, G6, earwax, Franke, Leonardo, double wide, bluebird, Snitch, mogul, pusher, cat gut, rainbow, abacus, Flanders, proton, would shack, QVC, walkabout, Rusty, QuickBooks, worm,  Pfeiffer, belding, Bonnie, Frenchy, dimples, plunger, cheatsheet, Coolio, detention, butterfly, Fabio, Gibler, porcelain, Doubtfire, Charman, compost, Cap’n Crunch, Umbro, tank

First line in a great book called A Purpose Driven Life is….
Its not about you.
Quit being the center of your universe.
Stop thinking what do I want, what do I need, what can I get out of this.
Today’s society is all about me.

This week think about how you are putting yourself in front of others. Your wife…your kids….your neighbor.
Change where you are in line.

Moleskin:  it was a little chaotic today, at first but the teams showed good teamwork by sharing the load on the mosey. It’s always a blessing for me to come out to the asylum and spend time with this crew. Great job today by all, sorry about the phone glitches and throwing the BOM out of order.

Great day at the 1st F3 Knoxville Inner-City Kids Workout

God blessed us today with beautiful weather for F3 Knoxville  to come downtown and hold a kids workout for kids that need male leadership in their lives. 18 F3 HIMs came out to bond with 21 of their kid partners and crush the workout. We also had 8 F3 2.0s in attendance as well as an adult FNG or two that need to come out again!

During the BOM, We shared the importance of leaning on each other in tough times, keeping each other out of bad situations and trusting God to help us through those difficulties. At the end, Christmas came a little early as men brought a small gift for each of the kids. They were very happy and had a great time. Several were asking when F3 would come back again….This may be the start of a good relationship with these kids as we can plan other activities as well. Praise God for the opportunity to be with these awesome kids today. A special thanks to @Tinder (program director at WH) for getting the kids together and allowing us this opportunity to serve theses kids. He is a true HIM!


Truck Stop Trail

The Scene:
46 degrees…perfect weather for some work to be done

Warm up:
Little of this and thats
5 burpees

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

Tha Thang:
Mosey along the 1+ mile trail (long way around) to the bleachers stopping at 10 different cones for:
5 Burpees
10 lunges
15 Merkins
20 Squats
9th cone plank til 6 catches
10th Cone 15 shoulder touch Merkins and 20 Ratchet Squats
At bleachers :
30 second fence Spider-Mans
10 pull ups
Bleacher box jumps x3 then bear crawl up hill to field

At the field,
50 yd Sprint, 2 Round the clock Merkins, 50 yd sprint, 20 BBS, ….repeat 3 Times

Mosey to the bottom field hill up from the  baseball field trail.
7s with Dry Docks at bottom and SSHs at the top.

Mosey to bottom of trail:
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 squats
Partner runs up the trail hill to park bench (60 yds) alternating Bernie Sanders each trip up.

Mosey to AO
No time for Mary

Count off and name-o-rama

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

What stops you? Fear? hardship? Pain?

With exercise, we can sometimes find strength from within ourselves.
With life we can push ourselves only so far without the help of God. Lean on his mighty shoulder. Trust him that he has you covered.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

Moleskin: Great job by everyone this morning. we stuck together pretty tight on the trail and wasn’t much of a need to wait for the 6 to catch up.

Announcements and Prayer requests:
Inner city kids workout tomorrow
La-z-boy traveling
Kids to find a mentor at the workout tomorrow


Smorgasbord of pain

THE SCENE: Actually quite nice around 43 degrees and clear. Warm up was quick

50 Jump Rope, around the world, 8s, halos, mosey around outhouse

The pre-Thanksgiving Smorgasbord

9 cones 20’ apart in a big L shape
1)Jump rope
2) Merican KB swings
3) Bent over rows
4) Goblet Squats
5) KB curls
6) BBS
7) KB cleans
8) Sumo High pulls
9) overhead press
Go 2 Rounds (qty of 25,15 except JR is always 100)
Drop KB at next cone and run or Bernie Sanders to end of cones and back to KB in a triangle pattern to do next exercise
Round 1 Running between Cones
Round 2 Bernie Sanders between cones

Flutter kicks x35, Box cutters x15, dead bugs

3 Bartman, Bueller, Tank

Been a tough week with the wife relations. Been fighting over stupid things and stress makes things worse. I thought to myself, it would be easier if I was on my own. BUT….she is “my own” she is part of me as my wife. Scripture reads:

“In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:28‬ ‭

“No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself….”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:33‬ ‭

So when I get frustrated with my wife, I’m really getting frustrated with myself. I need to take care of her as I would take care of me. I haven’t been doing that lately.

Small group but we got after it. There was a Frosty appearance as he rucked and did some PT off in the pound somewhere.

I didn’t know you could do that much with a CMU

THE SCENE: The Bomb Shelter, 38 cold and clear

Merkins x10
Cherry Pickers x5

Curl,press,tri x 5
Mary Catherine’s x 5
Goblet Squats x5


Trail of Tears-
6 Cones set up along the trail
Mosey with CMU up trail
At each cone, do
Squats, Curl-Press-Tris, Mary Catherine’s
Qty marked at cones (5,10,15,20)….slight alteration at 15 and 20*

Mosey back to Grinder
Partner up:
Partner one does 60 yd farmer walk while partner does exercise switching on return. Total of 100 Merkins , 200 squat jumps.

Circle up:
“The wave” do the wave by clean and pressing CMU overhead. Repeat till the wave looks smooth!

5 diamond mercians

Circle of pain: Sit on CMU leg lifts while one runs around pressing down on legs. Boat/Canoe

Slugger, Pinocchio, FNG (The Flash), Drifter, Mr. Rogers, Snorkle, Moses, Iceman, Butterfingers, Fins, Tank (QIC)


The new testament specifically says love one another 15 separate times. John 13:34 says “so now I am giving you a new commandment, love each other just as I have loved you…This will show the world that you are my disciples.”

Billy Graham :”Yes, the Bible certainly tells us to love others, even if they aren’t very lovable! But what does it mean to love others? All too often, I’m afraid, we confuse liking someone with loving them”…. “And this isn’t necessarily wrong, as far as it goes; a husband (for example) should genuinely like his wife and enjoy being in her company.”

But….”Does this mean we can’t love someone who’s difficult to like? No, it doesn’t, not if we understand the kind of love God has for us. God loves us not because we’re perfect, or even likeable, because we aren’t. We fall far short of what He wants us to be, yet the Bible says He still loves us. And unlike our love for others, His love means He always wants what’s best for us, although we don’t deserve it.

This is the way God wants us to love others — by seeking what’s best for them. No, (some people) may not be likeable, but have you ever asked God to change (them)? Have you ever gone out of your way to show love for (them), even if (they) don’t deserve it? Open your heart and life to Christ’s transforming love. Then remember: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

PAX was a little quiet this morning but then again it’s my first time on Q st the Bomb Shelter. I enjoyed getting to meet the guys better there and they have an excellent group of men. A great AO too!
Mentor workout on Dec 3rd st Maynard Elementary.