F3 Knoxville

A WaxJob CMUesday

THE SCENE: Like Blind Melon says…No Rain. But…it was very Hummm Id.

Warm up stuff
Partner up. Each Grab a CMU. One partner does a Farmers walk with both CMUs while other does 10 burpees and catches up to swap. Stop at the bottom of the steps leading to Dwayne Johnson. Do curls, tris, and presses x10 each. Then run and touch Dwayne and back. Repeat 3 rounds.

Farmers walk again around the island w/ partner doing 5 burpees this time. At bottom steps stop and do: 10 cross over CMU planks, 10 CMU swings, 10 squat to press then do a 1/2 lap around island coming down the steps. Repeat 3 times.
Farmers Walk with partners again w/5 burpees to just past “the boat”. Carry your own CMU back to the AO doing different carry styles on the way.

I-beam took over with some flutters, BBS, Hello Dollys, and more BBS all while suspending a CMU above your noggin.
16 pax including 2 FNGs that Driftwood brought with him from work while they were in town. “Forgetta Bout It” and “Schnitzel”
Sacrifice. I-beam spoke about our friend WaxJob’s relentless service and sacrifices that he makes for others by putting himself behind everyone else. A true HIM that we should look at for inspiration. Prayed for his mother-in-law and family. Prayers for Biscuits dad and the tragedy that happed on the lake with the teenager and older man.
So the Q was very much winded during the work out. I haven’t been out too much lately and the humidity was quite a shock to my system. I was encouraged to keep going harder by several of the PAX, specifically the freak of nature Tweet-e! One of the things that F3 is so attractive to others is the fact that we push each other to do better. Working out or trying to get fit on our own is very difficult. If I was by myself today I definitely would have stopped and probably not have finished the full workout. Probably would’ve gone and got a biscuit too! So for this PAX member, I’m truly grateful for the rest of the PAX pushing me to keep going.

More fun and games

THE SCENE: Rainyish but not really I guess

warmup stuff. Run to the outhouse and back and back to outhouse
Game 1: roll the dice

  • Even= Merkins
  • Odd= Jump squats
  • Switch to even= dips
  • odd= Step ups

mosey to the ice rink

Game 2: cups. Place 5 cups on each goal line extended. Stay in teams. One team sets cup up, one lays it on the side. Run to cups and switch to your teams position of cup and the run back to goal line to do 5 Burpees (audible to 3)  Go til Q calls it.

Game 3: Buckets of fun: split into two teams. Each team has a bucket and a lacrosse ball. Teams circle around one of the circles in plank position with the bucket in the center. Team tries to bounce ball into bucket. If you miss. Team does 2 Merkins . Make it in, yell out “burpees!” and the other team has to do 5 burpees while your team rests and gets ball out of the bucket. Go till Q says enough. If ball gets out of circle team does merkins while one teammate chases down ball.

mosey to tennis courts

Game 4: hand Ball on the tennis courts. If team fails to get it across they do 2 burpees. If it gets past them and hits the fence they do 10 burpees.

Hello Dollys
10 pax

We can learn a lot from a Dog.

When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
• Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
• Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
• Take naps.
• Stretch before rising.
• Run, romp, and play daily.
• Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
• Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
• On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
• On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
• When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
• Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
• Be faithful.
• Never pretend to be something you’re not.
• If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
• When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

Some things look good on paper but not so much in person (hand ball)

Snitches dog died this week and the BOM was about a dog dying and how we can learn from them. Crazy how God works.

Happy Fun Time

THE SCENE: the weather was “Noice”

SSHs of course and other stuff including a run around the park.
End up at field 1. Partner up

game 1: shuffle passing: line up with two teammates facing each other 10’ apart. Side shuffle from the midline to the goal line and back while passing the ball back and forth. Then do bounce pass back and forth, then do crossovers passing and bouncing. You cannot hold the ball more than two seconds. If it’s dropped, you must do 5 burpees and resume where the ball hit the ground.

Game 2: circle of burpees. Two teams-one on each side of circle.  Bounce or throw the ball to someone across the circle from you and do a burpee. Hot potato fashion.

mosey to the outhouse: partner up. One dribbles the ball up the parking lot and does 5 burpees, other stays and does easy ups, incline merks, BBS, squats. Go till both partners finish all exercises

mosey back to field one.

Game 3: plank red rover. All plank around the circle on your teams side. Hit ball with your fist towards a gap in the circle on the other side. Players try to stop it from going through the circle while keeping plank/bear crawl. After hitting the ball do a merkin. If it gets past, whole team does 10 Merkins

Game 5: kick and fetch- player from each team kicks a ball for the other team to chase it. They sprint it down and mosey to other side with it. Everyone cycles through.

game 6 was goalie kicks. Teams have each player kick against a goalie. If blocked or missed, 10 burpees. If it goes in the goalies team does 5 burpees. (We missed a lot)


barely time for some box cutters

I talked about having fun. Taking the time to enjoy life with your family and with your kids. Doing some things that you enjoy doing and making sure that you’re taking care of yourself as well.
Is delicious when prepared with some fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti
CSAUP in July

Been a while

THE SCENE: It was threatening rain all morning but we stayed dry. It was around 50° when we started and dropped down to about 45.

warmup basics

Mosey to the splash pad
3 stations
1) “Jump rope” x100
Imperial Burpees x10 (5 Ct IW between)
CMU squats x30
Bear crawl splash pad and mosey around outhouse, rocks and back then move to next station
2)Merkins-10 wide, 10 reg, 10 diamond, 10 shoulder taps
Bobby Hurley’s x20
Bear crawl up snake
Bear crawl splash pad and mosey around outhouse, rocks and back move to next station
3)Toe touch Merkins x20
LBCs x50
Cobra Kai Merkins x 20
Bear crawl splash pad and mosey around outhouse, rocks and back.

mosey to the intersection and repeat first two stations (minus toe touch Merkins) crawling up the snake and moseying around the island.

Mosey to the flag and to get in the toe touch Merkins, flutters x32

mosey to tennis courts for some suicides and head back to the AO
Freddy Mercurys, box cutters and Merkins
5 pax
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Put other people first
It was my first time back in a long time to the equalizer aside from the anniversary. I miss the guys here and need to get out more often.
Kickball tournament

Private Property

THE SCENE: Perfect.

The regular stuff. And we learned a new exercise…the squat rockette. (Do a squat before each toe touch)
Mosey to the boat.. Run around the loop going up to Dwayne Johnson and around the entrance to the tavern. At each cone do…

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 side lunges (per side)
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 squat rockettes
  • 25 dry docks

sprint between double cones.

rinse and repeat knocking off the highest number exercise each lap. Cheetahs start back up when done adding exercises till Q yells recover.


Flutter kicks x32 and a sad attempt at Marge Simpsons. LBCs for a minute

12 in the PAX today
Be friendly. Wave at people. Smile at people. Give complements to people. Make someone feel special.
So it was interesting that the BOM was about being friendly to people today. As I was setting up the work out, I was approached by a gentleman who jumped out of his car and raised his voice at me and said “what are you doing?” I told him that I’m part of a workout group and that I’m just setting up some cones to run between. He said “i figured you were part of that workout group. I’ve told you guys not to come up here.” He was very aggressive in his tone. My reply was very calm and apologetic. Although he started off very direct and pretty much rude, I kept my cool and was nothing but nice and agreeable with him. He has worked at the tavern for 20 years and doesn’t want anyone getting hurt on their property. I told him I can understand that and that we wouldn’t do exercises in the upper parking lot anymore. I was able to let him give us permission to run up the hill and through the property just not do exercises on the property. By the end of our conversation he was somewhat calm, but I wonder how the conversation would have gone if he didn’t start off so aggressive. I think we need to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are doing something good and not something bad. In his case I don’t think he thought I was doing anything bad as he knew I was part of the workout group, but I think he just wanted to show his chest and let me know who was in charge. I did However did forget to ask him if he would like to join us. If I see him again I certainly will.
I forgot to mention this, but we have a charity kickball tournament on May 15 I would love to see an F3 team or two.