F3 Knoxville

Tree Biscuit Suicide

THE SCENE: 84 degrees with a little breeze.  Felt pretty nice actually. We were expecting it to be hotter.  In the car on the way over it was 94.  Two soccer fields were being used, and one baseball diamond was being used.  Lots of people watching us do burpees…


Four of us started and five of us finished… Yes that’s right we picked one up along the way.  It was awesome to see @icebreakers face light up…. “You guys F3?”… “Yes, come join!” and he did! There’s hope for this country men, if a young man will drop everything and join a tough workout on the spot, no questions asked.  Man I’m encouraged! Thank you @IceBreaker!

In keeping with my Lexicon exploration, which really just starts from the top and goes through ones I havn’t done before:  We did

  • 10 4×4’s
  • 10 Abe Vegotas
  • 10 Absolutions  (after running over to the astro-turf on the other side of park)

THA-THANG:  Tree Biscuit Suicide

A Tree biscuit is

The Short Version:

As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.

The Long Version:
  • Scaling:
    • We travel as a pack, if you find yourself falling behind, skip a tree and burpee and keep moseying to catch up.  It’s more fun and less confusing to have the group stay together, especially when we alternate taggers.
    • Scaling is NOT cheating, it’s just scaling, no judgment here. You made it here and that’s enough.
    • We’re going to be zig-zagging all over the park so the better we can stay together the more we’ll be able to keep an accurate count and not leave people behind.  Plus it feels bad to tag a tree without everyone there doing it together.
  • Taggers
    • The tagger is the person closest to the nearest tree. They slap the tree and call out what the burpee running total is about to be. Similar to our cadence exercise routines, the whole group calls out the number and does a burpee.
    • The tagger is typically in the front of the pack, however since we are traveling in a mob fashion that’s not always true.
  • Alternate Taggers
    • Similar to an indian run, each person should take turns being in front and tagging a tree. This makes the workout much more fun.  If you have already tagged several trees then just slowly fade back and let someone else tag the next one.
  • What is a Tree:
    • We don’t do burpees for any old shrub.  Trees should be about 6 inches around and 10 feet tall.  Those pesky crape mertyles were very questionable this am.  #wanna-be-trees
  • No Poison Ivy:
    • In an attempt to not to get too dirty and get poison ivy, we’ll pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs and tall grass. Luckily we are in a very well manicured park where most of the trees have nicely mowed grass leading up to them.
  • Cross Country Baby!!
    • We are going off road for sure.  The ground is very un-even around many of the trees. Be careful when running not to twist and ankle.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
  • Be Loud
    • The louder you call out the number, the more you inspire your fellow brothers!
  • Milestones
    • At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.

The first time at Juco we did 156, then at the Asylum we did 200.  This time we did 180 traveling burpees, but we had a little special treat.  At rep #132 we stopped at the sand volley ball courts and did 6 Sand Suicides (sprint across the length of the volley ball court and back) — just because they’re there and a sand lot is too good of an workout  opportunity to pass up.. Am I right??  So if Truck Stop does it again they could probably do more burpees if they cut out the Sand Suicides..


Finished up with a little mary.

  • 15 Star Crunches
  • 15 Freddy Murcuries
  • 15 Mountain Parkers

Thank you @Snaggletooth for turning me on to the Every Man Ministry. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being on the subscription devotion.  I wanted to read it to the group but couldn’t find it. But here is the one I described.

  • Weapons Grade Plutonium https://www.everymanministries.com/blog/september-21-2019/
  • I tried to encourage the men to “leave the shores of safe, spiritual spin, for the unpredictable rapids of witnessing.”
  • And once God’s man experiences the power of God in this way, no other experience can compare.  It is the ultimate risk-reward setup. Give the signal, turn the key, press the button, and release the power.
  • According to Jesus, God’s man can choose to experience the power of God by deciding to share his faith.
    It was a ton of fun — thanks for the opportunity to join you all in the PMG (PM Gloom) at Truck Stop!


The Tabata Bear on the Rock

THE SCENE: 75 and Perfect… except for the mountains of duck poop.


17 SSH, 10 Angle Grinders, 10 Annies, 5 Apollo Creeds.  Small taste of things to come, Bear Crawl, Right Bear Crawl,

The Bear – Crawl up Jucomanjaro – Marked off every 100 feet there are exercises to get you to the next marker.   All crawling of some sort.  We had a Tabata timer set to 45 seconds on and 10 rest.  Starting at the bottom of Jucomanjaro:

  1. Bear Crawl
  2. Right Bear Crawl
  3. Reverse Bear Crawl
  4. Left Bear Crawl
  5. Bear Crawl
  6. Forward Crab walk
  7. Aligator Crawl
  8. Reverse Crab walk
  9. Bear Crawl
  10. Right Bear Crawl
  11. Reverse Bear Crawl
  12. Left Bear Crawl
  13. Bear Crawl
  14. Frog Hops
  15. Peter Parker Crawl with Merkins
  16. Plank Walk with Merkins
  17. Reverse Crawl
  18. Bear Crawl

Crawling on hands and knees up a steep hill in various directions is often what life feels like.  However, we climb knowing Christ is with us.  We climb knowing we are not alone.  We can climb in strength knowing we lean on God our redeemer — our true rock.

Ps 18:2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Ps 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Ps 28:1 To you, Lord, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit.

Ps 31:2 Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.

Ps 62:2 Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Lifting up Pool Boy!

The Long Haul

THE SCENE: Warm and sweaty

Welcome two new FNG’s Zack and Brandon!

10 SSH, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Twisters (Twisting Windmills)
THA-THANG:  The Long Haul

In Short: Pick up a CMU and mosey it to the top of JUCOMANJARO with some exercises along the way.

In detail:   Side Straddles (both sides), then a two burpee indian run to the CMU pile.

Pick up a CMU and do exercises (written on the ground) about every 100 yards until you get to the base of JUCOMANJARO.

The exercises were:

  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Push Presses
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 Triceps
  • 25 Right arm block elevated Merkins
  • 25 Left arm block elevated Merkins
  • 25 American Block Hammers
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Push Presses
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 Triceps

Then at the base of JUCOMANJARO only stop at the two alcoves for exercises.

  1. 100 Single Count Freddy Mercuries (with CMU)
  2. 100 Single Count American Hammers (with CMU)

Once you get to the flat towards the top then lunge to the very end, about 50 lunges.

50 Flutter Kicks at the top, to pick up the six.  We ran out time to bring the cmu’s back, but brought them

down to the second alcove.

Thank you Ribbed for leading the group in some more flutters as the group trickled back to the AO


I love it when the old testament writers write about new testament stuff and the new testament writers write about old testament stuff. In reading Acts 7 (Stephen’s confession) I’m amazed at the history he rattles off. In contrast, I’m amazed at King David’s testimony about the forgiveness that is found in God, which really sounds like new testament Gospel writters. We read Psalm 32 out loud.

Oh, what joy for those
whose disobedience is forgiven,
whose sin is put out of sight!
2 Yes, what joy for those
whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt,[b]
whose lives are lived in complete honesty!
3 When I refused to confess my sin,
my body wasted away,
and I groaned all day long.
4 Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me.
My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Interlude

5 Finally, I confessed all my sins to you
and stopped trying to hide my guilt.
I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.”
And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Interlude

6 Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time,
that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment.
7 For you are my hiding place;
you protect me from trouble.
You surround me with songs of victory. Interlude

8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.
9 Do not be like a senseless horse or mule
that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.”

10 Many sorrows come to the wicked,
but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord.
11 So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him!
Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!

Asylum Treebiscuit Run to win

THE SCENE: Misty mountain madness makes for some awesome light-pole shadows and views through-out the park.
Surprised and grateful they let me lead these unsuspecting HIM’s through the gloom today.

SSH, Tennessee Rockin Chairs, High Knees, Burpees, Windmills, Cherry Pickers


The Short Version:

As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.

The Long Version:
  • Scaling:
    • We travel as a pack, if you find yourself falling behind, skip a tree and burpee and keep moseying to catch up.  It’s more fun and less confusing to have the group stay together, especially when we alternate taggers.
    • Scaling is NOT cheating, it’s just scaling, no judgment here. You made it here and that’s enough.
    • We’re going to be zig-zagging all over the park so the better we can stay together the more we’ll be able to keep an accurate count and not leave people behind.  Plus it feels bad to tag a tree without everyone there doing it together.
  • Taggers
    • The tagger is the person closest to the nearest tree. They slap the tree and call out what the burpee running total is about to be. Similar to our cadence exercise routines, the whole group calls out the number and does a burpee.
    • The tagger is typically in the front of the pack, however since we are traveling in a mob fashion that’s not always true.
  • Alternate Taggers
    • Similar to an indian run, each person should take turns being in front and tagging a tree. This makes the workout much more fun.  If you have already tagged several trees then just slowly fade back and let someone else tag the next one.
  • What is a Tree:
    • We don’t do burpees for any old shrub.  Trees should be about 6 inches around and 10 feet tall.  Those pesky crape mertyles were very questionable this am.  #wanna-be-trees
  • No Poison Ivy:
    • In an attempt to to get too dirty and get poison ivy, we’ll pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs and tall grass. Luckily we are in a very well manicured park where most of the trees have nicely mowed grass leading up to them.
  • Cross Country Baby!!
    • We are going off road for sure.  The ground is very un-even around many of the trees. Be careful when running not to twist and ankle.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
  • Be Loud
    • The louder you call out the number, the more you inspire your fellow brothers!
  • Milestones
    • At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.


1 corinthians 9:24  Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.

Showing up at 5:30 am to do 200 running burpees is a task I never thought I would do in a million years.  But not only did we do it but we had fun doing it.  That’s a miracle.  Thank you F3 and everyone who does it.  In the verse above Paul uses a very fleshly easy to understand analogy of running races to encourage his readers.  It worked for me and so I wanted to encourage the group to yell to each other “So Run to win!”(we did this several times).  My head is very thick (dense & dunse) and some times I need volume in order to bypass my head and get the info into my heart.

Harkin back to times when you might have rose to an athletic challenge in your youth by not eating certain foods, going to bed early before a big meet,  skipping beer before a big game, memorizing plays weeks in advance,  showing up to “two a day” practices when your other friends were partying.

Yes it’s true that we all have a VERY high calling to lean on the Lord and the Holy Spirit to help us be ministers to those in need.  The Lord is an active participant in our walks. He leads us beside still waters. He tracks with us where-ever we are at.  But I love this verse because he’s also saying “So RUN TO WIN!”…..

Running to win for you might look like not drinking, not smoking, not swearing, not lusting, not yelling, no coarse jesting, no slandering,  helping the poor, helping anyone.

I think what I’m getting at is there is a self-discipline simple athletic aspect to our calling. As simple as running. As simple as showing up at 5:30am. As simple as praying with your brothers.  Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the spiritual and scriptural call to be perfect, but I believe it’s easier when you break it down into little acts.  One workout,  one tree, one act of kindness, one burpee.

In the end you might surprise yourself at what God gives you the strength to do.  200 Burpees or help a nation dig out of a pit of moral despair.

So, run to win gentlemen, run to win!

Slot Cars (The Grateful Grid)

THE SCENE: 73 very nice.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER ( I got the order right!)


20 SSH, High Knees + Burpee + toe-tap-shuffle, Cherry Pickers, Plank Destroyers, Donkey Kicks, Crabets, Clap Merkins, Freddy Mercuries, Mtn parkers, Peter Parkers, Squat Walkers, Iron Mikes.


Welcome to the Grid! A 10×10 square parking lot with over a 100 stalls in it.  We did one exercise per stall in a snaking fashion in teams of two.  The 10 rows of exercise were:

  1. Plank Destroyers
  2. Crabets
  3. Freddy Mercuries
  4. Mountain Parkers
  5. Peter Parkers
  6. Squat Walkers
  7. Donkey Kicks
  8. Iron Mikes
  9. Burpees
  10. Clap Merkins

The exercises stayed the same for each column and only changed when you completed a row.  The distance between columns were determined by the painted lines of the parking stalls.  We did one rep per stall.

So we did 10 reps of each exercise, but each rep was separated by about 30 feet.  So we got up and got down at least 100 times in addition to the exercises.

We started off in teams of two (the slot car drivers) and launched successive teams as the previous team reached the next column of stalls.  It spread out nicely but we were all close enough to encourage one another on the passes or the different directions.  The “slots” were the rows of stalls we tried to stay in.

We finished one round then started on the next round. In round two, instead of moseying from stall to stall we burnied down and bear crawled back.  Almost finished the crabets and then called time.

Freddy Mercuries
Welcome FNG Pool Boy!

This F3 stuff is the best thing ! Feeling so grateful for it. It’s the best part of my day.  Creative, challenging, always different, always free.  Rain or shine.  Always encouraging.  Great testimonies and BOM’s.  We be sittin’ on GOLD fellas!  I hope where ever I go I can always find an F3 PAX to workout with!

Booster has an announcement about an announcement… but that’s all we heard.  🙂

Again welcome FNG ==> Pool Boy!