F3 Knoxville

True HIM’s Serve

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy skies with temps in 60’s.

20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, Little Baby Arm Circles Forwards and Backwards (ten each).

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Admin. Bldg.  20 American Hammers.

Mosey north to Perimeter Trail and run on that until it hits main roadway going by baseball fields.  Mosey to Serpentine Sidewalk that is between northern ball friends and outdoor chapel.  20 Hello Dollies.

We will do 1-4’s on Serpentine Sidewalk (this is where we do listed exercise to one light, then sprint four more lights, etc, until the sidewalk hits the perimeter trail by the river.  Jog back to start after we hit perimeter trail for the next set of 1-4’s.  We will stop at the perimeter trail after the third set of 1-4’s.  Here are the exercises for the three sets of 1-4’s:

  • Bear Crawls
  • Hops
  • Lunges

We will do 20 Bicycle Kicks (four count) after the three sets of 41’s.

Mosey to Cardiac Hill.  We will run up hill doing the following exercises:

  • 40 Baby Crunches at start
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (four count) at first turn
  • 20 Decline Merkins at second turn
  • 20 Bench Lifts at the benches.

Mosey to Stop Sign at northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Box Cutters

Mosey to AO.


A true HIM serves others.  We continually talk about this in F3, as we should, because as true men we should serve our families, our coworkers, our friends, and our community.  The great thing about F3 is that I see brothers not just talking the talk but walking the walk.  The 3rd Anniversary Celebration for F3 Knoxville was a great example.  Brothers like Lazy Boy and Abscess got up early to make sure the grounds were prepared for us.  Brothers like Hooker and Edit, who, because of injuries could not compete, were manning some of the Brolympics stations, keeping score and cheering us on.  Brothers like Junk. Abscess and Lazy Boy were out at the picnic area on Sunday, several hours ahead of time, smoking our meals.  I am not mentioning all the other brothers who pitched in time and equipment to help out.  Another cool thing about F3:  there are ALWAYS brothers volunteering to help, whether with setup or cleanup.

It was also awesome to see F3 Brothers serving their families.  All those dads out there with their kids, running with them, hopping with them, tumbling with them, and laughing with them.  It was wonderful to meet wives and partners of our brothers – some great folk that were easy to talk to.

We have something special with F3 Knoxville.  And if we maintain our pledge and duty to serve our community, there is no telling what directions we will go.  One direction will be to Cleveland, TN on Saturday, November 17 when Abscess and other brothers will head there to help launch another F3 AO.  Join them if you can.

AO launch in Cleveland on Saturday, November 17.

Pre season b-ball practice

THE SCENE: Stormy but dry in the gym !

SsH x 20, squats x 20 , merkins x 10 all IC on the 4 ct

perimeter court drill . Run the sidelines , shuffle the baseline , and run, shuffle, back pedal around free throw areas . We did this 3 times

  • 2 games of knock out. If you got knocked out , do iron mikes until we have. Winner
  • Lay up relay. 2 teams on opposite ends of the court . Each team has one player sprinting to the other end while dribbling the ball for a lay up. Once you make the lay up, sprint back and pass it to the next guy. So and so Forth until one team wins . Winner does 10 ssh ic . Loser does 10 burpees. We played 3 rounds
  • 11s w box jump burpees and alternating Superman’s on the 4ct
  • 3 man weave drill until we perfected the pass without dribbling or taking more than 2 steps . We did this about 4 or 5 times
  • Wall sits for a minute while doing morracan night clubs
  • triceps dips and extensions on the 4 ct on the benches
  • 2 full court suicides

Flutters x 10 ic

LBC X 20 ic
6 pax
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Soggy Bottom Boys

THE SCENE:  65 and wet!!

The number was 10

morrocan night club 10 then 1 burpee

baby arm circles up 10 then 2 burpee

baby arm circle down 10 then 3 burpee

windmills 10 then 4 burpee

imperial walkers 10  then 5 burpee

mtn climbers 10 then 6 burpees

tempo squats 10 then 7 burpee

tempo merkins 10 then 8 burpees

SSH 10 then 10 burpees

Ascension with 4 corners





5MTN Climbers


7handrelease merkins

8bobby hurley

9flutter kicks


Decend the workout.


Boat canoe

hello dolly

2 burpees (just because)

2 is better than 1.   Find your #2, or be that #2
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Legs Run Legs

THE SCENE: Cool and dark

  • SSH
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Cherry Pickers
  • BA Circles

Mosey to the East Field for 4 corners. Do an exercise at 1st corner, run a full lap. Perform Exercise at first corner, then run to second corner to perform exercise and then complete lap. Continue until you complete an exercise at each corner. Run a full lap, then continue exercises at each corner subtracting one exercise with each lap.

  • Dynamic Lung + Squat x 30
  • Curious Dolly x 30
  • Bobby Hurley x 30
  • BBS x 30

Burpee Over – Battle Buddy up. PAX 1 gets into a low plank position parallel with the midfield line, PAX 2 performs burpee and then jumps over PAX 1 and assumes low plank. Continue until both PAX reaches midfield.

Mosey to the cement bleachers for some 21’s. Super Mario’s and American Hammers.

Gibbler led us in Boat/Canoe

It’s important to remember what you’ve learned in the light when you’re in the darkness.

25 Burpee Hill Races

THE SCENE: Post-rain wet goodness. ~55 degrees.
I am neither a professional trainer or preacher.  Grace is appreciated.
SSH, Cherry Pickers, High Knees, But-kickers, Split Merkins, Lunges
THA-THANG: 25 Burpee Hill Races

2 Hims race against each other doing 10 Burpees at top and bottom of adjacent staircases with a final 5 burpees at the top of a hill that is 100 Meters away.   The remaining HIM’s engage in other various torture techniques such as

  • Crab Walks 25 yards
  • Bear Crawls 25 yards
  • Matching Burpees that the racers are doing
  • Bernee 25 yards
  • Sprint 25 yards
  • Lunge 25 yards

When one group of two hims finish their race, the next group of two HIMs pulls a burpee variation ball from the basket of burpee variation balls and commences their race.  Once everyone has raced, then the whole group races against each other for one final round.

Push the burpee bucket back to the AO by taking turns doing a crab walk push, bear crawl push, bernee cary, mosey, side straddle (both sides).  Finish up with a Jail break.


Welcome Spotter – new FNG!

Capability Judgement Conviction – Please watch how you are prone to be judgmental not only of your wives looks but also of her accomplishments and capabilities. You might be aware of your tendency to judge visually but not only should you reject this attitude of the heart but also the judgmental attitude of their accomplishments.  Do not fall prey to the enemies (and worlds) comparison games – It is the way of death.  Choose life in the way of forgiveness, grace, and love.

Summerized all to well by Bartmans joke:

A man comes home and says to his wife when he comes home from work – “I’ve been at work all day and come home and the house is a mess and the laundry is not done – What have you been doing all day?” – To which she replies, “You’ve been at work all day and yet we’re still not rich – What have you been doing all day?”

Apologies to FNG Spotter for a very steep ramp up to the burpee learning curve.

Congratulations to Judge Judy and all those who competed in the F3 Olympics