F3 Knoxville

Logging some track time

THE SCENE: Mid 30s and crystal clear. Definitely still a bit nippy.

2 exercises to establish the “25” pattern.  Start with 20 SSH, then 5 Imperial Squat Walkers, then 15 SSH, 10 ISWs, etc., etc.
Mosey to the track for 5 sets of 2 exercises each, same pattern as the warm-o-rama.  Between each set, run half a lap, 10 burpees and then run back to the beginning for the next set of exercises.  The sets:

  • Merkins and BBS
  • Iron Mikes, 2 ct and Flutters, 4 ct
  • Carolina Dry Docks and Squats
  • Hit the bleachers for Box Jumps/Step Ups and Dips
  • Monkey Humpers and LBCs, 4 ct

Mosey back to the front of the school and grab the log.  Roll the 20 sided die and do the corresponding exercise listed on the log.  4 volunteers pull the log to the other side of the parking lot with the rest of the PAX sprinting.  Repeat the roll/exercise routine and 4 new volunteers pull log back to start.  Rinse and repeat about 4 times.
Just enough time to cash out with ATMS

Remember the lesson provided by Judas.  Don’t let pride in your skills and achievements lead to the path of temptation and downfall. Prayers for Chaucer and his family and Fast-n-Easy’s mom as she travels back to Nebraska.
Welcome FNG Manilow, a great addition to the PAX for sure.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

5 Playa’s 1 Coach

THE SCENE: Dark and 48 degrees – dang near perfect

We got started a few minutes late….then we mosey’d to the track

64 SSH; 32 Squats; 16 BBSU; 8 Merkins; 4 Burpees; 2 Admiral Schofield’s; 1 Body Builder

16 v 1; 15 v 2; 14 v 3 (17’s rather than 11’s) on the stadium steps

16 Bobby Hurley’s and 1 Incline Merkin at top

Worked our way till we got 1 BH and 16 IM

Wilt Chamberlains – Defensive Slide 100 yards, 100 Merkins, Slides, 100 Squats, Slides, 100 BBSU, Slides, 100 something else

Reverse Warm Up

Mosey’d back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
David vs. Goliath…faith is God allows us to slay the giants in our lives

Club LaVela 1995 vs. 2019 – getting better or getting worse…MOLESKIN:
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Who is the hardest person to lead???

THE SCENE:  Dark, clear, and cool – 45 degrees

40 SSH

20 Overhead Claps

20 Seal Claps

20 Big Arm Circles – Forwards and Backwards

Michael Phelps OYO
Barkley Inspired Workout – 3 Laps around main loop with 4 stations – 20 reps of exercises at each station –

  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Hand Release Merkins

Welsh Dragons – 2 Sets till 5

Hello Dolly’s; Flutter Kicks; Captain Thors


Who is the hardest person to lead?  Yourself…

Five Action Points to be a leaders with self-discipline

  1. Develop and follow your priorities
  2. Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal.
  3. Challenge your excuses.
  4. Remove rewards until you finish the job.
  5. Stay focused on results.
    Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
    Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

160lb Pain Train

THE SCENE: Upper 30s… Otherwise unremarkable.

Quick warmup lap around the park – 5 HIMs sharing 2x 60lb and 1x 40lb sandbags… no shoulder carry allowed. Front, suitcase, etc…
After the warmup lap, carry sandbags up to the turf field.

Circle Burps (Ruck on)
Stand in a close circle with one 60lb bag.
Pass bag around the circle.
One burpee immediately after you pass the bag.
Try to be back up before your neighbor throws the bag your direction…
10x around the circle each direction

Sandbag Pull-through line (Ruck on)
Plank side by side along the top of the penalty box, 60lb bag on the corner.
Pull through along the line.
As soon as you pull, get up and go to the front of the line.
Repeat across the penalty box, then reverse at the other end and come back.

160lb Pain Train (Ruck on)
Fasten all 3 sandbags end-to-end. Hook to ruck molle with tow strap.
Bear crawl width of field, towing sandbags.
Bernie back, dragging sandbags by strap.
Waiting PAX repeat 10-10-10 Merkins, Squats, and Curls

Cool-down by finishing up the lap around the park.

None today
5 HIMs
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. And don’t sexually harass your coworkers.
The day started with some grumblechatter about the no-shoulder-carry lap. Fortunately or unfortunately, that was forgotten after the Pain Train…
Upcoming events: Butters Q tomorrow!

The Crabby Bear Gut v2 (Strength in Weakness)

THE SCENE: Clear, cool, crisp.
I am not a professional and any likeness or similarities to a professional are purely coincidental and do not necessarily reflect the views of sane people.

  • High Knees + Merkins  (Herkins)
  • 5 Merkins + High Squat Jump (Berkins – or Merkin Burps)
  • Windmills
  • One speed round of the exercises (with demos and no bear crawls or crab walks) that are at each station of the main workout.

THA-THANG: The Crabby Bear Gut v2

35 Min A.m.r.a.p.  (5:40-6:15) of Light Pole Loop around parking lot.  Seven Light pole stations each with two exercises.  Do 50 reps of the exercise at each station.(single counts).  The first time around the loop you do exercise A and the second time around you do exercise B.

To get to each light pole alternate between bear crawling and crab walking.

Light Pole Station Exercises:

  • a. Crunches , b. Imperial Walkers
  • a. V-Ups  b. Flutter kicks
  • a. Cross Toe Touches  b. W’s (raised extended crunches)
  • a. American Hammers b. Peter Parkers
  • a. Supermans b. Scissor Kicks
  • a. Freddy Mercurys b.  Elbow Plank side raises.
  • a. Hello Dolly’s  b.

After seven light poles have been reached, climb the hill to the guard rail and do 5 reverse incline push ups and 5 incline push-ups.

No time for Mary. We all just finished one round (all the exercises = 2 loops = 14 exercises)


This weeks sermon at Fellowship Knoxville blew me away. The Gracious Gift of Affliction and Weakness Had to try and share some of the ideas of “power in weakness”.  It’s such a tough topic and hard to describe, akin to hitting a bullseye from 500 yards away, when the bullseye is a needle in a haystack.  In summary, do not shy away from your weaknesses, God will meet you in your attempts to address them. He will light the way and support you because He is awesome and because he is deeply invested in you and getting you through the tough valleys of humiliation and NOT AROUND THEM.   It worked also kind of like a good analogy for todays workout because we spent most of it on our hands and knees begging for mercy and strength as we crab walked and bear crawled for what seemed like miles.  But praise be to God, he met us, and we finished !! We could barely speak and were dizzy, but we all finished.

Boast in weakness

Search me and know me God, help me to work out any hurtful ways in me.

Almost my 1 year anniversary of my VQ