F3 Knoxville

Bodybuilders in the rain

THE SCENE: About 70 degrees and some nice steady rain

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each way IC
Little Michael Phelps
Squats x20
Cherry Pickers x10

Do the following exercises at the pavalon:

  • Bent over rows x10
  • Mr. Spectacular x10
  • CMU Curls x15
  • Goblet Squats x20

Then bear crawl across the whole grinder. If you walk or can’t go any further, do 15 burpees and jog to the end (I believe everyone made the bear crawl). Next, do the following exercises at the scrapyard:

  • Pullups x10
  • BBS x20
  • Dips x15
  • Flutter kicks x15 on 4-count

Run down the path to the road and do 5 bodybuilders, then run back around to the pavalon and rinse and repeat. Instead of the bear crawl, lunge to the far edge of the bathrooms and jog the rest of the grinder.

Box cutters x30
Captain Thor to 5×20
Protractor (Thanks Snorkel!)
Cash out with some LBCs for 30 seconds
11 men strong this morning
Lately I have had failure on my mind. I lost 30 pounds in my first four months of F3, now I’ve gained some of that back and have not hit my goals. So I feel failure. I failed a couple CPA exams already. Failure. I haven’t really prayed much at all in the last year or two. Failure. But the biggest failure came on Tuesday when we had to put our 2 year old cat down. My wife is an animal lover and especially loved this little cat. She has been depressed and crying for two days now. I can’t help but feel like a failure as a husband because I can’t make it better. Nothing that I say or do will make her feel better or stop her from being sad. But I realized that what I need to do is offer it all up to God. I’ve prayed more in the last two days than I have in the last two years. I’ve been praying for peace for my wife and that led to praying about all of the other things that make me feel like I have failed. I encourage you men to turn to God earlier than I did. Anytime you feel like you have failed, offer it up to God and have a conversation with him. We sometimes feel like it is all on us when in reality, all we have to do is turn our eyes to heaven for some help.

Bomb Shelter anniversary Q next Saturday with a “Keep Blount Beautiful” trash pickup on the greenway at 10 for anyone who is available. Also, we have the F3 olympics coming up on November 3rd with a bunch of events that weekend.

Rockin’ Dora and Cardiac Attack

THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy, 73 degrees, 90% humidityTo

(25) 4 ct. SSH; Baby arm circles forward; backers; (10) 4ct. plank jacks; lunge stretch


  • Mosey to base of Everest
  • (1) sprint up Everest to rock pile
  • Selected rock and partner for Rockin’ Doras
  • Partner 1: Run west along road, with rock, to first tree and back
  • Partner 2: Curls (up to 200); Squats with rock (up to 200); BBS or flutter kicks (4 ct.), rock optional (200)
  • Mosey cross country to base of Cardiac Hill
  • (5) 4 ct. American Hammers; Bernie Sanders to first bend; (5) 4 ct. Hello Dollies; bear crawl to next bend; (5) squat jumps; sprint to benches; (5) tricep dips;
  • Rinse and repeat, add (5) to each exercise

Ab work, 2 rounds ending with 4 ct. flutter kicks.

II Timothy 1:7 – This is my Father’s favorite verse, and I had not really connected with it. I never felt that I approached life with timidity or fear. I termed it as humility. But, there is a fine line between timidity and humility.  To my shame, I have been doing F3 for a year and a half, and this is my VQ.  To be a real HIM, we need to approach life boldly. We need to lead when we are called to lead and not be timid. We also need to remember that God gives us power, but also love and self discipline.

The Peace of Wild Things

THE SCENE: Pleasant temperatures in the upper 70s, but still dang humid

Boom. Nailed it.

20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial Squat Walkers IC, 20 Windmills IC (PAX really needs to work on getting the coordination and count down on these… 😉 ), 20 baby-to-big arm circles IC, front/reverse


Mosey to Area 51.

We will do Partner DORAs starting at the parking sign off of the perimeter road just south of the Admin building.. While one partner runs to Area 51 parking lot/loading Dock and does 5 squat jumps and runs back, the other starts the exercises.  Each pair shall complete the following, cumulatively:

  • 100 Big Boy sit-ups
  • 200 Lunges (doing both legs counts as 1)
  • 100 Merkins

Mosey around perimeter road to grassy field between Admin Building and main park road. Cones will be laid out in a large rectangle.  Move around the cones, doing Bernie Sanders on the long sides and bear crawls on the short sides.  Stop at midpoints and corners for exercises.

  • At midpoints (long side only), do 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • At each corner, do 10 mountain climbers (4-ct)

Rinse and repeat, but replace the exercises with the following:

  • At midpoints (long side), do 15 Bobby Hurleys
  • At each corner, do 10 Plank Jacks

Mosey to path leading to Admin building.

Bernie Sanders up the sidewalk to the stairs, and do 50 calf raises on the stairs.

Mosey back to AO.

Captain Thors, 20 Hello Dollies (IC), 15 tempo merkins (IC), 40 E2Ks (10 each leg, rinse and repeat), 20 modified table saws (IC), 20 froggie/heel touches (IC)
11 fine men, all tagged except for Foff (sp?) who is still not registered.

The Peace of Wild Things

Outside of church, I have always felt closest to God while immersed in the beauty of nature, surrounded by a world so achingly beautiful that it makes me so grateful and humbled that we have been placed in such surroundings.  Whether it is standing on a ledge looking at a spectacular waterfall, gazing out across a valley tinted with fall colors from a peak, or simply looking at the contours and pigments of a simple, perfect flower, I feel the work of God in my heart.  I wanted to read this poem, which I stole-borrowed from a fellow F3er’s Facebook page (Thanks Lillydipper!)

“The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Barry

When Despair for the World grows in me

And I wake in the night at the least sound

In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds

I come into the peace of wild things

Who do not tax their lives with forethought

Of grief.  I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

Waiting with their light.  For a time

I rest in the grace of the world. And am free.”

Prayers that we pause and truly appreciate the beauty of our world whenever possible, and that we are wise and responsible stewards of our wondrous planet so that it is preserved for generations to come.

Congrats to Mr. Jinxy and best wishes on the marriage of his daughter this week-end!

Lots of stuff coming up… Atlanta Mud Run, F3 Olympics, Cleveland, TN F3 kickoff all in the next month.  Stay tuned…

No real theme…just pain

THE SCENE: JUCO AO with a few sprinkles.  Just enough to get wet.

15 mountain climbers, 15 SSH, 15 imperial walker, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 count windmill, and 15 Moroccan night club

Mosey to the south parking lot

Bear crawl to each parking row, do 10 merkins, bear crawl to next row, do 10 diamond merkins, repeat to the end of the parking lot

Mosey to coupon pile and grab a coupon. 10 reps of exercises at each corner of parking lot with coupon:  squats, lunges, flutter kicks, burpees, up the hill and diamond merkins. Repeat.

Mosey toward center of campus to walls. Aiken legs: Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward).

Take a lap. Mosey to park benches. Do 10 derkins, 10 dips, 10 incline merkins, and 10 diamond merkins.

Run to back to the shovel flag.

Tempo merkins, hello Dolly.
Proverbs 15:31-32 “He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. He  who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.”

Be willing to listen to those with more experience and take their criticism constructively.  If you ignore it, you basically are ignoring your own potential growth
F3 Knoxville Olympics November 3rd and family day on November 4th.


THE SCENE: Perfect, whatever that is to you


SSH x 15 IC

Phelps OYO

T Merkin x 10 IC

T Squat x 10 IC

Cherry Pickers x 8 IC

Burpees OYO x 5


  • Mosey to Jucomanjaro
  • At the bottom of the hill
  • Merkins + Flutters IC followed by 5 burpees OYO
  • Started a mosey up to the circle 1/3 of the way up


At circle

Merkins, flutters, squats IC

Lunges OYO

Superman swims 1 min

Run to the top

More merkins, flutters IC


Indian Run down to the bottom

At the bottom

Merkins x 15 IC

30 Monkey Humpers OYO

Mosey to lot for 7s (Hand release and squats)


This workout had a lot of things IC and many other exercises were thrown in there based on how I thought the group was doing (turned it up and down on Q!)

Mary was mixed into the workout

A friend of mine recently spoke of moments of grace in his life. He mentioned that these moments of grace give him faith.

I reflected on this for a week or so, as he is a good friend and mentor. A week or so later, I was at dog pound running my mouth as usual 🙂   I mentioned something about being a dad. Junk turned to me and said, “You know Shooter, I know your father. You should know that he is VERY proud of you.”


This struck me as interesting. Here was a moment of grace in my life. Trying to get better with men who want the best for me, but something more was provided. It was a graceful moment that offered utility. It again illustrated the need to say what needs to be said in the manner that conveys the proper meaning. I like to reduce this to something like pay attention and act on what you perceive to be true.


So, I made sure to go home and talk to my father. I tried to tell him all the things that needed to be said. That was great, but another thing happened a week or so later again.


I was visiting with a friend from out of town who is an artist as a hobby. He gave me a piece of his art and subtly mentioned that he would like some photos of it.

I took a note of it in my head and made sure to send him photos the next day. I perceived that he wanted the photos because he mentioned it but also I knew he found the work meaningful and valuable, which is why he gave it to me in the first place. I acted on that and made sure to send him photos. The next day he saw the photos and REALLY appreciated it.


Graceful moments have utility

Pay attention and act on what you perceive to be true
Glad to be out here with you guys!
F3 Olympics—- Nov 3rd + 4th