F3 Knoxville

Brolympics Redux

THE SCENE: Cloudy, mild breeze that would ruffle my hair if I had more of it, mid 40s.


SSH x 20 IC, Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, Ankle Grabbers/hammie stretch, Baby Arm Circles Forward (x10) and Backward (x10) IC, Shoulder Tap Merkins x 10 IC

Today we revisited the events of the Brolympics that we enjoyed at the F3 anniversary a few weeks ago.  We started with the long distance run first, carrying a softball bat high as the Olympic torch.  Indian run from AO up Baby Everest and around running trail to parking lot, then back close to the AO, passing “torch” off as PAX gets to front.

Brolympic Redux:

Parking lot will have 6 different stations that imitate the F3 Brolympics events.  We will do each station for 2 minutes, AMRAP.  The stations are:

  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • Shuttle Run / Suicides
  • Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 40-yd dash
  • Bear Crawl around cones

This was followed by a mini Pickett’s Charge up Baby Everest.  Not enough time to rinse and repeat as planned, so we each PAX member chose whatever exercise they wanted to revisit, rotating as desired, until it was time to head back to the AO.

Flutter kicks x 25, 4-ct IC, Box Cutters x 20, 4-ct, IC

6 Strong!


Doing Christianity – Reverend Gretchen Sylwester at Bethel Church, Elmhurst IL

‘Author and activist Shane Claiborne writes in The Irresistible Revolution: “If you ask most people what Christians believe, they can tell you, ‘Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that Jesus rose from the dead.’ But if you ask the average person how Christians live, they are struck silent. They usually say something like “Christians live pretty much like everybody else, they just sprinkle in a little Jesus along the way.”

One of the speakers at an interfaith community event at the Villa Park Islamic Center said that in her tradition, religious action is far more important than religious belief. From her perspective, how we live is far more important than what we say we believe. More recently, the tragedy in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life Synagogue might make one question about what a “Christian response” to this tragedy might be.

What is essential to a Christian way of life? What are the things that we do that set us apart? If you were to describe the Christian way of life to a non-believer, what would you say? If it is not just Jesus’ sprinkles, what is it?

One place to start is by talking about generosity and grace. We share. Christians use our power and privilege to change things for others who have less. We are slow to judge and quick to forgive. We are diligent in setting aside time for prayer and meditation. We worship with others as an essential practice, something that we make room for in our lives as a “must” rather than a “maybe.” And most of all, Christians look to the future with hope, not fear.

I encourage you to consider your own action plan for being a Christian. Forget about the word “think.”  Forget the word “believe.” Consider what it is that we do that makes us unique. For as the old hymn goes, in the end, “They will know that we are Christians by our love, by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love.” ‘

The PAX shared some words of support for one of our members who is going through a difficult stretch.

3rd F coming up this Saturday at the Outlook, 8:30 a.m.  Breakfast provided, $10 donation recommended.

Pearl Harbor WOD

39 and clear

Survivors March
Cash In (12/7/1941)

  • 12 Ruck Curls
  • 7 8-Count Body Builders
  • 19 4-Count Mountain Climbers
  • 41 4-CountOH Claps

3+ mile ruck (To remember the 333 survivors of USS Arizona, 1177 originally were onboard during the attack)

Cash Out (12/7/1941)

  • 12 Ruck Curls
  • 7 8-Count Body Builders
  • 19 4-CountMountain Climbers
  • 41 4-Count OH Claps

Partner up and grab one sandbag for each person.  Head over to the hill between the tennis courts.


Sandbag Hill
Partner up.  Partner 1 bear crawls up the hill, alternating arms to pull the sandbag through their legs.  Once at the top, Partner 1 then rucks the sandbag around the trail and back down.  Partner 2 alternates between 20 merkins and 20 squats until Partner 1 returns.  Partner 2 then takes the sandbag up the hill while Partner 1 does the exercises.

Rinse and Repeat x8 per team (4 trips per man) to commemorate that the attack started just before 8:00am local time.

Circle up for prayer.


Pearl Harbor Facts:

  • 2,388 Americans died, 1,178 Americans Wounded
  • 18 American Ships were sunk or damaged
  • 188 American Planes were destroyed, and another 159 were damaged

Death by

THE SCENE: 38, clear

Ruck 1 mile
60 seconds to complete an increasing number of reps.   Start with 1 rep, increase by 1 rep every 60 seconds.

Overhead press – got to 25

Curls plus tricep extension – got to around 20

1 minute of curls

Lean into it
Wall Ball wanted to save his tiny legs for the long run this weekend so we accommodated him.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Pyramids, Laps and Q101

37 and clear

Welcome, disclaimer and explanation of day (workout + Q insights)



  • SSH x25 4ctIC
  • Tempo Squats x15 4ct IC
  • Tempo Merkins x15 4ct IC
  • Line up on curb and then run to far curb and back, stopping in the middle for three Burpees
  • Reverse Lunges x12 4ct IC
  • Run to far curb and back, stopping in the middle for three Burpees
  • BAC Fwd x10 4ct IC
  • BAC Bkwd x10 4ct IC
  • Run to far curb and back, stopping in the middle for three Burpees

Mosey to the parking lot next to the playground partner up with Battle Buddy


Pyramid of Pain
Each man will complete the following:

  • Complete exercise 1 then run around the parking lot
  • Complete exercise 1 and 2 then run around the parking lot. Continue until you get to 4 exercises
  • Upon completion of all 4 exercises continue but take on exercise off each round starting with 1 (then 2, 3 and so on).

Exercises (x20 of each):

  1. Narrow Squats
  2. Diamond Merkins
  3. 4ct Flutter Kicks
  4. Tuck Jumps

Mosey to SP


Merkin Hill
Run up and down hill doing 3 times performing 5 burpees at the top each time


Box Cutters 20x 4ct IC
Side Crunches 20x each side IC
American Hammers 15x 4ct IC


Number off and Name-O-Rama – 26 PAX, 2 FNGs – Big Apple, The Dab


“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4

Leading a F3 Workout

  • KEY: Most important thing: It’s Not About You!
    • Your #1 job as Q is the safety of the PAX.
    • Men have shown up early and are trusting you to challenge them and keep them reasonably safe.
  • PLANNING: Plan the work then work the plan
    • Not just the exercise, but the explanations, transitions and your BOM
      • Explanations and transitions can make or break a workout!
    • Think through the following when planning your exercises:
      • Weather (not just the day of, but the days before)
      • Amount of daylight
      • Size of the PAX (make thing scalable)
      • Fitness levels in the PAX
    • Equipment needs
      • Cones, light sticks, CMUs, etc.
  • ELEMENTS: Basic ingredients of a well-balanced workout
    • Strength
      • Push, pull, core and leg
      • Goal: tax each of the four major muscle groups
    • Cardio
      • Sprints and distance
      • Goal: elevate the heart rate and maintain the elevated state with periodic rests
  • PRACTICE: You play like you practice
    • Make sure YOU can do the exercises properly
    • If you can, walk through the workout at the AO
  • EXECUTION: Get after it and have some fun!
    • Talk up the morning on GroupMe. Let the PAX know you are excited to lead them.
    • Show up early!
    • Be energetic (you don’t have to be Richard Simmons, but be vocal and upbeat)
    • Always wear a watch
      • This seems small…it isn’t. The cadence creates a very real synergy for the group.
      • Proper cadence is:
        • “The Next Exercise is ______________________”
          • Clear and concise command
          • PAX repeat exercise name to demonstrate understanding
        • “Starting Position … Move”
          • “Starting Position” is the information
          • “Move” is the command
          • Pause between info and command, to assist with understanding
        • “In Cadence … Exercise”
          • “In cadence” is the information
            • Not all exercises are in cadence
            • PAX repeat back “in cadence” to demonstrate understanding
        • “Exercise” is the command
          • Signals PAX it is time to begin
          • Pause between info and command, to assist with understanding
        • “1, 2, 3” then PAX calls rep
          • Your cadence MUST match the called exercise
          • Not all exercises are performed at the same cadence
          • Your count matches the body movement
          • PAX call the rep number in place of “4”
        • Change your voice inflexion on last rep
          • Signals to the PAX that we are ending
          • Important to keeping morale and order
        • “Recover”
          • At the end of the called exercise you call “Recover”
          • Important command to let everyone know we are finished
  • INTANGIBLES: The secret sauce
    • During the workout, engage the PAX
      • Have PAX count off for rest times
      • Use men’s F3 names
      • Laugh, remember…this is supposed to be hard, but it’s also supposed to be fun.
    • If you can’t do it, don’t Q it.
      • This doesn’t mean you have to be the strongest and fastest, just that you can execute the exercise properly
    • Lead from the front with an eye on the back
      • The PAX come expecting to be led. There should be no doubt that you are leading.  You should be visible and vocal, but that DOES NOT mean everything revolves around you or that you need to the all-star of the morning.
        • Have others do 10 counts for breathers
        • Tell someone where you’re heading and have them lead the PAX
        • Have someone else lead the PAX to Cash Out
    • NEVER leave a man behind
      • This is important when moving around the AO. If the PAX gets stretched out we lose cohesion.
      • When on a mosey, if you feel the PAX stretching out, circle back (i.e. wagon wheel) or stop and do a few reps of an exercise (i.e. SSH, Merkins, etc.)

Big Ball Ladder

THE SCENE: Cold and Frosty
DISCLAIMER: Yup, still not a professional!

15 Merkins IC

15 HillBilly’s IC

Mosey to the base of the Big Ball

Ladder from 1 to 10 to 1

at the base of the Big Ball 1x the rung of the ladder – Pull-ups

at the first landing of steps 3x the rung of the ladder – Merkins

at the top landing of steps 5x the rung of the ladder – LBC

make sure to explain that once you climb the ladder, you have to come back down!

do the right thing, not the convenient

mend house on Wednesday and Friday. 3rd F on Saturday