F3 Knoxville

Low hanging Fruit

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and moist like a hostess cake (moist and dry at the same time)

Stuff to get warm. SSH. Merkins
Pair up and mosey to courts

Each pair gets a lacrosse ball. Standing 20 yards apart, one partner bounces the ball to the other and does a burpee. Repeat till both partners do 10 burpees,  move 10 yards closer and repeat

everyone gets a ball. Squat bounces. Do a squat and each time you go down bounce the Ball to your other hand x30. Then…..iron mikes handing off the ball under your forward leg to your other hand each rep. x20

Mosey to the boat with ball.

run around course bouncing your ball while running. Try to switch hands often. At single cones do exercise and qty listed. At multiple cones pick up ball and SPRINT to next three cones. Single cone exercises are:

  • Iron mikes x20
  • Diamond Merkins x20 (holding ball)
  • LBCs passing ball between legs x30
  • Lunges passing ball x30
  • Hold V while passing ball around torso x30 revolutions

repeat till time runs out.

Circle up and have everyone yell out an exercise and qty
Keep your eye on the “ball” Christ. Stay concentrated on him and his word and he will lead you in the right direction.
It was a bit quiet this morning as it was hard enough running while bouncing a ball let alone talking. Great work by everyone today. Toebox tried to take the title of worst smelling fart

Prayers for Troll’s wife and family/friends of Mike. Abridged night 5/9

Millennial’s Can’t Jump Rope

THE SCENE: 60’s & clear


Quicker than normal…running late!

SSH x 20  with increasing speed

8 stations set up in front of the outhouse.  2 minutes at each station then rotate to the next.  The jump rope station was in the middle so, naturally, we used that as the catalyst to “encourage” (pronounced: make fun of) the person jumping rope!  All this while Lynyrd Skynyrd played blissfully in the background….good times.

  1. Curls (30, 25, 20 dumbbells)
  2. Squats (60 sandbag)
  3. Calf Raises (40 sandbag)
  4. Kettlebell swings (35, 40 bells)
  5. American Hammers (assortment of plates…can’t remember exact weights)
  6. Mr Spectacular (15 dumbbells or 30lb ruck plates)
  7. Overhead Press (20 ruck plate x 2)
  8. Jump Rope


8 strong.  Tank, Shooter, Wall Ball, Cavalier, Wagon Wheel, Doubtfire, Slugger, Bartman

Talked about yesterday’s TN House vote on the governor’s school voucher program and the impact it’s having on Rep. Zachary.   Used this scenario as a reminder to the PAX of the importance of the decisions we make and the impact they have on our surroundings.

Shooter and Wagon Wheel somehow managed to break 2 jump ropes today…clearly millennials struggle in this area.  Shooter eventually resorted to air jumping, with fancy tricks!

Hardship hill coming up.   Sign up for a team.

Shame Fest

THE SCENE: Beautiful Spring morning in the mid 50’s.

No FNGs, but some HIMs from other AOs came out for the VQ. I made sure everyone was aware that I’m not a professional, given the fact that I’ve never Qed before.


  • 25 Side straddle hop IC
  • 10 Cherry pickers IC
  • Bat Wings
    • 20 baby arm circles forward IC
    • 20 baby arm circles backwards IC
    • 20 seal claps IC
    • 20 overhead claps IC
  • 10 Tempo squats IC
  • High knees to the end of parking lot
  • Butt kicks back
  • 50% jog to the end of the parking lot
  • 75% jog back


  • Bataan Death March (Indian Run where last guy does 2 burpees before running to front) from AO to coupon pile behind Maintenance Depot building

Wall of Shame

  • Ascending Testicles OYO
  • Princess Tea Party(PinkiesOut!)
    • 1st time – 10 Pattycake Merkins/30s back to back wall sits – OYO
    • 2nd time – 20 Pattycake Merkins/60s back to back wall sits – OYO
  • 10 Wonderbra IC
  • 15 Chicken Peckers IC
  • 10 Donkey Kicks OYO

Four Corner Escalator

  • Mosey to Sophomore Hill & explain exercises (all single count)
  • Corner 1 – 10 squats
    • El Capitan Lunge to Corner 2
  • Corner 2 – 10 squats, 20 hello dollys
    • Duck and/or Crab Walk to Corner 3
  • Corner 3 – 10 squats, 20 hellos dollys, 30 iron mikes
    • Crawl Bear to Corner 4
  • Corner 4 – 10 squats, 20 hello dollys, 30 iron mikes, 40 side straddle hops
    • Sprint back to Corner 4

Mosey back to AO


Circle Burp (high knees and each HIM calls out “Down” in ring of fire fashion for a total of 13 burpees)

15 Pickle Pounders OYO (it’s probably illegal to do these in cadence)

15 Pickle Pointers OYO


13 HIMs

Guano, Abacus (not Pusher), Peek-a-boo, Unibrau, Erector, Commission, Belding, Chaco, Spotter, 5K, Uncle Rico, Rocket, Booster


We all face a lot of shame, humiliation, feelings of embarassment, and inadequacy. It’s usually in those moments that we face defeating thoughts and thus act out in negative or destructive ways. Challenging thought: When do you feel shame most? Encouragement: remember in those moments to recognize your shame, but then but in the context of God’s grace, truth, and surround yourselves with community.


No prayer requests


Thanks for all those who supported me on my VQ. I hope you enjoyed the beatdown and the new or unfamiliar exercises that were thrown in. I will be Q-ing again on Friday, May 3rd at JUCO if you want some more of that action!


Pain is Gain

THE SCENE: Beautiful day, temps in high 70’s.

20 Side-straddle-hops, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Windmills, Plank stretches, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to stop sign on southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to Area 51.  We will run up hill stopping three times to do decline merkins.  Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to bat house above Roadshow Run.  We will do the Pinto Grinder.  We will start with 20 Star Jumps by bat house.  Then run down stairs and do 20 Diamond Merkins.  Run to grove of trees just below peak of Mt. Everest.  Do 10 Burpees.  Run up to peak of Mt. Everest and do 20 Big Boys.  Rinse and repeat.

Do 20 American Hammers in Shade.

Mosey to stop sign at northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Hello Dollies.  We will head back on road toward AO but stop at each cone along the way.  The cones will instruct us what to do next.  The instructions at each cone are as follows:

  • Cone 1:  10 Shoulder Taps (both arms = 1).  Bear Crawl to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  25 Baby Crunches.  Lunge to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Flutter Kicks (four count).  Bernie Sanders to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Buzz saws (four count).  Grapevine with face away from Admin Bldg to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Grapevine with face toward Admin Bldg to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6.  Go back to Cone 1 to rinse and repeat.


10 Bottle Caps, 20 Box Cutters, Stretches.

Eight men, no FNGs.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 That’s why we are not discouraged. No, even if outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are being renewed each and every day. This light, temporary nature of our suffering is producing for us an everlasting weight of glory, far beyond any comparison, because we do not look for things that can be seen but for things that cannot be seen. For things that can be seen are temporary, but things that cannot be seen are eternal.

It can be human nature to desire the easy way out.  But the fact is that truly good things generally involve toil, effort and pain.  I often times witness people wanting to move forward but unwilling to accept anxiety, stress or pain in order to get there.  As a psychologist I see people wanting to take narcotics or avoid challenges to that they don’t have to experience anxiety.  I am not belittling the anxiety that those with Anxiety Disorders must battle.  But some people actually think humans aren’t supposed to experience anxiety.  They want to avoid anxiety at all costs.  The fact is that anytime we take on new challenges, we are going to experience anxiety.

I see some people wanting to improve physically without experiencing pain.  I know that doctors and physical therapists see this all the time.  Someone gets total knee replacement and then is sent to see a physical therapist.  They stop going saying the physical therapy only made them feel worse.  Of course it made them feel worse – it is supposed to make them feel worse – so that through work, pain and effort they will improve and eventually feel much, much better.

We in F3 get up early mornings to face the gloom and experience the pain and thrashing of an F3 workout.  It is supposed to be painful.  Without the pain we don’t receive the gang.  We could wimp out and make it easy for everyone.  But as Cheatsheet proclaims, “Treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself!”

We often think relationships are supposed to be free from pain and turmoil.  Nothing goes wrong in our relationships in the Honey Moon stage.  Your lover can do no wrong.  It is later that we wake up to the reality that this lover is a real person – with her own strange idiosyncrasies and opinions that don’t,God forbid, always coincide with ours.  We begin to think, what’s wrong with this person – maybe she isn’t right for me.  But maybe, just maybe, that person is right for you.  To find true love is to work through differences with another that can sometimes be painful.  But in working through these differences we see we can learn and live with them.  We find something richer and greater – not a person who will agree with us about everything – but someone who will love us, no matter how hard that task can be (look at yourself, that can be pretty doggone difficult) and will help us to grow stronger and better for it in the process.

Finally, with God it is not always rosy and wonderful.  We sometimes want to turn from Him when things aren’t wonderful and going our way.  We may blame Him for it, say “Where the hell are you God?”  Or, we may not want to follow Him when He wants us to do something we don’t like to do.”  But God’s way is the best way, not the easy, rosy way.  We don’t just follow God when it feels good.  We follow God when it is difficult, when it is not all fun and games, when we doubt, when we hurt, when we are ready to give up, when we are angry and pissed at Him.  In so doing, we find faith, we find hope, and we have a true relationship with a God who desires relationship and desires to make us better men.

Prayers for five of Abscess’ friends who have had heart attacks.  Continuing prayers for Pinto who is recovering from his heart attack and heart surgery.
Hardship Hill!


THE SCENE: Beautiful…50s and clear

The usual…SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers

Unexpected closure of my favorite pull-up place… so we found a wall with a good height for muscle-ups.

(15 muscle-ups+15 dips) x3 rounds=45 muscle ups and 45 dips

Moseyed over to K-2(5) – K2 like the summit and K25 like the nuclear facility – our modest hill along ORAU Drive (staying away from the ORAU parking lot as Spotter and I were told not to use it without permission).

Partner up for Doras to work on the following:

  • 45 burpees
  • 45 BBS
  • 45 lunges (2-ct)
  • 45 squats
  • started on merkins until time.

Partner runs up K-2(5): 1st time – sprint up, mosey down; 2nd time – bear crawl up, mosey down; 3rd time – bernie up, mosey down. Rinse and repeat until all exercises are complete.

The usual: flutter kicks, Freddy Mercury, box-cutters – until time

7 HIMS worked on The Project today and got it DONE: Erector, Trolley, Rocket, Samaritan, Archie, FNG – Kick-flip (WELCOME), and Snaggletooth

Turned 45 this weekend and feeling it! But we’ve found a way to renew our strength – even in old age!

He energizes those who get tired,
    gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
    young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
    They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
    they walk and don’t lag behind. (Isaiah 40:30-31, MSG)

Make time – take time – spend time waiting/hoping/trusting in the Lord. Not multitasking our quiet time. Solid, one-on-one time with HIM. And you’ll find you have the strength for everything you are called to.

Hardship Hill and Abridged