F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  50 degrees, down-pour, and flooding.

All IC: SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Squat Failure to Launch (like our careers), Merkin Failure to Launch, Parking Lot Mosey Lap


11s at trash can hill: CDDs at bottom + Squat Jumps at top……..Mosey to MRSA breeding ground zero (soccer field).

3 rounds of: Merkin Exercise at one end (x20), sprint to mid-field, 5 Double Burpees, Lunge rest of way to opposite end, Squat Jumps (x20), (PAX then switch to Reverse Gear), Bernie back to mid-field, 5 Double Burpees, Backward Lunge to Start. Repeat. (Ends Included Merkins, Squat Jumps, Diamond Merkins, Wide Merkins)……..Mosey to concrete bleachers.

7’s: Incline Merkins at bottom, Derkins at top. **Sick Twist: on way up- Jump and do 10 Calve Raises each stair……..Mosey to Playground Hill.

AMRAP: At bottom of hill: 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 4ct MCs, run to top of hill. At top: 20 Pull Ups, 20 BBSs, run back down hill. (did 3 or 4 rounds)………… Only one way back to AO – Mosey through the newly created lake (thigh high water) all the way back to AO.  Keep those knees up to maximize splash! (Junk was almost giddy about this part – thank you for your enthusiasm, brother!)

One minute of Burpees. Out of time.

9 Strong
2 practical techniques to battle sinful thoughts when they enter the mind: 1) focus on the cross – the ultimate price that was paid for you. This helps supply the motivation to dedicate our mind, bodies, actions and words to Him. We are not our own, we were bought with a price!  2) Rest in the absolute conviction that His ways are infinitely BETTER than ours. We see this proven time and time again throughout the Bible and history.
These guys were awesome today. Very proud of this crew! Thank you for allowing me to serve you this morning!

Boat’n & Canoe’n in the Rain

THE SCENE: SO WET & so much rain but 50 degress so it wasn’t bad at all

  • Mosey to Pavillion at the back
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs X 10
  • Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Windmills (IC) X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC)
  • Tricep stretches (OYO)
  • Dips X 10 (OYO)


The Shed – Tabata Time (20 seconds of work & 10 seconds to rotate) 

  • AMRAP of Curls, Derkins, Burpees, squats, big boy sit-ups, overhead press
  • Rinse & Repeat X 3
  • AMRAP of Bentover rows, Dips, Bobby Hurleys (Chris Loftens), calf raises, LBCs, Tricep extension
  • Rinse & Repeat X 3


  • 10 merkins, 10 squats & 10 pullups at playground
  • Run to tennis court area
  • 10 CMU curls, 10 overhead presses, & 10 triceps extension
  • Rinse and repeat for 25 minutes


  • Boat & Canoes led by Kentucky
  • Superman & Swimmer led by Kentucky
  • Flutter Kicks IC 4 CT X 20


8 HIMs – Abacus, Detention, Erector, Kentucky, Proton, Rocket, Rusty & Booster


“For All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

I’m terrible at remembering scripture.  Actually, I’m terrible at remembering anything unless it has to do with football recruiting.  My goal is to read the Bible AND try to remember scripture.  One reason is because I obviously need to remember the Word but secondly I think it’s so cool when someone rattles off scripture.  I’m actually jealous but this kind of jealous is better than being jealous if someone’s got an awesome car or something.

I truly want to learn AND remember so I will hopefully live my life better AND be able to better share my faith with my kids, friends, and complete strangers when called to do that.  I bought a scripture memory guide book and these three passages are the first three of the Top 144 the book recommends that all Christians memorize.

I know I’ll never remember everything but I certainly won’t if I don’t try!  Let’s encourage each other to continue to try everyday like it’s our last because it could be!


Thank you Proton for EH-ing me into trying F3!  I’ve lost 50 pounds of fat, gained 20 pounds of muscle, made lifelong friends and became more focused on my faith!  Thank all of you for welcoming me in October of 2017 and for welcoming every other FNG who comes along!


  • Monthly Challenge – Burpees
  • Hardship Hill – May 18

Where’s Land?

THE SCENE: Raining like crazy, temp about 50 degrees

At the Northern ball fields pavilion:  20 Side-straddle hops, 15 Plank Jacks, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 7 Little Baby Arm Circles forward and backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles forward and backward
Totem pole with the following exercises:

  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Decline Merkins (using bench of picnic tables)
  • Bench Dips
  • Mountain Climbers

Sprint to CMU pile to pick up CMU’s and bring back to pavilion.

20 Hello Dollies.

Next, we circle four corners of pavilion, bear crawling from Corner 1 to 2 and Corner 3 to 4 while lunging from Corner 2 to 3 and 4 to 1.  We will circle the four corners three times doing the following exercises at each corner:

Corner 1:  1. 20 merkins.  2. 20 shoulder taps.  3. 20 dive bombers

Corner 2:  1. 20 diamond merkins.  2. 20 bottle openers.  3. 20 Carolina dry docks

Corner 3: (with CMU’s)  1. 25 overhead presses.  2. 25 curls.  3. 25 rows.

Corner 4:  1. 15 mountain climbers.  2. 10 burpees.  3. 15 plank jacks.

Next, we take CMU’s back to CMU pile and sprint back to pavilion.

20 Box Cutters.

Next, we do a shortened totem pole with the following exercises:

  • Squat jumps
  • Big boy situps
  • Picnic table pull-ups
  • Bench jumps

We finish at the pavilion with leg stretching exercise from plank position.

Words from Sermon by Michael Gerson who gave sermon at Washington’s Memorial Cemetery about God lifting us up at times of despair.
Prayers for Cheatsheet and his family as Cheatsheet’s grandmother, Mary, has passed away and is now in heaven.  Prayers for Pinto who is recovering from heart attack.


THE SCENE: Wet, but not raining.  Mild.

25 SSH
20 Baby Arm Circles Forward & Back
High Knees across parking lot, then mosey back.
Butt Kickers across parking lot, then mosey back.
High Skip across parking lot, then mosey back.
Mosey up the little hill, plank for the 6.
20 Merkins
Mosey down the Dragon’s tail. Stop half way for:
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
Mosey to end of the tail.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
Mosey to The Pavilon.
11s Table Rows and Box Jumps/Step ups
Wall sit for the 6 plus slooooow 10 count from 2 PAX.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
20 Dips
Mosey to the steps
25 Calf raises (4ct)
Mosey to far end of bottom parking lot
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
2 Laps of the Lot, with 3x intermediate sprints.
Mosey to the AO.
Outta time. Sorry.
It’s as near as dammit one year since I started coming to F3. I never saw myself as someone who set an alarm at 5:00 am, nevermind set a 5:00 am alarm to go workout, yet here I am. Thanks to my F3 brothers for getting me out of bed. For making me accountable and getting me better. Thanks for the 2F lunches and the 3F events. Mostly, thanks for the early morning fellowship.  Here’s to another 12 months.

Ruck Biscuit

THE SCENE: 45 n wet but the rain stopped when we started. Then, the rain started again when we stopped ! How convenient! Thank you Sky Q!

One loop up and around lovers lane
Ruck Biscuit

  • Starting at the lower pavilion , all w ruck , 10 body builders , 20 front ruck big boys, 30 lion king ruck thrusters
  • Ruck 1 lap around lovers lane , repeat exercise, ruck 2 Laps, repeat exercises , 3 laps , exercises , 2 laps , exercises, 1 lap
  • Ran out of time for the last set
  • Total today was 50 bodybuilder , 100 ruck sit ups , 150 lion king ruck thrusters

4 horseman
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