F3 Knoxville

Rain Dodgers

THE SCENE: Rain mixed in with a little harder rain, around 55 degrees, the definition of gloom

After brief disclaimer in the rain mosey to pavilion for warm-o-rama

x25 SSH on 4ct, x20 Rockette on 4ct, Baby AC forward/back x10, Tempo Merkin x10, Tempo Squat x10

Rain Dodger: Circuit WorkOut 1 min per exercise AMRAP’s

Spot #1 Pavilion

1. Table Row (1 min AMRAP) 2. Wall Sit (1 min AMRAP) 3. Flutter Kicks (1 min AMRAP) 4. Plank Jacks (1 min AMRAP) Rinse and Repeat


Spot #2  Church

1. Merkin (1 min AMRAP) 2. Wall Sit (1 min AMRAP) 3. BB SitUp (1 min AMRAP) 4. Carolina DD (1 min AMRAP) 5. Bobby Hurley’s (1min AMRAP)

Mosey back to pavilion

  1. Dips (1 min AMRAP) 2. Decline Merkin (1 min AMRAP) 3. Hello Dolly (1 min AMRAP) 4. Squats ( 1 min AMRAP) 5. Skaters (1 min AMRAP) 6. American Hammers (1 min AMRAP)

Cashed out with some ATM’s…

Carney, Bluebird, Pacman…and myself

Talked about being the Body of Christ and what that looks like.  That F3 men go out every day and infiltrate our community and that we are charged with doing Christ’s work.  Charge to go out, reach out, and encourage one another.  Let Christ be your power-source for making a difference.
Appreciate a few men showing up and supporting me on a nasty morning…

Gimme Shelter

THE SCENE: 55 degrees with a light rain to wash the sweat away

Checked off.

To the music of Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones, circa 1969:

SSH – x20; Little Baby Arm Circles (forward and reverse) – x15; Cherry Pickers – x10; Imperial Squat Walkers – x15

Jog; Skip; Bear Crawl/Jog; Bear Crawl/Jog length of the grinder.


“A” Leg Exercises

Under the Pavilion:

Bench Step Ups x12; Dry Docks x12; Squat Jumps x12; Merkins x12; SSH (single count) x12; BBS x12


Run from the Pavilion to the Road:

Merkins x6; BBS x6; Drydocks x6

Run back to the Pavilion.

“B” Leg Exercises

Under the Pavilion (Using CMU’s)

Kettlebell Swings x12; On the Shelf x6/side; Bent Rows x12; Curls x12; Squats x12; Deadlift x6/arm


Run from the Pavilion to the Road:

Merkins x6; BBS x6; Drydocks x6

Run back to the pavilion

Repeat Above as Time Allows

Leg Lifts, Box Cutters, Hello Dolly’s, and then cashed out with 1 minute of Little Baby Crunches.

11 faithful, 0 FNG’s

We started the workout to the song Gimme Shelter, the opening track from the Rolling Stones 1969 album, Let It Bleed.  When asked who sang the song most will generically say the Rolling Stones or specifically, Mick Jagger.  When I listen to the song, I hear Merry Clayton.  She is the background vocalist and the one who puts her heart and soul in the song.  Merry was born on Christmas Day, 1948, and was the daughter of a Baptist minister in the New Orleans area.  She began singing gospel music in church before she was tagged as a background singer for Ray Charles and others at the ripe age of 14.

In 1969 she was pregnant and living with her husband in Los Angeles.  The phone rang around midnight and an agent said this British rock group needed a background vocalist for a track to complete a soon to be released album.  They needed her to come to the recording studio right away.  At first she said no, she was tired and she wasn’t feeling too well.  Her husband said she needed to go; that it might be good for her singing career.  Merry shows up at the studio and talks to Keith Richards about the song, the significance of the words written by Jagger, and the way they wanted it sung.

She sang one take, got some feedback from Richards and Jagger, and then said she would give it one more try.  After the second take she offered a third and then said goodnight.  The rest is history for the Stones.

Merry is always the singer I hear in the song.  She was the one that gave it everything she had and she blows it away – as a backup singer.  The Rolling Stones almost always gets the credit for this hit from almost 50 years ago.

There are many times that our roll in life is like Merry’s was that night.  We are not the one to make the decisions, we are not THE face in the crowd, we are not the leader, we may not get the recognition we deserve.  We are the backup, the support member of the team, the one given a specific task in the big picture, the one that will be an integral part of future success.  Regardless, our job is to push ourselves, attain the objective, and move on to the next.  Always remember that there is no limit to what can be attained if no one cares who gets the credit.

So where is Merry?  She went home after the Stones session and had a miscarriage late that morning.  She believes the stress she put herself in earlier was a factor and she could barely bring herself to sing the song for a few years afterwards.  She continued mostly in a backup singer roll and was highlighted in a 2012 documentary about others in similar rolls that made many of the legendary songs of the past.  Finally some well deserved recognition has come to her.  In 2014 a car accident left her without legs.  Her faith in God and the inner strength and determination derived from that faith is keeping her on her feet and her music alive.


Don’t forget Hardship Hill at Fort Southwest Point Park in Kingston, TN.  Can’t or won’t participate?  Volunteers are needed and welcomed for setup and event day.

Not Another Brick in the Wall

THE SCENE: JUCO – Sloppy Wet rain, but kinda warm 56 degrees.


It’s not F4 (Faith Fitness Fellowship and Fairweather)


  • 20 Side straddle hops
  • 20 Side-to-sides.
  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Big boy situps
  • 20 Diamond Pike Merkins
  • 20 Bicycles

“Another brick in the Wall”.  Mosey over to coupon wall.  Everyone gets and keeps a coupon the whole workout.  Partner up.   As one person does “Around the wall” the other person does “Along the wall” with their coupon.

  • Around the Wall” is:
    • 10 Handstand pushups (against wall)
    • Run to other end of wall (carrying coupon)
    • 10 Hanging Leg lifts  (hang off of overhead railing)
    • Run to top of hill behind wall with coupon
    • 10 Reverse in-cline Merkins (against railing)
    • 10 Burpess
    • 10 In-cline Merkins (against railing)
    • Run to beginning – wait for partner to finish before transitioning to “Along the Wall”
  • Along the wall” is
    • Crab walk coupon carry the length of the wall AND back.
    • Burpee Broad Jump (ahead of coupon) + move coupon overhead to feet with a sit-up
    • As a team – Alternating Cherry Picker coupon baton handoff (over-head to under). Empty handed person on end runs to the front to get the Coupon coming from the team.


The puddles were refreshing and the grass wasn’t muddy.


Fast-n-Easy, Wax-Job, Scrum, Trolley

Jesus’ message is antithetical to the old youth rock montra of “All we are is just another brick in the wall”.  Jesus says you are important, you matter, you are loved, He is very intentional about the value of everyone’s life and everyones every-moment!
Booster wasn’t here so we forgot to mention the schedule and challenge coming up in May.  Also forgot a picture! Doh!

100% Dry Beatdown.

THE SCENE: Warm-ish/light rain

Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. 

My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning
I am not a professional
You are here on your own volition
Which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so BUT
Push yourself and those around you


  1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 10 x 4 in cadence
  2. Flutter Kick: 10 x 4 in cadence
  3. SSH: 15 x 4 in cadence
  4. Little Baby Crunch: 10 x 4 in cadence
  5. SSH: 20 x 4 in cadence
  6. Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence


Steam & Frank identified the 2 options for PAX

Steam: Cardio intensive workout \\ Frank: Core intensive workout

Steam’s Group

  • Mosey to Rock Pile @ Asylum Building
    • Every stop sign = 10 merkins on your own (1 count)
  • 12s @ Rock Pile
    • TOP (Rock Pile) = Rock Chest Presses
    • Bottom (Big ol Tree) = Burpees
    • 1 Rock Chest Press \\ 11 Burpees
  • Proton led PAX in squat circle until all recovered
  • American Indian style mosey back to AO
    • Every stop sign = 10 merkins on your own (1 count)
  • Last .25 mile –> sprint to the AO

Steam’s Group & Frank’s Group Link Back Up @ AO

  • Frank led core work for all PAX at AO (5 minutes)

PAX Count = 31

FNG = 1 —> Dreamer

” I see you” – Jim Branch/God
– I recently had the pleasure of hearing Jim Branch speak and he talked about how God sees us.
– He volunteers as a chaplain for one of the high school football teams in Knoxville and he would see that during practice, one of the seniors who was on the sidelines would call out to the players on the field when they did something good that went un-noticed.
– And he would yell – “I see you – okay, I see you” – letting them know that the efforts they were making were not unseen or un-noticed.
– He went on to talk about his son running track in high school and seeing the other kids run around the track and feeling the excitement for them but when HIS son came around, he saw him from a distance and kinda stood up on his feet because he saw him. He saw his son coming around the track and was filled with so much joy!
– That’s how God sees us. He sees you and is so delighted and overjoyed because you are His son. I love that we have a heavenly father that sees us like that
– This week I want to challenge all of us to see each other. I challenge you to see someone this week. Be that voice of affirmation – “I see you” And also understand how our heavenly father sees us.

Hardship Hill is coming up men! Show out to rep F3 Knoxville in F3’s first OCR event in Knox! Here is the link!


Slugger Special

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and rain


Mosey around the diamonds


Mosey to soccer field

At goal – 5 burpees, bear crawl to outside box line

10 dry docks, crawl bear to quarter field

15 merkins, bear crawl to half

20 jump squats, crawl bear to 2nd quarter

25 BBS, bear crawl to next box

30 Mt climbers single count, crawl bear to next goal

35 Squats, all out sprint back to opposite goal


included with your purchase

5 PAX got a jump on the day


James 1:19

Understand this my dear brother and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

I have a tendency to just hear and not listen and sometimes my knee-jerk reaction is anger or saying something hurtful that I don’t really mean. Instead I try to keep my mouth shut and think about what was said and where that person is coming from and my reactions tend to improve.