F3 Knoxville

More than cards and candy…

THE SCENE: cloudy and pleasant, upper 50s.

Nailed it.  Did I say I wasn’t a professional?… I think so.  Not sure.


20 SSH IC, 13 Steve Earls (lost count), 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of this/that, 10 Tempo Merkins IC, 10 Windmills IC

Valentine’s Day warm up! Mosey to the fields by the new bathroom.  Four cones will be set up for BUCK 25s! Bernie Sanders from center cone to cone to right. 10 pickle pounders/ 10 pickle pointers

Run back to center cone and Bernie to cone to left. 10 pickle pounders/ 10 pickle pointers

Bernie Sanders to cone behind 5 pickle pounders/ 5 pickle pointers

Charge up two terraces of hills, 100 Side Straddle Hops for the Buck 25!

Mosey to Parking Lot across the street.  Q had hidden bag with Valentines for the PAX, but almost couldn’t find where he hid them. (Thanks Ice Man for finding them!)  Each PAX gets a Valentine.  There is a poem with a related exercise.  We will do the exercise at the cones separating the bays, and then run the length of the parking lot and return to the next bay up, or lunge to the next station once we turn the corner.  Another PAX will read their Valentine, and we will continue until all Valentines have been read.  The poems and exercises are (random order):

  1. Roses are Red, violets are blue, I’d climb any mountain, to finally reach you.
  • Do 20 mountain climbers 4-ct

2. I said to you, “Oh, please be mine; Be mine forever, Valentine. I must have seemed like quite a bore, So join me in some Captain Thors!

  • Do Captain Thors (1:4 ratio of BBS:American Hammers up to 5:20). 1x each side = 1 American Hammer
  1. I swore that we would never part,
    As I put my hand upon my heart.
    Had I been thinking with my head,
    I probably would have fled instead
  • Sprint to end of parking lot and back (then do it again to get to next station!)

4.  You’re sharp as a tack and quick as a fox! I got you a gift, just open the box!

  • 20 Box Cutters (4-ct)
  1. After six shots of vodka at the bar,I find you as pretty as a shining star
  • 20 Star Jumps
  1. Valentine, O, Valentine, I’ll be your love and you’ll be mine.
    We’ll always be happy, and that is a fact You’ll be my Jill, and I’ll be your Jack!
  • 20 Plank Jacks (4-ct)
  1. She sent her love a Valentine;
    But he did not reply.
    He packed his bags and waived Adios! And from her he did fly!
  • Do Superman pose, hold for 60 seconds
  1. Oh will you be my wallaby?”
    Asked Mr. Kangaroo.
    “For we could find so very many
    Jumping things to do.”
  • 20 Jump Squats

Mosey to baby cardiac.  We will do two runs up.

  • Run #1, 20 Monkey humpers, Bernie Sanders up, 20 dive bombers at top
  • Run #2, sprint to top, 3 burpees, return to AO

Heart Shaped leg lifts, flutter kicks, box cutters, Peter Parkers

Six men strong, plus one FNG who we named J-Lo.


It’s Valentines Day, after all, but who was St. Valentine?  Glad you asked.  He was a 3rd Century Roman Saint, martyred and buried on February 14, 269 AD, and is the saint of couples, beekeepers, marriage, love, and plague and epilepsy, of all things.

Valentinus (Latin version of his name) defied the emperor Claudius’s orders and secretly perform Christian weddings for couples.  This was prohibited, because Claudius felt single men made better soldiers, as they had less to lose.  To remind the men of their vows and God’s love, Valentinus cut hearts out of parchment and gave them to them, perhaps the origin of heart-shaped Valentines.  For his crimes, he was tortured and ordered under house arrest in Rome.  He pleaded his case to the Judge, and discussed the validity of Jesus’ teachings with him at length.  The Judge tested Valentinus by bringing in his blind daughter.  If Valentinus could restore her sight, the Judge would convert to Christianity.  He touched her eyes and restored her sight.  The Judge was humbled and immediately converted.

So, he was released, but he continued to preach where he wasn’t supposed to, and kept performing Christian marriages, was eventually caught and was sent to the emperor, Claudius II for punishment.  Claudius took a liking to this fellow (I get the impression Valentinus was quite the charmer), but then Valentinus went too far, and tried to convert the emperor to Christianity.  Claudius demanded that Valentinus renounce his faith, and when he didn’t he was beaten with clubs. That didn’t kill him, so they stoned him.  This guy was apparently like the Terminator, and just kept going, so they chopped off his head.  Yep, that did it.  Before he was sentenced, it is rumored that St. Valentine wrote a note to the daughter before he died, signed, “From your Valentine.” Thus inspiring the tradition of love letters.

SO, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about chocolates and flowers and Hallmark cards.  Human love and sexuality is wonderful, and blessed by God, and all that is celebrated by the holiday.  But the saint who it is named for was willing to put his life on the line for what he believed.   And with the power of the Holy Spirit he was able to do that —even to the point of death.

Prayers went out to Swimmie’s uncle, who is suffering for some health issues, and continued prayers for Abscess and his family.

Bomb Shelter C.S.A.U.P. 2019

Low / Mid 30’s

Fins on Q to get things warmed up!
LB Arm Circles F/B
Large Arm Circles F/B
Tempo Squats
Cherry Pickers
Toe Touches
Jump Rope

Mosey .6 miles to the first beatdown location at the Elementary School.
The Ancient Kraken! (Designed by Pinocchio!) 8 Excersises with Mt. Suckmore & 5 Burpees:
After each exercise run around the Kraken, up Mt. Suckmore, Complete 5 Burpees and continue around the Kraken to the next exercise.  Rinse and Repeat for 30 min…

  • T-Merkins (x16)
  • Dr. W (x10)
  • Bobby Hurleys (x20)
  • Star Jacks (x30)
  • Mr. Spectacular (x12)
  • Shoulder Tap Merk (x12)
  • Single Leg Dead Lift Squat (x10ea.)
  • Alternating BBS (x20)

Just over 2 miles to the next beatdown location. The Murph & Mary at the Alcoa Bridge. Pax split in half and began with the Murph beatdown. Once completed they began Mary (OYO) for a rinse and repeat until the 1 hour time limit was completed.

  • Murph
    • 1 Mile Run
    • 100 Pull-ups
    • 200 Push-ups
    • 300 Air Squats
    • 1 Mile Run
  • Mary (Designed by Fins)
    • BBS (x10)
    • Ankle Touches (x10ea.)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Holly Dolly (x10 IC)
    • American Hammers (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • LBC (x15)
    • Bicycle (x10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back
    • Flutter Kick (x10 IC)
    • Mountain Climber (10 IC)
      • Run to Bridge & Back

1.8 miles to the next beatdown location. The Alcoa High School Football Field. (Designed by Mr. Rogers & Moses!)
Pax split into teams of 3 with 1 pax in each endzone and 1 at the 50 yard line. The pax member at the 50 completes exercise and release the pax member at the end zone. That pax member then runs to the 50, completes the exercise continues to the next end zone and releases the pax member. Rinse and Repeat. (1 hour total, with movements being 8 minutes each.

  • South End Zone Exercises:
    • Box Cutters
    • Leg Lifts
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Iron Cross Big Boys
    • Pickle Pounders
    • Bicycle Kicks
  • 50 Yard Line Exercises:
    • Peter Parker Merkins (x8)
    • Dry Docks (x8)
    • Body Builders (x4)
    • Bear Crawl (20 yards)
    • Hand Release Merkins (x8)
    • Big Boys (x10)
  • North End Zone
    • Air Squats
    • Bobby Hurleys
    • Reverse Pickle Pounders
    • Good Mornings
    • Monkey Humpers
    • Holly Dolly
  • After 48 minutes of movements the pax had the opportunity to “Cash Out”!
    • Moby – Flower 3:26 (High Plank / Low Plank – Bring Sally up / Bring Sally Down)

  • Alcoa Football Field Playlist:
    • Guns N’ Roses – Welcome to the Jungle
    • Ozzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
    • Sam Tinnesz – Ready Set Let’s Go
    • Imagine Dragons – Whatever it Takes
    • AC/DC – Shoot to Thrill
    • Beastie Boys – Sabotage
    • Linkin Park – Wretches and Kings
    • Carrollton – Shelter
    • AC/DC – T.N.T.
    • Sam Tinnesz – Wolves
    • Eminem – Till I Collapse
    • Carrollton – Made for This
    • Papa Roach – Born for Greatness
    • Dropkick Murphys – I’m Shipping up to Boston
    • Logic & Rag’n’Bone Man – Broken People
    • Metallica – For Whom the Bell Tolls
    • Moby – Flower

25 Pax!
What kinda “ripples” are you creating?  I spoke to the pax about the rock hitting the pond and the ripple effect.  Be a positive ripple in this world!

Luck of the Draw


Shoulder Shredders x 20 IC
Air Squats x 20 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey through the park stopping periodically to pull 4 random cards. Shuffle and repeat.
LBC X 10
Side Crunch x 10
Repeat for 5 minutes
10 men embraced the chaos of life.
Embrace the chaos life brings. Let it roll over you and see where it takes you. Sometimes chaos is good and sometimes not so good. Regardless, it stimulates character growth. Variety is the spice of life.

Stairway to Heaven (If Heaven Is Monkey Humpers)

THE SCENE: Low 30’s. Distinct lack of rain.

25x SSH IC
15x TN Rocking Chair IC
5x Cherry Pickers IC
10x Hindurkins IC
Calfkiller (5 sets of 20 calf raises, punctuated with 25%, 50%, 75%, and AYG runs across the parking lot)


Mosey through the parking lots toward Success Drive entrance.
Stop at steep hill for 7’s: Burpees and Squat Jumps.
Audible after the first trip up the hill… There’s seeding and landscap netting up there!
Mosey on around to a clear hill and continue with 7s

Continue mosey to the Success Drive entrance, Al Gore for the 6 and then 10 Merkins OYO

Head across the street to the alley and stairway behind the strip mall.
Partner up, one PAX at the top, one at the bottom.
Partner at top starts exercise, partner at bottom runs up the stairs and immediately back down.
At the bottom, call for battle buddy by name and do reps of exercise until battle buddy completes stair run and calls.
Stick with same exercise until Q calls out next exercise, at which time upper and lower PAX swap places.
Monkey Humpers
8-count Body Builders

Head back toward the AO…

Stop in front of the Zaxby’s in a well-lit area
Line up on the sidewalk facing the restaurant – 15x 4ct Monkey Humpers IC!

Back across the street… Hey, there’s a pile of bricks! Everyone grab 2 for some impromptu shoulder work!

Finally back to the AO

Just enough time to row our boats gently down the stream a few times…
12 PAX killed it today!
So yesterday had quite a few instances of suck. Nothing awful, but kinda one of those days. Late leaving the house because we had to prep for a last-minute showing. Got a call from Doggy Camp that the dog has diarrhea and needs to go to the vet. Leave work and go sit at the vet for a couple hours. Turns out she’s contagious and can’t go back for a week, so there goes my lunch for the next week. Take her home, back to work, stay late, come home, clean up diarrhea…

I say all that not to have a pity party for me, but to point out kind of how minor all that stuff is in the big picture… However, the biggest suck turned out to be my attitude. I was convicted by something I saw on Facebook of all places. Just a little platitude on a cloud background, but it was appropriate, and it rang true: You can’t always choose your circumstances, but you CAN always choose how you react to them. I had reacted poorly. Selfishly. I didn’t come out and blow up in some way I would regret later, but I just seethed away inside. It’s pride. It’s sin. And it just eats away at your soul, taking your eyes off the mark.

So don’t let things control you. Take control. Choose how you react when the crap hits the fan (or splatters on the wall, as the case may be).

Bittersweet Q this morning… It’s great to lead a great group of HIMs, but hate that the opportunity came at Bagger’s expense. Speedy recovery to you, Sir!
Town of Farragut Shamrock Ball (father/daughter).
Official launch coming up for the Quacken (Fountain City) coming March 1

In the Soup at the Ayslum

THE SCENE: Light Rain, Overcast, slight wind, Low 50s and a bit soupy.

SSH  IC 20
Arm Circles -forward  thumbs up – IC
Arm Circles -forward  thumbs down – IC
Cherry Pickers IC
Candy Corns 30
15 Proper squats 15
Merkins 15


11’s Part one – increase by one at each lamp post
Deep Squats
Mosey down hill to CMU Pile
25 pull ups
25 Rows
25 Push Ups
American Hammers/Russian Twists with CMU – 10 count
and then 10 more with CMU
Mosey Back to Shelter
10 Fast Bench Pull Ups – OYO
15 Bench Step Ups- OYO
5 Slow Bench Pull Ups – IC
Mosey to Sidewalk by AO
11s Part two – Increase by one at each lamp post
Bernie Sanders across lot and halfway up hill
End with 20 Merkins



@Abscess, @Switchgrass, @Doubtfire, @High Heels, @Swimmies, @Pinto, @Sparkler, @Airbag (FNG-Sam Man), @Dutch Oven (FNG Brad Hight)
This life is not a practice, there are no do-overs. We need to make the most of the time God gave us – especially with those that are close to us. We need to take time to have the talk, go on the walk, give the big hug (the 10 second one), have the discussion, go on the run, have the coffee….

Go for it now – the future is promised to no one – Wayne Dyer

We make the time for the things that are most important to us –  unamimous
Asking  for prayers and thoughts for Shane Crisp (Abscess) Family who are mourning the tragic loss of a loved one
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.