F3 Knoxville

Ringing the B.E.L.L.S.

THE SCENE: Nice and crisp – feelin’ like a spring day!

  • 15 Baby Arm Circles – Reverse it
  • 25 SSH
  • 10 cherry pickers
  • 15 tempo squats
  • 10 tempo Merkins
  • 10 MTN climbers

Mosey on offer to the hill near the ‘ol Chocolate Factory, grab a partner and tackle the Burp Back Mountain.  100 total burpees.  While one partner does burpees the other sprints to the top of the hill, turns, and runs back.

Mosey over to the stairs beneath the glorious wig housing Big Ball and get ready for Elevens!  Start at the bottom of the stairs with 10 squats, run to the top, and perform 1 8-count bodybuilder.  Run back down the stairs for 9 squats, run up, 2 8-count bodybuilders… Keep going until 1 squat and 10 8-count bodybuilders.

Mosey over to the bridge beyond the big pond. Make your way across with Lt. Dans. Lt Dans = Lunge with right leg, lunge with left, squat… Repeat until halfway down.  Turn and mosey back towards the AO.  Stop just underneath the Big Ball and SPRINT back to the AO.

  • Burpback
  • Elevens
  • Lunge
  • Lunge
  • Sprint

= B.E.L.L.S.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Joan Cronan was the Athletic Director for the Lady Vols and worked with Pat Summit to help oversee much of the women’s athletics program’s success.  I once saw her give a talk about ensuring that every day you ring your B.E.L.L.S.  The B.E.L.L.S. are

  • Bible
  • Exercise
  • Learn
  • Letter of gratitude
  • Special project

These are daily habits that help ensure a well rounded and focused mind. Spend time in the Word, take care of your body daily, learn something new (as simple as a new word), let someone know you are grateful for them (read Ephesians 1:16 – pray for them by name), and take 5 minutes to straighten a junk drawer or toss old food out. That few minutes of chipping away at a bigger thing helps you eat the elephant one bite at a time.

CSAUP with the Bombshelter on Saturday! On a personal plug: fundraising pint night at Elkmont Exchange on Wed for Cystic Fibrosis 5-9pm

Monkey humpers are way better than squats

THE SCENE: 39 maybe

SSH x50 on the 4ct IC

merkins x10 on the 4 IC

Peter Parkers x10 on the 4 IC

monkey humpers x10 on the 4 IC

repeat, merkins, peter parkers, MH


  • Mosey to Wax Job Hill for 11s. start with 10 Monkey humpers at the bottom, Bernie up and do 1 BBS
  • Mosey to the church parking lot, stopping 2 times for Rocky balboas on the curb (20 -4ct IC)
  • At the church parking lot, bear crawl and do one merkin at each line, maybe 15-20 lines, then crawl bear back doing merkins at each line.
  • jog/sprints x4 the whole parking lot
  • Indian run back to the AO and stop by the play ground
  • music and cones! 4 cones to make one big box. With Chumbawumba playing, do SSH and when they say “I get knocked down” do a broad jump burpee to each cone. the key was to broad jump good enough to make it around the cones before the song was finished. Usually, you SSH/burpee in place the whole song but not this time. it pays to be a winner!

Merkins x10 IC

Peter parkers x10 IC

Monkey humpers x10

Black Jack – 20 big boys/ 1 superman alternating arm/leg lift. We got to around 11 and 10

cashed out with ATMs
11 pax
Ecclesiastes 4:9-1
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Nightmare after the Super Bowl

THE SCENE: Cool and crisp. Nice morning.

BAC x10 IC
Little bit of…
Sumo Shoulders x10 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Merks 4ct x10 IC
5 Bodybuilders IC

Shoulder Shredder – 100 4ct OH Claps

Approach big hill near AO start. Going uphill: Bear crawl 12 paces, crawl bear 6 paces. Repeat until reaching the top

Mosey down to new lots.

Escalator using 4 corners: Perform exercises at Corner 1, run lap, Corner 1 + Corner 2, run lap, keep building for 4 corners
Corner 1: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Merkins
Corner 2: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Sit-up-ups
Corner 3: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Crab Cakes
Corner 4: 10x Bodybuilders, 10x Angle Grinders

Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Shredder again

Discussed Jim Collins 20 mile march concept. Choose a goal and consistently move toward it instead of balls to the wall on good days and no movement at all on bad days. Apply this to the push-up/sit-up charity challenge and don’t get behind.  https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/whats-your-20-mile-march/ 

2nd F lunch Wednesday @ Jamaica Sunrise in Maryville
CSAUP at Bomb Shelter this Saturday

Fun on Crumpet

THE SCENE: 50s. Heat wave.

Squats 4-count x 15 IC
Merkins 4-count x 10 IC
Burpees x 5
Carry CMUs to Crumpet
Burpee Broad Jump
30 Curls
Bear Crawl
30 Tricep Extensions
Inch Worm Merkin
30 Bent Rows
Crawl Bear
30 Upright Rows
Lt Dan
30 Goblet Squats
Captain Thor w/ CMU 8:32
LBCs 1 minute
12 brave souls.
“A runner is a miser, spending the pennies of his energy with great stinginess, constantly wanting to know how much he has spent and how much longer he will be expected to pay. He wants to be broke at precisely the moment he no longer needs his coin.”

“What’s crucial is the need to override what your instincts are telling you to do (slow down, back off, give up), and the sense of elapsed time. Taking a punch without flinching requires self-control, but endurance implies something more sustained: holding your finger in the flame long enough to feel the heat; filling the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run.”

“In a wide variety of human activity, achievement is not possible without discomfort.”
– Alex Hutchinson Endure

The Project Launch

THE SCENE: a balmy low 50s.  Perfect!
15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 mountain climber, 10 tempo merkin, 15 Freddie Mercury, 10 windmill
Mosey to the playground.  Perform 10 pull-ups and 20 merkins at the playground.  Run to the opposite side of the amphitheater and do 20 derkins and 20 dips.  Repeat once.  For round 2, perform 10 pull-ups and 20 squats at the playground and then 10 box jumps and 20 lunges (10 each leg).

Mosey to the track and football field.  On the field, assemble on the goal-line for a modified version of Bear-way-to-Heaven.

  • bear crawl to the 10 and do 10 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 30 and do 8 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 50 and do 6 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 30 and do 8 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 10 and do 10 burpees, mosey back to goal-line

Next, perform 20 squats at the goal-line and sprint to the 50 and do 20 merkins and sprint back to the goal-line. Then, do 20 sumo squats at the goal-line and sprint to the opposite goal-line and do 20 diamond merkins and sprint back to the goal-line.

No time today, but we did get in some Hello Dolly before leaving the field so we could catch our breath.
8 PAX today to launch The Project
I had a bit of a rough weekend.  There is a lot on my mind right now:  upcoming Professional Engineering exam, projects at the house, and constant job of trying to be a better father.  Teaching our children and the other young ones around us is more than just instruction.  It is also teaching by example.  I sometimes find myself being very negative about some of the things I do especially if I mess-up.  I accuse myself of being inadequate to put it nicely. I remember my father doing similar things when I was a kid and it makes me think about the example I am setting for my children.  We need to be sure we are living the lives that we want our children to lead one day.
Thanks for the support from the JUCO HIMs this morning!
CSAUP coming up this Saturday!