F3 Knoxville

Ampitheater Circuit at the Big Ball

THE SCENE: Very wet, low 40s.

SSH x 25 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Mosey to Ampitheatre b/c it was super wet out

Continue warming up under cover on the stage

Baby Arm Circles x15 up and down IC

Burpee Drill – SSH until PAX yells “down!” to do one burpee. Everyone gets a turn around the circle.

Ampitheater Circuit –

6 Stations around the Ampitheater on the floor and on the upper level at the top of the stairs.

– 3 circuits – 20, 25, 30 reps

  1. Bottom right – MERKINS
  2. Top right – BBS
  3. Bottom center right – IMPERIAL WALKERS 4CT
    1. Bear crawl to next station
  4. Bottom center left – SQUATS
  5. Top left – PULLUPS
  6. Bottom left – AMERICAN HAMMERS 2CT
    1. Bear crawl back to 1. Repeat 3x
  • 21s – Counting is not that hard…
    • PAX do 21 SSH. First 5 are counted out loud. 6-21 are counted silently. If we don’t all stop at the exact same time, we do an exercise…. group too small to make this effective b/c we all stopped at the exact same time – even with our backs turned away from each other.
    • Each PAX was asked to lead us in an exercise around the circle

Plank with shoulder taps around the circle

Everyone in the plank position. First PAX does 10 shoulder taps on a 4CT while the others hold the plank position. Rotate around the circle so everyone gets a turn while the others plank.

G-6, Abort, Swanson, Si Pad, Filter
MLK speech at Spelman College in 1960 – “If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl; but by all means keep moving.”
Prayers for lots of folks in and around our group with health issues.

Winter Mix

THE SCENE: Rain/Snow 40 degrees

T-Plank Arm Circles x10 Each Direction, Each Arm

Fabreez (2 sit up then 10 air presses with feet 6″ off ground; 4/20; 8/30)

Global Warming-Hold Al Gore and move in circle. Q calls out exercise (5 merkin, 5 burpee)

Charles Bronson: Complete reps listed on white board, run to first cone (75 yards), bear crawl to second (5 yards)

  • 50 SSH
  • 50 Merkin
  • 50 Burpee
  • 50 BBS
  • 50 Jump Squat

F3 IM: Complete exercises in 1:30. After 1:30 add one rep up to 10 reps. Each round is only 1:30.

  • 5 Burpee
  • 5 Merkin
  • 5 flutters (single)
  • 5 SSH

Capn Thor

Flutters x 30 IC

Hello Dolly x 20 IC

Boat Canoe

Ring of Fire

Pray. Lots of prayer requests for our PAX. Take time at lunch to repeat our prayers from this morning.


Mist, Rain, Sleet, Snow


Dog Pound: windy, misty, rainy, sleety, snowy, coldy

SSH, rocketts x20

Mosey to the lot for roughly 10 sprints and then mosey back to AO to pickup CMUs I forgot to get.

Mosey to the lot and partner up, DORA: one does exercise, one runs to the end of the lot and back (about 150-175 yds?)

exercises are: CMU curls 150, CMU overhead presses 150, cleans 100, merkins on CMU 100, reverse squat walk dragging CMU down and back.

Mosey to tennis courts.  Suicides at EVERY line on both courts. Then some quick twitch knee ups along the fence, bear crawl suicides that sucked and audibles to squat walks. Finished with one more round of regular suicides

No time for her today

10 total, including visitor from Nolensville “Mic Drop”


How do we learn best?
By reading instructions or by watching how it is done by someone that knows the process?
Are we a study God’s word culture or are we a do God’s word culture? By doing rather that studying, we develop a culture that newcomers and the young feed off of. They learn by watching the faithful not by studying.
Lets go be a “Do God’s word” and not just a “study God’s word”


Welcome Mic Drop from Nolensville TN.  He will be “dropping” by once or twice a month.

We went from mist, to rain, to sleet, to snow today.

Forgot to mention Snacks for WH till tues, WH kids workout

testing out the 1-2 step up

THE SCENE: 39* which was a heat wave after Monday and Tuesday

Gear inspection and quick warm up
  • BAC forward and reverse
  • Tempo squats
  • 8 count bodybuilders
Gear up and move out. Head to UT amphitheater by library. 4 PAX with rucks, two additional 60 pound sandbags. Rotate bags as needed until reaching amphitheater.
Two count of one arm ruck overhead squats, then step up to next level of amphitheater. Continue to the top.
2 derkin at each level, bear crawl going down (hence forth known as the controlled fall).
Two rounds, switch arm for ruck overhead going up. Same two count controlled fall going down. THIS WAS HARD.
Bucket list style, mule run. One man farmer carries both 60 bags about 20 yards and back. Upon return, next man takes turn and the group moves to next exercise.
  • Curls
  • Flutters
  • 8 counts
  • Thrusters
  • Sit ups
  • Overhead over and back
  • Merkins
  • Ruck OH squats

Went two rounds of this, bumping order. Ruck up and head back to start point, climbing stairs at The Hill and Pfeiffer finding another solid mountain to ruck up. (A Rod once said if you have a choice to go over or around a mountain, you always go over).

Cash out with Amazon complex. Burpee on top on sandbag -> strict curl -> clean -> squat -> press throw to next person in the circle. 5 reps for each man.

4 weirdos: Fast n Easy, Pfeiffer, Swanson, Abort

Short Circuit at JUCO

THE SCENE: 40*, drizzly
10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Overhead Claps, 10 Tempo Merkins
Mosey to the courtyard for a round of 11’s with incline merkins and box squats. Jump over the brick wall in between sets.

Mosey to the brick pile.

Circuit training: 5 stations of exercises to be performed as a circuit with a lap around the retention wall after each station. The stations were:

  • 15 – Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Toss (50lbs and 40lbs options)
  • 10 – Burpees
  • 25 – CMU Rows
  • 15 – CMU Swings
  • 25 – CMU Curls

We completed approximately 3-4 circuits before heading back to the AO. Kudos to Bagger for taking the initiative to carry the sandbags the 1/2 mile back to the AO.

20 – Flutter Kicks (Erector)
13 HIMs came out on hump day

“If you pray for rain, take an umbrella.”

This phrase has always stuck with me when I consider the things I pray for. If you’re going to ask for God to intervene in your life, you need to have faith that He will do so. Our faith is manifested in the belief that God will answer our prayers. Ezra is a great example of this principle. When Ezra made plans to travel from Babylon back to Jerusalem he refused an escort from the King. He knew he would be traveling a long distance through hostile land, but he insisted that he did not need an escort because he had prayed to God for protection. Ezra had faith that God would answer his prayer and he acted on this faith. The next time you pray, don’t forget to take your umbrella.

Shoutout to Bagger and Judge Judy for joining me on the pre-ruck and to Erector for knocking out a pre-run. We’d love to grow the pre-ruck/pre-run group. Come on out at 4:45 for some extra credit.
Bring snacks this week and next for the kids at the Wesley House.

The new Oak Ridge AO is set to start up on February 5th and will be on Tuesdays. Contact Erector if you are interested.