F3 Knoxville

I need to Learn to Count…..

Welcome and Disclaimer

Warm o Roma-

-Side straddle hop (IC*10)
-Baby arm circle fwd (10)
-Back (10)
-Cherry picker
-Imperial Walker (IC*10)


-Football Sprint in place with random timer. Each beep, burpee, continue Sprint. For 1 minutes. 10 countdown

-Ring of Fire with merkins.
Q will start with 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Next HIM will do 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Keep going around down to 1.

-Mosey to pavilion
. partner up. Dips/pull ups to 100 total.

-Mosey to AO.
– Use CMU’s for Ring of Fire. Sit on 6 and press.
– Ring of Fire with goblet squats


-Flutter Kicks (IC*15)
-American Hammer (IC*15)
-LBC (IC*30) Courtesy of Junk


– Led by Ratchet. F3’s mission statement described and PAX challenged to create a mission statement for our own individual lives and live it out.


Up the Hallowed Hills


Mosey to The Hill

  • Up Engineering Stairs, Derkins at the top
  • Down Main Stairs
  • Route 66 accross Pedestrian Bridge
    • 3 Squat Jumps at every light column
  • Mosey to Neyland Hill
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees x2
  • Mosey to Loudon Hill
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees
    • Abs at bottom
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees at every driveway
  • Mosey back to AO

Landline visits Kory Hill

THE SCENE: Dog Pound, early, dry and a nice temp

MOSEY around the outhouse, SSH x20, 10 mericans, 15 SSH ,10 mericans, 15 SSHs, 10 mericans, 15 Mary Catherine gallager type SHH, 10 mericans, then 5 bad ass karate kid kicks!

Mosey to lot next to Matterhorn. 7 spots in a line spaced 10’ apart, across the lot. 7 cones across the lot from them at different lengths (20 to 70 yards ) complete exercise and run around cone across from it and back moving to next exercise. Repeat till the groaning level is sufficient.

  1. SSH x50
  2. Karate kid kicks x10 each leg
  3. squat jumps x25
  4. Merkins x40
  5. CMU curl and press x20
  6. CMU Tris and press x 20
  7. shoulder tap merkins x20

Mosey down Lot around to the docks. Mosey to Cory hill stopping at every other parking line for 1 merkin until reaching hill (20 lines?)

squat walk up Cory Hill, mosey down, Bernie squat up, mosey down, bear crawl up, mosey down …repeat flutter kick till 6 catches

mosey to AO

Landline takes over with some pac-mans, box cutters, Peter Parker’s and side crunches


Hope in God is real. Hope in things, people is nothing. There is hope in Jesus and he has given us the freedom from sin.

Talked about being more intentional with bible reading. Keeping accountability.

had a great picture wearing our shirts for WAgon Wheels friend Bryan who is struggling with a medical issue
Going away party for landline tonight, kickball teams, F3 olympics

Be like a kid, be resilient

THE SCENE: Muggy n humid

yep, did that

Capri lap around the P lot while a couple rolled in late

sshx20 ic

squats x20 ic

merkins x20 ic

iron mikes x10 oyo

froggie squats x 10 ic

manmakers x 10

mr spectacular x 5 oyo
Suicidal 11s

  • 10 cones
  • 1 mr spectacular and suicide the 10 cones spread across the Parking lot
  • 2 mr spectacular and 9 cone suicide
  • Ascending and descending w both totaling 11
  • We got to 4 cones and 7 mr spectacular before time ran out as I wanted 5 mins of Mary

Flutters x 20

lbcx 20

roll over for press ups x 5

roll back over for boxcutters x 10 ic

Cash out w ATM s
20 pax including 1 FNG . We also had an awesome dog that did the suicides w us!
Be like a kid and be Resilient! My family hiked Mt Leconte this weekend . My 3 boys , 7,10,11 did awesome and actually much better than I expected, especially my 7 yr old. Kids !! They are so resilient ! My 7 yr old , Evan , ended up hiking about 15 miles the whole weekend. I thought, for sure, he would be whooped. NOPE! He is so resilient and just bounced back like it was nothing. I will say he struggled a bit but I encouraged him to keep going and we even made up a song about Evan making it the top. He kept going even when it got tough for him. I love you Evan, Joseph and Christian. I especially love my wife Catherine for she might be the most resilient of all of my Fanily! Actually , I know she is.
Basically, kids are resilient and with encouragement, they can do way more than they think. As adults, we are resilient of course but may not be as much as kids. Maybe we know too much! Let’s be resilient and encourage each other to push through the tough

aye !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

More Roll-up V-ups Please

THE SCENE: Low 70s…pretty humid but not too bad



  • Side straddle hops x 20
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10


Mosey to Watt Rd parking lot

Descending Ladder.  Work your way down the list until you’ve completed the last exercise, then run a lap around the parking lot.  Rinse/repeat and remove the lowest number exercise each time through until you’ve completed 10 circuits.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Iron Mikes
  • 8 Roll-up, V-up
  • 7 Incline Merkins
  • 6 Squat Jumps
  • 5 WWI
  • 4 Diamond Merkins
  • 3 Side Lunges
  • 2 Jump Knee Tucks
  • 1 Round the Clock Merkin

Soccer field.  6 Cones set up in rectangular shape.  Mosey from cone to cone completing 20 reps of each exercise.

  • Wide Merkin
  • Speed Skater
  • Box Cutter
  • Big Boy Situp
  • Calf Raise
  • Ranger Merkin


Since the Roll-up V-ups were such a crowd pleaser, we ended with 1 minute of these in cadence.

10 total:  Gibbler, Tank, Cosmo, Cornhole, I-Beam, Black Lung, Sparky, Mr. Clean, Wall Ball, Bartman

Just a word about family & extended family.  Love them even though they drive you nuts sometimes!