F3 Knoxville

Curling and jumping

THE SCENE: Fantastic


Mosey around the outhouse, grab a good sized pee rock, disclaimer along the way


Mosey to the tennis courts

  • Hand stand Merkins
  • 20 curls
  • x3

Mosey to the soccer field for the following

  • High knees
  • Side to side
  • Bear Crawl
  • Lunges
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Broad jumps
  • Gorilla Walk
  • Sprint
  •  x 20 Merkins on one end
  • x 20 CMU curls on the other end

Mosey back to the rock pile

  • Wheel barrow
  • Leap frog
  • Partner carry
  • Partner drag

Mosey to the AO for the final beatdown

  • Tabata of the following exercises
  • Iron mikes
  • Lizard hops
  • Tuck jumps
  • Donkey kicks
  • x 30, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest

We didn’t have time for Mary


I spent 5 days on a road trip with my 8 year old son, and while I thought I would teach him a lot of things, he is the one that taught me some stuff.  I wish we could all see the world through an 8 year old’s eyes.  The things we see everyday and ignore or take for granted, or don’t give God credit for are amazing.  I know I don’t always say the right things, do the right things, or take the time to just let God work in me and let me see His creation as He intended.  But seeing it through my sons eyes I do get to see it.  I encourage each of you to go out and see the world better, treat the world better, and make the world better.

Our man Steam ventured into the Dog Pound for the first time and brought an FNG Dinger along with him.  Glad to have you both in the gloom.

Diamonds are a mans best friend

THE SCENE: Mornin’ time and dark


Tactical card 5 of diamonds

100 burpees

100 air squats

100 sir ups/ lbc

we did sets of 10 Burps with jogging between sets
Not sure about tha thang but after the warmup , we ran a 1/4 mile and then did 1:4 ratio of pull ups

Snorkel and Moses amrap pull ups for a total of 35 pull ups. The rest of the pax did 1/4 total of their pull ups . 10 pull ups basically . Gotta start somewhere!

  • Bearway to heaven
  • Yep, bear crawl suicides w more burpees while listening to Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven

Flutters x20 ic

side crunches x10 ic each side
10 pax beat the fartsack and worked hard this morning
Be intentional


Ruck… Moses mile coming up

About time

  • THE SCENE: 69 degrees.  Overcast, but humid

    Baby arm circles (4 ct) x 15 forward/back

Overhead claps (4 ct) x 15

Overhead Air Press (4 ct) x 15

A little of this/that and Michael Phelps

SSH (4 ct) x 20

Hamstring stretch

Body Builders x 5

  • Mosey to Big Ball.  Morning Call:  Pax line up in plank, 1st Pax completes 5 pull-ups while remaining Pax completes 5 Merkins, repeat until all Pax have completed pull-ups.
  • Mosey to steps behind engineering building.  7’s with 4 ct flutter kicks and burpees.
  • Mosey to steps below biology building.  Split into groups of 3.  1st member half way up steps performing exercises with coupon (Rd. 1 alternate Mr. Incredibles x 10 and overhead press x 15, Rd. 2 Squat press x 15 and Curls x 20, Rd. 3 Bent Row x 15 and tricep extensions x 15).  2nd member at far side of the bridge performing ab exercises (Rd. 1 Alternate Flutter kicks (4 ct) x 15 and LBC x 15, Rd. 2 American Hammers (4 ct) x 15 and WWII sit-ups x 15, Rd. 3 Hello Dollys (4 ct) x 15 and Heels to heaven x 15).  3rd member running between group 1 and 2 with 3 burpees halfway across bridge.
  • More planned but out of time.  Mosey back to AO.  No time for Mary.

10 strong.  No FNGs. Bob Ross and The Voice were also in attendance.

We accomplished a lot of work in a short amount of time today.  We all have limited time and countless demands for it.  We can accomplish great achievement when we are present, focused, and engaged.

I want to specifically address time with our families.  Summer is a time we frequently have more time to devote to our families.  Schedules are less full, we have vacations, kids have later bedtimes.  Future moments are not guaranteed.   I encourage you to make these moments count.  Be present, engaged, and focused.

“We all make time for what we feel is important in our lives.” Anonymous

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, a parent.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Anonymous

Battle Buddy Beatdown

Round 1 (x3):

  • Buddy Presses x10
  • Buddy Lateral Raises x10

Round 2 (x3):

  • Pull-ups x10
  • Buddy Leg Throw-downs x10

Reverse Indian Runs

Push-up Ring of Fire


Gorbechev, tear down that wall

THE SCENE: Georgeous breezy 78  5:30 degrees.

No new FNGs (Welcome Bueler)

5 reps of Side straddle hops, merkins, burpies, side-to-side, forward lunges.

Mosey to Wall while warming up.  During mosey 10 baby arm circles, 10 merkins, 10 burpies, 10 side-straddle hops, 10 forward lunges.


Summary: Loop around the big wall (with hill), building 4 small walls of cmus along the way with exercises to move the cmus.   Each HIM starts with 7 cmus – stack them into a wall at starting gate.  (We had 9 HIMS so 63 cmus)

For each wall move there is a digger and stacker to help feed the brick moving chain gang – so they can stay in position.  The digger feeds the train/conveyor exercise belt with bricks.  The stacker takes the bricks that come out the other side and stacks them at the next exercise starting point 40 feet away.

First Exercise to move the cmus 40 feet by doing the Plank Shuffle lined up in a train (side by side).

Second Exercise: Big Boy Chain gang (pull over block, sit-up, drop block at your feet for next guy).

Third Exercise: Lunge the blocks to the end of the big wall – No digger or stacker.  Can take more than one cmu with you.

Fourth Exercise: Bernie walk ALL the cmus up to the top of the hill.

Five Exercise: 2 block burpies at top of hill.

Sixth Exercise: Carry blocks forward walk back to original location.

Seventh Exercise: Speed dis-assemble wall back to it’s original spot.

Mosey back to beginning with 5 intermittent 50 yard sprints and merkins, and burpies.

10 Box cutters
9 HIMS, Booster, Bueler, Pink Eye, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Trolley, Waxjob, Stye, Speedo

Galations 6 Message:  1-3 Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ’s law. If you think you are too good for that, you are badly deceived.

Happy Belated Fathers day!