F3 Knoxville

Old School Wednesday

THE SCENE:  low 70s & muggy


20 SSH, leg stretches, run to the speed bump and back


  • Curls
  • Goblet Squat
  • OH Press
  • KB Swing
  • Calf Raise
  • Lunge
  • Bent Over Row

Do reps of each exercise above, when finished with the set do 10 Burpees and run to the speed bump and back.  6 total cycles thru the list.  Reps= 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5.

4:   Tank, Scooter, Iso, Bartman

Things that happened on Sept 5th:  1906, the first forward pass in football was attempted;  1914, Babe Ruth hit his first professional home run playing international ball.

Question to the PAX:  what are you doing now that will be remembered in the future?



Maximus Decimus Meridius

THE SCENE: Muggy slugs.   A nice goose poop shlack covered the parking lot.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER : Know thyself.

Windmills, GooseStep Touch, Fast Pinnapple Pickers, Squat Jumps, Burpees.

Each HIM grabs a CMU and some chalk and writes a 6×6 grid/table on the ground.   Column names are the exercises.  Row names are the round numbers.

  1. Merkins
  2. 4 count flutters
  3. Squats
  4. Push Press
  5. Star Crunches
  6. Iron Mikes

Do a maximum number of reps possible without pausing.  If you pause for more than one second then that is when you stop for that exercise. That is your failing point and number of reps to record with chalk in that box.  Then give yourself a small rest before beginning the next exercise until failure.

Do as many rounds as possible in the 25 minutes provided.

Side crunches. Supermans, Bicycles, Groiners. Windmills, T-Bombs, Low Country Crab Boils.  Run around circle of men on six pushing down leg lifts.

F3 Appreciation for inspiration for persperation and perseverance.

45 Minutes by the Rock Pile

THE SCENE: Humid, Gloomy, Dark

Nordic Tracks, Side Straddle Hops

2 line mosey to the rock pile where we completed a Tabata style work out, 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. 4 rounds of each exercise

  • Plyo Wide Squats with a Rock
  • Mericans with a Frog
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • 4 lunges forward with the rock above the head, 4 reverse lunges with an overhead press
  • Plank alternating one leg pull in, crossover, extend out
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • Burpees
  • Dips
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats

Indian Run back to the AO

No time for mary

Growing in Christ and becoming a Man after God’s on heard begins in everyday small decisions of obedience and discipline.

A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall

THE SCENE:  Thunderstorms, plenty of rain and lightening.

We had to make a mad dash to the northern ball fields pavilion as we were getting started, due to rain and lightening.  It was full of people so we made another dash to the outdoor chapel and worked out there.  We did plank stretches and then got to “Tha-thang”.
Totem poles doing each exercise for 30 seconds before going to the next one.  In round one we do the first exercise only.  In round 2 we do the first and second.  In round 3 we do the first, second and third.  We keep going until all five exercises are done.  Then we drop off the first exercise and do only exercises two through five.  Next we drop the second exercise and do only three through five.  We do this until only the fifth exercise is done.  The following are the exercises:

  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Decline Merkins
  • Bench lifts
  • Squat Jacks

Next, we did four corners, performing 20 Little Baby Crunches at each corner.  We hopped from corner one to two, Bernie Sanders Sprinted from two to three, bear crawled from three to four, and sprinted from four to one.  Next we repeated the above routine except did 15 Big Boy Sit-Ups at each corner

Next we did another totem pole but this time with only four exercises.  They were:

  • Squat Jacks
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dollies
  • Mountain Climbers

We had ten men present including a Flying EH whom we named Nick.  We gave him the F3 name of Stormy.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 King James Version (KJV)

55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We tend to avoid thoughts of death.  We rather not think about it.  In many ways, we fear death.  And whether we fear death or not, we certainly don’t want to die and rarely think of our own deaths.  Yet, there can be advantages to thinking of our own mortality.

  1. We see how precious our time here on Earth is and it can motivate us to act more like HIM’s with the time we have here.  And we appreciate our mortality more.  As Bob Geldof says in one of his songs, Mortality is a cheap price we pay for existence.”
  2. We are forced to think of life beyond this existence.  We are forced to wonder about God, about His creation and whether God has plans for us beyond our lives here.
  3. We have a better understanding of our dependency on God.  We must trust in God, that God indeed does have plans for us.  As Henri Nouwen states, we come into this world as a dependent creature and leave life as a dependent creature.  And, if we can trust that God exists and that He has plans for us beyond our lives here, then . . .
  4. We fear death less.  We realize that, although Mortality is a cheap price we pay for existence” our existence is more than our lives here.  If we can trust in God, we need not fear death but welcome it.  Just as, when we were in the womb, we did not know what our lives outside of it would be like, we do not know what our lives beyond what we have on Earth will be.  But, with God, “Death, where is your sting?”  With God, as John Donne says, “Death, thou shalt die.”


Yee Haw



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC
  • Cherry Picker x 10 IC
  • OYO stretch

Hit da mosey

Route 33 to staircase (5 merks each light pole)

50 Pistol merkins each side

50 squats

50 LBC 4 ct

Exercises were interrupted with runs up to Iculus the rock next to Lakeside

Some Mary- Flutter Kicks x 30 IC

Mosey to Matterhorn for some more

This part consisted of running up Matterhorn and back with some Mary, then another run up half way with Mary

Indian Run back to AO

Hello Dolly x 20 IC

La-Z-Boy Co-Q with 10 burpees OYO
Faith and Committment

In Soren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, the story of the sacrifice of Isaac is retold in multiple versions. Each is to suggest doubt on the part of Abraham. His point is that faith requires in some respect an irrational element. Upon reading this and reflecting, I thought about commitment and decision making. In reference to La-Z-Boy, if I am not wholly committed to something, then it is a faulty commitment. In other words, if you make a decision or commitment, you must fully own it.


La-Z-Boy once said, “If it’s not yes, then I answer no.”


So, commit and own your decisions.


Nov 3-4 F3 Olympics