F3 Knoxville

Geology Rocks!

THE SCENE: Hot and Dark

Side Straddle Hops x25, Baby Arm Circles x10, Merkins x10 (4ct), Tempo Squat x15

Mosey to Methodist Church, get a battle buddy and every person get a rock

  • Line up on one side of parking lot and complete 20 squats, 15 lunges, 10 jump lunges with rock
  • Partner Wheelbarrow across lot. Then do 20 merkins, 15 Carolina Drydocks, 10 diamond merkins
  • Sprint back and repeat (trade roles on the wheelbarrow)
  • Mosey to Walnut St. hill with rocks
  • One partner at bottom of hill does squats w/ rock while other runs to top with rock overhead and does 1 rockee (burpee w/ rock). Come back down hill and switch while other partner runs to top and does 2 rockees. Repeat until you get to 10 (each partner runs hill 5xs)
  • Recover at top of hill and do 50 LBCs and 50 American Hammers with rocks
  • Mosey back to AO and return rocks on the way



Sept 4 Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Warm, dry, clear

Quarter mile run. Arm swings. Squat tutorial with 10 slow count followed by 15 on a 4 count. 10 hand-release Merkins.


5 pullups

10 Thrusters

15 Swings

7 minute AMRAP

#2 Dora

Partner A: Farmer carry (CMU x2)

Partner B: Merkins

Total 100


Partner A: Over head walk (CMU x 1)

Partner B: Goblet Squat

Total 200


Partner A: Lunge with CMU-lunge down, walk back

Partner B: 6 inch leg lifts (4 count)

Total 300

#3 Finished with 5 minute AMRAP (same as before)

1 minute of Leg lift ABCs

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Two words I like and one I don’t:

Agreements, Posture, and Personality



Dan Allender says that an agreement agreeing with or engaging with the lies that we hear.  Typically these agreements are caused by a wound that we have received.

“This is how I live given then harm I have suffered.”


Some examples include:

“This is as good as it gets” Maybe that’s in your marriage, kids, job, etc


“If you only knew the things I have done, then you wouldn’t love me, like me, etc” “How could I ever really be forgiven” The result is that we withhold ourselves, we protect ourselves, ultimately making ourselves, our pain, our shortcomings our center and living out of those places rather than centering our lives around Christ


“I am in charge of my happiness, my choices, my life; its all up to me” We must fight against this life being all about ourselves. What it looks like: I am annoyed when my wife asks me to change a diaper because I think I need 5 minutes peace. Basically, I am at a deficit if I don’t get what I think I need and I get back to zero when I do. Instead of, the posture of ‘I will be provided for’.


“The more I do and/or the better I do, the more I’m worth.  I do therefore I am.” “If I live a certain way, I will be blessed.” “I perform, therefore I am loved.”

Instead of, something has been done for me that I could not do for myself.  Where I could not get what I need, God made a way and provided for me. This allows me to live free and in a different way. This is a posture. This is the intended posture made possible by Christ.


Many times we blame ‘personality’ for our relational blunders.  We excuse ourselves or others because of their ‘personality’ when in fact it is our posture towards the world, ourselves or God that causes us to respond in the ways that we do.


Consider your agreements this week, what is the truth and what are the lies you are believing.  Consider your posture toward yourself, others, and God.

Welcome FNG: Hooch

Post Labor Day Labor

THE SCENE: Clear and humid

T-Plank arm circles x 10 ED EA

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

Leg Lunge Pa-Diddle x 10 EL

SSH x 20 IC
Deconstructed Burpee (10:1)

  • Squat
  • Leg Thrust
  • Merkin
  • Leg Thrust

Aiken Legs x 3 rounds

  • 20 Squat
  • 20 Box Jump
  • 20 Lunges (EL)
  • 20 Split Jacks (10 EL Forward)

Jump Relay Partner Up

Step 1: Partner 1 completes 5 Burpee, 5 diamond merkin, 10 BBS while Partner 2 holds plank.

Step 2: Partner 1 picks up cone and does double foot jump and places cone at base of heel.

Step 3: Partner 2 completes reps while Partner 1 holds plank. Continue rotation until reaching finish line.

Five Cone Station Thing with Exercises

  • At start perform 20 Squat
  • Run to 1st cone and perform 15 mountain climbers (4ct)
  • Burpee broad jump to second cone and perform 15 CDD
  • Alligator crawl to 3rd cone and perform 15 ranger merkin
  • Lunge to 4th cone and perform 10 Iron Mikes


When you encounter difficulty or disappointment don’t retreat back to your previous position. Stand firm and work through this position in your life. Don’t revert back to where you were previously.


Goose Poop Shuffle

THE SCENE: 68, clear, and humid

  • Mosey to middle parking log
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Windmills x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the Sophomore for 11’s

  • BBS’s & Merkins, Bernie Sanders up the hill, Mosey back down

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Squats x 15, run the steps, R&R
  • BBS’s, CCD’s x 15, R&R, Calf-Raises x 30

Mosey to the short walls

  • Dips x 10
  • Decline Merkins x 10
  • Step-ups x 10 Each Leg

Mosey back to start

Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)
Listen.   Really Listen.  Don’t miss an opportunity.  It’s too easy to only hear the “loud” stuff.  Just as Elijah did in the mountain, listen for God’s whisper.


It was great to be a part of this group this morning. We pushed hard and burned some Goo.  Thankful for Booster’s attendance and continued support even when he’s on the injured list!

THE SCENE: Clear and humid

SSH x 30 IC

Arm Circles x 10 EA ED IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

PT Test – 2:00 Push-ups; 2:00 sit-ups

DORA 50-1-2 w/coupons: While partner 1 does reps, partner 2 will travel to cone carrying buckets or CMUs

  • 50 merkin
  • 100 BBS with log across chest with two to three others
  • 200 squat with CMU

Log/Pipe/Bucket Carry

Two to three man carry on beam and PVC pipe. Others will carry 5 gallon buckets or CMUs. Stop at end of lot and do 20 overheads with beam or pipe (over and back is one rep).

Capn Thor

Flutters x 30 IC

Hello Dolly x 15

Studies have shown that men of 30-50 years old are able to push their bodies further and endure over greater distance that those age 29 and younger. That doesn’t mean we’re tougher or stronger, we just know where the wall is for our bodies and know we are no where near done yet. It also means we have been here, done that and know what to do and what not to do. Take that ability and apply it to you daily life. You know what works and what doesn’t. You know shouting, cursing, and slamming your head into the day does not get the job done. Be consistent and think before you act.

F3 Olympics on November 3!!