THE SCENE: Mid 50’s, a little damp but not bad
Ran the loop
20 reps of:
OH Presses
Leg Lifts
Burpee Thrusters
Grab a coupon and touch the brick at the front of TJ’s
Backwards loop with interval running
Another round of PT and coupons up to TJ’s
One last loop with just the jugs and the 80lb sandbag. Switch when the guy with jugs says.
4 men got a jump on the day.
BB Asylum PM Nov 1 Candy Corns!
THE SCENE: Overcast, Slightly Damp, about 68 F, Bagpipes a playin’ in the background
Windmill – – slow 15 (4 ct) IC
Arm Circles Thumbs Up – (3ct) IC
Arm Circles thumbs down – (3ct) IC
SSH (4 ct) 20 IC (ish)
Cherry Pickers – 16 (4 ct) IC
Imperial Walkers – 16 (3 ct) IC
IDivide into 2 teams (slow mosey to mid hill)
Bataan Death March to admin bldg. stairs
Back person does 3 burpees and catches up
Heel drops on stairs (IC)
Straight-15, angled out-15, angled in-15
Candy Corns (both arms extended straight out, rotate to each side, then both vertical, then back to side and back extended straight out)
With a partner
8 merkins, then 80 Candy Corns
9 Merkins, then 90 Candy Corns
10 Merkins, then 100 Candy Corns
Bataan Death March to cones on Open Ground
Lunge across field, 20 LBC (4 ct), Bernie S back
20 Squats, Bernie S back across,
20 SSH (single ct), run across
20 American Hammers (4 ct)
Rinse and repeat
Bataan Death March to Picnic Table Shelter
20 Dips then 5 BBS
15 dips, then 10 BBS
10 dips, then 15 BBS
5 dips, then 20 BBS
Mosey to rock pile – as crow flies up the hill
25 rock curls (IC), 25 Lifts (IC)
Mosey to AO
13 PAX and 1 FNG True @StubHub,
Topic: Fault finding and criticism
“When the choice is to be right or to be kind, always make the choice that brings peace.” – Wayne Dyer
“Conflict cannot survive without your participation” – Wayne Dyer
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” – Wayne Dyer
“If you want to move from darkness into light, stop finding fault in others. Finding fault in others means finding fault in God.”
― Dada J. P. Vaswani
Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.
Matthew 10:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
Instead of judgment, extend God’s love to those around you, beginning with your family, your friends and your co-workers. Often those closest to us feel the harshest effects of our judgmental attitude
As F3 leaders we need to provide positive support and encouragement to those around us.
Olympics on Saturday, Picnic on Sunday.
Merkins and Burpees at the Asylum
THE SCENE: The Asylum AO, temp in the 50’s
20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 mountain climbers, 10 Peter Parker’s, 10 Spidermans (6″ Peter Parkers…newly coined?), 10 windmill
YHC did not devote enough time to planning, so we winged it a little. The basic idea was to focus on upper body with running to each area. We started each pain station with a variety of merkins followed by burpees and then running up a hill. We hit the hill by the launch point first, then cardiac, and finally Everest. We ended with Mucho Chesto before COT: 10 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 wide arm merkins, 10 stagger left merkins, and 10 stagger right merkins.
6 PAX today
The WORD came from 1 John 4:19-21. Forgive and love your fellow man. If can’t do that, how can you say you love God.
Anniversary F3 Knoxville Olympics Saturday, picnic on Sunday, food drive coming in the near future (Sharky to provide more details later).
Thanksgiving Pi
THE SCENE: Mid 60s. On the first day of November. Really?
In honor of the first day of Thanksgiving season, today’s beatdown is brought to you by the number “pi”…
4 Cherry Pickers IC
15 Crabettes IC
9 Failure to Launch IC
26 Mtn Climbers IC
5 8-Ct Body Builders IC
Head to the scrapyard for a 3-exercise circuit:
3 Pullups
5 Dips (full weight on parallel bars)
8 Merkins
9 Repeats
793 yard Indian Run through the park and around the fountain to the base of Mt Crumpet
Pair up for Dora-style. One partner exercises, other runs up the hill, around the tree, and back.
23 Burpees
84 BBS
62 Iron Mike
64 8-ct Body Builders
338 yard easy mosey back to the grinder
3 cycles of Row your Boat
27 Pickle Pounders
15 PAX this morning.
As you know, pi is a number whose decimal representation has infinite digits. Today’s beatdown worked through just 32 of them, but it’s been calculated out to over 22 trillion digits and of course it just keeps on going. Just as we could never work out through the entire representation of pi, we could never comprehend or experience the entire fullness of God’s love and grace toward us. If you get a little twinge of sore muscles at some point today, let that remind you to be thankful we didn’t go to 22 trillion digits, but even more to be thankful for His infinite goodness.
Apologies to Squiggly and Moses… I didn’t feel on my game much this morning and they did just about all the Dora reps. Hopefully just coming down off the Halloween sugar high.
F3 Olympics/anniversary. Also, check GroupMe for service project info. Weekend of 11/17, Habitat project: demo and rebuild a deck.
Halloween – Mad Max, Superman & More!
THE SCENE: 46 – dark but not scary!
- Moroccan Night Club X 13 IC
- Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
- Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
- Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
- Windmills (IC) 4 CT X 10
- Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
- Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
- Calf Stretches
- Karaoke out & back across parking lot
- Sprints out & back across parking lot
- Max Merkins – 2 minutes
- Max Big Boy Sit-ups – 2 minutes
- Burpee Broad Jump back and forth to each other while partner does squats; rinse and repeat 5 times each
- CMU Bear Crawl – 2 teams; one person goes out 20 yards and back doing the CMU bear crawl while the rest of the team calls out & completes various exercises (exercises included squats, lunges, flutter kicks, etc.)
- PAX did Supermans & held until Q called out each rep
- PAX swam for 1 minute
- Team sprints up & back; PAX do squats until the sprinter comes back
- Calf raises on the curb for 1 minute
MARY: * 20 – 4 count flutterkicks
12 HIMS today; 5K, Bagger, Chaco, Doubtfire, Erector, Judge Judy, Neutron, Rocket, Snagglethooth, Sweeper, Trolley & Booster
Summary of an article written by the late Reverend Billy Graham.
Suffering carries a message of mystery. The Bible says, “Great is the mystery of godliness” (1 Timothy 3:16). When asked to explain the tragedy of a 1980 fire at the MGM Grand Hotel, Billy Graham said, “There’s a mystery to tragedies like this. We don’t know the answer.” And we may never know until God explains all things to us. (I was relieved to read this because if Reverend Graham can’t explain some things, I feel better that I can’t explain why bad things happen!)
In suffering there is a message of compassion. Jesus said, “for I was hungry & you gave Me food; I was thirsty & you gave Me drink; I was a stranger & you took Me in; I was naked & you clothed Me; I was sick & you visited Me; I was in prison & you came to Me” (Matthew 25:35-36).
As fire swept through the MGM Grand Hotel, Reverend Graham saw emergency crews, the military, The Salvation Army, Red Cross, doctors, nurses and others coming to help, save lives, donate clothes, etc. He said “I saw compassion in action.”
In suffering there is a message of unity. Jesus prayed “they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, & I in You” (John 17:21). And that’s the way we ought to be as Christians, one in Christ. If you have been born into the family of God, you are a child of God. You are brothers & sisters.
Suffering holds a message of comfort. In Second Corinthians we read:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
Because tragedy happened to you, it gives you a greater sense of oneness with others who experience tragedy. You can feel for them in that suffering situation. Because we have been comforted through the Word of God, we in turn may be able to comfort others.
What should be our attitude toward suffering?
First, it should be one of worship. We ought to say, “O God, I believe You are the great and mighty God. I don’t understand all the things that are happening in my life, but, O God, I trust in You.”
Second, we should ask God to teach us all He would have us learn about Him, about ourselves, about others and how we can minister to those who are suffering.
Third, our attitude in suffering should glorify God. As Christians, people are going to watch us. They will ask, “How is it that Christ is so in control of his or her life that he or she was able to help others?”
Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross, but God raised Him from the dead. Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father, and He sees our suffering. He sees our life every day and knows exactly where we stand.
The Bible teaches that we are to be patient in suffering. That’s the hardest thing of all, to be patient. Ask God to help you have a trusting, patient attitude, and flee from bitterness.
In suffering there is also a message of warning. Are you prepared to meet God? What do you have to do to be ready? God took the initiative in giving His Son, Jesus Christ. God says, “I love you. I want to forgive you. I want you to go to heaven.” But you must respond to Him. Find hope, peace, and security today.
Thank you Judge Judy for sharing the article on suffering that I used today; Thank you Snaggletooth for finding a sermon online that I am going to listen to!
- 3rd anniversary events this weekend! Try to attend one or all of the events.
- Lots of open Qs for November; pick a date & start planning!