F3 Knoxville

What’s at your core?

THE SCENE: low 70’s I think….didn’t check.  It felt good for a mid-August morning.



  • SSH x 20
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkin x 10
  • 5 Burpees OYO


  • One lap around the boat dock parking lot.  Stop at each light pole for 5 Thrusters as you mosey.
  • At the other end of the lot – DORA work.
    • Partner A starts at one end of the lot and runs to the 2nd light pole.  Do 2 Burpees at the halfway mark each way (coming and going).  While Partner A is running, Partner B is doing reps of the following.  Switch when the running partner gets back.
      • 100 Plankjacks (4ct)
      • 100 Shoulder Taps (4ct)
      • 100 Spread Eagle Merkins
      • 100 Raised Arm Big Boy Situps
  • Run back around the parking lot the way we came from.  This time stop at each light pole for 5 Squats as you go.
  • Indian Run back to the AO.


  • Roll up, V up x 10
  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Ring of Fire leg press x 2 rounds
  • Spread Eagle Merkin x 10

17 total:  Junk, Mayberry, Frosty, Booger, Barn Door, Barnacle, Shooter, I-Beam, Waxjob, Snitch, High Heels, Wall Ball, Bowflex, Wagon Wheel, Scooter, Sparky, Bartman


Today was a core workout…in keeping with that theme, I though I’d talk about what’s at my core.

My core starts at Romans 3:23 where the Bible tells us that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory (or perfection) of God.  Later on in the 6th chapter of Romans we are told that the wages of sin (the penalty of sin) is death.  Pretty gloomy stuff, but it all gets turned on its head with the life/death/resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life and died in your place to take the penalty of your sin for you.  Romans 10:9 tells us that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart, that you will be saved.  It’s the gospel in less than 30 seconds.  That is what’s at my core…what’s at yours?  If you aren’t sure, I encourage you to reach out with questions.  I’d love to tell you more over a cup of coffee sometime.


Guardians for Garrett kickball tournament this weekend

Truckin’ to the Pound

F3 Olympic weekend

Rise Up to Fall Back

THE SCENE: Cool and Dark… and a little grassy
Side-Straddle-Hops, Baby Arm Circles, Arm Stretches, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, 8-Count Merkins
Ring-of-Fire Merkins to 7

Buddy Bear Crawls (2x per PAX) + 25 Squats (4x)

Descending Sprint + Burpee Cardio Ladder

Tunnel of Love (2x)

Row, Row, Row your boat (and canoe)
16 PAX
Train your body, mind, and soul! You always fall back to the level of your training, so rise up and get better!

Kicking It

THE SCENE:  Partly cloudy, mid to upper 80’s.

25 Squats, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Bottle Openers, 10 Windmills
Mosey to other side of Admin Bldg.  We will do 25 Squats by steps up to Admin Bldg.  Then we will run up steps to top.  We will do 20 Merkins on porch.  Run back down stairs.  Bernie Sanders to street.  Lunge across street and run down stairs to grassy area.  10 Burpees.  Run back up stairs.  Lunge back across street.  Run back to stairs of admin bldg.  Rinse and repeat.  Those who finish first do baby crunches at top of stairs.

Mosey to northeast corner of admin bldg.  20 American Hammers in cadence.

Mosey to northern parking lot and trail leading north of that that gradually turns towards park entrance on Lyons Bend Road.  We will do Route 66 with the following exercises.  Whoever finishes first sweeps others back to start.

  • Big Boy Situps
  • Star Jumps
  • Dive Bombers

We will do 14’s to where trail hits roadway coming from Lyons Bend gateway entrance.  We will bear crawl to first light, sprint the next four lights, bear crawl one more light, sprint another four, etc. until roadway.

Mosey to Bottom of Roadshow Run.  Do 25 Squats in cadence.  Run to top of Roadshow Run.  Those who get to street first do plank until everyone arrives.

Mosey to AO.

Eleven men, one who was a Flying EH, a great guy named Sam Harward whom we have given the F3 name of Samsung.  Samsung is a competitor of the group he works for.

John Donne’s poem, A Hymn to God the Father is a powerful and beautiful reminder of how much God loves us, despite are continuing sin.  In the first stanza, Donne asks God whether he will love him despite the fact that he continues to commit the same sins again and again, despite the fact that he himself deplores those very sins.  How could a just God continue to love him despite the fact that, given so many chances, he doesn’t ever get it right?  And yet, God still loves him.

In the second stanza Donne admits to being even worse.  He asks if God will forgive and love him despite the fact that he wins others to the very sins he has committed.  He asks whether God will love him despite the fact that he escapes from some sins, only to commit them years later – and may even wallow in those sins.  How could God forgive him.  And yet, God does.

In the final stanza, Donne, a great man of faith, admits the sin of his own lack of faith.  He fears that when he dies that he shall perish alone, devoid of anything – that death is only the end.  So he asks for God’s promise that at his death, God’s son shall shine as he shines now.  And, realizing Jesus’ love for us, he sees God, he sees his love, and in that he fears no more.

A Hymn to God the Father

Wilt thou forgive that sin where I begun,
         Which was my sin, though it were done before?
Wilt thou forgive that sin, through which I run,
         And do run still, though still I do deplore?
                When thou hast done, thou hast not done,
                        For I have more.
Wilt thou forgive that sin which I have won
         Others to sin, and made my sin their door?
Wilt thou forgive that sin which I did shun
         A year or two, but wallow’d in, a score?
                When thou hast done, thou hast not done,
                        For I have more.
I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun
         My last thread, I shall perish on the shore;
But swear by thyself, that at my death thy Son
         Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore;
                And, having done that, thou hast done;
                        I fear no more.

Kickball tournament this Saturday!

“Farmers Don’t Carry…”

THE SCENE: 70 and 100% Blessed

SSH (ICx16)
Windmills (ICx15)
Burpees (OYOx5)

Indian Run Mosey (w/3 CMUs) to the Educator…

2 Rounds:

  • Incline Iron Boys (OYOx10
  • Run Up Hill, Jog Down, Bernie Up Hill
  • Pickle Pounders (4CTx10)
  • Jog Down Hill


P1 – 250yd Farmer Carry (CMU Each Hand)

P2 – Mountain Climbers w/twist (4CTx10)
Run 3 Parking Lines; Bernie Back 2
8th Line – Imperial Squat Walkers (4CTx10)
Continue Running 3 and Bernie Back 2
16th Line – American Hammers (4CTx10)
Bear Crawl Back to Start and Repeat if P1 Hasn’t Returned Yet

No Time for this Beauty Today
16 Men Including 1 FNG Dr. Bacon…..WELCOME!
Reminder to the PAX to have patience in and throughout our lives.  Work / Job Related, Family Related, Driving and with others in general….and even with God.
There is just something about seeing all the cars roll into the parking lot at 5:20am….the local neighborhood guys running out of the gloom and into the circle that puts a smile on my face and warms my heart!  Thank you all for making this AO a special place!
Kickball Tournament this weekend!


THE SCENE: Alabama hot

Arrival at Camp  Cosby, F3 dads camp. Brief announcements and awful little round Pizza for dinner, but we all ate it as we were on a high of excitement with the start of dads camp.

Friday Night Dodgeball…yes of course our cabins Choctaw and Chickasaw won the tournament. After all, we are F3 KNOXVILLE. I  give Bueller MVP in dodgeball . I have NEVER seen a dodgeball get thrown so fast UNDER hand, amazing !
Dads Camp!

well, there was a workout but I am not disclosing what we did… it was a good one and saving it for my next Saturday Q!

back to the THANG;

Summary of activities which Booger lists below as well;

Alpine tower, B.B. guns, archery(kinda) alpine swing and open field for kickball on the upper field .

The water front where we spent most our time. Blob, wibbit(big blow up thing you slide , climb and jump off of) , kid slides , water trampoline , and pool time.


The BOM will be my thoughts but PLEASE READ the Moleskin for a few thoughts from other dads.

For me, dads camp was a perfect time  to spend quality time with my kids. Yes, I can do this at home or some short trip camping , etc… but dads Camp is different.

Whats different ? Is there an Agenda? The difference is that your in a wonderful environment surrounded by a bunch of HIMs and their kids with the same AGENDA.  The agenda was to have fun, be a father , and let kids be kids, simple as that! Really no other agenda than that, have fun with your kids. It was a time for me to spend as much time as i could just hanging out with my kids, watching them play. Of course, I got to play to….it is “dads camp”. It’s a time we can let loose with our kids and like I mentioned over the weekend, show our kids “how to break the rules responsibly”! What I really mean is, it’s a chance to let your kids be a little more independent than you normally would. At least for me it was. Let them play and explore, encourage them to climb the Apljne tower or swing on the alpine swing or jump off the ledge onto the blob or try a flip off the wibbit, etc…..just let them have fun. On top of that, We met other F3 dads and 2.0s from different states. It was equally great to hang out with the men from Knoxville and their kids ,getting to know them better. I truly had a great time look forward to next year.

Detention ;

Detention and Buckets take down Bama! What a great weekend of love, laughter, and blobbing!! As we approached Camp Cosby, Buckets could hardly contain her excitement. I felt the exact same way. A weekend together is what we really craved. No schedule, no agenda, no limit to the amount of time we could hang out. Having experienced our first Dads Camp last year, we knew a little of what to expect and we both were jacked up! It’s cool to see Dads and their kids laughing, hugging, high fiving, and simply enjoying each other. You don’t have to drive 4 hours to do this but this camp speaks to the intentionality we all talk about in F3. The men of Knoxville F3 are studs and we loved being with them and their kids. We are already counting down the days till next year!

Booger ;

F3 Dads = F4.  Fitness, Fellowship, Faith … and Fun.  We strained. We bonded. We shared our faith. We let loose.  I realized F3 Dads is the single most under rated benefit of F3.

I generally expected my son (8) to have fun; but me, myself, and I had tons of fun.  Everyone did.  It was a wonderful, if not perfect, blend of all these core F3 principles, and then some.

I got to know a number of the Knoxville-strong (and their 2.0’s), but I also got to know some of their really great kids.  I saw some dudes scream like girls.  I saw some girls get after it like men.  And I saw a whole lot of boys being boys, living out the adventure of their imagination, regardless of their age (me included).;

I met good dads from four states exhibiting the same values that make us love F3, all for the benefit of their kids.  I witnessed the collectively power of a group of guys making memories for their boys and girls.  I experienced a select few stepping up and taking on the responsibility to make it all happen.

In order of appearance: Day 1: basketball, football, Frisbee, walked the grounds, ran the grounds, greeted the crew, hung out, eat, dodge ball, victory lap, fire time, s’mores, hang out, sleep; Day 2: eat, workout, blob, wibit, water trampoline, water slides, blob, alpine tower, archery, bb guns, eat, pool, blob, football, blob/wibit/trampoline, dads only blob, pool, hang, eat, kickball, fire time, s’mores, hang; Day 3 hang, eat, back to K-town.


The boys loved our trip last year to Camp Thunderbird in SC. We had no idea what Camp Cosby in AL would be like. Well, we had an awesome weekend. Not that Thunderbird was a bad time but this was just a great fit for our PAX and kids.
The whole point of Dads camp is not just to get to spend time with your children, but to let them show you what is fun to them and to interact with the other children at camp. We swam, swung, ran, slid, and ate as a big group. The children interacted while the dads did the same. It was a busy weekend and relaxing at the same time. We talked about next year on our way home.
Glad to be a part of F3!

Hopefully find a camp closer wth similar amenities and cost. It would be great to have a camp full of F3 Knoxville dads and 2.0. I encourage all Dads to put dads camp on their bucket list of things to do with your kids before they get too old. Even if you go just one time , GO!