F3 Knoxville

Dog Biscuit

THE SCENE: 57 degrees, windy

SSH x 25 IC

Merkins x 10 IC


Burpees x 5 OYO

The Dog Biscuit:

PAX moseyed to the starting line and completed the interval work-out that consisted of running/merkins/BBSU/burpees. PAX ran to each cone (3 cones set-up around the “track”) and completed 30 merkins, 20 BBSU, and 10 burpees at each cone.

We covered 2.5+ miles, 200+ merkins, 175+ BBSU, and 90+ burpees.

25 Hello Dolly’s IC

10ish SSH IC


Buy-in vs Pour-in. When you buy-in to something it is about you, what can you get. When you pour yourself into something, it’s not about you, it’s about what you can give. PAX was encouraged to pour themselves into today!

9 strong this morning at the Dog Pound. Nowhere to hide and everybody ate the Biscuit!!

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Runnin and a workin

THE SCENE: Sunny and windy, temp close to 70 degrees

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Merkins, Arm and Leg Raises from Merkin Position, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to Roadshow Run.  At top of Roadshow Run we will do 20 Merkins.  Run down stairs.  At first grassy area we do 20 Big Boys.  Run down next two flight of stairs all the way to perimeter trail.  At grassy area we will do 40 Baby Crunches.  Run all the way back up Roadshow Run.  Rinse and repeat two more times but end at perimeter trail instead of running up Roadshow Run the last time.

Mosey to trail that extends from road near North Entryway to Park and which goes all the way to the beginning of the Perimeter Trail.  We will do the following every ten lights on the trail:  Bear Crawl to first light, run next four lights, lunge to 6th light, run the next four.  Repeat until end of trail.

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  Elevens with Decline Merkins at Stage and Mountain Climbers at other end of chapel.

Mosey on Road going south and then east past soccer fields.  Twenty Hello Dollies before stop sign.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  Twenty American Hammers

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  20 Overhead Presses.  20 Curls.

Mosey to AO.


Six men.  No FNG’s.
Remember Cap’n Crunches words about the Redwood Trees.  As tall as they are, one would think their roots go down at least 100 ft into the ground.  Yet, their roots may only go down 6 to 12 feet.  Yet these trees are sturdy and strong.  What makes them so strong?  Their roots connect to the roots of other Redwoods.  These trees stand mighty because they hold each other up.  Men, let us be mighty in the same way.  We cannot do these workouts without each other. We are HIM’s because we have each other’s backs.  Iron Sharpens Iron!!!!



THE SCENE: Low 50’s


  • Tempo Merks x 10
  • Jog across PL, high knees back
  • Jog across PL, wide knees back
  • Jog across PL, butt kicks back


20-1 Circuit

  • 20 Decline Mt Climber 2 count
  • 20 Step ups each leg
  • 20 Derkins – Feet on top of table
  • 20 Close-grip Under table pulls
  • 20 Release Squat with Coupon

Do 1 round through, then suicide out for increasing burpees at the other end. Mosey back, dropping rep each round. Repeat until no reps left.


  • Cross leg sit up x 20 OYO
  • Side v-ups x 20 each OYO

13 including 2 FNGs Tin Man & Neighbor


Push hard to the end. This temporary discomfort will not last forever. When you want to stop, just keep moving. One foot in front of the other.


Sign up to participate or volunteer for Hardship Hill May 19!

Masters of the Blockee!

THE SCENE: 50s w a bit of chill in the air

Bear crawl in line to the tennis court, Line up for jog across courts, high knee skips, crawl bear, and jog.

Mosey back to the AO for Monkey Humpers x20, SSh x20, Merkins x10 all IC. Rows for bros with the CMU x20 IC, Blockees x5, CMU curls x20 ic, 5 more Blockees OYO.

Mosey down to the base of the parking lot next to the pee rocks with CMU for DORACIDES

  • 75 blockees, 150 curls, 200 CMU goblet squats
  • P1 does said exercise while P2 does suicides. first cone 1 burp, 2nd cone 2 burps, and 3rd cone, 3 burps, run back to your partner and switch, keeping cumulative count of reps between partners
  • If you finish early, P1 Planks while P2 does 20 flutters IC, switch, rinse and repeat until all pax complete the Doracides
  • Blocklee dan back to the AO. 4 lunges w CMU, 2 Blockees. Continue this until half way. I cut it short to get in some mary

5 more blockees, Dead head led us in Flutters IC, Hello dollys x10 ic, Slutters x10 IC, Supermans x10 IC, pickle pounders x10 IC, and J-LOs x10 IC
29 including 1 FNG, PINK EYE. Welcome!
Chase the Lion Manifesto!. Instead of me typing it up here, google it and it will come up. Capn Crunch read this to us at one of his Q’s for his BOM one morning. It has stuck with me and I try to read it every so often to get a life check. Its short and sweet but means so much to me. Thank you for sharing Capn! I love to share it with others.
I miss seeing my bros at the Dog Pound. So many AOs and so many great HIMS out there that I look up to at all the different AOs. I encourage more Pax to go visit other AOs to meet others and grow our community. Not saying to stop going to the one closest to you, but one morning every once and while, wake up a little earlier and drive a little further to visit other AOs and meet the HIMs that make their particular AO special. Thanks to all the HIMS at all the AOs for being who you are, leaders!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Crabby Bear Gut

THE SCENE: Slight Overcast 54 degrees.

  • 20 Side-to-side squats
  • Practice round of the Crabby Bear


30 Min A.m.r.a.p.  (5:40-6:10) of Light Pole Loop around parking lot.  Seven Light pole stations each with choice of two exercises.  50 reps of either exercise (single counts).

To get to each light pole alternate between bear crawling and crab walking.

Light Pole Station Exercises:

  • Crunches  or Empirial Walkers
  • V-Ups  or On Back Legs up Side to side arches
  • Cross Toe Touches  or On back lets up and out
  • Russian Twists or Plank Knees to Elbows.
  • Supermans or Vert Scissor Kicks
  • Bicycles or On Side Plank side raises.
  • Heel Touches or Horz Scissor Kicks

After seven light poles reached, climb the hill to the guard rail and to 5 reverse incline push ups and 5 incline push-ups.   Hit the Light Pole with a “I own you Crabby Bear Gut” and round number.

7 PAX, Booster, Snaggletooth, Scrum, Neutron, Waxjob, Toto, Trolley,


Be gentle and loving — Don’t be crabby or a bear!!

Galations 5:13-26

13 For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”15 But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.

16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.17 For the flesh [g]sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you [h]please. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: [i]immorality, impurity, sensuality,20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, [j]factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who [k]belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also [l]walk by the Spirit. 26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.

Trying to work off the big easter feasts from our guts.  We completed almost two rounds.