F3 Knoxville

Nickel, Dime,Quarter Perimeter Run

THE SCENE: Cloudy, high forties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles to Wide Arm Circles Forward, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles to Wide Arm Circles Backwards, 10 Cherry Pickers

Pick up one set of bricks per four men.  Mosey to the 0.0 mile marker on the perimeter trail.  Do 15 Hello Dollies in cadence.  Next, we start the “Nickel, Dime, Quarter Perimeter Run.”  Someone must be carrying bricks each quarter mile and will pass the bricks off at the quarter mile.  We will run around the entire perimeter trail, stopping at each quarter mile marker to do the following exercises:

  • 5 Burpees (the nickel)
  • 10 Merkins if at an odd mile marker (e.g., 0.25) or 10 Big Boys if at an even mile marker (the dime)
  • 25 Big Boys if at an odd mile marker or 25 Merkens if at an even mile marker (the quarter).

The last man reaching each mile marker should run on through to the next mile marker without doing the exercises.  In that way, he will not always be the last man to a mile marker.

We will finish when we have returned to mile marker 0.0.

Mosey back to AO.


Four men.
Before going into Jerusalem to be crucified, Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives.  He asked his disciples to pray as well.  When Jesus had finished his own lengthy prayer, he returned to find all of his disciples sleeping.  He told them to awake.

We often are guilty of “sleeping” before our God, not being aware of His presence, of the miracles that occur around us, of how He may be wanting to speak to us in our everyday activities.  We need to be awake to these miracles, these whispers, these opportunities.  Throughout our days, we can enhance our own “awareness” by asking, “What is God trying to show me here, what might God be saying to me now?”  We can even do this in times of hardship.  God wants us to hear Him, even at times of suffering.  Be awake for His voice, His presence, His love.

Beer Run Workout this Thursday at Asylum PM.  We will go out for beer together at Abridged Beer Company after the workout.

Keep it Simple, Keep it Moving

48 and Mild Fog




SSH x30 IC
4ct Squats x15 IC
Windmill Merkins x10 IC
4ct Lunges x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkw x12 IC
Jog a lap around the parking lot

Mosey to half-way up the hill next to parking lot


Jacob’s Ladder
Start at half-way point up the hill.  Run to the top of the hill and complete 2 Merkins and 2 Squats.  Run back down.  Immediately run back up and do 4 Merkins and 4 Squats.  Rinse and repeat adding two reps of each exercise until everyone completes 10 Merkins and 10 Squats.

Mosey to new parking lot across from the playground.


Leg & Ab Circuit
Complete as many rounds of the following circuit in 5 minutes as you can.

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees

Complete as many rounds of the second circuit in 5 minutes as you can.

Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 Russian twist (count only one side)
  • 3rd cone 10 4ct Hello Dolly
  • 4th cone 10 Russian twist (count only one side)

Mosey to Pavilion


Bench Work
Every one grab a bench.  Complete the following exercises in as many rounds as possible for 6 minutes.

  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Incline Merkins – 15
  • Dips – 15
  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Decline Merkins – 15
  • Dips – 15

Mosey back to SP


Parking Lot Suicides
Start at one end of the parking lot.  Run suicides using the parking lines on the ground. the the parking

Circle up for Mary


4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 IC
4ct Flutter Kicks x20 IC
4ct Superman Swims x20 IC




We reap what we sow, but not in the same season.

This is a biblical principle that we would do well to heed ourselves, and train our children in.  It explains why it is so easy to pursue unrighteous, unhealthy, “bad” things and hard to pursue righteous, healthy, good things.  The delayed fruit causes us to be short-sighted, and we pay a price for it in the long haul.  This is why long term goals couple with short term grit is critical for growth.  Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

“F3: Good For You, Good For Me”

THE SCENE: 47 degrees – dark – windy

“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – & Faith! It is 5:30 so we’re gonna go ahead and get things started. My name is Steam and I’ll serve as your Q in charge for the next 45 minutes. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so but you came here to work so we are all going to push each other to give 100% at all times.”

“That being said – thank you for being here this morning and showing up not for yourself – but for the man on your left and right – watch their back just like they’re going to watch yours.”

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 in cadence

2. Rockette: 15 x 4 in cadence

3. 1 Armed Slow Pitch: 8 forward each arm in cadence

4. Forward Lunge: 10 x 4 in cadence

5. Cherry Picker: 10 x 4 in cadence

6. The Slow Clap: Literally a slow clap that builds up – actually pretty cool and great way to kick things off/rally the men together before the mosey/beatdown.

  • Mosey to edge of WFP (World’s Fair Park) field
    • Merkin Line 
    • PAX assembled shoulder to shoulder across field in Merkin plank
    • 1st man says the following commands:
      • “Ready!”
      • “1 – 2 – 3” = 4 count merkin
    • PAX executes a 4 count merkin sequence once
    • The 6 runs to the front while the rest of PAX remains in merkin plank position
    • Repeats the original commands – everyone executes 1 – 4 count merkin
    • Rinse & Repeat until halfway across the field
    • Once halfway across field –> Bernie Sanders the other half
  • Mosey to W. Hill Avenue
    • Upon arrival at W. Hill Avenue –> 10 squats in cadence
    • Bear Crawl American Indian Hill (Up)
    • PAX assembled in single file line facing up W. Hill Avenue
    • QIC calls out “Left” & “Right” as PAX bear crawls up the hill
    • The 6 bear crawls from the back to take the first position
    • Rinse and repeat until entire PAX is at the top of the hill
  • Mosey around Church on corner of W. Hill Avenue and halt at top of Cumberland Avenue hill facing towards Univ. of TN
    • Upon arrival @ top corner of Cumberland Avenue –> 10 squats in cadence
    • Lunge-Squat American Indian Hill (Down)
    • PAX assembled in single file line in the squat position facing downhill
    • 1st man commands:
      • “Ready!”
      • “1 – 2 – 3” = lunge 3 times down hill
    • After 3 lunges are executed –> hold in the squat position until the 6 sprints to the 1st position
    • Repeats original commands –> PAX executes 3 lunges + holds squat until 6 arrives at the front
    • Rinse and Repeat until halfway down the hill
  • Mosey down to the bottom of the hill across from WFP American Indian Run formation
  • Hold squat position until traffic light/crosswalk sign turns green/go
    • Must have been the longest light in TN –> PAX executed 20 calf raises in cadence until green light was extablished
  • Mosey to Clinch Ave./Entrance to WFP American Indian Run formation
  • Gather before bridge across WFP on Clinch
    • “I’m Up – He Sees Me – I’m Down”
    • Scenario of sniper on a rooftop –> all PAX must cross WFP bridge on Clinch safely
    • All PAX start with chest flat on ground
    • Upon command “I’m Up!” –> get up and sprint towards the other end of bridge until the command “He Sees Me!” is given
    • Upon command “He Sees Me – I’m Down” –> PAX drops down with chest flat to the ground
      • Executes 5 merkins in cadence
      • Waits for command of “I’m Up” to move
    • Rinse & Repeat until all PAX are across the bridge safely.
  • Gather by stairs leading down into WFP by BigBall
    • PAX executes 10 squats in cadence
  • Battle Buddy teams are formed at top of stairs
    • Wheel-barrow Buddy Carry (Down)
    • Each battle buddy team alternates wheel-barrow carrying the other down one section of the stairs going down into WFP.
    • Battle buddy whose legs are being held climbs down stairs (decline) on hands
    • Battle Buddy switches upon each new increment of stairs
    • PAX executes flutter kicks until 6 is recovered at the bottom
  • Mosey around water perimeter of WFP American Indian Run formation
  • Gather under WFP amphitheater @ the stage
    • Stage Merkin Line
    • All PAX are shoulder to shoulder (tightly) starting from the right end of the stage
    • 1st man commands:
      • “Ready!”
      • “1 – 2 – 3” = 1 – 4 count merkin sequence
    • All PAX executes 1 – 4 count merkin sequence under 1st man’s command.
    • PAX hold incline merkin plank until the 6 recovers to the first position
    • Repeats original commands
    • Rinse & Repeat until all PAX have made it to the other end of the stage as a unit
  • Mosey back to AO start point
    • Once feet hit the grass field that separates PAX from original AO start point = full speed ahead – leave nothing in the tank all out spring

Splashin Merlot is a sign of character/grit/dedication to push yourself hard throughout the workout – well earned.
15 PAX // No FNGs
“Be an ambassador of hope”

When people look at you or come in contact with you – are you an ambassador of hope to them?

It’s so easy to lose hope in the world we live in today but we, the men of F3 are called to lead and serve as HIGH IMPACT MEN & Ambassadors of Hope for Him. Consider the impact you have within your spheres of influence – family – job – relationships – etc —> Be the ambassador of hope in someone’s life that enables them to keep going. Be the ambassador of hope that helps other men realize there’s something different about you and they want to know more.


Need Saturday Q for Big Ball this week –> Red Writer stepped up and volunteered

Encourage PAX to sign-up to Q – it’s an honor and humbling

You’ve been…… Thunderstruck!


Clear, 50ish


  • SSH x15 IC
  • Squats x15 IC
  • Arm Circles x20 each direction


  • Mosey to Mt. Crumpet
  • 7’s on the hill. Dry docks at top, Hurpees at the bottom
  • Mosey back to grinder
  • On one side – Squats, Iron Mikes, Calf raises (Start with 2,4,6,8, etc…) Lt. Dan over to other side of grinder
  • Other side – Pull ups, Derkins, Drips (2,4,6,8, etc…) Slide drill (squat position, lateral slide) in zig zag back to other side, repeat


  • Plank for entire length of “Thunderstruck” (by AC/DC of course) *roughly 5 minutes*
  • Merkin every time you hear “thunder” or “thunderstruck”
  • Should taps during guitar solo
  • Profusely sweat and tremble accordingly

14 PAX— 1 FNG, Taser!

I shared a story in which I was very close to death at 14 years old. And through God and a miracle, I am here today.

Cherish your time you have to spend with your friends and family. You never know which day may be your last, so try to make sure you leave everyone with a positive impact when you interact with others. Keep a smile on your face and leave with a good impression.


2 Handfuls

THE SCENE: 41 degrees and overcast

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Torso Twist x8 IC
What time is it?
Ab Crabs x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC
Planche Practice x5

Mosey to curb:
20x Calf Raise OYO
25% Run across lot
20x Calf Raise OYO
50% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
75% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
20x Calf Raise OYO

Mosey to the main quad, where the balance is set up.
One handful of gems loaded to one side of the balance (around 30-ish)

PAX assemble 40yd away.
Each HIM does sets of 15 merkins OYO, carries one gem to the balance.
R&R until the balance tips!
Peach Fuzz finally tipped it, so on to the next exercise!
Sets of 15 BBS
Came so close to tipping, but ran out of time!

Circle up on Six for
15x Side Crunch IC (each side)

8 PAX, including FNG: Jammies (Paul Hester Jr). Progeny of Peach Fuzz!
Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

This was spoken by Paul specifically toward slaves and their relationship to their masters, but of course it applies to us as well. I’m often guilty (this past week in particular) do doing things grudgingly rather than heartily. Whether it’s for your master, your employer, your spouse, your in-laws… do it heartily. Your mind has a lot of control over your emotions. If you make that choice, not only will you be honoring to God, you’ll do a better job and be happier for it.

Props to Jammies for finally posting after a bunch of EHing from all sides! Heads up, Big Ballers… I think the balance may be headed your way on Thursday. I’ll start the handful a bit smaller so we can get more in!
Don’t forget the Alcoa CSAUP 2/24