F3 Knoxville

You Can Do Anything for 5 Minutes

THE SCENE: Chilly Spring Morning 39 degrees and clear Quickbooks and Dimples Co-Q

Run in Place, High Knees, Squats, Jump Squats, Squat Pulse, Mary Katherines, lunge pulse – RT, Lunge Pulse LT
Mosey from the AO the Playground

  • 5 minutes of 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Bulgarian Lunges
  • Sprint in the parking lot (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the new bathroom parking lot
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the Pavillion
  • 5 minutes of 10 Mericans, 10 Dips, 10 Dry Docks
  • Sprint next to the dugouts (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the AO
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers

5 Squats Together

4 times in the OT God makes a formal covenant promise with Israel.  The covenant He makes with Abraham is just like the one we talked about.  The dead animals, the pathway, the whole bit.  It’s in Genesis 15.

The special thing about this promise was that God alone walked through the pathway, he didn’t require Abraham to walk through it.  It was as if to say… I want to bless you, and I am asking you to be faithful to Me, to seek Me, and to obey Me…. But regardless of your faithfulness towards me, I will still hold up my end of the bargain and I will be gracious to you.  Out of love, I chose you, no matter how you treat Me.

So, what does that have to do with marriage?

Everything.  Absolutely everything….

So, what should our response be to our spouse on their worst of days?  A selfless love that thinks first of them and their needs.

I mean, imagine for a second if God said to us on our worst of days, “I’m sick of it.  I give up!  You’re just never going to get it.  I’m done with you.”  Noooo… come on.  He is not like that!!  He is patient, He is kind, He is longsuffering with us, He perseveres with us, He is gracious with us, and He forgives us… and our call to love our husband or wife is the same.

Down on the Boardwalk

THE SCENE: 48°F, Clear sky, bright moon then a glimmer of a sun rise.



  • SSH x25 (IC)
  • Burpee x2 (OYO)
  • Cherry Pickers x20 (IC)
  • Burpee x 4 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walker Squats x20 (IC)
  • Burpee x6 (OYO)
  • Merkins x10 (IC)


Mosey up to the pavilion

11s- table rows and box jumps

Mosey to the Boardwalk

Complete exercises at each cone and keep running around the loop. Rinse and repeat until time is up.

(2.5 loops completed)

  • Cone 1 – Jump Squats x20
  • Cone 2 – Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • Cone 3 – Mountain Climber 4ct x20
  • Cone 4 – Squats x20
  • Cone 5 – Smurf Jacks x20
  • Cone 6 – Merkins x20
  • Cone 7 – Dry Docks x20
  • Cone 8 – Lunges x20


  • Captain Thor (1 BBS for 4 American Hammers, up to 5 and 20) IC single count
  • ATMs (10 Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins) IC
  • Captain Thor (1 BBS for 4 American Hammers, up to 5 and 20) IC single count


Kentucky. Music City, Mogul, Waffle House, AAA, Pacman, Blue Bird, Slim Shady, Archie (QIC)


“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” – Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life


The boardwalk is a nice new addition to the park. It’s well-lit and has a nice view of the river.


I still need 2 to sign up for the Asylum Hardship Hill 10hr team- “F3 Asylum- Going the Distance”. Remember that on an 8 person team, only 2 people are on the course at a time. During the 10hrs you will only run the course a couple of times, so don’t be intimidated.


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning. Clear and perfect

SSH X29,

Mosey Around outhouse

Cherry pickers x5
Tha Thang
Partner up, mosey with 1 CMU per duo up towards boats
Stop at 1/2 way at guardrail
100 declines
150 CMU squats
200 presses
While partner runs up to top and back (60+ yards)
Mosey to boat
One partner runs to light pole with CMU
while other does burpees. Partner 1 runs back and tags partner 2 and both run to CMU. Repeat switching partners each time.
 10 burpees OYO
At steps:
Stand beside each other.  15 squats total passing CMU each time. Repeat but switch sides. For total of 30.
Run up to rock at restaurant
Repeat x3
 10 burpees OYO
Return back towards AO stopping at each light pole as before but doing LBCs.
Mosey To guardrail again for mini Dora 100 merkins while partner runs to top again
 20 incline merkins on guardrail
mosey to AO for 35 Flutterkicks
COT 12 Pax
 Story from Rabbi Abraham Twerski

“‘Young man. Why are you eating that fish?’ The young mans says, ‘Because I love fish.’ He says, ‘Oh. You love the fish. That’s why you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’ He says, ‘Don’t tell me you love the fish. You love yourself, and because the fish tastes good to you; therefore, you took it out of the water and killed it and boiled it.’

“So much of what is love is fish love. Young couple falls in love. Young man and young woman fall in love. What does that mean? That means that he saw in this woman someone who he felt could provide him with all of his physical and emotional needs, and she felt in this man somebody she feels that she can write, that was love, but each one is looking out for their own needs. It’s not love for the other. The other person becomes a vehicle for my gratification.

“Too much of what is called love is fish love. An external love is not on what I’m going to get but I’m going to give. We had an ethicist rabbi Dessler, who said, ‘People make a serious mistake in thinking that you give to those whom you love, and the real answer is you love those to whom you give.’

His point is if I give something to you, I’ve invested myself in you. Since self-love is a given, everybody loves themselves, now that part of me has become in you, there’s part of me in you that I love. True love is a love of giving, not a love of receiving.’

Not a lot of chatter this morning, I’m assuming that means it was a good workout?…
Prayers for families struggling, praise for friends marriage issues on right road

Over The Hill

THE SCENE: Mid 40s I think….nice & cool.



  • SSH x 40
  • Stretch OYO


Mosey to big hill on the other side of Hardin Valley Road.  5 cones set up at the top of the hill.  Start at bottom & run reverse suicide (go to furthest cone first) doing the following exercises at each cone.

  • Cone 5:  40 Burpee
  • Cone 4:  40 Hello Dolly
  • Cone 3:  40 Squat Jumps
  • Cone 2:  40 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Cone 1:  40 Merkins

PAX then mosey back to the top of the hill for final descent Paula Abdul style.  Run forward down the hill 2 cones, then bernie sanders back up 1 cone.  Rinse & Repeat until all the way down.


  • LBC x 40
  • Mountain Climbers x 40
  • ABCs


Tank, Doubtfire, La-Z-Boy, Booster, Snaggletooth, Toto, Hammy, Ratchet, Waxjob, Bartman

How are we living for Christ?  While we may not have the same physical needs as other Christians around the world, we do have a responsibility to stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters in Christ.   Are you routinely praying on behalf of others?   Jesus is in the people business and we should be too.

Today is my 40th birthday—special thanks to those who came out for my Q today and for all of the birthday wishes!  F3 is an awesome brotherhood!

Hardship hill – May 19th.  Booster says there are still some spots left on the JUCO team if anyone is looking for a team to join.

Saturday Buffet

THE SCENE:  Around 50.  Nice & cool.



  • Side Straddle Hops x 20
  • This/that stretch
  • Tempo Squats x 20
  • Leg stretches
  • Burpees x 10


  1. Mosey to playground
    • 11’s:  Pull-ups & American Hammers (4ct)
  2. Mosey to soccer field
    • Bear Square.  Cones set up in a square.  Crawl the square always facing toward Watt Rd.  Crawl 3 laps & perform 10 reps of the following at each corner.
      • Lap 1:  Burpee
      • Lap 2:  Speed Skater
      • Lap 3:  Bobby Hurley
  3. Mosey to new bathroom
    • Countdown.  List of exercises written on the ground.  Do all exercises from top to bottom then run down the hill to the parking lot and back up.  Rinse & repeat eliminating the bottom remaining exercise each time.
      • 10 Thrust Merkin
      • 8 Iron Mike
      • 6 Easy Up
      • 4 Squat Jump
      • 2 Round The Clock Merkin
  4. Mosey to baseball field
    • Merkin relay race.  Split into 2 teams.  Team 1 at home plate, team 2 at 2nd base.  Each team holds a plank while a team member sprints around bases.  Once teammate completes a lap, the team does 10 merkins as a group then the next man runs.
  5. Concrete bleachers
    • 75 box jumps


  • Boat/canoe
  • Marge/Homer
  • Flutter kicks x 35

9 total:  Butters, La-Z-Boy, Mr. Clean, Showcase, Frosty, Booger, Wagon Wheel, Sharpie, Bartman

God honors nations who honor him.  Our country was founded on Godly principles and I believe we are still reaping the benefit of that foundation today, even as our country slides further and further into depravity.  As evidenced throughout the Old Testament, God will honor a nation far longer than they deserve because of their foundation.  This grace that we live under creates an environment in which Christians in America often don’t know what it’s like to rely on God completely.  We live in a cushy society where our “problems” are often trivial compared to what Christians face around the world.  Our mentality of “you can accomplish anything if you work hard enough” can easily trap us into leaving God out of our lives altogether, thinking we have somehow accomplished success on our own.  Therefore we need to be ever vigilant about seeking Christ in all we do and putting Him at the center of our efforts.  We should humble ourselves daily, acknowledging that we are nothing apart from Christ.


Hardship Hill 5/19