F3 Knoxville

Can’t feel my legs Clark

THE SCENE: 8 degrees, clear, full moon

Imperial squat walker x 10 IC

SSH x 25 IC

Hand Release Merkin x 10 OYO

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 ED
Up-Downs x 10

Yul Brenner: 7 different merkin types, 10 reps of one type, run lap, 10 reps of next type.

CDD, Wide Merkin, Reglar Merkin, Ranger Merkin, Crucible Merkin, Diamond Merkin, Chuck Norris

Walk Like an Egyptian: Single line at long parking lot. Begin lunging in line. Every third lunge last man sprints to front of line. Reach end of parking lot, turn around and repeat back to start.

Triple Nickel: 50 yard distance. Starting point do 5 burpees run to 50 yard mark and do 5 BBS. Total of five rounds.

7s: At planter blocks. Box jumps and dips.

Imperial Squat Walker (2 min)

Leg Raises x 20

Qualification sit-ups AMRAP

Flutters x 30

Chuck Norris merkins x 25
5 lunatics started the year off right.
John 8:12 Jesus states who He is and the Pharisees say he is lying. Jesus was seen as a lier, a lunatic, or the Lord. We face the same denial or acceptance within our society today. How will you place Jesus in your life going into this year? Will He be a historical figure, a nice guy, or Lord? Remember where He sits and that He is coming back.

Benchmarking Day- Leave no man unchanged


9°F, no wind, clear sky



  • SSH x25 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
  • Burpee x5 (OYO)
  • Cherry Pickers x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x10 (IC)
  • Squats x10 (IC)


Benchmarking Day- Physical Training (PT) Test

  • Merkins- AMRAP in 2 min
  • Big Boy Sit-ups- AMRAP in 2 min
  • Run the 2 mile loop 

Mosey to Pavilion

Picnic Table pull-ups IC x20

Squats IC x20


Mosey Back to SP


  • Ankle Biters x20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x20 IC
  • Line up across the curb, Bearcrawl halfway across and then sprint- repeat
  • LBC AMRAP until 6:15


3- Frenchie, Umbro


Leave no man behind and leave no man where you found him, regarding all three Fs

Fitness- encourage each other and keep each other accountable

Fellowship- Mumble Chatter, meet with guys beyond at the workouts

Faith- Know who God is, build a relationship with him, and reflect Him in your everyday decisions and actions


With layers and a long run we stayed warm, breathing was difficult at times but we got through it. I learned that my phone does not function in single digit temperatures.

The Bridge to 2018

THE SCENE: Low 30’s unusual scene with a special location for the end of the year beatdown / BOM…Welcomed the PAX to the Bridge to 2018!

Light Post Warm-O-Rama
1st Light = SSH (IC x10)
2nd Light = Tempo Squats (IC x10)
3rd Light = Drifter Jog (IC x10)
4th Light = Arm Circles Forward (IC x5)
Arm Circles Backwards (IC x5)
Cherry Pickers (IC x20)
5th Light = Merkins (OYO x10)
6th Light = Jump Squats (OYO x10)
7th Light = Lunges (OYO x10ea)
8th Light = Burpees (OYO x 5)

Each round will introduce a new movement. After each round run back to beginning to start next round. Each round will start from the original movement.

Round 1:
3 Wall Walks

Round 2:
3 Wall Walks
5 Pull Ups

Round 3:
3 Wall Walks
5 Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps

….Working up to 10 Rounds

Round 10:
3 Wall Walks
5 Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps
15 Merkins
20 Squats
25 Flutter Kicks
30 Air Press
40 BBS
50 SSH
Run Full Length

Abs on Fire
1 minute LBC cash out

11 PAX

Always looking forward, not about where you were or what you have done, but where are you going and what more will you accomplish?

Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget what happen long ago! Don’t think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it?…

Philippians 3:12-16
I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. My friends, I don’t feel I have already arrived. But I forget what is behind, and I struggle for what is ahead. I run toward the goal, so I can win the prize of being called to heaven. This is the prize God offers because of what Christ Jesus has done. All of us who are mature should think in the same way. And if any of you think differently, God will make it clear to you. But we must keep going in the direction that we are now headed.

This workout was done on the Alcoa Bridge. 7 PAX rucked from the Bomb Shelter AO to the bridge for the beatdown! These HIMs are amazing and i believe with all my heart they are destined for great things as individuals and F3 Family.
41 Bomb Shelter Shirts ordered in 3 days…Awesome!
CSAUP February 24th!

Intentional Beatdown

THE SCENE: Dark and chilly into a beautiful crisp TN sunrise over the water.

-Side Straddle Hop x25 IC, -Monkey Humpers x10 IC, Baby Arm Circles F/R x10 IC, Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC

PAX form two lines and mosey to flag pole at by The Pavalion. Grab a battle buddy and AMRAP for 15 mins the following…


  • candlestick burpees (overhead clap at end) x10 reps
  • 10 pull-ups at baseball dugouts
  • 10 box jumps at playground area

PAX circle up and do 20 squats IC and head to AO…Once at AO split up 11 PAX on both sides of AO for spacing purposes and complete the following…

“BEAR W/ ME”  Complete this circuit 3 times

  • Bear crawl 12 yards to cone and do 20 Pickle Pounders
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Merkins
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Squats
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to last cone and do 20 Flutter Kicks on a 4 count

PAX Circle up and complete 25 Side Straddle Hops IC and mosey to bottom of Baby Hill with their battle buddy…

“Baby Hill Pain” PAX complete 4 rounds of the following

  • Partner A sprints the hill and does 25 Derkins while Partner B awaits at bottom jumping rope.  Partners interchange.
  • Rounds 1 and 3 PAX do Derkins
  • Rounds 2 and 4 PAX do Incline Merkins

PAX mosey to AO and circle up…

Hello Dolly x20 IC, American Hammer x20 IC, Pickle Pounders x12 IC, Flutter Kicks x20 IC
22 PAX Count & 0 FNG’s
Everyone wants to make New Year’s resolutions and those imo are pointless.  Resolutions are a hopeful map that leads to disappointment.  As HIM’s at home, work, our workouts, etc. we have to focus on intentionality and specific goals to have the right direction toward our purpose as leaders in our respective homes and environments.
Quick Picture
Cofeeteria announcement

Burpee Land

THE SCENE: 32 and mostly cloudy. But is it really 32?  Seems warmer than that for some reason.  Maybe because we’re comparing to Thursday’s 18…

SSH x20 IC
Hindurkins x15 IC
AGTJ x8 (I think… Fast-N-Easy said it was 9)
LBAC x20 each way IC
Box Cutters x20 IC

Super Mario style! Run and box jump all 20 Goombas lined up in front of the school!

Mosey over to the entrance of the park for a rousing game of Burpee Land.
Starting at Card #1, do the number of burpees corresponding to card number, then follow the instructions on the card:

1. Turn right, Lunge to the next card

2. -Mosey 1 full lap around the park
-20 Dips, 20 BBS, R&R
-Bunny Hop to next card

3. -Mosey 1 lap
-7’s on the hill – Diamond Merkins and Squat Jumps
Up the hill: Sprint, Bernie, Backward Bear (repeat)
-Burpee Broad Jump to the next card

4. -Sprint 1 lap and go to the splash pad

5. -15 4-count Monkey Humpers IC
-15 4-count Side Crunch each side IC
-15 more Monkey Humpers IC
-Crab walk to the Pavalon

6. -5 Leg-Up each leg
-10 Derkins from the bench
-10 Leg-Up each leg
-10 Derkins from the tabletop
-Bear crawl to the splash pad for

7. -20 Burpees For the Win!

30s of Star Gazers after those burpees!
Mary right here at the splash pad:
Flutter Kicks x25 IC
LBC x25 IC
Leg Pushdown Ring of Fire
4-3-2-1 Merkin Ring of Fire
One more lap around the park to pick up the cards

5 players in the game this morning, no FNGs
Playing the game this morning was a little bit like our Christian walk… Everyone read the cards and followed the instructions, but I was also there alongside, and I knew exactly where we were going and what was coming next.  For real life, we have written instruction that we can follow to the best of our ability, but we also have the Holy Spirit within us, walking with us.  He knows the beginning, middle, and end. He knows what’s written on all your cards because He wrote them.  And they’re for our good, because He loves us.  Sometimes it’s difficult, but we need to make the choice daily to trust Him.
Fun morning getting to work with these men! Worked hard playing hard!
Start training for Alcoa CSAUP! End of February…