F3 Knoxville

Almost coffee

THE SCENE:  Cold and dark.  Almost went to have coffee.

Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Russian Swings

20 min AMRAP

20x KB Swings
20x Slide Goblet Squats
8x Sandbag Shoulder Toss 60# or 80#
12x Burpees
1x Farmer’s Carry 2x 72#

Elbow flutter kick
Box Cutters
Peter Parkers

At 05:28 Bartman and I debated going for coffee if no one showed up.  We were glad Scooter arrived at 05:29 as we enjoyed the AMRAP in 29 degree weather.  Back to bed after this one…

Post Christmas Goo Burn

THE SCENE: 27°F and cloudy

• SSH x25 (IC)
• Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
• Burpee x5 (OYO)
• Cherry Pickers x20 (IC)
• Merkins x20 (IC)
• Squats x20 (IC)
Mosey to upper loop


The Barkley Marathon
Cones are spread out around the upper loop. Complete exercises at each cone and keep running around the loop. Rinse and repeat until time is up.
· Cone 1 – Dry Docks x20
· Cone 2 – BBS x30
· Cone 3 – Mosey down the hill and back up
· Cone 4 – Merkins x30
· Cone 5 – Squats x30
· Cone 6 – Flutter Kicks 4ct x30
· Cone 7 – Sprint to the Front Door
· Cone 8 – Smurf Jacks x30

• Hello Dolly x20 IC


Find Comfort in God, even in the midst of the cold and gloom.

“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord ‘s hand double for all her sins. A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” A voice says, “Cry!” And I said, “What shall I cry?” All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:1-8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Happy Birthday Charmin, and we are praying for you Compost. Thanks for being humble and honest.

Post-Christmas Quad Burn


  • Around the world x 5 each leg
  • High Knee Skips to other side of parking lot and back
  • A little of this/that
  • Michael Phelps


DORA. No partners. Do 20 reps then traversal. 5 Sets to 100. Hold boat until all finished set then move to next exercises.

  • Sprinting & Curls x 100
  • Lateral Squat Hops to bathroom & Decline Merkins x 100
  • Bernie & Bobby Hurley x 100
  • Frog Hops to bathroom & Dips x 100

Upsidedown Pyramid 15, 10, 5, 10, 15

  • Overhead Presses
  • Calf Raises

Box jumps x 20 2 rounds


  • Homer-Marge-Mr. Burns R/L on Q
  • Peter Parker x 25
  • Leg Climbers x 15 each
  • ABCs on Q

7 PAX including 1 FNG Larry

F3 is important. It helps us grow and change and get better. I’m reminded of Fight Club when the narrator is laying out the ways they have changed their lives to revolve around Fight Club. In the same way I have changed my life around F3. I clip my nails so I don’t break one on the concrete, I don’t stay out late at the bars with friends on Fridays because I don’t want to squander an opportunity at F3 the next morning, I push myself harder in my other workouts just thinking about you guys out here. F3 is an opportunity each and every time you show up. Make the most of it.



Many Happy Returns

THE SCENE: Some sort of 20’s… But dry and calm so it’s not really cold.  Except them stones!

SSH IC x30
Cossack Squat Tempo IC x16 (8 each leg)
Hindurkins x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jump x7 (I thinK)
LBAC IC x20 Fwd, x20 Bwd
OK, time to open the present! Box Cutters IC x30

Mosey to the Pee Rock pile to pick out your gift – CMU-ish pee rock
Great… Now you have to pretend you love it. Hold it proudly above your head for a lap around the parking lot!
Drop this one in a parking spot, head over and grab 2 hand-size pee rocks. Drop in adjacent spot

Pick up the CMU-size pee rock, move about 20 yards away and form 2 single-file lines.
Now it’s time to wait in line to exchange your gift.
To pass the time waiting in line, do an exercise. Start with curls.
First man in each line runs to the service desk to exchange CMU-size for 2 hand-size and a new exercise.
He heads to the back of the line and the next PAX makes the exchange. When 2-rocks gets back to the front, run down and switch to 1-rock and a new exercise:

One Rock Two Rocks
Curl Man Makers
Fwd Shoulder Raise Side Raise
Rows Wax On/Off
Tricep Extension Raise the Roof
Goblet Squat Bent Over Side Raise

Standing in line always takes longer than you think… No time for Mary this morning!
14 PAX, no FNGs
We exchanged gifts with my in-laws on Christmas Eve night.  They headed home, and then the next morning we found the gift cards that we’d given them sitting on the side table where they had left them.  It made me think about the fact that just being offered a gift isn’t everything. You have to reach out and take it, a conscious act of receiving.  Some of God’s gifts we just get (and often take for granted), no acknowledgement or recognition required.  A sunrise, our next breath, a baby’s laugh… But His greatest gift requires an act of receiving or it just sits there like my in-laws’ gift cards. Theirs for the taking, yet unused.  Be sure you’re not leaving God’s greatest gift for you sitting on the table.
That circuit took much longer than I expected… I was thinking we’d run through it twice, then maybe I’d need to fill the time with some 7’s or something… Not so! Made it about 97% through once before we ran out of time.

Gonna be feeling a tingle in the fingertips all morning from the freezing pee rocks!

Great to be out this morning with my F3 brothers working off some of that goo!  Coffeeteria was a good unwind as well.
February 24th – Bomb Shelter CSAUP!

Sugar Cookie Shake Down

THE SCENE: Clear, cold, and awesome

Arm circles x 10 ED IC

Mtn Climbers x 20 (4ct) IC

SSH x 25 IC

Tempo merkin x 20 IC


Mosey to large parking lot

Dora 1-2-3: Partner up.

P1 begins exercise while P2 runs 75 yards. Flap jack and P2 picks up count of exercise.

100 merkin, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats

Bearway to Heaven: 7 cones at extending distances. Bear crawl to cones and run back to start. At each cone begin with 7 burpees, run back, bear crawl to next cone for 6 burpees. Continue until cones and burpees are completed.

Mosey back to AO

7s: Step-ups and Incline merkins

10 box jumps, 30 flutter kicks

If you are going to make a New Years resolution, make it something you can work towards or manage. All these resolutions that are made and not completed cause people to feel like failures. Set your goal on something that you really want to accomplish and that you can put you heart and mind behind. Don’t start something that you know will end up in failure and cause you to feel like a failure.