F3 Knoxville

A fist of five

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side-straddle hops, arm and leg lifts from plank position, 10 slow tempo merkins, 20 squat jumps, 10 cherry pickers

Mosey down Roadshow Run to Perimeter Trail where it goes close to Lyons Bend.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Bottom of Mt. Everest.  Five Burpees then run around first tree and back to do Baby Crunches until all men have returned.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to Shady Area by Maintenance Bldg.  20 Flutter Kicks (four count).  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count).

Mosey to Road entering from Western Gate to Park.  Head East.  Go down hill on right by stop sign.  Thirties starting with five Merkins at bottom of hill and 25 Big Boys at top on road.  We will work up (or down) in increments of five for the exercises.

Mosey to Stop Light at Southeastern Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Each man grabs boulder.  25 Overhead Lifts, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, and 25 Squats with Boulder.  Then run to space needle, going to top and back down.  Come back to boulder pile and rinse and repeat the exercises with boulders.

Mosey to AO.

Boat canoe.

We, as men, need to learn the art of listening.  Active Listening is harder than one thinks.  It involves truly listening to the other person without interrupting.

Mistakes of listening:  cutting the person off, thinking we know what they are saying when we truly don’t, judging the other person, interjecting our own “answer” without truly understanding the problem, belittling the problem by buttering it over, saying things like “oh, it’s alright”, “you will get over it”, “it’s not that bad”, “It’s God’s will.”

Active listening involves a true attempt to focus on the person, conveying with words, facial expression and tone that you hear, understanding and reflecting the emotions that the person is conveying.  Active listening, in fact, can include reflective listening, where we give a brief synopsis of what the person said so that they know you are there with them.

Benefits:  the person feels understood, the person is more likely to trust you, the person gains from sharing their true experience, the person is empowered, and, through the empowering, the person often figures out a solution to the problem.

We need to try this more with women.  Women often times don’t want to hear solutions when they speak to us.  They just want to be heard, to be understood.

We need to try this with our children.  When kids are understood and allowed to come up with their own solutions, they usually do a very good job at reaching the correct solution.

We need to try this in our mission work with others.  People don’t want to hear your magical answer about God or Jesus saving them until they know they are understood by you – until you respect the power in them, the beauty in them, the I am your equal if not even better in them.


2nd F immediately after workout at Abridged Beer Company.

Quality over Quantity

THE SCENE: 60 with a bit of wind (but it was 60 so who cares about the wind, right?)

  • Side Straddle Hop X 15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles X 15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles – reverse X 15 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers X 15 (IC)
  • Windmills X 15 (IC)
  • Windmills – reverse X 15 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats X 10 (IC)
  • Mosey


The first part of the workout challenged the PAX to do AMRAPs (As Many Reps As Possible) with good, QUALITY form. We stayed together throughout this portion of the workout but all did different numbers of reps. At the end of the prescribed time for each exercise, we moseyed to another location.

  • Merkins – 2 minutes
  • Sit-ups – 3 minutes
  • Burpees – 3 minutes
  • Dips – 3 minutes
  • Star Jacks – 3 minutes
  • Rinse & repeat!

Second portion of the workout included the same exercises but had us picking up the pace with 10 reps at each station as fast as possible while running to the next exercise. Our focus was QUANTITY and cardio through 1-3 cycles each.  Mosey back to the AO


  • Box-cutters X 15 (IC)
  • American Hammers (Freedom Twists) X 15 (IC)



Booster, Fins, Homer, Neutron, Pink Eye, Scrum, Stye, Sweeper, Trolley!


Earlier this week my wife and I became grandparents of our 3rd grand Child.  As I was holding this new born baby I came to a renewed awareness of life and how precious it is.  God made all human beings in His image (Gen 1:27) with the sole purpose to glorify Him.  In Jer 1:5  God says “before I formed you in the womb knew you”.  We as men and leaders in the community must witness to other people the importance of the “value of life” and the importance to glorify God.  If we do that people might start thinking about that again and we might influence decisions on suicide, homicide and maybe even abortions.

JUCO will have 2 teams for the May 19th Obstacle Course Race, a 5-hour and 10-hour team; register here for JUCO 5 or JUCO 10 – https://endurancecui.active.com/event-reg/select-race?e=51587652&rf=35c7d20882aa4c1796efedbd47fe5261&ts=E


Merkins and Big Boys with a side of Mosey

THE SCENE: Upper 40s and clear, i.e. perfect

SSH x 25

CP x 10

BAC, forward and reverse x10

4 Sets of Merkins and BBS (IC), alternating between each.  Starting with 20 each, reducing by 5 till we hit the bottom.  Total of 50 for each exercise.  Remember this pattern.  It will be repeated.


  • Mosey from the AO to the Chapel
  • 4 sets of squats and 4ct flutter kicks OYO
  • Quick mosey up toward the rock pile
  • Stop on the way and rest with 4 sets of Merkins/BBS OYO
  • Go as hard as you can the rest of the way to the rock pile
  • Pick up a coupon, 4 sets of curls and presses, passing coupons to the left after each set.
  • Mosey back toward lower parking lot, see FiA in action and re-route to playground (don’t want to harsh their mellow)
  • At playground, 4 sets of box jumps and 4ct Hello Dollies.
  • Mosey to bottom of hill, Bernie up the hill with 5 burpees at the top
  • Back to AO

4 more sets of Merkins/BBS just for good measure

Boat/Canoe to finish


When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if he knew tomorrow was the end. He responded that he would plant an apple tree.  How would I respond?  If I trust in God each day, I will have no reason to worry about what is in store for tomorrow. I pray I can trust God to provide that which I need.

2nd F tonight at Abridged

Bring It On Down to Burpee Town

THE SCENE: 40’s and clear



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Tempo Squats x 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Mosey over to The Educator, quick stop for 10 warmup burpees

  • At bottom of the Educator – 10 burpees
  • Bernie up hill
  • Lunge from cone to cone, bear crawl back, sprint it out to end of parking lot
  • 10 BBS, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats
  • Head back down to bottom of hill – increase burpee count by 2 each lap
  • Mosey back to AO, quick stop for 5 cool down burpees


  • Protractors
  • LBC’s until time

14 PAX
We all have our bad days, but at the end of the day we get to come home to our families and friends and sleep in our beds. We have men and women fighting for us overseas right now who don’t get that same privilege. They’re mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters who don’t know what the next day holds for them. Comfort is not a thing they get to experience. Some are missing the births of their children, deaths in the family, and other important moments so that they can serve our country. Some don’t ever return home at all. Be thankful that our lives as civilians are protected by them. Remember what some others are going through when you’ve had a rough day at work. Next time you see a solider in uniform, thank them for all they have done for us and make us proud to be Americans.

Hardship Hill approaching

Park at church for beatdown Saturday 4/14 due to event in Springbrook

11 is the magic number

THE SCENE: 47* – perfect weather

Arm circles forward x11
Arm circles reverse x11
Calf raises x11
Imperial squat walkers x11
SSH x22
Mosey over to amphitheater.  PAX line up along the edge of the stage.  Perform exercises with no rest between.

  • Side step ups left leg x11
  • Side step ups right leg x11
  • Box jumps x11

Once complete Al Gore waiting for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished perform next set of exercises no rest in between.

  • Derkins x11
  • Dips x11
  • Ranger merkins x11

Once complete plank and wait for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished, perform next set no rest between.

  • Side step ups left leg x11
  • Side step ups right leg x11
  • Box jumps x11
  • Derkins x11
  • Dips x11
  • Ranger merkins x11

Once complete Al Gore and wait for everyone to finish.  Once everyone is finished, repeat last round of 6 exercises and run up center steps and around, back to stage and plank waiting for everyone to finish.  PAX plank, alternating between holding at 6″ and up top.  Recover and 11 count.

Mosey over bridge to the base of the Big Ball.  Next exercise is… 11’s on the stairs.  Start with 10 pull ups on the beams of the Big Ball, run up stairs to the top and perform 1 WWII Sit up. Repeat going through the 11s routine, working down in sit ups and up in WWII sit ups.  Jack rabbits perform flutter kicks, penguins, and LBCs waiting for everyone to finish.

Recover and 10 count.  Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Only time for box cutters (22)
19 strong – Careless, Rousey, Cowbell, Blazer, Anchorman, G6, Kibbles, Singlet, Hang Tight, Petey, Amazon, Threadcount, Downhill, Soup, Bullseye, Zachias, Couger, Crawdad, Abort
Charles Plumb flew 75 combat missions over Vietnam before being hit with a surface to air missile.  Even though he was flying too low and too fast, he survived but was captured and remained a POW for six years.  Years after returning home, he was sitting in an airport and a man came up to him who knew his name and that he flew missions off the USS Kitty Hawk.  Colonel Plumb, kind of amazed, asked the man how he knew that.  The man had been the one to pack his parachute the day he was shot down.

Always remember who is packing your parachute, those that do things for you that you may not think about that end up being huge in your life.
Continue praying for Sam and Brandt.