F3 Knoxville

Slopping Through the FakeGloom

THE SCENE: Raining and cool

10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward, 10 Baby Arm Circles Backward


Mosey to parking lot by South Ball Fields.

We will exercise in the four corners of this parking lot, sprinting between each exercise.  The exercises are:

  • Northwest Corner:  20 Merkens
  • Southwest Corner:  20 Imperial Walkers
  • Southeast Corner:  20 High Step Kicks
  • Northeast Corner:  20 Carolina Drydocks
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the Pavilion by South Ball Fields.

Elevens at the picnic tables.  Start with 10 Decline Merkens off bench of table and 1 Table Pull Up laying down on ground.  End with 1 Decline Merken and 10 Pull Ups.  Then do one minute squat with back to wall of pavilion.

Mosey to Dugout Area of Baseball Field

Do as many pull-ups as possible on one hang.  Hang for another 20 seconds when done.

Mosey to Park Perimeter Trail and Head East.  Then Go North as Trail Turns That Direction.  Go about 30 Yards North.

20 Squats

Mosey North Again to Serpentine Sidewalk that Heads West Back to Roadway

Lunge to first light.  Sprint next four lights.  Lunge to sixth light.  Sprint next four lights.  Keep doing this in increments of five lights until we get to roadway.

Mosey North on Roadway to Road Block Sign.

20 Ice Skaters by road sign block.  Then run up hill to gate at top of roadway.  20 Calf Raises.  Repeat.

Mosey The Very Short Distance Back to AO

Seven men.

Many men claim they want to be Men of Honor.  We almost intuitively know what it means.  But as humans we fall short.  Authors of novels often create heroes that are incredible examples of Honorable Men.  Yet, these same authors fall way short in terms of being the heroes they created in their stories.  We could all write a story about an honorable man – we need to try to be the hero that we would create in our own story.  Wake up each day giving effort to become the Honorable Man that you yourself have created in your own mind.  We begin to do that by:

  • Making the effort to go to F3 Beat Downs.
  • Enriching our minds and hearts by attending worship services.
  • Smiling when we come home to family, even after a hard day when we do not feel like smiling.
  • Giving credence to the unique wonder of each person we see and talk to.
  • Place love above money and power.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
3rd F this Saturday, 8:30 AM at Outlook.  Do not meet at Asylum for Saturday morning workout.  Go to Big Ball instead.

Fabulous 40

THE SCENE: 50 and clear

Mosey around the outhouse


40 Merkins

40 Squats

40 BBS

Mosey back to the outhouse

40 Box jumps

40 Dips

Mosey to the Matterhorn

40 V-ups


Mosey to the pav-a-lon

40 Pull ups

40 Floor wipers

Mosey back to the rock pile

40 curls

40 tri extensions

40 goblet squats

40 bent over row

40 American hammers

40 mtn climbers

40 flutter kicks

As you can tell I turn 40 today which means I have had many years to do the things I wanted to do.  I haven’t got them all done, but I have been fortunate to do quite a few.  In the same sense my 90 year old grandmother is currently lying in a hospital and most likely going to hospice.  I do not think she got to do all the things she wanted to do.  I think she has led a good and happy life, but I think there was other things, other adventures, or other experiences that she wanted to do.  Let this be a reminder to all of you do not put off the things you want to do until later.  We are not guaranteed any definite time on this earth, so make the most of it.  Hug your wives and kids, but also get out there and live your life.


Also welcome Abscess Jr…. aka Sleepwalker.

All The Things Go On The Shelf

THE SCENE: Low 50’s, quite pleasant for December

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15
  • Single Leg Burpees x 10 each leg
  • Cherry Pickers x 10


Mosey to Waxjob’s hill. Last PAX 5 Diamond Merkin, other PAX Heel-up lunges, Last PAX Sprint to front. Indian style.

4 rounds, 3 exercises,  12 4 count reps IC. Jailbreak down hill and Bear Crawl back up after each exercise.

1)Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch rt, Flutter Kicks,

2)Wide Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch lt, Roll up V ups,

3)Tempo Military Merkin, Double Step Heisman, In and outs,

4)Tempo Plange Merkin, Smurf Jacks, Bicycles.

Mosey to Grinder

CMU set 4 rounds:

1)Pick it up and put it on the shelf with CMU x 20 IC alternate sides each round

2)Reverse curls with CMU x 20 OYO

3)Side Tri Rise x 20 OYO alternate sides each round


  • Dr. W x 15
  • Scissors x 25 on Q
  • Big Boy Situps x 20
  • Superman/Banana

13 PAX and no FNGs

The Leader and Stress

Have you discovered the difference between problems and facts? Problems are things we can do something about; we can solve problems. Facts are things we can do nothing about; therefore we do well not to worry about them. We apply energy only to those things we can change. We can feel peace and act with poise, because we no longer beat our heads against an unbreakable wall.

Psalm 23 reminds us of what God alone can control and what we can control. It distinguishes between problems and facts. It defines God as…

  • our possession (v. 1)
  • our provision (v. 1)
  • our peace (v. 2)
  • our pardon (v. 3)
  • our partner (v. 4)
  • our preparation (v. 5)
  • our praise (v. 5)
  • our paradise (v. 6)

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord


3rd F event this Saturday 8:30 at the Outlook behind Stefano’s on the strip. G-6 Wardaddy has a word to share. Breakfast provided but bring a few bucks to chip in. We can carpool up from the Bomb Shelter for anyone interested.

Aiken Blackjack

THE SCENE: Clear 55 Degrees

  • Baby arm circles x 10 each direction IC
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers (Cadre Style) x 20 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
    Aiken Legs-3 Rounds
  • 20 squat, 20 box jump/step ups, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 split jacks
  • Black Jack – 1 BBS:20 Merkin (increase BBS and decrease merkin across parking lot)

Flutter Kicks until time was up (about 1:30)
FNGs: Brent Ball (Whammy), Stacie Clark (Switchgrass), Miles Mahite (Pioneer)
We have seen many prominent television and movie figures recently accused, and some rightfully so, of sexual misconduct within their work place. As men we must guard our wives and loved ones. Never put yourself in a situation where you can be accused or gossiped about because you were seen with another woman. Go with a group, never meet alone, keep situational awareness at all times. Do not laugh at those whose sin is in the national spot light.

Master the Mundane

THE SCENE: 35 and perfect

Woodshack led the charge on the warm up. All I know is I was warm for the meat of the workout. If interested ask Woodshack but as you could imagine it was stuff you would do if he would have played at Lockhaven State!!

We did the same thing the whole time. 4 corners with diamond merkins, Bobby Hurley’s, C Dry Docks, BB Situps. Also ran up a hill and did lunges in between.

Woodshack took over here as well. Did cool ab stuff to work our gut. Iron cross flutter things that were fun!!
35 brave men!!
Master the mundane. Doing the same thing all day can be boring but God has called us their for a reason and we are to do it to the best of our abilities!
Great Day!

3rd F this Saturday and sign up to Q