F3 Knoxville

Hydro Plow

THE SCENE: A bit damp with 100% chance of downpoor

SSH 4c 25  Dancing bear merkins 4c 10 Cherry Pickers 10 Tempo Squats 10 Hill Billy Squat Walkers 15

  • Mosey to stairs, @ bottom of stairs 20 merkins 20 dips 30 squats. Crawl Bear up steps. @ top of steps, 5 Burpees over the rope. Rinse & Repeat.
  • Mosey to the wall.  Wall squat while passing a coupon. Once coupon gets to the end of the line that HIM sprints up steps returns to the end of the line.  Took up to much time so we cut it short.
  • Mosey/ Jail Break?.. To the parking lot. With groups of 3, @ one end SSH @ the other end Leg lifts. In the middle slide 45lbs or 35lbs plate from one end to the other alternating end workouts.
  • are
  • handy.

Metronome and Ring -O- Fire

Know the difference in an “Excuse and a Reason”.  The PAX is the what makes F3 what it is.  Without the HIMS F3 does not exist.  We make a decision to get out and live in the gloom.  If we don’t make it to a work out, ask yourself if you have a reason or an excuse.  A reason would be work or an injury or sick etc.  An excuse is sleeping,  “Man I just don’t have time”etc.  This holds true with life decisions as well.  If you decide you want to make a change or want to get a new job that you know is better or what ever the case may be and you convince yourself you can’t…… Think for a moment.  Do I have a reason or am I making an excuse?


” Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.”   – Marry Anne Radmacher

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go,instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

” I want to be used up when I die.”  – George Bernard Shaw


Hardship Hill   May 19th

Kraken open some CMUs

THE SCENE: 63 – perfect



  • Merkins IC x 10  4ct
  • Squats IC x 10  4 ct
  • Calf raises IC x 10  4ct
  • OYO stretching


Split into 3 teams and attacked the CMU Kraken.  Perform exercise at each cone then run a lap around the circle with your CMU passing the cone you just completed and progressing to the next cone.

Cone # Lap 1 Lap 2
1 Mr. Spectacular x 25 Single arm bent over row x 25 (per arm)
2 CMU Squats x 25 Derkins x 25
3 CMU Single Arm Curl x 25 (each arm) CMU Tricep Press x 25
4 CMU Burpees x 25 CMU Big Boys x 25
5 CMU Lunge 25 out, 25 back CMU Front Deltoid Raise x 25
6 Thrust Merkins x 25 CMU Squat Press x 25
7 CMU Overhead Press x 25 CMU Hello Dolly x 25
8 Lizard Merkin crawl to center of circle & back Incline Merkins x 25



  • Captain Thors
  • Box Cutters x 20

18 HIMs in full effect:  Junk, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Flanders, Abacus, Podium, Ribbed, Snitch, Deadhead, Bowflex, Tweet-E, Scooter, Respect, Shooter, Tonka, Flute Loop, Driftwood, Bartman

John 3:16 is one of the most known scriptures in the Bible, however not many people read beyond verse 16.

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned,but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.    John 3:16-21

If we have not believed upon Christ as our Lord and savior, then we are already dead in our sin.  We need to be reminded of our actions and that we are never truly acting in secret.   God knows what is done in secret.  Are your actions honorable when no-one else is looking?  The fact is that there is never a time when no one sees what you are doing because God sees all.  Therefore the choice is whether you will act righteously in the light or unrighteously in the darkness.  Either way, nothing is hidden from God’s eye and he will judge us each accordingly.



Swimming with Bricks

THE SCENE: Slight breeze and a warm 61oF

  • Baby arm circles, Forward 10x, Reverse 10x IC
  • Side Straddle Hops 25x IC
  • Suzanne Summers 20x EL IC (cross jacks)
  • Cherry Pickers 10x IC
  • Micheal Phelps 20x OYO


  • Mosey to my truck to grab bricks
  • Mosey while doing The Swimmer around outer parking lot to starting point
  • Iron Hulk
    • 1 Merkin:4 Air Press (with bricks)
    • 8x increasing by 1 Merkin and 4 Air Presses each time (8 Merkins, 32 Air presses)
  • Dora 1-2-3 with bricks
    • Find a Battle Buddy
    • P1
      • 100 Merkins on bricks
      • 200 LBC with bricks on chest
      • 300 Goblet Squats
    • P2
      • Run around outer parking lot with bricks either doing The Swimmer or the Airplane
    • Plank until all are finished
  • WonderBra 15x IC
    • PeoplesChair against wall. Hand at chest with bricks, Push out, in and up
  • Iron Hulk 5x
  • Lap around the parking lot to AO


  • Flutters 15x IC
  • Box Cutters 10x IC
  • Bruce Lees 15x 
  • Squat to Crawl to Merkin and repeat 10x
  • Boat Canoe
  • Dealers Choice:
    • Circle of Pain – Mr. Wedgie
      • 5 Merkins, 4 Knuckle Merkins, 3 Ranger Merkins, 2 Wide Merkins, 1 Diamond Merkin
    • BBS – Hands behind head, fingers interlaced 20x – A-Rod
    • Slutter Kicks – Fast-n-Easy

Being authentic. Too many times we put on a persona of what we think people want to see. We act differently around our family, friends, church and co-workers to meet expectations. Social media has elevated this to an unhealthy level where we only post the most perfect moments in our lives and compare ourselves in all of our imperfections to other’s most perfect moments. We need to strive to be authentic in all aspects of our lives and stop comparing ourselves to these micro snapshots from others.

Just Do It.

THE SCENE: 50’s – calm 


“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning. I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so! But push yourself and those around you.


1. Cherry-Picker: 15 x 4 in cadence

2. SSH: 20 x 4 in cadence

3. High Knees: 20 x 4 in cadence

4. Plank Jack: 20 x 4 in cadence

5. Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence
PAX put keys/wallets/etc in Steam’s ruck

Steam assigned flag carrying duty to different PAX members throughout the beatdown

  • Mosey to The Foundry
    • Mosey around the back (bottom lot)
    • 15s
      • Assemble battle buddy teams
      • Bottom lot = Battle Buddy situps
        • Fingers interlocked behind head – battle buddy hold feet
        • Start with 14 BBSs
      • Top (Front of The Foundry) = Merkins
        • Start with 1 merkin
      • Time Crunch —- PAX recovered at bottom lot
      • G-6 led PAX in 10 – 4 count merkins as the exit ticket
  • Mosey Right out of The Foundry
    • Mosey to bridge tunnel leading to under I-40
    • Peel
      • 2 columns facing the tunnel ahead
      • QIC gave the command “PEEL” & each battle buddy team sprinted to the middle of the tunnel – executed 5 merkins – and sprinted to the other side and held the squat position until all PAX recovered
      • All PAX waiting their turn to PEEL held squat position
  • Mosey to middle column in open parking lot under I-40
    • 8s
      • @ middle column – 7 smurf jacks
      • @ trailer across lot = 1 squat
    • QIC rallied PAX @ trailer with flag
    • Full out 100% sprint back to middle column
  • Mosey back to AO
    • F3 Cadence Call by QIC
  • Abs @ AO
    • Frank led PAX in American Hammers & Flutter kicks until 6 arrived


27 total – 2 FNG

Quarantine – Steam – Put-Putt – Swanson – Baby-Face – Hillary – Abort – Amazon – Rousey – Rascal – Butterfly – Bessie – G-6 – Frank – Creeper – Plunger – Cowbell – Careless – Crouton – Prom Night – Petey – Cheatsheet – Cliffhanger – Ringworm – Cougar – Dipper – Bareback

1 Chronicles 28:10 = Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.

(MSG) “…..be brave and determined and do it.”

God is calling us as men to be strong – to be determined – to do it. He’s called us to build for him, not tear down. I don’t feel like I’ve been strong and have been doing it lately.

That’s where this circle doesn’t just stay here. Take this encouragement outside of 0530 – 0615.


Pray It Out

PRs: G-6’s friend who is battling cancer – for their family

A stroll with my CMU

THE SCENE: A HOT and dry 62 degree morning (it’s all relative)

SSH x25 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC

Everyone grab a CMU and mosey across the street to the first light pole. We lunged holding the CMU overhead and stopped at each light pole to do the following exercises:

  • 10 merkins on your CMU
  • 15 overhead presses
  • 20 CMU rows
  • 25 Decline Merkins (feet on CMU)

Mosey on over to the fountain and holding the CMU straight out, get in an Al Gore position and move to the right around the fountain. When the Q calls halt, we do 5 CMU burpees. We only did this once due to a little Q modification.

Mosey over to Mt. Crumpet and do 11s. At the bottom, we did CMU merkin rows and at the top we did squat jumps. On the trips up the hill we did the following:

  • 1st and 2nd trips – Bernie
  • 3rd and 4th trips – Bear Crawl
  • 5th and 6th trips – Bunny Hop
  • 7th and 8th trips – Sprint
  • 9th and 10th trips – Bears and Blocks (only Snorkel and Woodshack made it to this point!)

Mosey back to AO with a little bernie thrown in. Did a round of Blocktanamo as soon as we got back to make sure the shoulders were thoroughly burned.

Guantanamo – 1 round
Boxcutters – 15 IC
Woodshack special – Captain Thor to cash out (Got to 6 and 24)

14 men strong including one FNG!
Fear. We all know it. But when we think of the way that early Christians were persecuted and gruesomely martyred because they were spreading the Gospel, how do our fears compare? In this day and age, many people are scared to share the Gospel because they’re afraid of what someone might think of them or that they might “unfriend” them. Why do we give in to these fears when we know how the early Christians were persecuted?

This does not only apply to spreading the Gospel, we all have fear in every day life. Fear holds us back. Some people want to start businesses, but they don’t because they’re afraid the business will fail. Even many people who do start businesses fail, and they think that their fears were justified because of that failure. They don’t realize that it’s the other way around, they failed because they focused on their fear. Some fears are rational while some are irrational. For those rational fears, we must be courageous and overcome them. For those irrational fears, we need to think logically and get rid of them. Everybody’s fears are different, but nobody should let fear hold them back in life.

Hardship Hill on May 19th. Need more teams and volunteers to sign up.