F3 Knoxville

Pickett’s Charge – Hill Drill

THE SCENE: Upper 40’s Sunny and Breezy.

SSH 20 – 4 count in cadence
Cherry Picker 10 in cadence
Tempo Squat 10 in cadence
Windmill 10 – 4 count in cadence


Mosey to end of dragons trail
Route 66 – 2 exercises at ea light
Carolina DD 10 – 1
Star Jack 1 – 10
Plank till all arrive

Mosey to flat area of Pickets charge:
40 yrd dash 7’s Imperial Squat/Burpees
Al Gore till 6 arrives

Picket’s Charge – Hill Drill:
Run the Hill – 3 trips total
Base of hill: 20 Jump squats all three trips
Halfway up hill: 1st – Planks- elbow to push-up position, 2nd -Table-saw, 3rd -Peter Parker (all are 20 rep 4 count)
Top of hill: 1st -Diamond, 2nd -Derkins wide, 3rd -Ranger

Mosey to rock pile: 3 sets of 20 reps
BB sit up w/ rock
American Hammer w/ rock
Plank Jacks

Box Cutter 20 – 4 count
6” Leg raise – 30 sec
Boat Canoe -60 sec
Sometimes we get caught up seeing worship as music that moves us or an emotional experience we have – and those things are good. But there is more to worship than that. Romans 12:1-2. “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship…”    in words borrowed from a devotional —– “worship isn’t something we simply feel. Worship isn’t the name we give some experience that we seek while singing, lifting our hands, or closing our eyes. It’s something we DO with our bodies in all of life. We worship God whenever we perform an act out of a desire to draw attention to His greatness, especially revealed in sending His Son as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins.”

It takes hard work to get better..  but its WELL worth it!!


Pick your own adventure! Well…not so much

THE SCENE: 15 Strong brave the cold to get better.  No Rain!

  • 10 Burpee penalty for bot having the flag!   My bad!
  • 4x 4 Burpees x 5 – Burpees with 4 Merkins and 4 Mtn Climbers.
  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15

Mosey to Base Line

  • 50% Jog down then 1 4×4 Burpee
  • Karaoke down then 1 4×4 Burpee
  • Reverse down then 1 4×4 Burpee
  • Side shuffle down then 1 4×4 Burpee


Core Group– 40 minutes of Hell 7 rounds or until time runs out;

  • 20 Derkins on CMU
  • 20 Clean and Press CMU
  • 20 dry docks CMU
  • 20 rows w CMU
  • 20 Squats w/ CMU
  • 20 curls w CMU
  • 5 Blockees or 10 Burpees

RUN UP THE HILL!  Rinse and repeat

Cash Out: Devin Hester to the top of the hill one last time!
Slutter Kicks X 20
Snitch, Code Brown, Cosmo, Pluto, Dog Bite, Umbro, Pringle, Bunny, Coolio, Charmin, Amazon, Woodshack, Cheatsheet, Edit (coming from the can), Proton.

Control – There is very little in life that we truly have control of. You and I don’t know what’s going to happen next. We don’t have a clue what will be on our plates next week. Honestly facing your lack of control over your own life produces either anxiety or relief. Anxiety is God-forgetting. It is the result of thinking that life is on your shoulders, that it is your job to figure it all out and keep things in order. If you fall into this way of thinking, your life will be burdened with worry and your heart will be filled with dread. But there is a much better way. It is God-remembering. It rests in the relief that although it may not look like it, your life is under the careful control of One who defines wisdom, power, and love.

Smurfs & Unicorns

THE SCENE: Mid 30s and clear



  • Oyo stretches, this/that
  • 4 ct merkins IC x 10
  • tempo squat IC x 10
  • Calf raises with CMU – pax choose reps, 15-20ish.  Just want to warm up.


  • Suicides.  Pax draw exercises at random from the bucket and we run the 5 cone suicide course doing the exercise in the card.
    1. Burpees x 3
    2. Bear Crawl to 2nd & 4th cone
    3. SSH x 10
    4. CMU lunge to 2nd & 4th cone
    5. CMU OH press x 15
  • Elevators.  Run to the farthest cone between rounds.
    1. 10 burpees
    2. 10 burpees, 20 Goblet Squats
    3. 10 burpees, 20 Goblet Squats, 30 OH Press
    4. 10 Burpees, 20 Goblet Squats, 30 OH Press, 40 Reverse Crunch holding CMU overhead.
    5. Rounds 5-9 are going back down the escalator.  Drop burpees first, then squats, etc until finished.


  • 4ct LBCs IC x 20
  • Box cutters x 20


Mayberry, Frosty, Ratchet, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Ribbed, Hydro, Flanders, Podium, Smoker, Boones, Bartman

A piece of advice that’s served me well for many years:   Normally you know the right thing to do, but for those times when you really don’t know the “right” thing to do, simply choose the more difficult of your options.  That will usually put you on the right path.

Frosty we all agreed that Sadie needs a F3 nickname.

Mayberry we all admire your courage to admit to owning a smurf & unicorn trampstamp

OCR coming up May 19th

4 Strong at the Asylum

THE SCENE: 34 and overcast .

Side Straddle hop X 25, Baby Arm Circles X 20, Windmills X 10

Mosey the long way to base of Everest stopping to do 5 burpees a few times along the way.

  • Run up first 3rd of Everest, turn and back pedal 2nd 3rd, then run to rock pile
  • 2 times around the Asylum stopping only for 30 rock presses,  30 rock rows, 20 rock squats, 20 rock curls, 10 Rock sit ups, 60 LBC’s, 20 donkey kicks, 10 decline Merican partner squats and 10 ankle touch star jumps.

Ring of Fire X10 Mericans                                                                                                                    Ring of Fire X 4 Captain Thors boat ride(ring of fire with captain thor’s, while you wait on your turn you hold boat)

4 Pax

Forgiveness – I read a devotional on forgiveness a few weeks.  The author encouraged to pray and ask if there was anyone in your life that you needed to forgive.  Even though I really didn’t think of anything I needed to forgive I prayed about it anyway and realized there was something I had been holding on to.

Matthew 6:14-15                                                                                                                              For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

From Full House                                                                                                              @Bunny Here’s a good article on forgiveness to go w your forgiveness BOM. If anyone isn’t aware of All Pro Dads, it’s a pretty cool organization that Tony Dungy started and supports. 


Slowest Indian Run Ever

THE SCENE: About 32, but we warmed it up pretty quick

20x IC SSH (10slow10fast)
20 IC Boxer Jacks (i.e. high knees with a clap under each knee)
10x Tempo Merkins
20x IC Mtn Climbers (10s10f)
20x IC Tempo Squats

Two single-file lines on the grinder.
Everyone is SSHoping while the people in the back bear crawl to the edge of the Grinder and then to the front of the line.
When you get to the front, plank up and do shoulder taps until it’s time to go. When you go, lunge to the side of the grinder and then to the front of the line. Then repeat

  • SSH + Bear Crawl
  • Plank Shoulder Taps + Lunges

Switch the exercises half way

  • Al Gore + Crab Walk
  • Table Top Plank + Frog Hops

Final Stretch

  • Squats + Crab Walk
  • Slow Merkins + Frog Hops

10 Slow and 10 Fast Cycle (as many as you can in 5 minutes)

  • Dips
  • Calf Raises
  • Decline Merkins
  • Squats

Bear Crawl Indian race

  • Planks + Bear Crawls
  • SSH + Bear Crawls


  • Protractor
  • Box Cutter
  • Peter Parker (Spider Man)
  • 20x IC LBC
  • ATM

Also had Cable Guy and FNG (Now called Rehab)
A lot of times we are going to fast to see the good in the things we are going through or studying. We all need to take the time to slow down and really dig deep to find the wisdom that is there for us to find in ever situation, whether that’s in the things we are reading or in the people we are meeting or just in the situation we are going through.

Take the time to slow down and really see/learn what wisdom is here to be had.