F3 Knoxville

Rocking Friday Morning

THE SCENE: 42 degrees – 27 PAX – no wind

“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – & Faith
– My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning
– I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. That being said, you know your bodies better than anyone so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so BUT…..Push yourself and those around you – we will get better physically, mentally, and spiritually this morning.”


1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 20 x 4 (in cadence)

2. Rockette: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

3. Army Bend & Reach: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

4. Squat: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

5. Army High Jumper: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

6. Manly Arm Circles (we’re men – not babies): 5 x 4 forward & 5 x 4 backward (all in cadence) – full rotation of the arm and shoulder – 1 arm at a time

Mosey 15 feet out of the AO to the hill right beside AO parking lot

  • (1) Rocky Hill
    • Assemble Battle Buddy teams
    • 10 decline BBS (Battle-Buddy Sit-ups) each @ bottom of hill
      • 1 partner holds the other’s feet
    • Run up the hill
    • 10 rock chest presses
    • Run back down the hill
    • RINSE & REPEAT 3x – add 5 reps each time
      • 10 BBSs/10 RCPs — 15 BBSs/15 RCPs — 20 BBSs/20 RCPs
    • Recover @ the top of this hill
    • Code Brown leads flutter kicks until 6 is up
    • PAX executes 10 SSHs in cadence
  • Mosey to Asylum Playground with rocks
  • (2) Rockin Around the Asylum Playground
    • Stay in battle buddy teams
    • (1) Rock Flutter Kicks as a team = 110 total
      • Rock held overhead while executing flutter kicks
      • While other partner is doing
    • (2) Run to picnic tables = 5 decline merkins
    • Upon completion of 110 Rock flutter kicks 
    • (3) Rock Curls as a team = 110 total
      • While other partner is doing 
    • (4) Run to picnic tables = 5 incline merkins
    • Upon completion of 110 Rock Curls
    • (5) Rock Merkins as a team = 110 total
      • Rock under 1 hand — execute merkin — switch hands
      • While other partner is doing 
    • (6) Run to parking lot outside playground = 15 x 4 switchfoots
      • 1 foot on the curb/1 foot flat — quickly switch feet positions in a 4 count to 15
    • Mr Jinxy led PAX in 20 SSHs
  • (3) Rocking Back to the AO
    • Grab rocks and mosey to parking lot outside of playground
    • Set rocks in the middle — each PAX member finds a curb space
    • Execute 15 x 4 switchfoots in cadence led by QIC
    • Rinse & Repeat 5x
  • (4) Mosey Back to AO
  • Cheatsheet called upon to lead PAX in 20 x 4 SSHs in cadence
  • Hello Dolly: 15 x 4 in cadence
    • flip over to chest on ground
  • 10 – 1 count merkins
    • flip over to back on ground
  • Flutter Kicks: 15 x 4 in cadence
    • flip over to chest on ground
  • 10 – 1 count merkins
    • Flip over to seated position (on your 6)
  • 20 x 4 American Hammers


27 PAX

Cheatsheet – Ponzi – Big Bird – Triple A – Coolio – Rusty – Worm – Code Brown – Fabio – Rascal – Gibbler – Bunny – Rousey – Kentucky – Rainbow – Dogbite – Snitch – Pringle – Slide Rule – Mixtape – Blue Bird – Mr Jinxy – Pusher – Pacman – Foot Print – Cat Gut – Steam


On this day in 1917 = the U.S. entered WWI
– thousands of men were called into action – called into active duty service for their country.
What would it look like for us as high impact men to answer the call God gives us to go into active duty service as servants for HIS kingdom?
– ‎and you could say “man I don’t feel qualified to talk to my neighbor, coworker, friend, or family, about my faith or God.” Or “That’s not me, I’m not that guy”
– ‎but hear this: You are the guy. Because God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
Ephesians 6:19-20 (MSG) = And don’t forget to pray for me. Pray that I’ll know what to say and have the courage to say it at the right time, telling the mystery to one and all, the Message that I, jailbird preacher that I am, am responsible for getting out. 

Classic remix

THE SCENE: 24 showed up for Cool, clear and just plain awesome weather

5 burpees
Cherry Pickers x5
mericans w/holding cadence x10
Rockets x10 3-ct

Tha Thang:
Mosey Up the road stopping at guardrail and doing:
10 declines, 20 dips, 30 shoulder touch inclines. x3
Flutter kicks while 6 catches

Mosey to the middle of the Matterhorn
At pole:
Bernie Sanders to cone, 3 burpees and mosey down
Bunny hop up, 3 burpees and mosey down
Bunny Sanders up, 3 burpees and mosey down
Bear crawl up, 3 burpees and mosey down
Frog jump up, 3 burpees and mosey down
Bear jump up, 3 burpees and mosey down

repeat x2

Jailbreak to the pavalon:
5 pull ups, 10 dips repeat for 3 mins.

Mosey to AO
Stopping at every light pole for 10 merkins.

Ring of fire w/Al Gore hops x5
Side crunch holds
Scooter lead us in Flutters etc

COT and BOM:

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV.

Good chatter today, 6 was never too far behind even with over 20 HIMs
Hardship Hill Sign ups

Oh Well, Part 1

THE SCENE: 34 degrees, clear skies, calm wind

• SSH x20
• Arm Circles (forward/backward) x20
• Windmills with back stretch x13
• Jog/Sprint​(length of parking lot, wait after each length)
• Skip/Sprint
• Karaoke/Jog
CMU carry to Mt. Crumpet (stop at every second light post)
• 10 incline merkins
• 10 CMU curls
• Al Gore till all ready to mosey

Base (b4 each trip up)​            To Top/To Base​​           Top
• 10 curls​​​​                                 Run/jog​​​​                      15 BBS
• 10 presses​​​                             Bernie/jog
• 10 swings​​​                              Bear Crawl/jog
• 10 rows​​​​                                  Bernie/jog
• 10 chins                                 ​​​​Run/jog​​​​

Repeat as time allows

CMU carry to AO stopping once for 10 incline merkins/10 curls


10 box cutters; 20 flutter kicks, superman/banana

13 total, no FNG’s
Oh Well Part 1 is a song recorded in 1969 by Fleetwood Mac before the group had Christie MacVie, Lindsay Buckingham, and Stevie Nicks in the group. Written and sung by then lead guitarist Peter Green, the second verse is:

Now when I talk to God, I knew He’d understand; He said, “Stand next to me and I’ll be your guiding hand.  But don’t ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to.  Oh Well.

I don’t need to ask God that question because I know the answer.  He created me, pursued me in my sinful nature, and loved me enough to send His Son to live among us.  His Son loved me enough to bear the burden of my sin, to face rejection by the Father, and to die for me.  His Spirit is willing to live within me in spite of my sinfulness and filthy rags and loves me enough to lead me in my ongoing road to sanctification.  All Christians have that same love and assurance.  Just like we try to headlock other men and get them to join F3, we ought to headlock everyone with the good news of the Gospel



Reminder about Hardship Hill Team OCR on May 19, 2018.  Looking for teams and volunteer workers the day of the event and days leading up to it.

Brickyard Seabiscuit

THE SCENE: A crisp 32 and clear

SSH – 25 in cadence

Copperhead squats – 20 in cadence

Burpees – 5 OYO
In honor of the start of spring horse racing at Keeneland, the Brickyard Seabiscuit:

  • 1 lap around main parking lot, followed by  10 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 BBS
  • increase laps by 1 and repeat exercises up to 5 laps
  • decrease laps back down to 1 while repeating exercises at the end of each set of laps.

All ran hard and a few even completed all 25 laps before time ran out and the race ended.

Flutter kicks – 20 in cadence

Boxcutters – 20 in cadence

Freddie Mercury’s – 20 in cadence

And Peter: From the Resurrection service at church, pastor spoke from Mark 16: 1-7.  The angel meets the women in the empty tomb and instructs them to tell the disciples AND PETER.  Only 3 days before, Peter had denied Jesus 3x just like Jesus had told him he would.  Peter was named specifically to show that he was forgiven.  If Jesus forgave Peter for his public denial, there’s nothing, outside of refusing to accept him, that he won’t forgive us for if we just ask and look to Him.
8 strong came out in the unusual April cold and warmed up quickly.  They never stopped moving and ran until time was up.

Dog Biscuit

THE SCENE: 57 degrees, windy

SSH x 25 IC

Merkins x 10 IC


Burpees x 5 OYO

The Dog Biscuit:

PAX moseyed to the starting line and completed the interval work-out that consisted of running/merkins/BBSU/burpees. PAX ran to each cone (3 cones set-up around the “track”) and completed 30 merkins, 20 BBSU, and 10 burpees at each cone.

We covered 2.5+ miles, 200+ merkins, 175+ BBSU, and 90+ burpees.

25 Hello Dolly’s IC

10ish SSH IC


Buy-in vs Pour-in. When you buy-in to something it is about you, what can you get. When you pour yourself into something, it’s not about you, it’s about what you can give. PAX was encouraged to pour themselves into today!

9 strong this morning at the Dog Pound. Nowhere to hide and everybody ate the Biscuit!!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.