F3 Knoxville


60 and Clear

Ruck 3 miles

Routine Alpha
Partner up to practice fireman carry (to tree and back)

Then Partner PT
– 2 Rounds, Partner does exercises while other holds plank or Al Gore
+ Step Ups x10 each leg
+ Derkins x15
+ OH Lunges (x7 each side)
+ Turkish Get ups (x5 each side)
+ Jump Squats x15

Ruck 3 miles

Routine Beta
At Station 1:
– Merkins x20
– Squats x20
– BO Rows x20
Bear Crawl to station 2

At Station 2:
– OH Press x20
– Flutter Kicks (holding ruck) x20
– Curls x20
Crab Crawl (ruck in the front) back to Station 1

Rinse and repeat, AMRAP for 25 minutes

Ruck 3 miles w/Coupons

Tour of the new AO

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

Warm o rama

IC 4 ct cherry pickers
IC 4 ct windmills
IC 4 ct SSH
IC 4 cr Domo squats
IC 4 ct Merkins


Mosey to the hill
– sprints up the hill
– Jog down the hill
– 10 BBS
– X5

Mosey to the top of the hill
– 10 regular Merkins
– 10 wide Merkins
– 10 Bobby Hurleys
– X 3

Mosey down the to the playground
– 10 Turkish getups
– 10 Domo squats
– 10 v-ups
– X3

Backpedal up the hill

Mosey across the bridge
– 10 Floor wipers
– 10 CDDs
– Frog jumps
– X3

Mosey towards the AO stop near bathroom
– Lunge the last section

Sprint to the finish

– Macarena
– American Hammers
– Dead bug
– Home Alone


I am 3rd. God first, others second, myself 3rd. And this weekend let’s make the mothers we know the focus of our 2nd. Our moms and wives who are moms. Let’s let them know how important they are to us.

Shout out to Ratchet, who made an appearance at the AO to drop off a new shovel flag.  Thank you

Pavilion Playtime

63 and Stormy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Squat Jacks 10 xIC
Triple Merkins (Regular – Wide – Diamond) 4ct x10 IC
Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x11 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

The Accumulator
Start with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. Then, work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds (20s) per exercise:

– Exercise 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1 and 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5

– Exercise 1 = Burpees
– Exercise 2 = Narrow Squats
– Exercise 3 = Dry Docks
– Exercise 4 = Tuck Jumps
– Exercise 5 = Merkins

Partner Circuit
Partner 1 – Lunge the length of the building, bear crawl back
Partner 2 – Alternate x20 Let Me Ups (on the picnic tables) and x20 4ct Flutter Kicks until Partner gets back

Switch. Rinse and repeat x3

10 to 1
Alternate BBS and Derkins doing 10 reps each exercise, then 9, and so on to 1

Cash Out
10 Box Jumps
15 Dips
Rinse and repeat, x3

Number off and Name-O-Rama (6 PAX + 1 Skunk)

Ephesians 4:29 – Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

HIMs are life-givers, not life-takers.  One of the most powerful ways we influence others around us is with our words.  Our words can either build up or tear down, the choice is ours.  What YHC has found, is we tend to get back what we give out!

Lightening thew us a curve ball this morning, but men showed up and put in work to get better.  We did an impromptu workout and it was a great morning.

In all honesty, YHC was ready to head back home and enjoy a cup of coffee, but when I saw my brothers getting out of their cars ready to push themselves and each other…I realized there was no place else I’d rather be.  Iron sharpens Iron!

Hello Spring!

The scene: 60 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x 10
Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x 10
Rockettes IC x 10

Tha Thang:
2 laps around boat dock parking lot stopping at each light pole & alternate the following:

  • Lap 1- Mountain Climber x 10; BBS x 10
  • Lap 2 – Wide Merkin x 10; American Hammer x 10


  • 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill
  • 20 Reverse Lunge (4 ct), 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill
  • 20 SSH (4ct), 20 Reverse Lunge (4ct), 20 Merkins (4 ct), run hill

5 cones. Do 2,4,6,8,10 (increasing at each cone) of the following

  • Rd 1: Starjacks
  • Rd 2: Dry Docks
  • Rd 3: Sumo Squat
  • Rd 4: Diamond Merkin

Dead Bug x 20
Box Cutter x 20
LBC x 20
Peter Parker

Count off and name-o-rama

Challenge the way you think. Proverbs 23:7 says “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”. Luke 6:45 says “out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks”. In both of these scriptures, the word heart refers to our mind….how we think about things. Our thoughts are forerunners to our actions. Whatever you allow to happen internally between your ears will eventually develop into your external actions.


Scene: 48 clear and awesome!

Welcome and disclaimer

Pursuit- the action of following someone or something.

IC 20 4ct SSH
IC 5 4ct diamond Merkins
IC 5 4ct regular Merkins
IC 5 4ct wide Merkins
X 3


Mosey to hockey rink
– 10 Derkins
– 1 Suicide
– X5

Catch the guy in front of you:
– inch worms
– Duck walk
– Bear crawl
– Bunny hop
– Panther walk
– Kangaroo hops
– Lobster walk
– Flamingo
– Lizard walk
– Lunges

– Frog jumps

Mosey to the starting line
– wind sprints
– Merkins
– X5

– Dead bug
– American Hammers
– Pickle pounders


I have been in pursuit over many things in my life, girls, laughs, jobs, my wife, and even criminals. And through almost all of those times I was never in a pursuit of God. There were a lot of times when I doubted God, or strayed, or put him on the back burner, but… He was always in pursuit of me. He never gave up on me. He came for me in good times, and carried me through the bad times. He was always there. More importantly when I finally realized what was going on, I didn’t have a long chase to catch God because He had just been waiting for me to stop running. Now the tide has turned, I actively try and pursue a relationship with Him, and you know what? My life has gotten better because of my relationship with Him.

To those of you who are still running, let God catch you, because one way or another He will.

Psalm 139 7-12