F3 Knoxville

Just Do It.

THE SCENE: 50’s – calm 


“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this morning. I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so! But push yourself and those around you.


1. Cherry-Picker: 15 x 4 in cadence

2. SSH: 20 x 4 in cadence

3. High Knees: 20 x 4 in cadence

4. Plank Jack: 20 x 4 in cadence

5. Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence
PAX put keys/wallets/etc in Steam’s ruck

Steam assigned flag carrying duty to different PAX members throughout the beatdown

  • Mosey to The Foundry
    • Mosey around the back (bottom lot)
    • 15s
      • Assemble battle buddy teams
      • Bottom lot = Battle Buddy situps
        • Fingers interlocked behind head – battle buddy hold feet
        • Start with 14 BBSs
      • Top (Front of The Foundry) = Merkins
        • Start with 1 merkin
      • Time Crunch —- PAX recovered at bottom lot
      • G-6 led PAX in 10 – 4 count merkins as the exit ticket
  • Mosey Right out of The Foundry
    • Mosey to bridge tunnel leading to under I-40
    • Peel
      • 2 columns facing the tunnel ahead
      • QIC gave the command “PEEL” & each battle buddy team sprinted to the middle of the tunnel – executed 5 merkins – and sprinted to the other side and held the squat position until all PAX recovered
      • All PAX waiting their turn to PEEL held squat position
  • Mosey to middle column in open parking lot under I-40
    • 8s
      • @ middle column – 7 smurf jacks
      • @ trailer across lot = 1 squat
    • QIC rallied PAX @ trailer with flag
    • Full out 100% sprint back to middle column
  • Mosey back to AO
    • F3 Cadence Call by QIC
  • Abs @ AO
    • Frank led PAX in American Hammers & Flutter kicks until 6 arrived


27 total – 2 FNG

Quarantine – Steam – Put-Putt – Swanson – Baby-Face – Hillary – Abort – Amazon – Rousey – Rascal – Butterfly – Bessie – G-6 – Frank – Creeper – Plunger – Cowbell – Careless – Crouton – Prom Night – Petey – Cheatsheet – Cliffhanger – Ringworm – Cougar – Dipper – Bareback

1 Chronicles 28:10 = Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.

(MSG) “…..be brave and determined and do it.”

God is calling us as men to be strong – to be determined – to do it. He’s called us to build for him, not tear down. I don’t feel like I’ve been strong and have been doing it lately.

That’s where this circle doesn’t just stay here. Take this encouragement outside of 0530 – 0615.


Pray It Out

PRs: G-6’s friend who is battling cancer – for their family

A stroll with my CMU

THE SCENE: A HOT and dry 62 degree morning (it’s all relative)

SSH x25 IC
Tempo Squats x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC

Everyone grab a CMU and mosey across the street to the first light pole. We lunged holding the CMU overhead and stopped at each light pole to do the following exercises:

  • 10 merkins on your CMU
  • 15 overhead presses
  • 20 CMU rows
  • 25 Decline Merkins (feet on CMU)

Mosey on over to the fountain and holding the CMU straight out, get in an Al Gore position and move to the right around the fountain. When the Q calls halt, we do 5 CMU burpees. We only did this once due to a little Q modification.

Mosey over to Mt. Crumpet and do 11s. At the bottom, we did CMU merkin rows and at the top we did squat jumps. On the trips up the hill we did the following:

  • 1st and 2nd trips – Bernie
  • 3rd and 4th trips – Bear Crawl
  • 5th and 6th trips – Bunny Hop
  • 7th and 8th trips – Sprint
  • 9th and 10th trips – Bears and Blocks (only Snorkel and Woodshack made it to this point!)

Mosey back to AO with a little bernie thrown in. Did a round of Blocktanamo as soon as we got back to make sure the shoulders were thoroughly burned.

Guantanamo – 1 round
Boxcutters – 15 IC
Woodshack special – Captain Thor to cash out (Got to 6 and 24)

14 men strong including one FNG!
Fear. We all know it. But when we think of the way that early Christians were persecuted and gruesomely martyred because they were spreading the Gospel, how do our fears compare? In this day and age, many people are scared to share the Gospel because they’re afraid of what someone might think of them or that they might “unfriend” them. Why do we give in to these fears when we know how the early Christians were persecuted?

This does not only apply to spreading the Gospel, we all have fear in every day life. Fear holds us back. Some people want to start businesses, but they don’t because they’re afraid the business will fail. Even many people who do start businesses fail, and they think that their fears were justified because of that failure. They don’t realize that it’s the other way around, they failed because they focused on their fear. Some fears are rational while some are irrational. For those rational fears, we must be courageous and overcome them. For those irrational fears, we need to think logically and get rid of them. Everybody’s fears are different, but nobody should let fear hold them back in life.

Hardship Hill on May 19th. Need more teams and volunteers to sign up.

Tortoise vs. Hare: Asylum 3/29

THE SCENE: Balmy gloom 60 F

SSH x 25, Tie Fighters x10 each arm, Cherry pickers x 5, Merkins x 10. A couple laps across the parking lot at 50% and high knees

Mosey to the playground –>11’s on the playground, box jump/derkins, crunch/flutter kick

Mosey to the Circus Maximus (aka lower parking lot)

Tortoise vs. Hare workout

  • Tortoise: 4 Pax on Log pull
  • Hare: Complete set of exercises and chase down the Tortoise
  • Rinse and repest alternating groups
  • Hare sets: Broad Jump Burpee x 10, Clock Face Merkins set, Burpee Dan x 4.

Turns out the Tortoise was harder to catch that I thought it would be…

Mosey to the Pavillon. Sets of Table Rows, Dips, Jack Knifes (45degree sitting crunches on table top) x10 each, 2 sets.

Back to AO and finish out strong with ATM set.



9 strong with one FNG, Carni.

Try to remember the importance of sacrificial service which is the foundation of  true leadership.  Recall the example of Jesus on the Last Supper washing the disciples feet.

“Rather, let the greatest amount you become as the least, and the leader as one who serves.”  Luke 22:26

Wagon Wheel

THE SCENE: Clear and cool

• Windmills Forward X 10 (4 CT)
• Windmills Backward X 10 (4 CT)
• Michael Phelps X 10 (IC) 4 CT
• Quad Stretch x 10 (L&R) IC
• Tempo Squats x 10 (3 CT) IC
• Tempo Mercan x 10 IC (3 CT)
• Toe touches – 30 seconds
• Big boys sit-ups x 10 OYO


Wagon Wheel

Set up a series of cones in the shape of a wagon wheel. Each PAX starts in the center and then runs down a “spoke” to the edge, does the exercise for 26 reps, then runs back to the center. Moving clockwise around the wheel, PAX was challenged to get as manny spokes as possible in 30 min.


  • American Hammers
  • Burpees
  • Crunches
  • Diamond push-up
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Carolina Dry-docks
  • Squats
  • Hand release push-up


Hello Dolly
Flutter Kicks
Superman Swimmers
Box Cutters



Exodus 20:3-5

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Let’s Just Get After It!

57 and Clear


Welcome and Disclaimer



  • SSH x30 IC
  • 4ct Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • 4ct Merkins x10 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x10 IC
  • Little Arm Circles x10 each Forward and Back IC
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • 5 Burpees

Mosey to side of the parking lot and get a battle buddy.


Partner Burpee Suicides
Both men stand along the curb at the orange cones.  Then they perform the following sequence:

  1. Battle Buddy 1 performs 10 BBS while Battle Buddy 2 holds their feet in a plank position.
  2. Battle Buddy 2 switches to alternating between 10 Merkins and 10 Squats while Battle Buddy 1 sprints to the first cone and performs 2 Burpees, sprints back, sprints to second cone and does 4 Burpees, then sprints to where they started.
  3. Switch, Battle Buddy 2 then performs the progression.

Do as many repetitions as you can in 7 minutes.

Mosey to new parking lot.


Triple Man Sprints
2 men at Cone 1 (near side orange cone) and 1 man at Cone 2 (far side orange cone).  One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone (x10 or x15 reps), stopping in the middle at the yellow cone to do 2 burpees.  Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises (either x10 or x15 reps).  First man now runs to Cone 2.  Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes, 3 rounds.

Rd 1: Upper Body
Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 2 = Shoulder Taps / Superman Swims

Rd 2: Abs
Cone 1 = American Hammers / Lance Armstrongs
Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dollys

Rd 3: Lower Body
Cone 1 = Prison Squats / Skaters
Cone 2 = Lunges / Side Lunges

Mosey back to SP.



  • 4ct LBCs x20 IC
  • Side Crunches Rt x20 IC
  • Sdie Crunches Lf x20 IC


37 PAX including 3 FNGs – 8 Track, AAA and Downhill


“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Kings Solomon, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The sequoia redwood trees located in California, are some of the biggest trees in the world. The General Sherman is, in fact, noted as THE largest known living single stem tree on Earth! It is 275 ft tall, 25 feet in diameter, and is approximately 2,500 years old.

 Something that huge must have an incredible root system that goes down deep in order to stand that tall. Not the case at all. The sequoia redwood trees have a unique root system that is a marvel, compared to their mammoth size.

Their roots are relatively shallow. There is no tap root to anchor them deep into the earth. The roots actually only go down 6-12 feet, and yet, these trees rarely fall over. They withstand strong winds, earthquakes, fires, storms, and prolonged flooding. How can something up to 500 tons, reaching over 350 feet in height, and live for many centuries remain standing with roots only going down about 10 feet?

The interesting thing about the redwood tree is that their root system is intertwined with the other redwood trees, literally holding each other up. The trees grow very close together and are dependent on each other for nutrients, as well. Only redwoods have the strength and ability to support other redwoods.

So, beneath the surface of these humongous, tall, statuesque trees are roots like a army of men who have their arms interlocked, standing and supporting each other. They are preventing the adversaries of life from knocking each other down. They are also making sure there is plenty of nutrients for growth to continue.

To me, the PAX is like a forest of redwoods. We are stronger TOGETHER.  We grow, challenge and support each other as we each strive to reach our potential physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually.