F3 Knoxville

Warmin’ up in here!


  • Side Straddle Hop X 25
  • Ty Fighters X 20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Bobby Hurley x 20

 Mosey to Lower Lot – 4 stations

  • 20 Squats, 20 Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), Close Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Bobby Hurley, 20 wide Mercan
    • Run a lap pass to next stop
  • 20 Star Jacks, 20 Mercan

Mosey to Top of Cardiac – Route 33 in reverse

  • Increasing dercans at every light
    • Run back up
  • Increasing Star Jacks at every light
  • Increasing Big Boys at every light.

 Burpee Ladder

  • 1-10


  • Flutter Kick x 25
  • Peter Parker x 20
  • BBS 30 Seconds

Extreme Ownership – There are not bad teams only bad team leaders.  It is our jobs as leaders and high impact men to be responsible for the outcome in our spheres of influence.

Hills & Elevators

THE SCENE: a nice warm 33 degrees



Stretch a little & stay moving:  Run in place, 5 merkins, back to running, 10 Side Straddle Hops, back to running, 10 merkins


  1. Mosey to the Dawn Wall for some work
    • 7s:  squat jumps at top / merkins at bottom
  2. Mosey to the coupon pile
    • 4 corner elevators in parking lot
      • Corner 1:  10 Burpees
      • Corner 2:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press
      • Corner 3:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat
      • Corner 4:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat; 40 Big Boys (with rock)
      • (ran out of time on way down the escalator….had to audible the reps)
      • Corner 1 descending:  20 OH Press; 20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys
      • Corner 2 descending:  20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys


  • Had to make it quick…not much time
    • Hello Dolly x 20
    • Hello Dolly (on elbows) x 10

3 strong at JUCO today:  Booster, Neutron, Bartman

Yesterday in Sunday school we talked about the importance of having individuals we are praying for.  I shared with the men today the idea of having a Top 5….that is, 5 people you are specifically praying for on a daily basis who are lost.  As you continually lift these 5 people up in prayer it will also create a top-of-mind awareness for you to look for opportunities to be bold and insert salt & light & grace in that person’s life.

Disclaimer:  non-original material.  The “elevator” portion was straight-up stolen from a beat down Proton delivered at the Dog Pound a few months ago.  Gotta give credit where it’s due – it was a good one and worth repeating!


All Fun and Games

THE SCENE: Let’s say 10 degrees. Nice and clear!

SSH x30 IC
Burpees x5 OYO
Tempo Cossack Squats x20 IC (10 each leg)
Burpees x5 OYO
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
Burpees x5 OYO
LBAC x20 each way IC
Al Gore Tucks x10 IC (finally made it to 10! I might have counted faster though…)

Time to play with Sandy! PAX split to 2 groups 60yd apart. Sandy has list of exercises.
All PAX start with top exercise. One carries bucket to other line and stays there. That line switches to next exercise, and one PAX carries bucket back. R&R for a few rounds:
Mtn Climbers
Flutter Kicks

Mosey down to Coffeeteria just to make sure it’s still there. Looks like coffee’s brewing, so head back toward AO.

Circle up for some Roll Your Own:
Gather around large foam D12 with exercises and reps printed on it. Everyone gets a turn to roll, everyone does rolled exercises.
2 times around the circle… It’s been far too long to remember the order, but among those done were:
Jump Squats
Crab Walks
Butt Kickers
Calf Raises
Jump Ropes
Star Jacks

Mosey over to the game board for some mini-Dora:
50 Merkins
100 BBS
150 Monkey Humpers

Impromptu dips x20, then head back to the AO

Decent time remaining for some core work:
Reverse Crunch x20 IC
Side Crunch x20 IC each side
Row your Boat x4
Finished out with leg-pushdown ring of fire.

7 came to play today! No FNGs

Everybody looks just a few years older today – all white-bearded from the frost!
Alcoa CSAUP coming up at the end of February!

Frozen Truckers

THE SCENE: clear sky, 10 degrees, no wind

10 burpees OYO, 25 SSH IC, 15 merkins IC, 15 Tempo squat IC

    Mosey to the soccer field where pax buddied up and took a lap around the field, on the side lines they wounded dragged to the corners and did 10 diamond merkins and on the end lines they fireman carried, stopping at half field to also do 10 diamond merkins.
  • on the second lap they sprinted the side lines and lunged the end lines, stopping at the corners and half field to do 10 ranger merkins.
  • we  then did 7’s across the field with burpees and smurf jacks
  • PAX then circled up on the center field where we did flutter kicks IC while one at a time they would run to the bleachers and do 10 dips, every other time someone finished dips PAX that were circled up would switch to a different core exercise (box cutters, LBC, ect.)
  • mosey once around the field.
  • PAX lined up on the end line and ran across the field stopping at every line and doing 7 BBS, and then back across the field doing ranger merkins
  • mosey once around the field
  • PAX again lined up on the end and did the same this time with 7 dry docks and back across doing 7 monkey humpers
  • mosey back to AO


we did 3 minutes of boat canoe on my count followed by 25 box cutters IC
10 PAX no FNG’s
I shared how this time of the year for me at work is can be more stressful than normal and how I often times find myself complaining about my day to my wife. Being the amazing wife that she is she reminded me of how the Lord sends us blessings that the enemy will try to steal. I told the PAX how prevalent complaining is to people in our society and how it works to steal our motivation and drive to appreciate God’s blessings and to complete the things that God has planned for us. This is especially true in a group setting, one person starts complaining and it will spread like fire through the group robbing the group of its motvation to complete the task at hand.
prayed for Iceman’s family member who suffered a stroke and also for Tank’s foot to heal.

West Hills meets the COW

THE SCENE: 14* and light wind

Jog out around the greenway and back to start lot. Too cold to stand and stretch.
Multiple stations set up. Each weirdo has ruck on for each exercise. Move through each station and return to start to keep going. Each weirdo must take a lap up to the next lot and back down with the Casualty of War (the COW). PAX not on their COW lap continue moving through exercise stations. Stations as follows:

  • 60 pound sandbag – bag presses x10
  • 60 pound sandbag – rows x20
  • Battle ropes – x20 on four count
  • Squats x20
  • 50 pound sandbag – squat presses x20
  • Merkins x20
  • 60 pound sandbag – flutter kicks x20 on four count

Once all weirdos have taken a COW lap, PAX mosey up hill to narrow sidewalk.  Bear crawl up halfway, then Bernie Sanders the rest of the narrow sidewalk beside the Y entrance. Mosey back down to the pavilion.  Everyone performs 20 butt release squats on benches, then 20 step ups (10 each leg).  Exit pavilion and continue mosey around greenway in the opposite direction we usually go.  Once back to the original lot, repeat the same process as before.  PAX move through stations and repeat until all PAX have taken a COW lap.

Mosey around the greenway in the normal direction, with a jailbreak at the end just to empty the tanks.

8 frozen weirdos: Proton, Ratchet, Woodshack, A Rod, Switchgrass, Ivanka, Snorkel, Abort
Pray for Cap in his travels and Pfeiffer’s continued recovery