F3 Knoxville

CMU Later

THE SCENE: Pretty warm and a perfect morning for a beat down!

SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walker x15 IC
Run in place, lunge when Q calls it out
Little Baby Arm Circles x20 IC
Mosey over to a lamp post, then do the following exercises between each lamp post:

  • Lunges
  • Crab Walk
  • Squat Jump

Mosey to another lamp post on the other side and do bear crawls, but don’t stop at the next lamp post! Going for two. Mosey over to grinder with CMU.

Do 2 reps of the following Exercises. After doing each exercise twice, run to the corner and do two double military merkin burpees. Repeat for time, increasing each exercise by 2 until Q calls time (2, 4, 6, 8…).

  • Braced Squats (Holding CMU straight out while squatting)
  • Curl, Press, Tri with CMU
  • CMU Merkin row (merkin w/ hand on CMU, then row)
  • Dips
  • Pull-ups


  • Louganis
  • Plank on your six holding CMU
  • Boxcutter
  • Guantanamo
  • Snorkel suggestion, Pass the CMU

13 Pax this morning with no FNGs: Hammy, Woodshack, Moses, Drifter, Butterfingers, Flash, Pinnocchio, Snorkel, Raincheck, Slumlord, Mr Rogers, Waxjob, Fins
We as men are expected to be courageous, but I don’t think that a lot of men know what that means. Someone once explained it to me like this: Imagine that you are afraid of snakes and there is a child next to you that is not afraid of snakes. If the child picks up a snake, that does not show courage. But if you pick up a snake, it is courageous. Courage is not the lack of fear, it is overcoming fear. Look at men in the military. My cousin earned a bronze star as a platoon leader in Iraq in 2003. One of his men got shot and my cousin ran across the road, threw the guy over his shoulder, and ran back shooting his M16 with one hand. He did not go get that guy because he thought it was a good opportunity to earn a bronze star. He got that guy because that guy is his brother and the fellowship that they have was enough for my cousin to overcome his fear of running through a street full of flying bullets. The first day that I came to F3, I came to get in better shape and to make myself better. I was scared to do my VQ, but today I showed up for the men who came. I showed up to make them better. That is why F3 works so well, because of that 2nd F and being able to push each other and work with each other to overcome our fears and show courage.


  • Saturday, December 30 meet at Alcoa municipal building
  • February 24 CSAUP

Boxes of merkins

THE SCENE: Warmer than expected, 44* and perfect

Windmills x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Steve Earls x10 IC
Tempo merkins x10 IC
Form 2 lines and mosey over to bottom of amphitheater.  Once there, line up at base of stage.  OYO, Pax perform 10 box jumps, followed by 10 decline merkins, then short recovery.  Repeat box jumps and decline merkins for 3 sets.

Pax then bunnyhop up the steps of the amphitheater, touching every step.  Once to the top, perform 5 burpees and 10 rail rows.  Return to the bottom of the steps and perform flutter kicks waiting on the six.  Recover.  Pax then lunge up the stairs to the top, again touching each step either with foot or knee.  Again perform 5 burpees and 10 rail rows and return to the bottom of the steps.  Flutter kick waiting on the 6, once all in QIC counts off 10 four count flutter kicks.  Recover.

Lather, rinse repeat.  Pax line up at the base of the stage for 10 box jumps and 10 decline merkins.  Short recovery.  Second set is 10 box jumps, 10 decline merkins, 10 regular merkins.  Short recovery.  Third set is 10 box jumps, 10 decline merkins, 10 regular merkins, 10 incline merkins.  Recover.  Then repeat bunnyhop up steps, 5 burpees and 10 rail rows.  Return to bottom of steps and flutter kick waiting on 6.  Recover and repeat lunges up the stairs, 5 burpees and 10 rail rows.  Return to the bottom for flutter kicks, once all in QIC begins count of 10 four count flutter kicks.  Recover and 10 count.

Mosey out and around the pond on our way over to the big ball.  F3 cannot just run across any bridge, so we lunge across bridge.  Al Gore waiting on the 6, then continue to the base of the big ball.  Pax perform 7’s, Iron Mikes at the bottom and Big Boys at the top.  Jackrabbits plank up and wait on 6 to finish, where we do various plank holds (up top, half way, 6 inches off, left/right arm/leg up).  Recover and mosey back towards SP.

Stop on the side of the lawn in front of the fountains.  Pax do a 60% run across the grass, followed by Devin Hester back across.  Pax perform wide grip merkins, 10 on four count IC.  Recover.  Lather rinse repeat.  85% run across the grass, followed by Devin Hester back across.  Pax perform regular merkins, 10 on four IC.  Everyone knows what is coming.  Short recovery then AYG sprint across the grass, Devin Hester to get back across.  Pax perform 10 diamond merkins on four count IC.  Then recover.

No time leftover for Mary, mosey back to the SP and arrive at exactly 6:15.

12 Pax strong, no FNGs: Swanson, Frank, Singlet, Anchorman, G6, Savannah, Manwich, Passport, Uncle Rico, Quarantine, Popeye, Abort
Echoing the word of the Third F event on Saturday, seek out the isolated people in your life.  Ask questions, get to know them better, and use that to allow them to speak to you if needed.

What goes up…must come down.

THE SCENE: Awesome and 39 degrees

  • Baby arm circles x10 each direction IC
  • High knees x 20 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Global Warming: Get in circle and rotate while in Al Gore until exercise is called out. When exercise is done continue rotating until next exercise is called out. (10 merkins, 10 jump squats, 5 burpees)


7s: Dips and box jumps

Escalator: Five locations spaced across AO. Carry each exercise from each location until reaching last location. Upon completion of five locations repeat exercise at each location in reverse, dropping an exercise at each location until arriving back at start.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Mtn Climbers
  • 40 Squat
  • 50 Lunge Walks

Flutter kicks


“we are swept along in a powerful stream, and as long as we drift with the current we don’t feel its power. Most people drift along in little groups, focusing only on each other, but some of us look at the banks of the river, and notice that we are being swept away to an unfamiliar landscape far from our home. We plant our feet on the bottom and try to grab hold of the people we care about, but immediately we feel the enormous power of the current, and it is all we can do to resist. Meanwhile our friends just think we’re acting very strangely indeed, and making things very unpleasant for ourselves and for them. It’s so much more pleasant to drift, you see, especially when everyone else is — and as soon as we put our feet down on the bottom everyone else is suddenly moving away with the current. (To them, it seems as if we are moving backward.)

…I seek out people who are also resisting the current. They are out there, and it is important to know that they are out there.

I refuse to be broken. I am blessed with reason and intelligence and wisdom, and I will not lay them aside. I will believe in myself, and I will be faithful to myself.

I have friends who respect my intelligence. I try to show them a living example of someone who doubts and questions and denies their secular religion, and who is yet still a friend they can respect. This is, I think, the most effective thing I can do: to show them that a decent, intelligent man of firm moral principles can question the things they take for granted and not be struck by lightning.

I want to make them doubt, even just a little, even just for a moment, the unholy doctrine of this new secular religion. If I can do that, if I can make that tiny crack in the wall, the flowing power of Truth will do the rest. I will believe that Truth is real, that it is mighty, and that it will prevail.”

Keep your feet planted where you are in life. Hold tight to what you believe. The current will get stronger and the water deeper.

No Degrees Today

THE SCENE: Clear skies and crisp out at JUCO.  “Cs” may get degrees, but there are zero degrees C this morning.

Let’s get going quickly to generate some heat! Mosey around the parking lot while Q spouts disclaimer from Bernie.  Pax kindly alerts Q to the impending curb and embankment…
Next we have:
Cossack Squats x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC, keep plank for:
Alternating shoulder taps x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC (most reps yet for this exercise… Literally fell to the ground on last rep)
Somewhere between 5 and 10 burpees. These were mainly to rest the quads for:
Monkey Humpers x15 IC!

Mosey to the drainage ditch and pick up 2 hand-size coupons.
Dang, these are friggin’ cold!
Side raise IC x15
Forward raise IC x15

Keep the coupons and mosey toward the fitness center.
Stop at the long parking lot.
“Cat on a hot tin roof” (bear crawl, but extend arm and leg fwd/back) for 2 parking spaces, 2 Raise the Roof. 2 more spaces, 4 Raise the Roof
Dang, these coupons are still friggin’ cold! And slippery. Audible to standard bear crawl. Continue to 20 Raise the Roof.

Get rid of still-frozen coupons at a different drainage ditch.

Team up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 300 squats, partner runs up the hill and back carrying larger 2-handed coupon.
Ran out of time during squats, mosey back to AO:
Airplane mode (run with arms out to the side)
Zombie mode (arms straight out),
Praise the Lord (arms up straight)

Sneaked back into the AO with just enough time for a minute of boat/canoe
8 PAX, no FNGs this morning.
Brief Word this morning… This weekend was a but hectic as we had my niece and nephew for a visit. They lost their mother unexpectedly last July. Just a reminder to pour yourself into the lives of others, and especially cherish that time with your loved ones. Only God knows how long they will be with us. Don’t miss an opportunity to tell them you love them.
Not sure my fingertips have ever been colder than when holding those coupons this morning. Great teamwork by the PAX on the Dora 1,2,3!
No announcements this morning

Hungry Hippo

THE SCENE: 32 and hot

jog x2, high knee skip x2, karaoke x2 across parking lot

squats x20, hillbilliesx20, merkins x10, LBC x10 , hello dolly x10, Burpos x10


  • Hungry Hippo, split into 4 groups, P1 wheel barrow P2 to grab a ball, switch partners until 5 balls each group is gathered. Each group performs exercise on ball x30 reps, once done return balls to middle abs repeat hungry Hippo for one more round. I had 20 different exercises so will not list them all. If you do this,ask me for help or insert your own.
  • Mosey back to front of school parking lot. Line up for Quarter pounder w cheese! Sprint 25 yards, 25 merkins, run back to start and do 10 burpees, sprint 50 Yard’s and do 50 squats, run back and do 10 burpees, sprint 75 Yard’s and do 75 Mtn climbers, do 10 burps, sprint 100 Yard’s , 100 ssh, run back for last set of burps

Power T flutters x10 ic

Hello dolly x10 IC
Insert PAX Count & FNG Name
Intentional , what does it mean. google and the first thing that comes up is:
Each Day when you wake up, say to yourself: How can I make today a great day! Be intentional, a’ight!
Get outta bed and get better!