F3 Knoxville

Roll Your Own Beatdown


Insanely warm for min-November.  About 50 with a decent breeze.  Weird overnight conditions – no dew at all.  Will have to rely solely on perspiration for evidence of commitment to the beatdown.
Standard welcome, 2 FNGs today!


  • Zero Burpees
  • SSH x30 IC
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • TN rocking chairs x15 IC
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • Forward Nose Wiper Merkins x10 IC
  • 6 Burpees OYO
  • Al Gore Tuck Jumps IC (I think we might have gotten 6
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Windmills x15 IC
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • LBAC x15 each way IC

Blacksnake around the park, long way around to the playground, stopping halfway for 10 more burpees
At the playground: 1 and 1, 2 and 2, etc up to 5 and 5 of pull-ups and headstand pushups
Bernie up the hill and mosey to the soccer field. Partner up for a game of chance.

On a table are two dice, one white and one blue. White one specifies exercise, blue one specifies mode of transportation:

  • Squirkins x20 each
  • Pattycake BBS x35
  • Hi/Low 5 Burpees x15
  • Over/Unders x10 each
  • Partner Pistol Squat x15 each leg
  • Partner Leg Throwdowns x25 each


  • Wheelbarrow
  • Partner Drag
  • Partner Carry
  • AYG Sprint
  • Bear Crawl
  • Leap Frog

Roll both dice (doubles earns 5 burpees immediately – Only happened once), travel 30 yards as specified by Blue die, then do exercise specified by white. Return to the table, switching partner role for transport as necessary.  Plank etc. for the 6, R&R

Right before returning to the AO, we were at 45 burpees for the day (not counting the partner Hi/Low). Everyone crank out 5 more for the even 50, then mosey to the AO.


  • Boat/Canoe (no rowing today.  Too hoarse to sing due to a cold last week…)
  • Hello Dolly x20 IC
  • Peter Parkers with Tank
  • Side Crunch x15 IC each side
  • Abbreviated Merkin Ring of Fire (Round of 5, then 4, no time for 3-2-1)

15 PAX strong, including 2 FNGs: Welcome to Steve Glenn – Mr. Clean (Respect) and Robert Alexander – Bratwurst
Last week I had the privilege of chaperoning my daugher’s 7th grade class trip to Washington DC.  Friday morning before we left we were able to attend the changing of the guard and a wreath laying with taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  It’s one of the most moving things you can witness there in Washington, and if you can watch that without misty eyes and a lump in your throat you’re a harder man than I.  We shouldn’t isolate our thankfulness and gratitude to God and these honored dead to two days a year.  In some countries, the gathering we participated in today could have ended in jail or worse for us.  Let’s try daily not to take what we have been blessed with for granted, and pray for those that are in worse situations.
I hate that everyone wasn’t able to make the GrowRuck, but barring that I can’t think of a better way to spend the morning. I missed everyone this week while I was hacking up my lungs! Hope you men can avoid the crud going around. Big props to Peach Fuzz for rounding out the burpees with an extra effort! Great drive from everyone this morning.
2.0 Workout this afternoon.

Sunrise Sampler

THE SCENE: Cool and 50 degrees

Side Stradle Bees X10

1 Burbee

3 rounds


  • Stop 1: Top of hill
    • Merkins x10
  • Stop 2: Short hill
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10
    • 3 Hill charges
  • Stop 3: Everest
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10
    • Run up Everest
  • Stop 4: Rock Pile
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10
    • Over head rock lifts x10
    • Stop 5: Asylum Steps
  • Stop 5: Asylum Steps
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Stair jumps to the Asylum
  • Stop 5: Telephone Pole
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Telephone pole lifts x10
  • Stop 6: Big Hill
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • 5 hill charges with Burbees at the top
  • Stop 7: Soccer Field
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Lunges, high knees, ankle to butt, sprint x4
  • Stop 8: Playground
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • Box jumps x10
    • American Hammers x10
    • 2 full rounds
  • Stop 9: Parking lot
    • Merkins x10 Big Boys x10 Squats x10 Mountain Climbers x10
    • American Hammers x20

17 Guys.
Working to communicate Thankfulness and Gratitude to those around us.  Colossians 3:17.  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.\


Coffee at Panera

The Wilderness Express

THE SCENE: Another oddly clear and warm November morning


20x IC Tick-Tock Hops
5x IC Torso Twists
20x IC Standing Jackknife
10x IC Cherry Pickers
20x IC Imperial Walker Squats
20x IC Slow Squats
Al Gore 30secs

A running tour of the park with various stops. ALL ABOARD!!!

  1. Snake Hops
  2. Frog Jumps / Inchworm Merks / Ape Shuffle
  3. 40x V-Ups
  4. 40x Star Jumps
  5. 40x IC Mtn Climbers
  6. 40x IC Flutter Kicks
  7. Sandbag passing recovery
  8. Lunges to next stop
  9. Rev Bear Crawl up the hill!
  10. 20x Chin-ups

At the Grinder/Scrapyard:
10x Bench Jumps
Bernie Sanders across the court
Grape Vine down the road
10x Incline Merks
Rinse and Repeat

Ring of fire Merks and 45 degrees


  • Snorkel, Butterfingers, Pinnocchio, Moses, Wall Ball, Fins, Umbro, Iceman, Flash, FNG (Urkel)

With Thanksgiving coming up, thinking about being thankful. A big part of that is remembering the things God has done to bring us to where we are now. Remembering how God has used good and bad times to make us stronger and draw us closer to Him. Take some time today to reflect on those times and see how God used them to make you better and lean on Him more.

Some guys are going out to the big event in Chattanooga


THE SCENE: 35 and damp

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
Mosey to the track…

Buddy up and do laps around the track…stopping at 6 stations for some good livin’

50x Carolina Dry Docks
100x Big Boy Situps
60x ‘Merkins
50x Toilet Seats
50x Plank Jacks
50x Burpees

Flutter Kicks 27x

Hello Dolly! 15x

Little Baby Crunches 20x

16 PAX (and NO FNGs)
Manage Up and Manage Down.

Good leaders manage up the chain of command. They understand the perspective of their commanders. They ask questions. They provide information and build confidence. Engage with your higher-ups; keep them in the loop–especially when they frustrate you. Leading down the chain of command means being able to convey the overall strategic mission to everyone downstream, while also giving people ownership of certain decisions, which leads to higher buy-in.
“If your boss isn’t making a decision in a timely manner or providing necessary support for you and your team, don’t blame the boss. First, blame yourself. Examine what you can do to better convey the critical information for decision to be made and support allocated.

Just Merkin it

THE SCENE: 38 degrees, a bit chilly

Merkins x10 OYO
Squats 4ct x25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Mtn Climber 4ct x25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
SSH 4ct x 25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Plank Jax 4ct x 25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Merkins x10 OYO


Indian Run base of Madderhorn
Merkins x10 OYO
Lunge to the light and spread out
180 Degree Burpees x10 OYO
Back to the base and AYG Sprint to the Pavalawn
Argue about where the light switch is for awhile
Split Lunge x 10 ea leg with 5 count hold IC
Pike Merkins x 15 OYO
Dips x 25 OYO
Pike Merkins x 15 OYO
Dips x 25 OYO
Ascending Pull ups & Merkins
Start 1 & 1 work your way up to 10 & 10
LBC’s x 25 OYO
Top of Madderhorn
Lunge down to the light
Gather at the base for Indian Run back to AO


Belly Buster – 10 count
LBC 4ct x 25 IC
Belly Buster – 10 Count
PIckle Pounder x 15 IC – (Thank you Zygote)
Merkin 4ct x 20 IC

16 Strong
When it’s time to make a decision. If it’s not an absolute Yes… It’s a No.
Strong crew at the Dog Pound today. There were some flashbacks of the Merkin challenge last summer and some groans about the 180 degree Merkins. All in all, great group out. Praying for Ribbed and his family.