F3 Knoxville

The Dawg Pound 500

THE SCENE 52 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze.

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Interval SSH   x 5  IC (2 rounds)
Cherry pickers x 10 IC
Tempo squats   x 10 IC
5 burpees OYO

Break into groups of 3-4 and mosey to Bristol Motor Speedway

Dawg Pound 500
There are four cones placed around the 0.3 mile track.  At each cone, perform 25 reps of the following exercises:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Alternating Shoulder touches
– LBCs

Mosey back to AO

– Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
– Plank Jacks x 20 IC
– Hello Dolly x 25 IC

“Behavioral research shows that humans can become acclimated to almost anything if they’re exposed to it frequently…It’s why lottery winners, after the initial thrill of winning, end up about as happy as they were before. What does this mean for parents and kids? Anything we provide regularly will become the new norm, whether it’s post-game milkshakes or a certain brand of clothes. If our kids have gotten used to having their beds made or dinner table set, they’ll come to expect that, too”.

The above is an excerpt from article discussing how to raise children without creating the sense of entitlement that is so common in American youth. It’s important to remember that consistency with our actions create what we (and our loved ones) consider “normal”. This “normal” is what our kids, wives, friends, and co-workers come to expect from us. As HIMs, we need to make sure that our “normal” creates a positive and grateful environment for those around us. Everyone around us notices when we help someone, but they also notice things we DON’T do.

This PAX is incredible. I pushed hard this morning and everywhere I looked – somebody was pushing a little harder. One of our FNGs pushed so hard he almost tossed his cookies. Way to finish strong, men!

Peyton – the small package

THE SCENE 50 degrees, cool

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Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Squats                        ICx15
Baby Arm Circle        ICx10
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx10
Side arm stretch
Mountain Climbers   ICx10

PAX moseyed from the tennis courts down to the rockpile with CMU’s.

99 repetitions of the following exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Overhead Press w/CMU
  • StarJacks
  • CMU curls
  • LBC’s
  • Flutter Kicks

In-between each set was a run from the AO to the boat dock area – returning to the AO (approx. 2 ½ miles total)

Hello Dolly                  (Sparky)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut talked about anxiety and stress.  Reflected on the need to give your cares over to God and be thankful for your life, gifts and blessings.  Philippians 4:6

P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request from Tank.

Lots of mumblechatter from the PAX.  Woodshack started us off with lots of wet gaseous noises during warm-ups, followed by his discovery of dog poop in the parking lot.  Junk had the line of the day when he described Peyton as a “small package.”  It went steadily downhill from there…  Great morning with the PAX!

Hwy 6…

THE SCENE 59 and Clear

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SSH                           ICx20
Squats                       ICx20
Carolina DryDocks    ICx15

Mosey toward the Saturday AO for a modified Route 66 (called Hwy 6 this morning to honor our friends in College Station, TX)

Highway 6
PAX were instructed to run the length of 11 light poles, stopping at each light pole to perform increasing reps at each pole (1st pole = 1 rep; 2nd pole = 2 reps; rinse and repeat to the 11th pole)
1st circuit:          Burpees
2nd circuit:         Squats
3rd circuit:          Merkins
4th circuit:          Star jacks
5th circuit:          Carolina Dry Docks
6th circuit:          Mountain climbers

Audible called at 6:05 am for a plank sequence; followed by a set of merkins (ICx15)

Mosey back to the AO for a round of Mary:

Flutter kicks by P-nut                          ICx20
Leg raises led by Leonardo                 on command
American Hammer led by Barbie        ICx25
Runner’s stretch led by Elvis               on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We all have folks in our lives that we owe a debt of thanks.  P-nut challenged the PAX to reach out to someone today and thank them for making a difference in their life.  Read Colossians 3:15

Great effort by all the PAX on a chilly Friday morning.

OG Style…

THE SCENE 60 and clear at the BB for the collaborative “OG” Workout

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– SSH x12 IC
– Squats x12 IC
– Michael Phelps x20 OYO
– Arm Circles Forward x6 IC
– Arm Circles Backward x6 IC
– BBS x12 IC

Mosey to the big ball for Station 1 of the OG collaboration workout
-Joe Hendrix up two flights of stairs
-Merkins x20-OYO
-Squat Jumps x20-OYO

Mosey to Station 2: (Market Square)
– DORAS with a battle buddy (sprint to end of Square, return, and alternate) in the form of B.O.M.B.S increasing by reps of 40
– 40 Burpees
– 80 Overhead Claps
– 120 Merkins
– 160 BBS and Squats (80 a piece)
Flutter Kicks IC
American Hammers IC

Mosey back to World’s Fair
Grab Battle Buddy and wheelbarrow across last half of infield to the water fountains

Number off and Name-O-Rama

1 Cor. 9:24-27
Points to reflect on:
1.) Be self-disciplined and run for the eternal prize
2.) We do not have to run this race alone.  We have Jesus Christ as our savior and He also gives us each other.  We are here for our brothers to run this race and be leaders in our homes, work, etc.  In society it is being pushed to be individualistic but an OG is there to have his brother’s six at all times and help each other.

Keep Moving…

THE SCENE 58 and clear

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– SSH x30 IC
– Windmill Merkins x10 IC
– Narrow Squats x20 IC
– Arm Circles Forward x15 IC
– Arm Circles Backward x15 IC
– Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Mosey to bottom of hill between the parking lot and the baseball field

Strength Sprints
Starting at the bottom of the hill…
– 20 Prisoner Squats
– Run to top of hill, do x15 4ct Mountain Climbers
– Burpee broad jump to the first cone, do x15 CMU Presses
– Alligator Crawl to second cone, do x15 Diamond Merkins
– Lunge to third cone, do x10 Jump Squats
– Run back to start

Rinse and repeat, AMRAP in 10 min

Mosey to pavilion and grab a Battle Buddy

Bench Work
3 Rounds, each round 2.5 min with 30 second break between rounds.  Battle Buddy 1 performs Exercise 1 while Battle Buddy 2 performs Exercise 2, then switch.  Rinse and repeat until time runs out.
– Rd 1: Exercise 1 = Step Ups x15/leg; Exercise 2 = Bench Dips
– Rd 2: Exercise 1 = Bulgarian Split Squats x10/leg; Exercise 2 = Let Me Ups
– Rd 3: Exercise 2 = Side Step Ups x10/leg; Exercise 2 = Decline Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to bottom of hill near parking lot

Hill Sprints
At the bottom x10 Superman Swims
At the top x10 Jump Squats

Rinse and repeat x4

Mosey to SP and circle up for MARY

Flutter Kicks x25 IC on 4ct
Side Crunches x25 IC each side
Hello Dollys – x25

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“I have two types of problems, urgent and important.  Urgent are never important, and important are never urgent.” – Dwight Eisenhower

“Put first things first and we get second things thrown in: put second things first and we lose both first and second things.” – C. S. Lewis

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Jesus (Matthew 6:33)

Points to reflect on:
1.) Are you clear on what things are “important” and what things are “urgent” in your life?
2.) Where are you sacrificing the “important” for the “urgent?”

Another beautiful East Tennessee fall morning!  The PAX was quite but determined this morning.  We kept moving, worked hard and got better.  Can’t get much better than that!