F3 Knoxville

Feel the Wood

69 Degrees and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer
Burpees            IC x15
Cherry Pickers  IC x20
Tuck Jumps      IC x20
Squats              IC x20

Team Time
With arms locked at the elbow
Squats                IC25
Good mornings   IC25
BBS                    IC25
Merkins feet on shoulders IC5

Mosey to the pole, introduction to TimberMember, divide up in teams

Team A takes the pole
Squats                         IC x25 with pole
Goodmorning              IC x25 with pole
Shoulder presses        IC x10 each side with pole
BBS with pole             IC x25

Team B takes the ground
Merkins x20
BBS x20

Switch:  Team B takes the pole and Team A takes the ground

Mosey Pole to new location
Rinse and repeat

Mosey Pole back to the parking lot.  While in route alternate pole carry and Merkins between teams.

Donkey Kicks     IC x20
V-ups                  IC x20
Reverse crunch  IC x20
Star Gazers
Number-rama, Name-a-rama

Mayberry shared:

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born of adversity”

I am thankful that we are all friends, and becoming brothers as we overcome the issues of not only getting up to make it to F3, but also coming together to trample the physical adversity and accomplish the workouts that are put in front of us.  Not only keeping eachother motivated to complete the task at hand, but to laugh and have fun doing it.

We are all in Knoxville for a reason, and we are all at F3 for a reason.  I do not believe that it just randomly happens, but that God is working in our lives.  We all have a plan for the direction we want our lives to go, but what we need to realize is that plan is going to happen according to God’s schedule and His plan for our lives.

“In his heart man plans a course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:7.  I encourage each of you to let God guide you on the course.

Rings of Fire

68 and Clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Line up at the base line for warm up drills
High kicks for 25 yards
Quad Pulls for 25 yards
Calf Bows for 25 yards
Run down and back in the parking lot 3 times.

The PAX formed one line for a Hallelujah Indian Run. This is an Indian Run completed with hands raised above the head.

Once in far field the PAX circled up for a Merican Ring of Fire.

Merkin Ring of Fire
The exercise begin with a clockwise bear crawl until the Q stopped the PAX. Typically this was halfway around the circle.

At halt, the PAX would complete a standard merican Ring of Fire. One PAX would knock out 10 Mericans while the remain PAX would count for him while holding a plank. This would continue around the cirlce until the entire PAX had completed 10 mericans

The PAX completed 2 more rounds of bear crawls with Werkins (wide grip mericans) and Diamond mericans in between.

The PAX completed 5 Dive Bomers

The PAX formed two lines for another Hallelujah Indian Run back to the AO. They retrieved two coupons on the way back.  Back at the AO, the PAX again circled up to prepare for a Squat Ring of Fire

Squat Ring of Fire
The PAX started by lunging counter clockwise.

At the Q’s leading the PAX stopped for a round of Jump Squats. Each PAX did 10 Jump Squats while the remaining PAX cheered him while holding an Al Gore.

Another round of lunging was completed followed by a Star Jump Ring of Fire.

PAX laid on his back on the ground. His arms were extended over his head to grab the 2 coupons. With straight arms the coupons were extended over the body to the waist at a slow pace focusing on stabilizing with the core.

20 American Hammers with a Coupon in hand.

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Quickbooks brought to light inconsistency in his life. The effects of his own striving in every corner of his life.

Quickbooks encouraged us to seek the Lord while he can be found and to fully surrender to the Lord. Fight for Steadfast faithfulness and lean on each other.

“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”Romans 12:2


72 with slight humidity

Welcome and Disclaimer

COP – Mayberry
Imperial Walkers IC x20
LB arm circles IC (forward x10, reverse x10)
Big Arm Circles IC x20
Burpees IC x10

CMU Mosey to the Hockey Rink – Hallelujah Style

Thunderdome – Junk
Merkin Doras (Dorkins?)
4 stations:
1) CMU squats
2) CMU Clean and Press
3) CMU Colt .45 curls
4) CMU reverse crunches

Partner runs to the gate (150yds) for 25 Merkins and back.

7 trips to Merkin Station completed per pair then audibled out of the 8th to head back to the Pound to circle up.

Abs – Mayberry
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
BB Sit-ups x20 IC

Number off and Name O Rama

Why do you do what you do?
Examine your motivation for the choices you make, the behaviors you prioritize and the commitments you make. Are you doing things because it’s what you feel like, because it will bring you acclaim or pleasure or money? Is it what the Lord is prompting you to do?
We all have things we have been prompted to do (or to stop) that we consider briefly and then elect to go our own way because it’s easier or because we like our way better. Today, this week, make the choice to do what you know to be right when the prompting comes. And when your passions flare about something, ask yourself why – consider your motivation BEFORE you act.

The PAX was a little smaller than usual, but the men pushed each other and were an encouragement for the VQ. The challenge was adequate, and the men were up to the task. No blood, no tears…but lots of sweat. Aye!

Another Sunday at The Asylum…

75 and sunny

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH IC x 20
Union Busters (AKA Imperial Squat Walkers) IC x 10
Merkins IC x 15

Mosey to road and find partner

DORA 1-2-3
Merkins x100
BBSU x200
Squats x300

Mosey to dugouts

CINDY (AMRAP for 20 minutes)
Pull-ups x5 (modify w/ dry docks or shoulder presses)
Merkins x10
Squats x15

Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Drop lunges x 20
Squat jumps x 20
Calf raises x 20

Mosey to beginning AO
Captain Thor x7

Cash out with Cap’n Crunch, 1 round of  ATMs

Number off and Name-O-Rama

We’re failures as men if we do not love our wives and children. The legacy we leave behind is dependent on how we handle the first two rings of #Concentrica. As Christians, we’re called to live a life worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4).


On a warm day, the PAX stayed disciplined and completed some high intensity workouts with little rest. Morale and the temperature climbed as we got better together at #TheAsylum. We were happy to have an FNG and Little Mike from Charlotte.

Eye of the Tiger

62 and Clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Startle Hop x25 IC
Chinook Squats x20 IC
Little baby arm circles Front x15 and back x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC
Ranger Merkins x20 IC
Run around the parking x2

Line up along the curb

Burp and Merk
Begin a traditional burpee with a single merkin at the bottom, then back to start. Run to second line for a second burpee with two merkins, then back to start.  Continue to increase merkins by 1 with each line to the 10th line (should do 10 merkins).  Then come down subtracting one merkin for each line all the way to 1.  Total merkins = 100

Count off in 3s then mosey to flag pole.

Bermuda Triangle
Group 1 – 10 pull-ups in the dugout
Run from dugout to short walls near playground
Group 2 -10 step-ups at the short walls
Run from playground to covered area
Group 3 – 10 rows and 10 merkins
Run from covered area to dugout

Rinse and repeat x4

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill

Cardiac Merkin Circuit
Bottom = 20 Ranger Merkins
1st curve = 20 Diamond Merkins
2nd curve = 20 Wide Merkins
Top = 20 Derkins on a bench

Star Fish Crunch x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
Peter Parkers X 20 IC
Merkins X 20 IC

Number off & Name-O-Rama

Do not be Anxious – Matthew 8:25-34

I have been challenged recently with some uncertainty about what I am going to do when I grow up.

And as I have been going through these I have realized that much of what I have been about achieving and experiencing and measuring my worth based on that.

And as with many of us I have struggled to trust Gods timing.   I think we have all be programed by the world to want answers now when that may not necessarily be God’s timing.   I have been prayerful and seeking his truths about this but I often find myself falling back into the same old desires and habits.   It should be easy right? God says to trust him so I should. I think our desire is to want the easy button.

Now tell me that one more time again God. What is the recipe?   I read a book, the bible, or hear a great sermon, or list to Captain and P-Nut. I want to be that and put it into action but still fall back into the same traps of wanting to accumulate more

Cool morning morning at the Asylum provided a great setting for the PAX work hard.  Spirits were high as always and we ended with group prayer for several PAX members.  Cap’n Crunch also announced that there will be devotions on biblical manhood on Wednesday mornings for those interested.