F3 Knoxville

The Lone Runner :(

Truck Stop

THE SCENE: 39 and rainy

Run around the park

1 – me.

Honorable mention to Swirlie even though he left to hit the weights.

As I plodded along by myself on this cold wet morning I began to envision all the ways to publicly embarrass my fellow PAX who fartsacked this soggy day.  My initial thoughts were about how the PAX are constantly complaining about needing a break on longer mosesys, or always gasping for breath after less than a mile run.  I was confused as to why they wouldn’t want to get better.  And I was frustrated about being in the gloom alone.

However, as I ran God changed my thoughts.  I began to think of how Jesus must have felt preaching, teaching, and talking to people about how He was God’s son, sent down from heaven to save our souls.  He met with people who were ostracized from society, tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, and yet these are the people He chose to associate with and help.  He loved those who were discarded, like the poor, weak, lame, and children.  He also faced resistance at every turn from the people who were unbelievers, and especially the pharisees and lawyers who wanted him prosecuted.  Yet, He still continued to push on with the message of salvation.  He carried the burden on the cross, and He just kept going.

I wondered if He ever got frustrated or angry.  You know where maybe He just wanted to reach out and backhand the unbelievers and naysayers.  Or grab them by the face and yell, “HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS?  I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!”

The answer was soon easily clear. When Jesus met with folks who “didn’t get it”, He didn’t get upset with them, punish them or ridicule them.  Instead He grieved for them.  (Mark 3:5.)  And even when they didn’t believe, He encouraged them to have just a little faith.  (Matthew 17:20).  He also realized that He couldn’t do it alone, so He sought counsel with God through prayer.  (Matthew 26:36-39, Luke 11:1, Mark 14:32, Luke 6:12, Luke 18:1, Matthew 19:13-15, Luke 9:28, Luke 3:21, Mark 1:35….well you get the point.)   Finally, He made His message clear, and He straight up told people that the only way to know God was through knowing Him. (John 14:6).

While there are many things in this world we do not understand, especially the actions of others, our job is not to condemn, punish, or ridicule them.  Our job is to walk with them in love, laughter, sadness, or whatever we call life.  The end goal is that in walking with them, hopefully they will come to know Jesus.

Isn’t it strange how He can take a solo run on a rainy Monday morning and put a little perspective in it?

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