F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Cool and clear

Warm-up with some arm circles and tempo squats. Encouraged quality and form over quantity.
Jogged to the soccer fields where glow sticks were placed on the fours corners of the field and in the center of the field. One 2man team and one 3man team started at different corners. While one man did the following exercise, the other would sprint to the center and do 10 burps then sprint back to corner and trade places. Then the team would jog to the next corner. We did 2 full laps. We then jogged to the chapel where we did 25 reverent pew dips then 1 minute wall sit (x3). We then jogged back towards AO, sprinted the hill and finished with a merkin ring of fire. FOUR CORNERS in a nutshell….

  • Sprint to center of soccer field, (10 burpees), sprint back, Merkins until parter(s) finished the same. Jog to next corner.
  • Sprint to center (10 burps), sprint back, Squat jumps until partner(s) finished the same. Jog to next corner
  • Corners 3 and 4 were Single Leg Thrusters and Apollo Ohnos
  • Jog to chapel, 25 pew dips, 1 minute wall sit, 25 pew dips, 1 minute wall sit, 25 pew dips, 1 min wall sit.
  • Jog to AO, sprint the hill, finish with a merkin ring of fire

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
5 PAX, Rainbow, Ribbed, Crablegs, Gibbler, and Music City
Encouraged HIMs from Galatians 1, were Paul was speaking to the Galatians who had turned from, or distorted, the gospel of Jesus.. We need not be passive and allow our culture to distort what it means to be a man, husband and father. Most importantly, we don’t want to distort the gospel of free grace and salvation through faith alone. We must FIGHT for FAITH. We cannot be passively swayed by our culture / the world.

No Mosey, All Business!

THE SCENE: 64 & Clear



  • SSH x30 IC
  • Tempo Squats x15 IC
  • Dive Bombers x15 IC
  • Diagonal Lunges x15 IC
  • Burpees x10 OYO
  • Baby Arm Circles Fwd x10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Bkw x10 IC

Everyone line up on the curb and get in groups of 3.

Triple Sprints
2 men at Cone 1 (orange cones) and 1 man at Cone 2 (orange cone).  One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone, stopping in the middle at the yellow cone to do 2 burpees.  Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises.  First man now runs to Cone 2.  Rinse and repeat for 6 minutes.

Upper Body:
Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 2 = Shoulder Taps / Superman Swims

Cone 1 = American Hammers / Lance Armstrongs
Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dollys

Lower Body:
Cone 1 = Squats / Skaters
Cone 2 = Reverse Lunges / Side Lunges

10 count recover then circle up for the Accumulator.

Start with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. Then, work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds (20s) per exercise:

– Exercise 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1 and 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5

– Exercise 1: Burpees
– Exercise 2: Wide Merkins
– Exercise 3: Narrow Squats
– Exercise 4: Dry Docks
– Exercise 5: Jump Squats

Stay in circle, get on your 6 and get ready for some Mary

4ct Flutter Kick x20 IC
4ct Side Crunches, Rt. x10 IC
4ct Side Crunches, Lf. x10 IC
4ct Flutter Kick x10 IC

43 PAX, 1 FNG – Drawstring

Part of our growth is spiritual.  One observation YHC has made recently is that most men seem restrained and bored on Sunday mornings at church.  Rather than their faith igniting them, it seems to be hindering them from being who they are.  This is the exact opposite of God’s intent for us as men.  Our faith is not meant to fence us in, but fuel us for a life of impact and significance!  My faith informs me that there are no idle moments, everything has eternal significance.  Even the most mundane experiences, when viewed though faith have potential to be life-changing.  It’s about perspective.  It’s about seeing our lives as more than a quest for self-comfort and self-satisfaction.  It’s about seeing life as Jesus did…an adventure where we are part of something greater than ourselves.  We are meant to be life-givers, servant-leaders…HIMs!

Choose today to view your faith from the lens of what you give rather than receive.

It was a beautiful, clear, cool Monday morning and the PAX were out in force!  No mosey today, all business.  The men busted it for a solid 45 minutes and it was a great start to the week.  We also had a guest, cameraman from WVLT news was on site to get some video for a story they will be doing later this week.  No Sad Clown Is Safe!!!

Alcoa/Maryville Launch – 10.14.17
Trucking to the Pound CSAUP – 10.28.17
GROWRUCK05 – 11.18.17

Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Deligiannis Memorial Work Out

The Scene – 70’s

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)

SSH x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang

Mosey around park to concrete steps behind softball field

Step Ups x 20 (10 each leg)

Dips x 20

Repeat 3x while we wait on Moses and Steam to join from their ruck


Mosey to upper soccer field

4 corners plus 2 “corners” at mid filed = 6 stations around the soccer field perimeter.

  1. 10 Burpees, jog to midfield
  2. 20 squats, sprint to corner
  3. 20 BBS, lunge to corner
  4. 20 merkins, jog to midfield
  5. 20 4 count MTN Climbers, sprint to corner
  6. 20 4 count flutter kicks, bear crawl to corner

Repeat 4 x

Mosey long way back to AO


Ring of Fire 10 merkins

Side Crunches x 15 by Waxjob

American Hammers x 20

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Let God guide your day to day lives instead of being stubborn and insisting on handling things ourselves.

Pee Rock Pyramid

THE SCENE: 69 and foggy

Run in place / high knees ~ 1 min
SSH Burpees IC x 25
Nose Wipers IC x 10
Run Stance Squat Jump IC x 20

Mosey to pee rocks.
1. Grab 2 handheld (brick sized) rocks
a. Iron Squats IC x 20
b. Wonderbra IC x 20
2. Put small rocks back & grab a large rock
a. Hip Thrusters IC x 20

Pyramids with big rock. After each round run across parking lot to the gate & back.

With a single large Pee-Rock (aka Coupon) complete 7 Rounds of exercises, adding a new exercise each round.

  • 5 Burpees
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 Goblet Squats
  • 25 Curls
  • 30 OH Press
  • 35 Hip Thrusters
  • 40 BBS

Pretzel Crunches IC x 15 each side

BOM:  Showed a quick clip of Penn Jillette (an Atheist) expressing his views on proselytization. His view: if you truly believe something to be true (i.e. heaven/hell, Jesus is the only way to heaven) and don’t share your faith about that item then you are in fact hating your fellow man. He goes on to say that if he truly believes a bus is about to hit someone, then he is eventually going to help that person get out of the way. He says Christians who don’t proselytize are the equivalent of letting that same person get run over by the bus. Honestly, he’s right. This video hits close to home because it is true of many Christians. My challenge to the PAX was to take time to reflect on this. Who do you share your faith with? Do you take your DRP when it comes to sharing your faith and having tough conversations?

Heavy on the Reps

THE SCENE: Low 70s and clear





  • Round1:  100 reps of the following:  Jump Rope, Goblet Squats, OH Press, Curls, Merkins, Single Hand Rows, Little Baby Crunches
  • Outhouse run
  • Round2:  50 reps of the following:  Jump Rope, KB Lunge, Front Shoulder Raise, Hammer Curls, Wide Merkins, Reverse Crunch
  • Outhouse run
  • Round3:  25 reps of the following:  Jump Rope, KB Side Lunge Swing, Upright Rows, Curls, Switch Grip Merkins, WW1 situps
  • Outhouse run

No time for Mary…didn’t finish Tha-Thang before time called.

6 PAX:  Tank, Ratchet, Bueller, Pogo, Scooter, Bartman