F3 Knoxville

Just Merkin it

THE SCENE: 38 degrees, a bit chilly

Merkins x10 OYO
Squats 4ct x25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Mtn Climber 4ct x25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
SSH 4ct x 25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Plank Jax 4ct x 25 IC
Merkins x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Merkins x10 OYO


Indian Run base of Madderhorn
Merkins x10 OYO
Lunge to the light and spread out
180 Degree Burpees x10 OYO
Back to the base and AYG Sprint to the Pavalawn
Argue about where the light switch is for awhile
Split Lunge x 10 ea leg with 5 count hold IC
Pike Merkins x 15 OYO
Dips x 25 OYO
Pike Merkins x 15 OYO
Dips x 25 OYO
Ascending Pull ups & Merkins
Start 1 & 1 work your way up to 10 & 10
LBC’s x 25 OYO
Top of Madderhorn
Lunge down to the light
Gather at the base for Indian Run back to AO


Belly Buster – 10 count
LBC 4ct x 25 IC
Belly Buster – 10 Count
PIckle Pounder x 15 IC – (Thank you Zygote)
Merkin 4ct x 20 IC

16 Strong
When it’s time to make a decision. If it’s not an absolute Yes… It’s a No.
Strong crew at the Dog Pound today. There were some flashbacks of the Merkin challenge last summer and some groans about the 180 degree Merkins. All in all, great group out. Praying for Ribbed and his family.

Burpee Sandwich

THE SCENE:   High 30s I think.  It was cold with an increasing amount of fog rolling in off the river.  By the time we finished the parking lot was a cloud.



  • Around the worlds
  • Figure 8s
  • Stretch

Burpee Sandwich.   Do the following exercises in order with 50 Jump Ropes between each exercise.

  • 25 Burpees
  • 30 Russian Swings
  • 35 Thrust Merkins
  • 40 Goblet Squats
  • 45 American Hammers
  • 50 Curls
  • 55 Lunges
  • 60 Wide Merkins
  • 60 Hip Raises
  • 55 Overhead Presses
  • 50 Big Boys
  • 45 American Swings
  • 40 Bent Over Rows
  • 35 Smurfjacks
  • 30 Diamond Merkins
  • 25 Burpees

N/A it was part of the workout

3 PAX:  Tank, Ratchet, Bartman

Husbands are to leave their parents and cleave to their wives.   Aside from God himself, our wives are to take precedence over friends, family, or anyone else.



I didn’t know you could do that much with a CMU

THE SCENE: The Bomb Shelter, 38 cold and clear

Merkins x10
Cherry Pickers x5

Curl,press,tri x 5
Mary Catherine’s x 5
Goblet Squats x5


Trail of Tears-
6 Cones set up along the trail
Mosey with CMU up trail
At each cone, do
Squats, Curl-Press-Tris, Mary Catherine’s
Qty marked at cones (5,10,15,20)….slight alteration at 15 and 20*

Mosey back to Grinder
Partner up:
Partner one does 60 yd farmer walk while partner does exercise switching on return. Total of 100 Merkins , 200 squat jumps.

Circle up:
“The wave” do the wave by clean and pressing CMU overhead. Repeat till the wave looks smooth!

5 diamond mercians

Circle of pain: Sit on CMU leg lifts while one runs around pressing down on legs. Boat/Canoe

Slugger, Pinocchio, FNG (The Flash), Drifter, Mr. Rogers, Snorkle, Moses, Iceman, Butterfingers, Fins, Tank (QIC)


The new testament specifically says love one another 15 separate times. John 13:34 says “so now I am giving you a new commandment, love each other just as I have loved you…This will show the world that you are my disciples.”

Billy Graham :”Yes, the Bible certainly tells us to love others, even if they aren’t very lovable! But what does it mean to love others? All too often, I’m afraid, we confuse liking someone with loving them”…. “And this isn’t necessarily wrong, as far as it goes; a husband (for example) should genuinely like his wife and enjoy being in her company.”

But….”Does this mean we can’t love someone who’s difficult to like? No, it doesn’t, not if we understand the kind of love God has for us. God loves us not because we’re perfect, or even likeable, because we aren’t. We fall far short of what He wants us to be, yet the Bible says He still loves us. And unlike our love for others, His love means He always wants what’s best for us, although we don’t deserve it.

This is the way God wants us to love others — by seeking what’s best for them. No, (some people) may not be likeable, but have you ever asked God to change (them)? Have you ever gone out of your way to show love for (them), even if (they) don’t deserve it? Open your heart and life to Christ’s transforming love. Then remember: “We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

PAX was a little quiet this morning but then again it’s my first time on Q st the Bomb Shelter. I enjoyed getting to meet the guys better there and they have an excellent group of men. A great AO too!
Mentor workout on Dec 3rd st Maynard Elementary.

Barkley Returns!

THE SCENE: 48 Degrees with a slight breeze. Very Nice!

1. Cherry Pickers IC x 10

2. Baby Arm Circles IC 10 front and 10 back

3. SSH (aka Jumping Jacks LOL) IC x 10

4 Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 10

5. Lap around the AO x 1
Mosey towards gate to start Barkley.

Stopped half way to start of Barkley and did 10 burpees OYO

We did three loops of the Barkley. Each lap had 4 stations.

Round 1: Station 1 – 20 merkins, Station 2 – 20 curls with rock and 20 rows with rock, Station 3 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks, Station 4 – 20 Dips

Round 2: Station 1 – 30 Starjacks, Station 2 – 30 rock squats, Station 3 – Reverse lunges x 15 each leg, Station 4 – 30 Monkey Humpers

Round 3: Station 1 – 40 LBCs, Station 2 – 40 Hello Dolly’s, Station 3 – 40 American Hammers SC, Station 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks 4 count

Finishers rotated through 15 shoulder taps, 15 squats and 15 big boys until pax finished.

Mosey back to AO.

Coolio led the group in American Hammers to finish out the workout.
34 PAX today including 2 FNGs. Nicholas Generaux (Ponder) and Anderson Olds (Tinder)
Share today about working in faith. It is easy to think about achieving in terms of oneself. I did this or I did that and this happened or that will happen. But just like the farmer who plants we cannot control the out come…only God can. We must work in faith for God!
None today
Tank and Tinder shared about an F2 event for inner city kids on December 3rd. Tank has details.

Make it 11

THE SCENE: 50ish and calm….perfect weather



  • SSH IC x 11
  • 4ct Merkins IC x 11
  • Cherry Pickers
  • This/that stretch
  • 5 burpees OYO


  1.  Giant concrete blocks
    • 11 box jumps
    • 11 decline merkins
    • rinse/repeat x 3
  2. Handrail
    • 11 easy ups
    • 11 squat jumps
    • rinse/repeat x 3
  3. Parking lot stairs
    • Backward bear crawl up stairs
    • Run to handicap parking sign and do 11 merkins
    • rinse/repeat x 3
  4. Bermuda Triangle
    • Start at first island with 11 Thrust Merkins
    • Run to 2nd island and do 11 Squats
    • Run up Dawn Wall and do 11 Smurfjacks
    • Rinse/repeat x 3


  • Peter Parkers

5 PAX including 1 FNG:   Moses, Woodstock (FNG), Bueller, Scrum, Bartman

Adverstity.   We all deal with it in some form or fashion.  The question is how are you, as a man, going to handle it?  Will it defeat you or will you defeat it?  We usually don’t see adversity coming, so it often lands the first punch…..the trick is to not let it defeat you and be ready to lean in and punch back even harder.

Today is my son’s 11th birthday…..thus all the 11 counts.   Had to cut the workout short by about 10 minutes so that I could make it home in time to open presents with him.  Thanks to the PAX for being flexible this morning.  We crammed a lot of work into a short amount of time today!

2.0 workout scheduled for 12/3.   Tank has the details.