F3 Knoxville

Under the Pavalon in the Storm

THE SCENE: Pouring the Rain, continuous thunder and lightning- I was getting ready to call it off but Bartman said lets go to the Pavalon

We stretched, did side straddle hops, and merkins
Then we alternated choosing the exercise:

Alternating picnic table step ups, decline merkins, incline merkins

Lunges the length of the pavalon 2 x

Pullups, dips, squats circuit 3×10, 3 x20, 3×10

Ran length of pavalon 3x, 5 merkins each time at halfway point, and 20 Iron Mikes at end each time

10 burpies

CMU workout – Mr Spectaculars and Goblet Squats

20 alternating Picnic Table Step ups
Crunches, bicycle kicks, American hammers, Peter Parkers on the Picnic Table

10 Picnic Table Merkins with 10 second hold at bottom at the end
3 attendees, Flute Loop, Bartman, and Peach Fuzz
When it comes to sharing your faith, say the things that need to be said.  Because most often the regret of not telling someone what they need to hear about the Lord is way worse than any awkwardness that might come about from speaking the truth in love.  So say what needs to be said!  But oh yeah there are other times when you should shut up!  The Lord will give wisdom to know the difference.
glad we ended up getting something done !!!!!!

Gotta get up to get down

THE SCENE: 62* and rainy, great day for a garage sale (Moved warm up to under bridge because of occasional lightning)

Side straddle hops x 20 IC
Imperial squat walkers x10 IC
Tempo merkins x10 IC

Run to parking garage on the hop for shelter from lightning.  Partner up, run DORA on the bottom level of garage.  One partner runs to other end of the garage and back while partner two performs exercises.  Between each set of partners, 100 merkins, 200 squats, 200 LBCs.  Recover and 10 count.

On your own, run up parking garage doing exercises listed at each floor.  Upper body going up, lower body coming down.  Exercises as follows:

  • Hand release burpees x10 (AKA HURPEEEEEEEESSS)
  • Carolina dry docks x20
  • Ranger merkins x20
  • Staggered hand merkins x20 (merkin with one hand on curb, one hand on ground, alternating high and low hands)
  • Wall worms across short wall section (walk across wall with hands on ground and feet up on wall)

Start back down the garage, doing lower body exercises on the way down.

  • Burps x20 (burpee with no merkin and no jump, basically hip thrusters)
  • Squat jumps x20
  • Plank jacks x20
  • Pistol squats x20 (using hand on wall for balance)
  • Burpees x10

Plank and wait for 6 to finish.  Pfeiffer takes us shopping for some clearance Halloween candy and the usual geriatric lingerie.  Recover and 10 count.

Circle up on garage deck for boat/canoe ring of fire.  Each PAX on 6 and in boat position.  Going around the circle, each PAX calls canoe (with any variation they want) and back to boat.  Goes all the way around the circle.  Variations on canoe include iron cross flutter kicks, arms up and down canoes, Koombayah canoes, and dolly canoes.  No recover, roll over to plank position and perform 20 four count mountain climbers.  Back to 6, perform 15 box cutters.  Back to plank, 20 merkins.  Back to 6, 20 four count flutter kicks.

Recover and 10 count.  Mosey back to start point for count and name-o-rama

11 PAX – Quarantine, Uncle Rico, Swanson, A Rod, Goat Tongue, Guppy, Iceman, G6, Frank, Pfeiffer, Abort
Quick word and prayer, didn’t push our luck out in the open.

Ape (Couldn’t) Escape

THE SCENE: Ridiculously warm for November. Sweating anticipated.  Promise of rain… eventually.

  • Windmills x15 IC
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • LBAC x20 IC fwd and back
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC
  • 6 Burpees OYO
  • Cossack Squats x10 or so
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Pickle Pusher Merkins x10 IC
  • RIP Bartman’s shoes
  • Hand clap under high knees x20 IC
  • Finish out the warmup: 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey toward the maintenance building. Stop halfway in the parking lot, use lines for

  • Lunges
  • Bear Crawl
  • Crab Walk
  • Sprint

Continue mosey to the retaining wall behind the maintenance building

  • Ape Escape: Feet on the wall, grab the bottom of the fence and traverse the entire wall sideways.
  • Dang, that’s way too hard! No apes gonna escape today.
  • Drop to the ground, bear crawl to the end of the wall instead.

Grab a landscaping CMU and head to the top of the stairs

  • Curls x30
  • Lying CMU pullovers x20
  • Weighted BBS x20

Head back downstairs and grab another CMU for Round the Block Merkins: Set CMUs with rough sides facing outward, wide merkin width apart. One merkin with hands on blocks, then maintain plank and flip blocks on side, one merkin. Flip blocks forward to angled side, one merkin, flip blocks backward to other angled side, one merkin. R&R some number of times.

20 OHP, and it’s time to return the CMUs. Mosey to the grassy hill, Bernie up for 20 more BBS, then mosey back toward the AO, stopping halfway for 20 dips.

4 rounds of Row Row Row your Boat (simultaneous Boat/Canoe and American Hammers)
Hello Dollys x21 IC
5 PAX today
I’m heading to Washington DC tomorrow with a couple busloads of 7th graders from CAK for their big field trip.  Supposedly I’m one of the adults… It’s a great opportunity for the kids to go and see where decisions are made that affect the entire country, and even the world.  To some degree, our ability as individuals to affect those decisions doesn’t seem so great, but the Bible says that the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  Throughout scripture and history we can see how God can work His will through kings and other leaders, even those who are intentionally trying to go against Him.  Don’t forget to lift up our leaders daily in prayer.

The rain held off just long enough for us to get done, with a little bit of cooling sprinkle coming in on the BOM.  Just my second visit out to JUCO, and look forward to many more beatdowns out there.  Love to see the puddles of sweat that accumulate under brothers working hard to get better together!

Prayer: Safe travels for CAK group and for Bartman’s son on a band trip. Booster’s friend JJ (sp?) who is losing a leg to arthritis.
Announce: Abscess and Steam leading LeConte hike next weekend.

Working Off The Candy

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy.  Temperature about 70.

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Slow Timed Squats

Mosey to Grassy Area below Stop Sign at Southeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  Do 20 Hello Dollies, 4 count

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  Then do elevens starting with one Mountain Climber (4 count) at one end of chapel and ten Decline Merkens from stage to floor on the other end of the chapel.

Mosey to soccer field by baseball diamonds near playground.  Each man does suicides from one end of field to other, stopping to do ten Merkens each time he come backs to starting line.  Then he will repeat above but do ten Big Boy Sit-ups each time he comes back to starting line.

Mosey to Flag Pole by Baseball Fields.  Each man will do, at own pace, the following:

  • 20 American Hammers (4 count) at Flag Pole
  • 20 Bench Jumps at Playground Benches
  • 20 Pull Ups at Baseball Dugout or as many as possible and hang for 20 seconds
  • 20 Ice Skaters (4 count) on grass at south side of pavilion
  • Repeat above

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast side of Admin Bldg.  Do 20 Hello Dollies, 4 count

Mosey Back to Base Camp


Seven men
We often worry about the details of our day, about possible mistakes or threats, or about getting things perfect or “right.”  Such worries can actually hurt our performance.  Try reading a chapter from a book where you must remember every word you read.  You can get so caught up in the memorization that you lose the message the author is trying to convey.  When we worry about details, about getting things right, about possible mistakes, we not only hamper our performance but we lose focus on the glory of God’s world that is right there in front of us.  Jesus told us to leave our worries to God.  Focus on God and His glory, not on worries.


Fight Club

THE SCENE: An oddly clear and warm November morning



  • 10x side straddle hops IC (then 10 more fast)
  • 10x jump rope of champions IC (then 10 more fast)
  • 10x trunk twists (both sides)
  • 10x dizzy twisters (both ways)
  • 10x hug things IC (?)
  • 10x big arm circles IC (both ways)
  • 10x baby arm circles IC (bw)
  • 10x boxer jaxs IC (then 10 more fast
  • 10x berpies


  • 10 Round Knockout
    • Do full cycle 1 per exercise, then 2 per, then 3 per, all the way to 10 per
    • BBS with 2 punches at top (keep arms up)
    • Standing 4 punch combo
    • Rocky Balboa
    • Clap merk
    • Hop squats
    • 1 full court sprint (do not increase with cycle)
  • Next, battle buddy and complete 100 slow side step squats while punching partner’s hands at top and ducking below partner’s arm while side step squatting. Both partners have hands up and should be feeling the burn in there arms.
  • Next, line up for Indian run. Keep line tight. Tap the back of the person in front of you. Move slow. More burn in arms.
  • Next, time to get your abs ready to take a hit.
    • 20x mtn climbers
    • 20x out side the arm mountain climbers
    • 20x ins and outs
    • 20x pickle pounders
    • 10x berpies
  • Next, mozy back for cool down
    • 10x ic jump rope
    • 5x ic Iron Mike jump rope
    • Stretch arms and legs for ten counts

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

PAX Count 13

  • Moses
  • Mr. Rogers
  • Ice man
  • Wax Job
  • Hammy
  • Butter Fingers
  • Fins
  • Freebird
  • Pinocchio
  • Slugger
  • Hen House
  • Squeaker
  • Drifter


Fight for your fitness. Check. Well done men.

Fight for your fellowship. Find ways to put in the work at home or in other relationships to make it work. Do the hard things. For me, not letting my wife do all the cleaning around the house.

Fight for your faith. Make time for yourself to grow in your faith. Do the hard things. Knowing you can’t do it on your own, lean on God for help and lean on your fellowship for help.

Love is our greatest weapon in these fights.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.