F3 Knoxville

Just Keep Movin’…

THE SCENE 59 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Quick Mosey around bathrooms
High knee skips on way back
Side straddle hops 15
Power T stretch 10 each side
Morning Wood-5 each hand (Turkish get up)
20 mericans
Mosey to Matterhorn stopping at cones
Cone 1: 20 mericans
Cone 2: 20 BB sit-ups
Cone 3: 10 x jacks?
Cone 4: 5 burpees
Cone 5: 10 rocky balboas
Planks or sit ups for challenge participants while waiting on 6

Mosey to pavilion
On your own 2 sets
10 pull-ups
20 incline mericans
10 decline mericans

Mosey to top of Matterhorn (cone 5)
Repeat exercises at each cone on way down

Wagon wheel At bottom of Matterhorn till 6 joins
Mosey to tennis courts

Ascending Testicals with sprints X2
Start on line, sprint to other side and back
5 15 degree
Sprint down and back
5 45 degree
Sprint down and back
Hold 90 degree 60sec

1 round Duck duck goose style bear crawls around tennis court

Mosey back to SP
20 sit ups
15 flutter kicks
25 american hammers
15? Hello dollys

Count off/name o Rama

Ephesians 5:25
Spoke about relationships and how Christ loved the church. How we should love our spouses as he loved us. Unconditionally and not selfishly.

“Love seeks its happiness in the happiness of the beloved. It will even suffer and die for the beloved in order that its joy might be full in the life and purity of the beloved.This is how Christ loved us, and this is how he calls us to love one another.” From Desiring God pages 206-7.

Manic Monday

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hop x 20
The Gator
Michael Phelps
Carolina Dry-dock x 15 (4 count)
Ground touch squats x 15

Mosey to stairs

Bunny Hill
Bunny hop up stairs x 5
Calf raises—-left foot x 30, right foot x 30, both feet x 30.

Mosey to dugout

Bat Cave
Pull-ups x 10
Ground touch squats x 10.

Mosey to pavilion break into 2 groups

Super Sets
Group 1 pull-ups under picnic table while group 2 does wall seat for 30 seconds, then groups switch.

Mosey to hill next to cardiac behind baseball outfield

10 merkins on top and 1 ground touch squat at bottom

Mossey to cardiac

13 Light Posts
5 burpees at each post; run forward to first post, then backwards to next and continue alternating—-total 65 burpees. At top of cardiac abs until all are on top of hill. Then derkins on benches to failure x2.

Mossey to top of hill above AO, crisscross under and through chained posts to bottom of hill.

Hello Dolly’s x 50 (4 count)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

I am reading a book called “14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples”. The first habit is Bible study. We will not become strong and mature Christians by accident. We must have a disciplined study of the Bible to know God’s will and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We must do our part and meet God halfway——just like our fitness, we will not become fit without showing up to the workouts. The second habit is Confession. When we sin, we must ask for forgiveness to restore fellowship with God. It is important to understand the difference between relationship and fellowship. Once we become a Christian and slave of Jesus Christ, we are sons of God. Jesus died for our past, present and future sins. Our relationship is secure—-that will never change. Fellowship on the other hand, is broken when we sin. We must ask for forgiveness to restore the lost fellowship with God. 1 John 1:9” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”—–this is one of the great promises of the Bible. There are sins of Commission and sins of Omission. Several years ago I was given a tool which presents scripture and questions to reveal sin in your life. I challenged to PAX to take 30 minutes sometime this week to go through these scriptures and questions and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin so that they may confess sins and restore complete fellowship with God. It humbles me every time I use this tool to confess my many sins to our great God, who loves us with great passion and wants complete fellowship with us.

Return of the Coneheads

THE SCENE 70 degrees and be-you-tee-ful!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warmup O Rama

Slow mosey with CMU’s to the start of the cone course

Cone Course
Four rounds of cones with the following exercises at each:
Cone 1:  Weighted Squats/CMU curls
Cone 2:  Overhead presses with coupons/lunges
Cone 3:  Merkins/StarJacks
Cone 4:  SquatJacks/Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 5:  5 burpees

Then run back to Cone 1…

Round 1 = 5 reps; Round 2= 10 reps; Round 3=15 reps; Round 4= 20 reps

Circle of Pain
100 squats
75 flutter kicks
50 merkins
25 lunges
10 burpees

Mosey to the coupon pile

Hill DORA’s
100 merkins

Mosey back to AO…

Hello Dolly      ICx15 (P-nut)
American Hammers  ICx15 (Pfeiffer)
Boat/Canoe    (Woodshack)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut referenced 2 Corinthians 1:1-11.  Paul wrote about how suffering brings about a closer walk with Jesus, and through adversity we endure and can be an example to others.  Remember to celebrate through your suffering and to we aware when your brothers are struggling.  Pick them up.  Let’s get better- together.

P-nut prayed us out.  Special mention of Bandwagon’s back pain and Cap’n Crunch and his all-nite RUCK run.

2.94 total miles and a multitude of squats, merkins and burpees.  Crawdad brought his usual “A” game with the mumblechatter and kept the PAX entertained.  T-claps to Proton for noticing that an FNG had Velcro on their shoes (hence the new name “Velcro”).  Nice to have a total of 4 FNG’s this Saturday.

God bless.

Friday Doras

THE SCENE 67 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps x10 IC
Moroccan Nightclub x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
Plank Complex
Merkins x20 IC
BBS Ups x30 IC

Mosey to coupon pile. Pick your poison – 1 CMU or 2 bricks.

Dora up Hill
Merkins x100
LB Situps x200
Squats x300

Alternating Shoulder Touches x5 IC (4-count)
Tempo Merkins x5 IC (down on the 1-2-3, up on 4)
erkins x5 OYO (fast + FROM)
Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Dora Up Hill
Derkin (feet on CMU) x100
Sun Dials x200
Rev. Lunge x300

Modified and cut it short to move on…

Mosey to playground.

With your BattleBuddy
100 shoulder press with CMU (P1 does 10 while P2 does dips on the curb. Switch every 10 shoulder press.)

Number off and Name O Rama

YHC was in a mental funk this week that bled into the Q, but the PAX pushed hard and showed a lot of grace when I forgot things like “how to count to four” or that we didn’t name the FNGs. Twas a good reminder that we’re in this together. We push each other. We support each other. F3 Knoxville is doing good things.

Weigels comment at the start of the workout hit a good nerve, “Elvis, man. Seems like you’re only showing up with you’re on Q.” A keen observation. I knew September was going to be a busy month. So, I intentionally signed up to Q a couple times, knowing it would be a way to hold myself accountable. Maybe that’s not the best way to go about it, but it’s been a good MO for me this month.


68 degrees and clear

Welcome and disclaimer

Mosey around bathrooms (On return 1/2 way high knees,1/2 karaoke)
8 baby arm circles IC
8 Michael phelps IC
8 side straddle hops IC
8 burpees OYO
8 BB sit ups IC
8 squats w/jump IC
8 Carolina dry docs IC

Mosey to rock pile: get mod heavy rock
8 (3x) arm curls IC
8 (3x) shoulder press IC
8 lunges out with rock, 8 back IC

Mosey to hill w/ rock overhead

8 Americans
8 BB sit-ups w/rock
Up hill w/rock
8 Rocky Balboas w/rock
8 arm curls w/rock
(Rinse and Repeat x8)

8 Americans/8 squats w/rock

Mosey to AO field w/rock

All together:
8 one handed rock throws alternating arms across field
(8 down, 8 back)

Mosey to rock pile w/ rock above head

Mosey to Tennis courts
8 line touches

Mosey back to AO

8 BB sit ups
8 american hammers 3 count
8 lance Armstrongs 3 count
8 flutter kicks 3 count

Audible- @Proton
Mosey to road
10 burpees
20 Mericans
50 squats

Number off & Name O Rama

The New Testament mentions “One Another” 59 times It specifically says “love one another” 15 separate times.
John 13:34 says
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.””

So who is Jesus talking about when he says “one another”? Christians? Jews?…..Everyone.
It’s easy to love family, friends, F3 brothers. It’s not easy loving everyone. Are we lovable? Not always. We have sin in our hearts we are going to disappoint.
Jesus loved us….warts and all.  Lets love on the unloveable.