F3 Knoxville

Eye of the Tiger

62 and Clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Startle Hop x25 IC
Chinook Squats x20 IC
Little baby arm circles Front x15 and back x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC
Ranger Merkins x20 IC
Run around the parking x2

Line up along the curb

Burp and Merk
Begin a traditional burpee with a single merkin at the bottom, then back to start. Run to second line for a second burpee with two merkins, then back to start.  Continue to increase merkins by 1 with each line to the 10th line (should do 10 merkins).  Then come down subtracting one merkin for each line all the way to 1.  Total merkins = 100

Count off in 3s then mosey to flag pole.

Bermuda Triangle
Group 1 – 10 pull-ups in the dugout
Run from dugout to short walls near playground
Group 2 -10 step-ups at the short walls
Run from playground to covered area
Group 3 – 10 rows and 10 merkins
Run from covered area to dugout

Rinse and repeat x4

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill

Cardiac Merkin Circuit
Bottom = 20 Ranger Merkins
1st curve = 20 Diamond Merkins
2nd curve = 20 Wide Merkins
Top = 20 Derkins on a bench

Star Fish Crunch x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
Peter Parkers X 20 IC
Merkins X 20 IC

Number off & Name-O-Rama

Do not be Anxious – Matthew 8:25-34

I have been challenged recently with some uncertainty about what I am going to do when I grow up.

And as I have been going through these I have realized that much of what I have been about achieving and experiencing and measuring my worth based on that.

And as with many of us I have struggled to trust Gods timing.   I think we have all be programed by the world to want answers now when that may not necessarily be God’s timing.   I have been prayerful and seeking his truths about this but I often find myself falling back into the same old desires and habits.   It should be easy right? God says to trust him so I should. I think our desire is to want the easy button.

Now tell me that one more time again God. What is the recipe?   I read a book, the bible, or hear a great sermon, or list to Captain and P-Nut. I want to be that and put it into action but still fall back into the same traps of wanting to accumulate more

Cool morning morning at the Asylum provided a great setting for the PAX work hard.  Spirits were high as always and we ended with group prayer for several PAX members.  Cap’n Crunch also announced that there will be devotions on biblical manhood on Wednesday mornings for those interested.

Burning Some Goo

68 degrees and muggy

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Baby Arm Circle        ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx15
Imperial Walkers      ICx10
Merkins                      ICx15

Mosey to Saturday’s AO spot

High Knees                ICx15
Merkins                      ICx15

Mosey to treeline near Lakeshore main entrance; grab a Battle Buddy

Alternating sprints to treeline, while partner performs exercises:
100 Merkins
100 BBS
100 Squats
Plank when finished

Mosey to Everest

Merkins                      ICx15

Sprint up Everest to upper parking lot

Merkins                      ICx15
LBC                            20 OYO
Mountain Climbers     ICx15

Mosey back to the AO; pick up coupons

Gone in 60 Seconds
Overhead Press         As many as you can in 60 seconds
Weighted Squats       As many as you can in 60 seconds
Curls                           As many as you can in 60 seconds
Incline Merkins         As many as you can in 60 seconds

Return coupons; Mosey back to the AO

Boat-Canoe    led by Ratchet
Hello Dolly      led by Mr. Tumnus

Welcomed and named three new FNG’s…Snapper, Dirt Bag and Cash Back.

P-nut thanked everyone for coming out into the gloom. Read from 1 Thessalonians 5 and talked about how we can be the “light” and how to avoid “darkness.” Good things happen in the light, and we need to be the light in our homes, community and workplaces.

P-nut prayed us out.

The PAX came ready to burn some goo….and the goo was burned. Great mumblechatter and spirit from the PAX.

Circuit Frenzy

69 and foggy

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x 25 (IC)
Wide Merkins x15 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x12 (IC)
Toy Soldiers x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
2 Laps Around the Parking Lot

Mosey to flag pole near covered area.

Circuit Circus V2
Divide up and head to 5 Stations.  Complete each station and run to the next one.
S1: 15 Burpees / 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
S2: 20 Superman Swims/ 20 4ct Flutter Kicks
S3: 10 Chin-ups / 25 Prisoner Squats
S4: Shuttle Lunge/Crawl/Run (lunge to 1st cone, bear crawl back, sprint to 2nd cone and back)
S5: 25 Merkins / 20 Let Me Ups

Compete AMRAP in 25 min.

Mosey to parking lot.

Cash out
ATM + 30 BBS
Rinse and Repeat

Number off and Name-O-Rama (23, 1 FNG – Lazarus)

YHC shared the preface from “Tribe” by Sebastian Junger.  We are not made to walk through life alone.  Throughout history people have gathered in tribes to not just survive, but thrive. A tribe not only looks out for us, but won’t allow us to just skate by with minimal effort.  Our tribe-mates push us to reach our full potential and never settle for less than 100%.  We become better as we understand we have are responsible for the man to our left and right.  F3 gives us an opportunity to connect to something larger than our everyday world.  Each morning we are reminded that we live in a war zone and our engaged in a battle for the hearts and minds of those we love, but we are not alone!

Hebrews 10:24-25

The PAX continues to push and work hard every single workout.  Our FNG, Lazarus, shared a little bit of his story and blew us all away.  Thankful to have him join the PAX, and look forward to continue to get better together!

Total Merkin count: 30 + n*15 + n*25 + 40 (n = number of times you completed that station)

Merkin Circuit

64 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x 20
Baby Arm Circles IC x 12 each way
Chinooks IC x 10 each way
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Mosey to greenway

30 Minutes of Merkin Circuits
Stations at each corner:
1st Corner – Merkins x 15
2nd Corner – LBC x 15
3rd Corner – Merkins x 15
4th Corner – Squats x 15
Plank it up

Each lap produced 30 Merkins, 15 LBC, 15 squats and 0.35 miles

Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground

Ended with 30 more Merkins
Count off and Name-o-Rama

Brotherly Love – “Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10

* Bonds of brotherly love are a big deal to God because they represent the kind of bonds that exists between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
* Men are created to live, work, and fight in bands
* Your bonds of brotherly love should seek to liberate & strengthen and not constrict & consume.

The PAX pushed it today after a successful event beatdown in the push-up challenge from yesterday. Everyone completed at least 210 push-ups to start the day. Great job men!

Merkin Mania

64 and Sunny

Intro and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hops ICx20
Cherry Pickers ICx10
Frontward Arm Circles IC x10
Backwards Arm Circles   IC x10
Merkins IC x10

Super 21s
Start with 20 merkins and work down to 1
Start with 1 BBS and work up to 20

Elevens on the Playground
Derkins- 10
Dips- 1

**Possible audible with Step-ups instead of Dirkins**

Sky Pounders IC x15

Back to AO for

Dealers Choice ABS and 15 Merkins

Count-off and Name-O-Rama

2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

Total Merkins= 300.  The PAX came to battle this morning and conquered Merkins Mania! I could not do what we do without the support of my brothers! Have a great day men!