F3 Knoxville

Stairs, Circuits and Sprints

THE SCENE 30 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

High Knee / Squat (8 HK, 1 Sqt) on 8ct x15 IC
Merkins 4ct x20 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

Mosey to stairs near the Sun Sphere


Jelly Legs
Start bottom of stairs.
R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run stairs, at the top do 2 Burpees.
R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run stairs, at the top do 4 Burpees.
R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run stairs, at the top do 6 Burpees.
R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run stairs, at the top do 8 Burpees.
R5: Hold squat position for 50 count, perform 50 squats, run stairs, at the top do 10 Burpees.

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
4ct Shoulder Tap/Merkins x15 IC

Mosey to open field.  Number off into 3 groups.

Stations + Suicides
S1: Superman Swims / Ice Skaters
S2: Carolina Dry Docks / Froggy Squats
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Reverse Lunges

Complete 3 rounds of all 3 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec)
R3: 60 sec (change exercise at 30 sec)

After everyone has completed all 3 stations everyone lines up and does suicides after R1 = 1, after R2 = 2.

Hello Dollys 4ct x25 IC
Freddy Mercury 4ct 20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

From Boyhood to Manhood
Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Wisdom – Intellect
Stature – Physical
Favor with God – Spiritual: relationship with God the father
Favor with Man – Spiritual: relationships with others

9 PAX came out to World’s Fair for an intimate beat down.  The goal was to move nonstop for 45 minutes…mission accomplished!

Always an honor and blessing to lead the K-Town PAX

The Matterhorn Strikes Again

THE SCENE: 32 degrees and chilly

F3 Intro and Disclaimer 

Run in place for 1 min
SSH x 15 IC
Bobby Hurley x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
Reverse BAC x 10 IC

Mosey to the Matterhorn

Bottom- Burpees
Top- Squats

Mosey to the Pavilion
As many sets of the following you can do for 5 minutes total

Pull Ups x 5
Forward Lunges x 10
Triceps dips x 15

After 5 minutes, switch to the following:

Merkins x 5
Reverse Lunges x10
Squats x15

After 5 minutes recover and mosey to the coupon pile
At the coupon pile, choose a medium size coupon and do the following:

Bicep curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Behind the head triceps extension x 10

Rinse repeat x 1 increasing the set to 20 reps

Mosey to the AO

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
LBC x 20 IC
Pacman x 20 on each side
In the busyness of the holiday season be sure to take time to “Be still and know that I am God”. We should always take time out of our day to acknowledge who God is in our life and give Him the praise that He deserves. Psalms 46:10

Mr. Olympia and Flying Tweet-E

Conditions – 40s and clear

Tweet-E decided to pick the highest wall he could find (chest-high) to do his box-jumps.  He did them all (3+rounds!) and every rep on that wall.  I wouldn’t want to be in his house tonight…the PAX stuck with manageable height walls for a solid workout under I-Beam’s tutelage.

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Run in place for 1 minute
Side straddle hop
Run in place for 1 minute
Cherry pickers
Run in place for 1 minute
High knees

Mosey to outhouse

30 minutes – AMRAP
Box jumps x10
Step ups x10 each leg
Sprint to drive and back
Squats x10
Rear lunges x10 each leg
Calf Raises x10 each leg
Sprint to drive and back
Burpees until PAX returns
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey back to AO

Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x10 OYO
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
BBS x20 IC
LBC x20 IC

Count off and Name-o-Rama

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Nov 17, 2003 inauguration as California governor
Early in your career, before you became Mr. Olympia, your legs weren’t on par with your upper body. How did you bring them up?
(with accent) “With legs, the key is to shock them to experience substantial growth.”

“Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”
1 Timothy 4:14-15 ESV

Fifteen – Ropes & Bells

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing

Sets of 15

– American Swings – Run + 20 merkins
– Goblet Squats – Jump rope 50x
– Front goblet lunges – Run + 20 merkins
– Backward goblet lunges – Jump rope 50x
– R/L military press – Run + 20 merkins
– Thrusters – Jump Rope 50x
– Single Arm Front Squat – Run + 20 merkins
– American Swings – Jump rope 50x
Finally, another run and merkins

10x Stargazers
20x Flutter Kick
20x Box Cutters
10x American Hammer w/KB

Responsibility – In every situation the one common thread is you. Responsibility means recognizing that you are capable of making decisions to change your situation or perspective

Junk has wheels!

THE SCENE: Conditions: 39 deg, Cold and Foggy (Forest Fire smoke didn’t help!)

F3 Disclaimer and Welcome!

Mosey around the outhouse
10x burpees OYO
Mosey around the outhouse
10x burpees OYO
Pick Fruit (Thanks to F3 St. Simmons for sharing that with me when I visited)

Mosey to boat ramp
50x mtn climbers IC 4ct
Mosey to upper parking lot
50x smurf jacks IC 4ct
Pick a battle buddy for Dora Omaha

Dora across the parking lot
1st buddy does ASMRAP on BBS/ 2nd buddy sprints across the parking lot and does 20 merkins
1st buddy ASMRAP pickle pounders/ 2nd buddy sprints 20 Carolina dry docks
1st buddy does flutter kicks/ 2nd buddy sprints and continues CCDs
1st buddy does tuck jumps/2nd buddy sprints and does 10 burpees
Mosey back to AO

Old school relay sprint x2 Who knew Junk had wheels!?

Fire hydrant
25x ‘merkins OYO

This PAX braved the fog and smoke hanging around Knoxville to plunge into the gloom and get better together. I appreciate all the guys who came out and put in good work this morning. I once again am blessed to be surrounded by such a great bunch of HIMs. I also didn’t know what I was going to say to the PAX when we finished this morning, so I let God’s word speak for me I shared this simple message from Philippians 2:3-4

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others”

I encouraged each PAX to go out and put others first, whether that be in their homes with family, at their jobs with coworkers, or in the community. But God created us to use us for His good, and His good is helping others and not being focused on ourselves.

Our prayer was that each man go out and put others first and that God would show them where they could be used. We also prayed for our brother Simone who has left to attend basic training for the US Air Force. As an AF brat and a guy who went through a different training I know the excitement and nervousness he is experiencing. We prayed for his health as he goes through training, hopefully his time with F3 Knoxville helped him get physically ready, and we prayed that he also stay emotionally and spiritually connected. Our prayer also included thanking him for his service and that he be safe in his training and on his missions upon graduation.