F3 Knoxville


The Scene: 70 degrees, hot, muggy, and perfect

F3 Intro and Disclaimer


SSH x20

Imperial Walkers

10 Burpees OYO

The Thang Mosey: Plank Step-ups (on the curb/CMU)

20 Mosey 1/2 way to soccer field: Merkins & Squats 30 each Mosey: Suicides at the soccer field w/5 burpees/merkins at each stop (50 yard line, 100 yards)

30 Merkins/Squats Mosey to the Gate: BBSU 20 Mosey to the rocks: 30 over head presses, 30 curls, 30 rows, 30 BBSU at the bottom of the hill Mosey to the Hill by AO:

10 deep squats, AKA “Ratchets” 7’s Merkins/BBSU Mosey to lower parking lot: Speed workout – progression sprints Back to AO Ab-o-Rama (dealer’s choice)

American Hammers

The Share (BOM):

Life experiences shape us and impact who we are. Why? Not about what you get but what you give. Be salt and light- bring taste and clarity to those around you. Title today was 6924- my experiences at 2509 N. Broadway + 4415 Washington Pike= 6924…

I loved our 3 on 3 team this morning. When you have a smaller group there is nowhere to hide and we stuck together together and made each other better.

The Power of Three

68 and Muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH 25x (IC)
– Side Lunges 10x each leg(IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO
– Dive Bombers 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward 15x (IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO

Divide into 3 groups and mosey with your group to the specified area…
– Group 1: w/Woodshack to flag pole / pavilion area
– Group 2: w/Pfiffer to hill near parking lot
– Group 3: w/me (Cap’n Crunch) stay in parking lot

Group 1
Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations (in the pavilion area).  PAX perform the prescribed exercises at the station and then move clockwise to the next station.  Continue rotating until time is up.
– S1: 10 Burpees & 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
– S2: 15 Superman Swims &20 4ct Flutter Kicks
– S3: 10 Chin-ups & 20 Prisoner Squats
– S4: LCS Shuttle (Lunge to 1st cone, Bear Crawl back to 2nd cone, Sprint to 3rdcone and back)
– S5: 20 Derkins & 20 Let Me Ups

When relieved by Group 3, gather together and mosey to the hill.

Group 2
CMU Back Blaster
Get with a Battle Buddy.  Battle Buddy 1 runs to top of hill, does 3 burpees then back down.  Battle Buddy 2 does 1 of 3 exercises while Battle Buddy 1 is running.  When Battle Buddy 1 gets back they switch.  Do rotate through the three exercises and repeat until time ends.

– CMU Press
– CMU Swing
– CMU Bent Over Rows

When you see Group 3 move, gather together and mosey to parking lot.

Group 3
Partner with Battle Buddy of similar fitness level. There are six drills, each has an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttle run of some type.  One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.

Each drill will be 1:45 with 20 seconds rest in between each set.

Drill Shuttle Exercise Exercise at the Cone
1 Sprint x2 Diamond Merkins
2 Bear Crawl Star Jumps
3 Lunges Burpees
4 Sprint x2 Carolina Dry Docks
5 Bear crawl Squat Jumps
6 Lunges Burpees

When time is up, gather together and mosey to flag pole/pavilion area to relieve Group 1.

Groups rotate until time is up

Number off & Name-O-Rama

The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood!  Our goal as HIMs is to always be moving forward own the road of maturity (RFP).  What F3 has taught me is that growth (physical, relational and spiritual) comes through challenge, consistency and comradery.

  • Physical: Take your DRP (Daily Red Pill)
    • Challenge – Get up and get out in the gloom!
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Relational: No lone ranger
    • Challenge – Reject passivity and engage with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Spiritual: Luke 9:23, “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’”
    • Challenge – Obedience and faithfulness
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX and Jesus himself (“follow me”)

This morning we had a special guest from a local news affiliate.  He came to do an online piece on F3.  He asked if I thought I could get a good sized group out on a Wednesday morning at 5:30am…61 PAX including 3 FNGs answered with a resounding “HELL YEA!”  For me, this sums up F3 Knoxville.  Over the pas 18 months this PAX has set the bar and then surpassed it when it comes to heart, passion, and dedication.  They work hard, play hard and always have each other’s six.  There is absolutely no questions…I’m a better man for being a part of this PAX, and Knoxville is a better city due to what these men are doing in each other.

Flag Day Eve

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer


      1. Side-Straddle Hop
        1. Standard jumping jack
        2. 25 count
        3. In cadence → ready position → exercise → 1, 2, 3 = 1
      2. Tempo-Squats
        1. 10 count
        2. Squats on my count
        3. In cadence → ready position → exercise → 1, 2, 3 = 1
      3. Merkins
        1. Standard push-up
        2. 20 – 1 counts
        3. In cadence → ready position → exercise → 1, 2, 3, 4……20

Mosey to Big Ball Amphitheater (bottom near stage)


Question – How Many Stars Are On The American Flag? 50 – good answer everyone!

        1. 10 box jumps on/off stage 10 incline merkins on stage 10 box jumps on/off stage 10 decline merkins on stage 10 box jumps on/off stage
      1. 10 burpees on your own – go!
      2. Form 2 lines – (1 at the L stairs 1 at the R stairs)
        1. AT BOTTOM: Everyone on stage in a circle
        2. 1 man runs to the top of the stairs → 5 burpees → come back down and tag someone in

Each man will rotate in/out counterclockwise

        1. AS A GROUP (on my count)
          1. 10 Merkins
          2. 10 Squats
          3. 10 Side-Straddle Hops
          4. 10 Squat Jumps
          5. 10 burpees
          6. REPEAT until everyone has gone up the stairs once
      1. Mosey to top of Amphitheater
        1. Indian Run around BB site (over bridge → past stairs → around to water shooter area facing the field)
      2. Facing the Field → pair up/get in partners
        1. As a team
          1. Knock out 20 burpees to start
          2. Wheelbarrow carry halfway across field → 20 squats (as a team)
          3. Other man wheelbarrow carries the second half of the field
          4. Reaching the end of the field → 10 burpees
          5. Sprint across field to starting point
          6. Al Gore it up when you get back
      3. Ab Circle
        1. Flutter kicks (20)
          1. In cadence → ready position → exercise → 1, 2, 3 = 1
        2. Big Boy Sit-Ups (20 on your own)
        3. Hello Dolly
          1. In cadence → ready position → exercise → 1, 2, 3 = 1

End at AO

Circle of Trust

    1. Number off
    2. Name – o – rama
    3. FNGs?
    4. BOM
      1. “Intervention of God Through Man”
      2. Reading the book “Wild at Heart” by John Eldridge and he talks about the intervention of a man for the betterment of a boy or man’s life. And I immediately thought of my stepfather stepping into that father figure role I desperately needed. So it’s been just amazing to see how God has put men and father figures in my life that have bettered me and pushed me to be a better man myself. And essentially that’s what F3 has been for me – being blessed to be able to come out here and push each other to get better physically but it’s also so much about that 2nd F – Fellowship. Taking this outside the workouts and creating fellowship and brotherhood together. So, man it’s been awesome and a blessing for me and the younger guys in college to see how God has intervened in my life and put F3 in my life and men like y’all to continually and intentionally push me to get better. So thank you.

Hi my name is: CMU

The Scene: the Dog Pound 68 degrees and a little muggy.

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Mosey to the speed bump w/o CMU
Big arm circles x10
Come in close. Pass the CMU around w/twist
10 merkins


Partner up with someone new. You must learn 3 things about them during the workout
Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn the long way w/CMU taking turns carrying CMU.
Stop at every cone and do 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 BBS feet to feet passing CMU back and forth, and 10 back to back CMU exchanges. Run up to restaurant or around loop till 6 finishes.

At Matterhorn, leave CMU and sprint to light pole.
“Forgot” the CMU go back down and get it.

Mosey w/CMU to top of Matterhorn, plank, mosey to Pavalon.
At Pavalon: partner runs to trees (30 yards) with CMU while other partner does AMRAP of Pull ups, switch, then dips, switch, then decline merkins.

Mosey back to top of Matterhorn. 10 merkins

Mosey to AO

Getting to know you
We got to know our CMU and workout partner a little better today.
We interact with people on a daily basis and often times we know nothing about them. Do they have kids? What hobbies do they have? Do they like sports etc.

John 13:34-35
Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””
By showing interest in someone and getting to know them as a brother or sister we are in part doing what Jesus asks. These relationships are important to God. He had a relationship in the very beginning with the father/son/Holy Spirit and was one of the final things he told us while on earth.
So, go connect to someone today and show them love through caring for them and wanting to know more about them.

Moleskin: I saw some of the guys that typically struggle really push hard this morning and are making big strides in their fitness levels. Good chatter this morning considering we were all gasping from the thick humid air.

Bears Playing Poker

The Scene: 60 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH x21 IC
LBAC IC x11 forward, 10 backward
Little some o’ this/that x2
Imperial Walkers IC x21
Ballerinas (toe squats) x21 IC

Mosey to the trail and line up shortest to tallest.

Bearcrawl IC on a 4 count up the hill
Every 10 reps stop for 10 squats OYO

To the Casino (upper soccer field)

Blackjack – lineup on sideline
1 Merkin, run across the field, 20 LBC
2 Merkins, etc…
– after each set of Merkins, Squats til the 6 is up and then proceed across the field to LBC and back

Main Table (circle up at mid-field)
PAX alternates Al Gore and Plank
– one player at a time runs to sideline and hits (Merkins) however they wish (1-21)
-proceed around the circle
AUDIBLE: changed to two men at a time to keep up the pace

Double Down: back to the sideline for 11s
1 Merkin, run across, 10 squats, back
– this time oyo

Bearcrawl backwards down the hill to the softball field and mosey back to the AO

American hammers x20
Mountain climbers x20

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16-17‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The next few versus after this contain a list of products of the desires of the flesh. The things the tender stand out to us for things such as “sorcery” or “orgies.” Most of us do not participate in things like that and so it’s easy to glass of the rest of the list. However, “jealousy” and “fits of anger” should really be the ones that stand out to us on a list like this. Everyone of us has her own tendencies, but usually we know that we are satisfying the desires of the flesh when we do these things.

I don’t know exactly what completely walking by Spirit looks like, but I know where it starts. It starts with asking for the Spirit’s help in these situations and in life in general. Also, looking around at the men with whom we are in community and reflecting ourselves against them can be significantly helpful. Most frequently we are all dealing with the same issues and can learn from each other and hold ourselves to a standard together.

The men that came out today pushed themselves hard, but in so doing they also set an example for the man dragging behind them. This is no different in the spiritual life, although sometimes the roles are reversed.

This is a brutal workout, but the men attacked it was bigger and finished faster than expected. They were moans and groans with the double down, but the men rose to the challenge and push themselves hard. I am usually the last guy finishing in these long running workouts, and the same was true today…but the men made me proud to be a Q today!