F3 Knoxville

Circuit City

The-Scene: 63 degrees and sprinkling

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Squat 4ct IC x 15
Merkin 4ct IC x 20
Imperial Walker IC x 15

Mosey to the Rink w/ Brick or Pee Rock
Break up into groups of 3 – 1 at each end of the rink and 1 go between

Circuit 1:
Bobby Brick Hurley
GripRite Curls

10 Burpess OYO

Circuit 2:
Plie Goblet Squat
Brick Row
Farmer Carry (Street Side)

10 Burpees OYO

Circuit 3:
American Hammers
Caterpillar Burpees
Lunge & Press

Big 3’s (Bear Crawl, Back Peddle, Sprint) x 2

Mosey back to the AO

Banana Boat, Cherry Bombs c/o Flanders

Count off

In Freed to lead a Sad Clown has 3 holes that need to be filled. First is Pogo 40 where a man loses 40 lbs, just to gain it back, to lose it again, and to gain it back. The Sifter has to do with loneliness. A man has is Legacy Friends from High School and College, goes on Man Dates and has some work friends. This is a problem because we lack accountability. An acquaintance will not tell you when you’re backsliding. The last is The Reacher. It’s about a man who drifts aimlessly without real purpose. The only way to have real purpose is for a man to abandon himself and faith in something that he cannot see.
As men it’s alway easier to help someone than it is to accept help. No matter what we’re going through, there is either someone who has gone through it, is going through it now, or will go through something similar. We have to remember that when we allow someone to help us, we’re also giving them the opportunity to help us.

The Mexican Wave


55 degrees and cloudy

Welcome & Disclaimer


Butt kickers, high knees, lunges front and side, kangaroo hops


  • Group big boy sit-ups in unison x 50 which turned into the Mexican wave. Enough said
  • Hill chase – 1 with block running up hill, other sprint to catch him. Rinse and repeat x2 each way
  • Mose to flag pole – 2 sets of ATM 15,10,10
  • Mose to baseball field – leap frog over under relay challenge.
  • Mose back to AO – block workout in pairs – big boy sit-ups, overhead press, side press, flutter kicks, hello dolly’s.
  • Suicide sprints in parking lot with 20 merkins x2
  • Finish with a game of sharks and minnows.

COT – 35


Choices, Choices.

“Life is a matter of choices…..and every choice you make, makes you” John Maxwell.

UF3 Championship: The Comeback

The scene: 55 degrees and absolutely perfect outside
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
Mosey around the outhouse
5 jump squats with knees up
20 seconds of air punches L/R combos
10 seconds of girl fight arm windmills
5 sprawls
5 knockdowns w/one hand getup
Get loose with the Billionaire shuffle
Tha Thang:
Slow Mosey w/CMU in two lines 10 feet apart to boats. At each command, sprawl to the ground do 5 merkins on CMU and 5 overhead presses
At boat area do high knees with consecutive sprawls and “knock downs” with one hand get ups on command
Mosey w/CMU down dock trail to bottom of steps. Wagon wheel with side shuffle till 6 catches 10 count, mosey w/CMU to top of restaurant lot. Alternating time with CMU overhead.
At restaurant lot, wagon wheel w/CMU till 6 catches up 10 presses, 10 curls, 10 triceps w/CMU
The Octagon:
8 stations
1)Grappling: bear crawl to center cone and back x2
2) Boxing: 10 left/right combos then burpee x10
3) Jujitsu: 10 BBS roll to 10 merkins repeat 3 times
4) Muy Thai: high knee while holding CMU 20 on 3-count
5)Karate: 20 front kicks each leg
6) wrestling: CMU get ups (start w/CMU on chest)..get up x10
7) judo: “throws” take CMU from shoulder height to the ground 10x each shoulder
8) kickboxing: 10 karate kids (or front kick) and 10 side kicks each leg
Run around Octagon after completing station w/o CMU then pick up CMU and move to next station.
Mosey w/CMU Back to AO doing sprawls w/5 mericans and 5 presses w/CMU
Jacares (lizard walks)
CMU V -holds
Flutter kicks
Pickle pounders
BOM: Getting back up
The parable of the sower
“Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:16-17‬ ‭
Persecution, strife, pain, struggle and trials in our lives will come. So what do we do? Will we wither away or will we dig in with our roots?
James 1:2-3 says
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”
Push through Physically and mentally with faith in our God who strengthens us. Pray. Read his word, lean on your brothers and do not give up.
Our Championship Belt is waiting on us in heaven!
Great work by the PAX today, I saw some men pushing themselves to get better.  Here is some F3 math for you…
17 men + a large Octagon shape + moaning and grunting + CMUs + private parking lot= cops being called
Who better to diffuse the situation than Mayberry!

I love Deadlifts and Lunges

The Scene: 58 and awesome!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Warm-O-Rama: Around the world, Figure 8s, halo, 10 Russian swings

Tha Thang:

1st Exercise:

20 Plank row (10 each hand)
20 reverse lunge passing bell under leg (10 each lunge)
20 sit up push press (10 each hand)
20 Fig 8s with a twist

2nd Exercise:

10 deadlifts
10 American swings
10 goblet squats
10 push presses (each arm)
100 JR
20 deadlifts
20 American swings
20 goblet squats
20 push presses (each arm)
75 JR
30 deadlifts
30 American swings
30 goblet squats
30 push presses (each arm)
50 JR
Repeat Ex 1 Doubling numbers
Repeat Ex 2

MARY: American hammers 20 count, V-up hold 30 second (Tank), Peter parker hold (Tweety)
BOM: Luke 12:48- to whom much is given, much will be required
Christ is talking about waiting and being ready for his return.
Paul tells us later in Ephesians that we have been given the gift of grace and we are to share it with others in waiting for his return.

So Luke 12:48 tells us to be ready, that in conjunction with Paul’s teaching, being a faithful steward of Gods grace we are to share it with others.

Dipper Doin’ Work!

20 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Forward Arm Rolls
10 Backward Arm Rolls
10 Cherry Pickers
10 Gradual Squats

Mosey on Road to South of Admin Building

20 Hello Dollies on 4 count
15 Mountain Climbers on 4 count

Mosey to Area East of Admin Bldg To Second Flight of Stairs
10 Shoulder Taps (four count) in Merken Position
Run up Stairs and Go left to the other flight of stairs
20 Big boys
Run down stairs and go back to original flight of stairs

Mosey to Roadshow Run
Go down and up the long flight of stairs once, staying to right to avoid men coming up or down
Go back down second time and run to trail. Do big boys while waiting on others.

Mosey to Bottom of Mt. Everest

20 Merkens
Run all the way to top of Everest and back to original meeting place by Admin Bldg.

Around the Bases

Grab Large Boulders out of my pickup truck
Set up four bases.
Have a pair of guys at each base.
Base 1: 20 Overhead presses and 20 squats
Bear crawl to base two
Base 2: 20 Curls and 15 Star Jumps
Sprint to Base 3
Base 3: 20 Squat Lifts and 10 Box Cutters
Run backwards to Base 4
Base 4: 20 Bench Presses and 15 Squat Jumps
Sprint to Base 1
We repeated this almost three times until it was time to end workout


Power of the Powerless is a book by Christopher de Vinck

About his brother, Oliver, born with birth defects and who lived 33 years unable to talk, walk or see, profoundly retarded, fed by family throughout his life.
The author first published a short article about the life and death of his brother in The Wall Street Journal
He talked about how this powerless person had a life that was profoundly meaningful
He made the lives of the author and his family more meaningful through the sacrifices and love that they, as humans, gave to him.
The response from around the nation and around the world was profound.
Some responses came from famous people like President Ronald Reagan, Fred Rogers, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
Others came from bishops, ministers, rabbis and priests.
Others came from folks like you and me but also from people who had family members who were powerless, just like Oliver.
The article was published again, numerous times, in other newspapers and magazines.

Henri Nouwen, the famous priest, theologian, and professor met Christopher de Vinck before he wrote that article. Christopher visited Nouwen when Nouwen was a professor at the Harvard School of Divinity. It was after meeting Christopher that Nouwen went on to work with the mentally and physically handicapped at the L’ Arche Community.
In writing the forward to de Vinck’s book, written after the article was published, Nouwen said that Oliver’s story and the story of many others who have also been powerless (written about in de Vinck’s book) “breaks with all human logic, all intelligent predictions, all normal norms of success and satisfaction. It turns everything upside down. It speaks not only about the power of the powerless but also about love offered by those who cannot speak words of love, joy created by those who suffer grievously, hope given by those whose lives are complete failures, courage enkindled by those who cannot make the slightest move on their own.”
Jesus Christ, of course, turned the world’s notions of success upside down. In a week when we have seen images of helpless children gassed to death in the horrors of those who attempt to dominate others, we are touched, we are moved beyond the comforts of everyday living, and moved by the power of the powerless.