F3 Knoxville

3 rounds of 3 rounds

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Tropicana, P3, Bunny, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Hands, Hot Tub (John Muller), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Gibbler, TRC/Crab legs, @Newton
FNGs: None
WARMUP: tie fighters and squat and merkins

THE THANG: mosey to oval for a variety of merkins, squats and abs with running to a fantastic destination for up downs and dealers choice at muscle beach and finish with squat suicides.

MARY: mixed in with everything else

ANNOUNCEMENTS: haw ridge and brolunch with Matlock (Bill Maddox)buying become loves us so much. Prayers for Hands family.

COT: God is working in and around us even though we lack the big picture. Come back tomorrow

Buddy Beatdown

AO: thequacken
Q: DoorKicker (Jud)
PAX: Z-Pack, FixerUpper, Shotgun
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Cherry Pickers, Michael Phelpses, Cross Country Skiers, Tennessee Rocking Chairs

THE THANG: Buddy Resisted/Assisted Merkins, Leg Throws, and Military Press x 3 sets.

Bear crawls while our buddy held up the CMU then switched over.

CMU NASCAR while our buddy planked then switched over.

Finally we attempted a CMU Wheelbarrow race but it proved to be very challenging

MARY: Lunges


COT: Focus on your gratitude and try to notice the good in your life in order to combat the negative.

Make war

AO: the-farm
Q: Bartman
PAX: Aladdin, Einstein, Choir Boy
FNGs: None


11’s on the hill. Burpees at top, coupon curl/press at bottom.

Take coupon to grass beside soccer field.

Squat/press/throw coupon & then inchworm merkin to the coupon. Rinse & repeat about half the length of the soccer field.

Mosey to causeway. Sets of tel:20-15-10-5 of coupon side lunges, easy ups.

Mosey back to AO.

No time

Haw ridge event


Excerpt from a 2002 John Piper in which he is talking about making war against areas of sin in your life.

Romans 8:13: “If by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” Do you want to enter into life? Do you want to live? Get violent. Get a wartime mindset. Stop making peace with ears and eyes and tongues and hands and feet that betray you like Judas, and go over to the side of the enemy and become instruments of sin and make war on your soul. Put to death the deeds of your body……..
……It’s a violence against all lust in ourselves, and enslaving desires for food or caffeine or sugar or chocolate or alcohol or pornography or money or the praise of men and the approval of others or power or fame. It’s violence against the impulses in our own soul toward racism and sluggish indifference to injustice and poverty and abortion.
Christianity is not a settle-in-and-live-at-peace-with-this-world-the-way-it-is kind of religion. If by the Spirit you kill the deeds of your own body, you will live. Christianity is war — on our own sinful impulses…….
….. I hear so many Christians murmuring about their imperfections and their failures and their addictions and their shortcomings — and I see so little war. Murmur, murmur, murmur. “Why am I this way?” Make war! If you wonder how to make war, go to the manual. Don’t just bellyache about your failures. Make war!

[juco-rush] Sabbath rest

AO: juco-rush
Q: Trash Panda (JUCO)
PAX: Wanderer, Trash Panda (JUCO), Butterknife, Double Coat, Erector, Tooth Fairy, Data, Cheap Ride
FNGs: None
WARMUP: mosey to track

6 min on, 1 min recovery
3 min on, recovery to time


I wanted to talk to you today about rest, particularly sabbath rest. I’m sure you’re familiar with the creation story, so I wanted to share from Genesis 2:2-3

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

Sabbath was a pretty unfamiliar word or practice to me until last year when our small group did a couple studies that went into more detail.

What is it?
Modeled after creation, God rested on the 7th day.
Time to set aside everything to stop, rest, delight, and worship.
Designed by God as a day to give yourself fully to delight in God’s world, in your life in it, and ultimately in God himself.

Historically, having free time used to be looked at as being for the wealthy. Now if you look at not only the wealthy, but most of culture, our lives are defined by busyness and how much can we do.

When you think about what does it look like, it won’t be the same for everyone and varies by stage of life and preferences. One quote I like is:

If you work with your hands, you Sabbath with your mind. If you work with your mind, you may prefer to Sabbath with your hands.

I sit at a desk for most of my work so getting out in nature or doing something active can be “restful” for me.

For my family, we just started making Sabbath a part of our routine over the last few weeks and try to start around 3pm on Saturday to 3pm on Sunday. We start with a family devotional. Then we have a family activity of some sort, meal together, and bedtime, Sunday is typically church, lunch, then individual rest time. We plan to incorporate gatherings with family or friends into our routine as well as it’s not just for individual families.

So I would challenge all of us to evaluate our lives, our busyness, and try to make Sabbath a weekly routine we lead our families through to realize everything we have and need comes from God.

Heavy Day. Shoulders and Such.

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Bookman, Blindside, Snowbird, Madoff, Mouthwash, Cheney, Ribbed (Joshua Sagraves), Smithers
FNGs: None
1. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Goblet squat
2. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Partner up
Farmer Carry two CMUs down and around ramp
Partner holds plank
3. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Squat and press w/ CMU
4. AMRAP 5 mins (5 reps each)
Partner up again
Rifle Carry down and around ramp
Partner holds plank

7 mins of fun