F3 Knoxville

12 Pains of Christmas for Bobbit

THE SCENE: Cool and muggy

  1. Projectivator
  2. Tempo merkins
  3. Seal squats
  4. Grady corns
  5. Basilisks
  6. Prone row

Mosey to the hill on ORAU campus.

12 Pains of Christmas:  Do the first exercise, run up and down the hill, then do the next + all the ones before it.  It builds on itself, just like the song. “… and a bur-r-r-r-r-pee!”

  1. Burpee
  2. Imperial Squalkers
  3. Basilisks
  4. Merkins
  5. Big Boys
  6. Lunges
  7. Side straddle hops
  8. Prone rows
  9. Diamond merkins
  10. Heels to heaven
  11. Squats
  12. Burpees



I chose to do this workout in honor of our brother Bobbit.  His days with us are winding down as he gets ready to move on to his next adventure and new place of impact.  This was one of his favorite workouts.  As I planned for this, I forgot that we was at a church conference this week and so would not be here this morning.

A lot has been said already about his leadership and the impact he’s had on F3 Knoxville, Rampart, and The Project.  Today we focused on how we valued him as a friend.  We shared our favorite stories of Bobbit and made plans to clown car down to Chattanooga to visit him.


Dragon boat race.

Proton Can Do More Burpees in 40 seconds…

THE SCENE: Exceptionally comfortable until we started working…



  • Cherry Picker IC | Windmills IC
  • Grady Corns IC | Rockettes IC
  • SSH IC


40sec on each exercise. 20sec rest. Do a round, then take 3,2,1 CW laps around track. Stations included:

  • Lunges
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Imperial Walkers


  • Bend down & grab toes
  • Sit squat
  • Knee to chest / Figure 4


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  “Do the right thing, for the right reasons, and you will win in the end.” –Jocko


Awkward Carry

THE SCENE: Cool, dark, steamy from the pre ruckers.

Slower paced with more focus on stretching and core stability.
6 Rounds

12 CMU deadlifts, 9 CMU curls, 6 over head presses

After each completed round carry your coupon down the parking lot and back using the specific carry method.

  • Rifle
  • Farmer
  • Bear Hug
  • Zercher
  • On Shoulder

Final round we formed a fireman’s bucket line and passed the 100# sandball down and back.

Then we spaced out walking three feet for each hand off.

Then we each took a turn full distance carrying, handing off to next each trip.
Circle up at the start for ab blast.

  •  Lucille
  •  Skewer
  •  Skeletor
  •  Feeny
  •  Candy Crush
  •  Piston
  •  Michelin Man
  •  Ride Along
  •  Foghorn Leghorn

Why are you doing what it is you are doing? Self evaluation for our motivations in life.
Very happy to jump in and cover for Wilbur. Extremely proud the group handled that weight as well as they did.
Taco Ruck this Saturday at 5:30!

Words can hurt

THE SCENE: nice, warm JUCO morning

15 SSH, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers, 15 Moroccan night club
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro. Perform the exercises listed below in order, one set at each line. Repeat list to the top.

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 merkins
  • 15 squats
  • 20, 2-ct Freddie Mercury

Mosey back to the six and finish with them. Once all have reached the top, mosey back down and to the Maple Street parking lot. Perform a 4 corners workout around the building. Run along the long sides and bear crawl the short sides.

  • 20, 2-ct mountain climbers
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 heels to Heaven
  • 20 derkins

AMRAP until time is called.
PAX choice, LBCs, side crunches, hello Dolly, big boys
9 got it done this morning!
We have all heard the expression “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” We have all probably also heard that this is not a true statement. Words have a major impact on us and our relationships. What we say can make or break someone. I would like to focus specifically on what we joke about. It is enjoyable to laugh, but we need to be careful what we joke about. For example, the most important earthly relationship as a married man is the one with our wife. Making jokes about “the old ball and chain” are entirely inappropriate and reflect at least to some degree what we actually feel. Despite our claim that it is only a joke, it did come from within us.

Mark 7:20-23 – 20 And He was saying, “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, [h]fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, 22 deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. 23 All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.”

James 3:6 – And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell.

We need to guard our thoughts and our words against these things so that they do not defile us. We are called to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her (Eph. 5:25).
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Dragon boat race coming up

Gladiator Bear

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning with the BSIA.  60 degrees, sunny, low humidity.  Aahhhhh….

Performed adequately.

-Motivators (5-count, descending)

– 10 Rockettes (4-ct, IC)

– 10 Tempo Merkins (4-ct, IC)

– BAC forward and backward (4-ct, IC)

– Bolt 45s

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, IC)

– Little of this and that


MOSEY up Baby Everest to trail that leads to Lyons View entrance

Nickel/Dime Quarters!

Run 1 light do 5 reps, run 2 lights do 10 reps, run 5 lights do 25 reps.  Stop at base of Everest.  Exercises:



BERNIE up Everest until you hit failure.  When you do, do the Failure Ritual of Shame: 20 Merkins/20 Big Boys/20 Squats.  Run up the Summit to the road.  LBCs until the 6 catches up.

MOSEY to Small “Dora” parking lot.

5/10/15s: Get a battle buddy, while one BB jogs back and forth in the bullpen, the other runs up to the stop sign to do two exercises 5x.  Switch off.  Next time 10x, then 15x.   3 Rounds:



ROUND 3: BOBBY HURLEYS/IMPERIAL WALKERS (2-ct) (We didn’t finish the “15” round of this last one)


ULTIMATE FRISBEE! Divide into two teams.  Rules:

  • Frisbee hits the ground, team that drops it does 2 Deconstructed Burpees. The other team CANNOT START until those are done.
  • Score a touchdown, Scoring team does 5 CHEERLEADERS while losing team does 5 DECONSTRUCTED BURPEES and runs to the other side to receive kickoff
  • WINNER of contest gets a 20 second WALK MOSEY Head start back to the AO. When losers catch them, AYG back to the AO.

American Hammers, Hommer/Marge
14 Strong + a poochie (Tank)

I’ve watched two very different shows recently that highlighted some of the same key attributes of leadership that I’d like to talk about today a little bit.  I’ve never considered myself a particularly strong leader, more of a leader by example, but I’ve been trying to improve my leadership skills here and there, and by seeing examples of how it can be done helps give me some pointers.

The first example is a show called BEAR, about a chef who has absolutely climbed the ladder globally, and was working at one of the best restaurants in the world when his brother dies, leaving him a run down Italian beef joint in downtown Chicago that is nearly bankrupt.  All the other workers there are blue-collar types who have worked there for years, and even though he’s “family”, they think of him as a snob, an outsider, and a disruptor.  The way he leads the group to try to get the restaurant back on its feet is impressive, and I wanted to mention a few things specifically.

  • Right off the bat he calls everyone “Chef” as a sign of respect. Everyone is in the same boat, everyone equal.
  • He observes and sees each worker’s strengths and gives them the freedom to pursue their passions within the confines of the restaurant. One guy really loves baking and making desserts, and he allows him to pursue that passion.
  • He does the dirty work. Literally. He’s on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor after everyone else has gone home.

Then there’s a scene in the movie Gladiator, when Russell Crowe’s character, who is an ex-commander of the Roman army that has been wrongfully imprisoned and trapped in the world of the gladiators, is released into the Colosseum in Rome with other criminals to be slaughtered for entertainment by a much better-armed group of gladiators.  His leadership qualities immediately kick in.

  • Before the battle begins, he asks who else has served in the military. A few nod, and he asks for their help.  Makes them feel important.
  • Right before combat, he tells his group to stick together and cooperate. It will give them a better chance to survive.
  • He is one of the first to engage the enemy group. He organizes and inspires his fellow gladiators and they end up winning the battle.

Some commonalities between the two scenarios.

  1. Give others belief in themselves and their unique abilities. Find out what makes them tick, what their skills and passions are, and recognize and encourage them.
  2. Lead from the front. When it’s time to get your hands dirty, be the first to stick them deep in the mud.
  3. When it’s crunch time, whether during a crisis in the kitchen or if you find yourself in a life and death battle in a gladiator arena, step up. Give others confidence.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Asylum cleanup next Saturday 9 am!