F3 Knoxville

Something Borrowed

The Dog Pound
AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff
PAX: Junk (Sam Yoakum), I-Beam, La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Google(Tim Dugas), Aladdin, Choir Boy, Madoff, Earmuffs (Dan Studt)
FNGs: None
20 SSH
10 Tempo Squats
15 Rockettes
6 Burpees
10 Tempo Merkins
5 Cherry Pickers
Ran to Island and completed 2 sets
20 LBCs
30 BBS
30 Sec Side Plank (each side)
Ran approx .25 mile and completed
5 Mucho Chesto
Ran to Backbone
Ladder at Backbone – 10 Pullups or Hanging Knee Raises, Run to top of hill and complete 1 Burpees. Add +1 Burpee each round
Got to 7 and ran back to AO
20 LBCs
20 Flutter Kicks
10 Georgia Cheerleaders
10 One Leg GA Cheerleaders (5 each leg)
15 BBS
Hip stretches and some Yoga Pose Stretches
Shared thoughts about the Innkeeper in the Christmas Story and about how he missed an opportunity to be a larger part of the story. Encouraged all to pay attention to what’s going on, pick up our heads and hearts, and look for opportunities to serve others.