THE SCENE: Started off a bit misty, but turned out to be cloudy and downright pleasant, around 65 degrees
Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Pele and I will be your Q today. I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history. Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse. The goal is to get better together!
– Motivators (5-ct, descending)
– 10 Windmills (4-ct), in cadence
– Michael Phelps
– 10 Tempo Seal Claps (4-ct), in Cadence
– 10 Tempo Overhead Claps (4-ct), in Cadence
-10 Steve Earle’s (4-ct), in Cadence
– OYO leg stretching
MOSEY to Small parking lot south of Colosseum.
- Do each group of exercises, running a loop after each group is completed, for a total of 5 times around the lot. Can be done in any order. Exercise groups are:
- 20x: LBCs, BBSs, American Hammers (2-ct), Dead Bugs (2-ct)
- 20x: Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Bottle Openers (2-ct), Shoulder Taps (2-ct)
- 20x: Bobby Hurleys, Iron Mikes (2-ct), Froggie Jumps, Squats.
- 20x: SSH (2-ct), High Knees (2-ct), Butt Kickers (2-ct), Mountain Climbers (2-ct), Smurf Jacks
- 10 x: Cherry Pickers (4-ct), Windmills (4-ct), Grady Corns (4-ct)
Mosey to Road by Roundabout.
- 5 sets of 30 seconds, AMRAP, 10 second break, BERNIE up to Curb at end of each set:
MOSEY to roadway leading up to AO.
- PARTNER PYRAMIDS! Partner up with like speed. Start ½ way between flag and tree. One partner runs towards flag, other partner runs towards stop sign or tree and back. Meet at center point and do the following exercises in REPS of 15. Then switch directions.
- LAP 1 Patty-cake Planks (2-ct)
- LAP 2 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs
- LAP 3 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct)
- LAP 4 Patty-cake Planks, LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurleys
- LAP 5 LBCs, Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurleys
- LAP 6 Mtn Climbers (2-ct), Bobby Hurley s
- LAP 7 Bobby Hurleys
(we got about 1/2 way through this before running out of time.)
7 sweaty dudes
Early in the musical HAMILTON, Alexander Hamilton introduces himself to his hero (and future killer), Aaron Burr. He’s nervous, trying to make a good impression, etc. is kind of hyper, talking passionately, and he’s sort of running off at the mouth a bit. Aaron Burr stops him and gives him some advice. “TALK LESS. SMILE MORE. DON’T TELL THEM WHAT YOU’RE AGAINST OR WHAT YOU’RE FOR.”
I constantly go back and forth with this concept in my head. I’ve heard athletes, politicians, movie stars, all sorts of public figures say some version of “I’m going to speak my mind and I don’t give a BLEEP what you think about it.” And they get applauded for it. Yeah, you go girl. That’s right, tell them what you think and don’t let anybody tell you you’re wrong.
Well, the knife cuts both ways sometimes. I was recently in a pretty intense discussion about some deep topics with a friend of mine. I was pretty dang sure that I was on the right side of the argument. I was dropping knowledge bombs left and right. Boom. There’s another one, Boom! Big one coming, BOOM! Shock and Awe kind of stuff. And became more and more frustrated and angry that my friend wasn’t agreeing with me or seeing things the same way. Afterwards, it really bothered me NOT that he didn’t agree with me so much, but that I had been so hard on my friend for not agreeing in the World According to Pele. I went back to him and apologized, and those lyrics from Hamilton ran through my head. Talk less. Smile more. Hmmm… maybe I should do that.
This probably isn’t a news flash to you, but people aren’t always going to agree with you. And when that happens (not if, but when), don’t be like me, and don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Give THEM an opportunity to explain what their point of view is and be patient, don’t interrupt them at every step pointing out what you think are the flaws of their argument. TALK LESS. And at the end of it, even if you never reach an agreement, shake their hand and say you respect their position. SMILE MORE. Like the Avett Brothers song says, No Hard Feelings. Love Thy Neighbor (even when they’re wrong, hee hee). Friendships are worth more than a fight about who’s right and who’s wrong.
Prayers for various PAX, their families and friends
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.