F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.
Your classic Kraken

  • 20 merkins
  • 30 squats
  • 25 dry docks
  • 10 4ct Smurf jacks
  • 30 2ct shoulder taps
  • 20 4ct rockettes
  • 10 inch worms
  • 5 burpees

Take a break for sprints after 1st round.



Get excited about serving Christ.
this past weekend I had the pleasure of going to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to see my son’s girlfriend get baptized. What a great experience it was. She was getting baptized at a place called the church of the oaks that was on the campus of the University of Alabama. It was a newer church that comprised of 90% if not more students. the energy level, worship and message was great, The best part was the end. Once the pastor finished his sermon, he baptized Kyra. I attached a video link of her testimony below. To see her make that decision to follow Christ brought a tear to my eye. And I don’t cry often. After that, they commissioned close to 100 students that were serving either overseas domestically or at camps this summer. Ive never seen that much of a church body serving. And they were enthusiastic about it! So, why can’t we be like them? The pastor talked about how as adults we tend to say I’ll serve once the kids are out of the house, etc. or once I get financially stable I can do it. I don’t think that’s mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

Kyra’s testimony and baptism
It’s amazing how fluorescent light can wake you up in the morning. I only got about an hour worth of sleep last night, but felt energized once I joined the PAX under the lights.

Fire in the Hole!

THE SCENE:  47 and clear.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered.

Down/up dog
Tempo merkins
Parker merkins
Tempo squat
Squat jump 180


Mosey to the fountain.  Grab a spot on the benches.  10 Derkins. 9 Carolina dry docks. 8 shoulder taps. 7 hand lease derkins.  6 newton’s cradle.  5 Derkins. 4 Carolina dry docks. 3 shoulder taps. 2 hand lease derkins.  1 newton’s cradle.

Short mosey to the civic offices.

Split into 2 teams.  One die with numbers 1,2,3.

Team 1 rolls the die, then runs that number of laps.

While Team 1 runs, Team 2 works through the exercises until laps are completed.

When first man from Team 1 returns from laps, other team rolls.

When list is complete, knock down a cone and start again.

Repeato until one team knocks down 3 cones.


  • 10 Monkey Humpers (4-count)
  • 15 Mountain climbers (4-count)
  • 10 Iron Mikes (10 each leg)
  • 15 Side crunches (15 each side)
  • 15 Squat jump 180s
  • 15 BBS
  • 10 Parker Merkins
  • 15 Star jacks
  • 15 Carolina dry docks
  • 20 LBCs


Mosey back to the flag.  Play the song “Turn it Up” by Oh the Larceny.  SSH in rhythm with the music – burpee each time they sing “Turn it Up!”


11 men, including FNG “Fire in the Hole”


1 Samuel 10.  Then Samuel sent all the people away, each one to his home.  Saul also went to his home at Gibeah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched.

By God’s grace, I would love for that to describe each of us.  A man of valor, whose heart God has touched.

Valor – “strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness – courage and decisiveness”.

Men of Valor are elusive in a world that’s lost its moral compass, yet every man should strive to be one.

We can aspire to be the men God calls us to be – men of integrity and honor.

What makes a man a HIM?  Attending F3 workouts?  No!  A man is a HIM only if he is living a life of high-impact.  (hat tip to Archie).  Do, rather than seek to seem.  BE a HIM!


Prayers of praise for Rex and Mr. Platfoot.  Prayers of supplication for Tuba, Feeny’s church, Ms. Ocho.

Welcome FNG “Fire in the Hole!”

Favorite quote of the morning, “What kind of coffee is this?  Guatemalan?!?”


Campus Tour

THE SCENE: A crisp 45…

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Tempo squats
5 burpees on your own10
Windmills in cadence
Cherry Pickers
Plan Reach Throughs 10 each side

Jog to the opposite end of the parking lot and back
The next roound Run back and forth
25 Toe Merkins

  • 2 lines Mosey to the coupon pile with the leader falling off for 2 burpees
  • Making three stops for Core Exercises along the way
  • Grab a coupon
  • Do 20 Curls
  • Rifle Carry to the pull up bars
  • 5 pull ups / 20 LBC’s Rinse and Repeat 3 times
  • Rifle Carry to the coupon pile
  • 20 Bent over rows / 20 tris
  • Put coupon up and mosey to the Stadium
  • Run to the top/2 burpies/run down/5 merkins x 3
  • Bear Crawl to the top/2 Burpies/ run down/5 merkins x 3
  • Mosey toward the flag with the person in the back snaking his way to the front
  • Making three stops for Core Exercises along the way

No Time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
Philippians 4:6 -7

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I had both of these highlighted in my Bible and they’re also today’s plan in the app, so I figured I would share them this morning.

God is always there for us! In good and bad times. Remember you can always lean on him.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Freeze Tag Track Day

THE SCENE: Cool 44 degreeze with a gentle southwesterly breeze.



  • SSH x15 IC
  • Knox Cherry Pickers (4 or 5…we were) IC
  • Rickey Hendersons (or just WMH) x6 IC
  • Tempo Merks x10 IC
  • Tempo Sq. x10s IC
  • Tennessee Rocking Chairs x10 IC (Blame Piston)
  • LBAC x10 IC
  • RLBAC x10 IC
  • Seal Claps x10 IC
  • SSH x15 IC

11s on the Hill with Merkins and Bobby Hurleys

Indian Run with Burpee to the Clubhouse

7 minute Wall Sit

  • Air punches IC
  • Upper cuts IC
  • Hallelujas IC
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers IC
  • Repeat!

Mosey to the track for Freeze Tag! PAX mosey around the track. If tagged from behind, PAX perform Big Boys until tagged back in.

Indian Run with Burpees to the flag for Mary.


  • Flutter Kicks x15 IC
  • Heels to Heaven x10 IC
  • Undertakers x10 OYO


YHC recently got some tough news. An exciting career move was suddenly changed at the last minute.Taken away in an instant. YHC has given himself to this moment to mope. However, a summary read last week has come to mind.Kick the dirt and be mad

David Goggins, in his book Never Finished said,

“It’s an unwritten natural law of the universe that you will be tested. You will get smacked in the face. A hurricane will land on your head. It’s inevitable for all of us. Yet, we are not formally taught how to handle unexpected adversity. We have sex education, fire drills, active-shooter drills, and curriculum on the dangers of alcohol and drugs, but there is no rug-just-got-pulled-out-from-under-you class. Nobody teaches how to think, act, and move when disappointment, bad news, malfunction, and disaster inevitably strike.”


Think about that. No one ever teaches us how to handle failure, disappointment, bad news, or disaster. Usually people default to being the victim.  Goggins continues,

“No matter what life serves me, I say, Roger that.” Most people think that simply means, ‘order received.’. However, in the military, some people infuse ROGER with a bit more intention and define it as, ‘Received, order given, expect results.”  

Sickness? Roger that! Boss gives you something unpleasant? Roger that! Roger that! Unexpected loss? Roger that! Unexpected expenses? Roger that!

The story of Joseph in the Old Testament is super-long but it tells the story of a man who faced difficulty and kept a good attitude. He was his father’s favorite. He had these dreams about his brothers bowing down to him. They sold him into slavery, told his father he was dead. Once he sort of made something of himself as a slave he was accused of sexual misconduct and thrown in prison. When he thought he had some hope of gaining his freedom, he was forgotten. All this happened; setback after setback before the situation was ever redeemed.

BUT…he finally can say…

Gen 50:20 – “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

If God can turn a rough situation into good, we can be faithful and say, “Roger that!” Received! Order Given. Expect Results!

It was never stated in the rules not to cut across the football field. Holes were found. People were ambushed.
Piston giggling while playing tag made YHCs day. 🙂


  • Rampart Hats are available. See Slack for details.
  • Get ready for the Murph in May!
  • As we approach switching over to PAXMiner, Backblasts will be essential.
  • AED funded! Stay tuned for details!
  • Hardship Hill – May 29. Obstacle build imminent. See Skeletor for details.
  • QCal – Wingman Wednesday; Lucille Saturday
    • Speaking of 10 mile ruck and subsequent beatdown Saturday! Brace yo selves! See Lucile for deets!


Job 42:5

THE SCENE: cloudy with some rain

Was given

SSH, KNOXVILLE CHERRY PICKERS, thread the needle, Tempo merkins  Tempo diamond merkins

36 minutes of EMOM: every minute different exercise,  5 second rest. Rince repeat 3x

  • OHP
  • ROWS

run one lap around the parking lot. Then Did Thunderstruck.  Mosey back to AO  flag

Moving hello dolly that Slappy led. Then awkward turtles then some duck jousting

“I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, But now my eyes see you” Job 42:5
God allows obstacles to help us remember that he wants us to see Him and have a more personal relationship with him
Hardship Hill