F3 Knoxville

It’s Cold Outside

THE SCENE: Fantastic December morning in the gloom. IN MARCH.
SSHs, Tempo Squats, Rockettes, LBACs forwards and backwards
Insert information about the workout.

  • 2 laps around the track
  • 10is Minutes of:
  • 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 mountain climbers, 40 SSH
  • 2 more laps around the track
  • 10ish Minutes of:
  • 10 burpees, 20 lunges, 30 Freddie Mercuries, 40 SSH
  • 1 more lap around the track

Flutter Kicks, Homer and Marges, Georgia Cheerleaders, Box Cutters, Missouri Cheerleaders, Side LBCs
10 PAX, No FNGs
Don’t let a chapter be the title of your book.
Good luck to getting back into the usual routine! stay safe in your travels.
Haw Ridge sign ups, Grow Ruck informational tonight at 8:30 -> See Slack

Repetition makes perfect punishment

THE SCENE: Dang that was cold……

obligatory ✅

SSH – 15

merkin tempo – 5

SSH – 10

squat tempo – 5

SSH – 5

knoxville cherry picker – 5

SSH – 10

Willie Mays Hayes – 6

SSH – 15
Mosey to pavilion

  • 50 bench dips
  • 50 toe merkins
  • 40 bench dips
  • 40 toe merkins
  • 30 bench dips
  • 30 toe merkins
  • 20 bench dips
  • 20 toe merkins
  • 10 bench dips
  • 10 toe merkins

Mosey to bleachers

  • 50 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 40 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 30 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 20 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 10 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down

Mosey to Dugout

  • 60 second wall sit
  • 60 second plank
  • 50 second wall sit
  • 50 second plank
  • 40 second wall sit
  • 40 second plank
  • 30 second wall sit
  • 60 second plank

Mosey to Rampart sign

Lot tracer for 10 spots





  • LBAC
  • OHC


Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church.”
Ephesians 5:25

What a golden example Christ gives to his disciples! Few masters could venture to say, “If you would practise my teaching, imitate my life;” but as the life of Jesus is the exact transcript of perfect virtue, he can point to himself as the paragon of holiness, as well as the teacher of it. The Christian should take nothing short of Christ for his model. Under no circumstances ought we to be content unless we reflect the grace which was in him. As a husband, the Christian is to look upon the portrait of Christ Jesus, and he is to paint according to that copy. The true Christian is to be such a husband as Christ was to his church. The love of a husband is special. The Lord Jesus cherishes for the church a peculiar affection, which is set upon her above the rest of mankind: “I pray for them, I pray not for the world.” The elect church is the favourite of heaven, the treasure of Christ, the crown of his head, the bracelet of his arm, the breastplate of his heart, the very centre and core of his love. A husband should love his wife with a constant love, for thus Jesus loves his church. He does not vary in his affection. He may change in his display of affection, but the affection itself is still the same. A husband should love his wife with an enduring love, for nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” A true husband loves his wife with a hearty love, fervent and intense. It is not mere lip-service. Ah! beloved, what more could Christ have done in proof of his love than he has done? Jesus has a delighted love towards his spouse: He prizes her affection, and delights in her with sweet complacence. Believer, you wonder at Jesus’ love; you admire it–are you imitating it? In your domestic relationships is the rule and measure of your love–“even as Christ loved the church?”

-Charles Spurgeon

Greg to have our brother Rocket join us today. Love it when PAX get out to visit with us.

dproud of the turnout for painting at Cardinals family’s new home. What a blessing it was to see the men of F3 Knoxville being the feet and hands of Christ serving others in need.
AED – GO FUND ME is live, for now we will plan on AOQ carrying this item when we get. Ride along will be promoted to admin of the gofundme account, along with Lucille and Bobbit also in the circle of accountability. We will continue to raise funds until we reach our goal and then Lucille will purchase.

CSAUP Escape from Haw Ridge 4/14 currently have one team of 4 from Rampart, all welcome.

RUCK- Many opportunities to ruck this week including Monday night, Tuesday am, Thursday am

Shield Lock Bravo tooling up  contact Piston if you want in


Consider it all joy to suffer

THE SCENE: Way too cold to be March 18th.  28 degrees and windy.  Prayed for the workday at Cardinal’s M’s house before we began, some of the HIMs clown car up there immediately after prayer.

1 Burpee; 15x or 10x of:  SSH, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Seal Claps, Clubs, LBAC (forward/backward), Knoxville Cherry Pickers
Started with agility:  Using a speed ladder, 1 HIMs did a 2 CMU farmers carry for 100 meters while the other HIMs did various agility drills with the speed ladder (in-out hops, side-side hops, etc.).  Afterwards, 2 HIMs did ground to shoulders with the CMUs 10x (5 each shoulder) while the other HIMs did burpees (rotating out each set).

Next, endurance:

  • 50 Squats, run 200 meters, 10 Merkins
  • 40 Squats, run 200 meters, 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats, run 200 meters, 30 Merkins
  • 20 Squats, run 200 meters, 40 Merkins
  • 10 Squats, run 200 meters, 50 Merkins

7 Minutes of Mary where 1 HIM called out and exercise for the others to do for 1 minute while that HIM did a minute of curls with the CMU.
7 HIMs in the gloom with 2 HIMs joining us for prayer before they headed to paint.
Romans 8:18:  “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”

When things get tough, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually, we know that there is something in the future that will completely overshadow and make us forget those sufferings.  When we see Jesus face-to-face.  When we encounter hard circumstance, hard people, or desperate times, we know we have this hope in Christ Jesus.

Praises for continued improvement of Ride Along’s dad and for the birth of Wilbur’s 2.0.  Praying again for the workday at Cardinal’s M’s house.
Announced next couple of Q’s and requested that HIMs try to EH some guys.  Chee-Burger is looking for people to work at his job if any HIMs know of anyone.


THE SCENE: cool spring rainy morning at JUCO.

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats, 10 harry Rockettes, 5 cherry pickers
This workout is inspired by the burpee mile. The first set is the burpee mile. 12 burpees followed by 1, 1/4 mile lap. Repeat 4 times. Next mile challenge is squats followed by merkins.

  • 25 squats each lap
  • 25 Merkins each lap

No time!
6 PAX got it done!
“Then summoning him, his Lord *said to him, ‘You wicked slave, I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, in the same way that I had mercy on you?’ And his Lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him. My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.”

Matthew 18:32‭-‬35 NASB1995

If we fail to forgive those who sin against us, the Father will also not forgive us. We are to forgive in the same way that God does: continually.

Peter thought he was being generous.

“Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus *said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.”

Matthew 18:21‭-‬22 NASB1995

However, this wasn’t acceptable either. No matter how many times we sin, if we repent (1 John 1:9), God will forgive us. We must give our fellow mankind the same forgiveness.

YHC knew that this was an ambitious plan, but everyone put in a lot of work and got through as much as possible. Way to push!
Painting this weekend at Cardinal’s widow’s place.

No Mercy from Wingman

THE SCENE: Fuh-Reezing 25 Degrees

15 SSH, 10 LBAC Foreware, 20 LBAC Backward, 10 Seal Claps, 10 Hallelujahs, 10 Chatt. Cherry Pickers 10 Merkins, 5 Knox. Cherry Pickers, 5 Willie Mays Hayes, 10 SSH STRETCH

Mosey to halfway up track. For track day were doing a “No Mercy Mile”

Jog to 1st turn, bear crawl to 2nd turn, jog halfway up the straight stretch. 25 merkins. Jog to 3rd turn, lunge to 4th turn. Jog to starting point for 25 squats. R+R 3 more times for a total of 1 mile, 100 merkins and 100 squats.

11 of the best HIMS I know!!
Everyone needs rest. Usually we interpret rest as physical. But a lot of times we don’t take time to rest Spiritually. Spiritual rest must be intentionally taken. No one, has ever “accidentally” rested. We  need to intentionally spend time in God’s word. Spend time in prayer, fasting if need be in order to grow in your relationship with God to be spiritually fulfilled. We get busy with work, school and other things in our life that we sometimes put things on the back burner and get caught up in everything that we get exhausted, and can’t seem to rest enough to get back into the groove, when what we really need is spiritual rest.
Flag will be handed off to Skeletor at Hardship Hill. Need to get a team together for Hardship Hill coming up. Rampart shield locks are in the making.